Making a Blanket Statement
Fun June 23rd, 2010And that statement is: We have too many blankets.
Ay-carumba! They’re just the ones in the living room. There are at least eight more upstairs.
Yet each one of these is here for a reason.
From top to bottom:
#1 traveled downstairs one day and got stuck there. I believe it got washed and never made it back up. You know, because it’s so hard to carry a blanket up fourteen steps. My back!
#2 is for Shadow, our cat who likes to sleep on the red chair’s ottoman.
#3 is for Lucky, our cat who likes to sleep on the red chair.
#4 is for me to cover my legs at the kitchen table where an A/C vent blows arctic air right on me.
#5 also came down for a washing and never made it back upstairs. Oh, so heavy!
#6 is for covering a chair you can’t see. Another spot where Lucky likes to nap.
#7 is for me to nap with. Used in conjunction with #4 because one blanket is not enough for napping, so says me, the Napping Queen.
Can anyone beat this? Extra points of you own a Snuggie. Subtract points if you have one for your dog.

November 26th, 2010 at 9:32 am
Hi Kathy
I think I have you beat but I have an unfair advantage.
My Adult daughter her husband and my two grandchildren came back to live with us three years ago.
We have two, or more of everything including blankets
all the best
Tom @ Adult Footie PajamasĀ“s last blog post ..Buzz Lightyear Action Hero Footed Pajamas for Infant and Toddler Boys 12 Months