It’s Hard Being Me
Stupid things I do July 25th, 2010 It’s really a wonder I can function at all.
Yesterday I had to get gas for the lawn mower and while pumping the gas was uneventful, driving it home in the trunk of my car caused a three-alarm panic attack.
As soon as I pulled out of the gas station, I started imagining every possible scenario that would cause the gas container to spontaneously explode and render me extra crispy.
Is the cap on tightly enough? Is the cap on too tightly? Will it fall over and spill? Will the fumes knock me out?
Will the heat of the day boil it and make it explode? Can you survive an explosion if it’s at the rear of the car and not in the front?
An ambulance pulled out in front of me and I thought surely, if my car explodes, the driver will see it and render aid quickly. So I followed him as long as possible.
I released my seat belt so in case my car blew up, I could get out fast.
I had a headache when I pulled in the driveway, but at least I hadn’t been blown to bits. Is there anyone reading this who doesn’t think it’s a bad idea for me to be anywhere near gasoline?
Today brought more car challenges.
I used my husband Dave’s car to run errands so I could get used to driving it. I plan to take a road trip next Saturday and wanted to make sure I was comfortable with all the bells and whistles his car has that mine doesn’t.
Before I even got in it, I worried that I would set off the alarm and not know how to turn it off. Of course, because I’m me, this happened the minute I left the first store.
I did what every noob does with keyless entry cars and pressed ALL the buttons at once to make the alarm stop.
Unbeknownst to me, one of those buttons is the trunk latch release.
When I got home, I noticed the TRUNK OPEN light on and almost chastised Dave for letting me drive his car with the trunk open. An hour later, I realized it was me who opened it with the button ten miles ago. By the way, I try to blame all my shortcomings on my husband. Just doin’ my job.
I took another trip to a store later in the day and when I was about to come home, it started to pour. OK, now I have to figure out where the headlight controls are, as well as the wipers.
Wipers, no problem.
Headlights? WTF.
I had to call Dave to ask where the controls were and let me tell you, they are in a very stupid place on a Ford Fusion, way over to the side and low, not even on the steering wheel. Who does that?
I set my GPS to take me home (even though I was only 15 miles away) and all goes swimmingly well until I inexplicably ignored the GPS lady’s instructions and got off one expressway for another.
“Recalculating, recalculating,” she says.
I miss two opportunities to turn around and the GPS lady says “Dumbass! Dumbass!”
Ignoring her, I stayed on the wrong road and added 12 miles to my 15 mile trip home.
I am exhausted. Is it any wonder?
More importantly, why does my husband — who knows me inside out — think he could just tell me I’ll be fine jumping in his car and going?
I’m never fine. I’m a panic-stricken, instruction-needing, GPS-is-not-enough train wreck.
I think I need assisted living. Not an old folks home. Just an assistant. For living.

July 25th, 2010 at 3:40 pm
The publicist used to think all those things when she used to drive. Now she just bugs the male person when he drives.
And she thought driving a goat cart was a good idea. Just IMAGINE what evil we goats could do.
July 25th, 2010 at 3:59 pm
That whole spiel about carrying a gas container in the car? That’s exactly what goes through my mind when I contemplate filling the gas can myself. I solve that problem by getting my husband to fill it instead. He has a truck, so he can put the can in his truckbed and be less susceptible to fumes and possible spontaneous combustion.
I’ve never tried to get somewhere using a GPS device. I don’t even have one. But I’m not sure I would trust it anyway.
Surfie´s last blog post ..Hope Springs Eternal And So Do the Weeds
July 25th, 2010 at 4:16 pm
You need to watch The OCD Project! (It’s on VH1 On-Demand). See, the only way to cure yourself of an obsession is total immersion. So, I think you need to wash your hands in the gasoline. Overfill the gas tank thingie and imagine it exploding. Casually smoke a cigarette around the spilled gas. Well, maybe not the last one.
Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog post ..My New Stetson Hat!
July 25th, 2010 at 4:17 pm
LOL Kathy!!! And here I thought *I* was bad coming from driving on an island that has one road that goes in a U…to driving in a city and state I have never ever ever ever set foot in before.
Least now I HAVE a GPS and can tell it to point me back home. I feel a bit less panic-stricken now
Laura´s last blog post ..Home Again Home Again Jiggety Jog
July 25th, 2010 at 4:40 pm
You’ve reminded me of the time when I used to smell petrol (gas) fumes in our car all the time. When I couldn’t stand it any more I asked Mo why our car smelled so bad of petrol. Her answer? “Oh I have a can of petrol in the back of the car” The back?! Not even in the boot! It was tucked behind our seats. She has absolutely no sense of danger. I imagine that’s why she has been electrocuted, fallen off a cliff (that’s another story) and is always covered in cuts and bruises.
Mo tried to get us lost once, using our GPS. She couldn’t because the GPS woman (Gladys) kept screaming at her to turn around. It did give us a good laugh though.
Babs – beetle´s last blog post ..Painting by blackmail- instead of numbers
July 25th, 2010 at 6:04 pm
As someone who’s met you, you definitely do need an assistant for living. 🙂 I can relate, though, to the gas can experience. Kim insists that I walk to the gas station to get the gas instead of taking the can in the trunk.
Unfinished Rambler´s last blog post ..Weeding out- reorganizing and looking back TSS
July 25th, 2010 at 6:57 pm
“I released my seat belt so in case my car blew up, I could get out fast.”
Let me point out the error in this logic: If the car had crashed into another object you would have been hurled forward, smacking your head on whatever was in front of you, rendering you unconscious. At that point, the expediency of undoing the seat belt would have been negated. The final result being human BarBQ!
Other than that minor point, I laughed myself silly. Thanks, Kathy.
Tarheel Rambler´s last blog post ..Sunday Scenery – 108
July 25th, 2010 at 7:49 pm
1. You need a live-in assistant
2. Where can one apply ?
3. Listen to the cat in #3
4. Fire live-in assistant (still better if you use real fire)
July 25th, 2010 at 8:39 pm
I had to call my husband when I had is car and stopped for gas. I couldn’t get the gas door thing to open. And I have driven with the trunk open too. I’m ready to be taken away.
Sue´s last blog post ..WalMarts making me retarded- big surprise
July 25th, 2010 at 8:49 pm
I’m guessing Dave waits for you to get out of the driveway, and then follows you, just for jollies! LOL
Kathy, you knock me out. I was thinking about the “freak gasoline accident” in Zoolander as you were describing your gasoline fears. I know I shouldn’t laugh, because it’s no fun having fears, but you started it!
Let me know when you start advertising for the assisted living position. I want to apply!
July 25th, 2010 at 8:52 pm
Fords always have the headlight switch on the dashboard above your left knee. It’s been there on every Ford built since 1932, I think. 😉 That’s better than those stupid Saabs, with the ignition switch where the handbrake should be, between the front seats. Who puts an ignition switch there? Only Saab.
Marvin´s last blog post ..Homers time-traveling toaster
July 25th, 2010 at 9:54 pm
Is there a statute of limitations on retroactive awe and honor that you actually drove here to see us? And found us? And made it back again?
Shieldmaiden1196´s last blog post ..Some Travel Reading for Your Journey out of Shametown
July 26th, 2010 at 12:41 am
You know I was thinking the same thing as Marvin. I once drove a 1967 Ford and that is where the lights were. They are in the same place in my 2001 Ford truck. And no I am not quite that old. When I was driving the 67 Ford IT was an old car.
Will´s last blog post ..Wasp Removes Stone From Hole
July 26th, 2010 at 4:52 am
Pricilla — A goat cart? Can you imagine how much damage I’d do? Path of destruction, that’s what.
Surfie — I’m immediately returning to letting him get the gas. He has since told me that he stores the can in the front of the car and holds onto it during turns. I don’t know what his reasoning is, but I would never put it that close to me. GPS is trustable! You just have to listen to it. Unlike someone I know.
Daisy the Curly Cat — Oh, no way. I can’t watch those OCD shows because I’ll get an OCD I never had before! I never want to get gas like that again. It’s really a wonder I can even put it in my car.
Laura — That’s the beauty of GPS. If you screw up, it’ll tell you another way, based on how lost you are getting. It’s perfect for someone like me. If only I’d actually listen to it.
Babs Beetle — What? What?! Is Mo a daredevil? I can’t tell whether it’s good or bad to have no fear. It is fun listening to the GPS lady go on and on when you screw up. I kept telling her I knew what I was doing, but she wouldn’t listen. I don’t like our one-way relationship.
Unfinished Rambler — See, everyone? UR has seen it in action. It’s good to know someone else has fears about having the can in the car. I’m sure you mumble the whole way to the station and the whole way back, but you’re a good husband. You must always respect the irrational fears of your wife.
Tarheel Rambler — But no one ever accused me of my logic making sense.
Jaffer — Can you imagine the poor applicants when they find out how needy I am? I probably couldn’t pay them enough to stick with me for even a week.
Sue — I’m really glad I’m not so alone here. I gave myself a complex writing this, but now I feel better knowing there are others with the same problems. Maybe we can rotate the assistant.
Ferd — It wouldn’t surprise me. He should. OK, I never saw Zoolander, so I had to Google that scene. I assure you the gasoline only went into the can and I didn’t leave the station in a ball of flames. But you think it’s possible, don’t you?
Marvin — That’s so interesting. I did have a junky Ford Granata in the late 80s and I don’t remember the light control being over there. Yeah, ignition switches by the hand brake is stupid and weird. It belongs on the wheel! NO ifs, ands or buts.
Shieldmaiden1196 — YES! It’s hard to believe, though, isn’t it? See, the thing is, I was close enough to home yesterday that I wasn’t on full alert for which way to go. Unlike going to your place, when I was laser-focused and didn’t miss a beat. Is it any wonder I got lost once two tenths of a mile from my house?
Will — That’s so strange. I’ve never seen that before on any car. Like I told Marvin, I did drive a Ford Granada for a time and I don’t remember the lights being over there. I also thought it was weird that in the Ford Fusion, the radio stays on even when you remove the key from the ignition. It only turns off when you open the door. Fords are weird.
July 26th, 2010 at 7:57 am
I’m totally with you – it’s us against the machines! (But glad you got the GPS, even if it calls you names 🙂
Rima´s last blog post ..Joie de Vivre
July 26th, 2010 at 8:14 am
I’m always terrified to pump gas. The whole set-up just screams “DANGER” to me. You were wise to follow that ambulance. I’d like to think that, had your car exploded, they would’ve just dumped the body of that heart attack patient out into a ditch so they could attend to you quickly.
My Dave’s car has the panic button RIGHT next to the unlock/lock button. Insane.
JD at I Do Things´s last blog post ..I Saw Dennis DeYoung so you don’t have to
July 26th, 2010 at 8:45 am
I grew up with a gear-head for a stepfather, so I’m usually pretty good around cars.
I’ve owned my current car for over 2 years now. Last week we were on a long car trip and it started pouring rain so hard I couldn’t see. I pulled over and wanted to put my hazard lights on. But in the entire time I’ve had this car, I hadn’t figured out where the hazard lights were. I started looking all around the steering column and mentioned to my husband what I was looking for. He points to a button above the radio (above the radio!) and asks, “Is this it?” He found something in 10 seconds I had been looking 2 years for.
Who the heck puts hazards lights by the radio?
Michelle´s last blog post ..Exciting Friday Night
July 26th, 2010 at 9:15 am
I’m ready for assisted living, myself. You can keep the GPS that calls you a Dumbass, though!
CatLadyLarew´s last blog post ..Hickory in Wonderland
July 26th, 2010 at 10:33 am
Kathy, we have had GPS since it came out, but I don’t trust it either. It says to us right in the middle of the freeway, “turn around, turn around”, now excuse me, but what the hell? Or (on the freeway mind you), “make a u-turn as soon as it is safe to do so”. Like does that sound like a good instruction on the freeway?
Linda Medrano´s last blog post ..The Girl On The Red Velvet Swing
July 26th, 2010 at 12:31 pm
so glad I’m not the only one who has semi-panic attacks thinking of all the imaginary disasters that could happen to me. so glad.
Momma Drama´s last blog post ..My Week from Hell
July 26th, 2010 at 1:43 pm
It’s so nice to meet another dysfunctional driver. My husband and I switched cars a while back. I still can’t figure out how the window lock works.
One night I drove without my headlights on until a cop advised me of my lapse in judgment. “Turn on your lights,” he yelled from his car parked next to mine. No ticket. Just a talking to. I thought the headlights were set to go on automatically. My son, who borrowed the car earlier, had messed with my settings, or so I had thought.
Lauren´s last blog post ..As the Spam Turns – Tales from Nigeria
July 26th, 2010 at 2:49 pm
i don’t think you need an assistant for living. i think your forethought in unbuckling so as to be blown clear, um… i mean… quickly escape, the explosion was a brush of genius. carry on.
Ali´s last blog post ..A Reunion- A Wedding and A Funeral
July 26th, 2010 at 4:34 pm
Kathy, this post made me laugh out loud the whole way. I can completely relate to every word in this post. I am forever having panic attacks while driving. Especially if I was driving someone else’s car! And don’t even get me started on getting lost. I’ve managed to get lost within my own town on several occasions, with and without a GPS!
meleah rebeccah´s last blog post ..Blog Posts and Ideas!
July 26th, 2010 at 5:05 pm
What is it about getting older (I mean past 20) that new things and technology freaks us out? My husband got a new car that is all spiffy with cool things and I don’t want to drive the damn thing because it freaks me out. How on earth am I gonna learn how to open the sunroof AND find some cool stations on the Sirius radio??? Criminy.
You are not alone, my friend. Give me a go cart with 2 pedals and a steering wheel and I’m happy–not cool, but happy.
Lin´s last blog post ..Reality Bites
July 26th, 2010 at 5:08 pm
I have a GPS I call Magellan’s Wife since Magellan would never ask for directions. She is constantly yelling at me and telling me I’m doing the wrong thing. Someday they may invent a GPS that can actually get mad.
July 26th, 2010 at 6:13 pm
Rima — The machines we love to hate! But we need ’em. Ponder for a moment someone like me without GPS. You’d never hear from me again.
JD at I Do Things — Har! Yeah, heart attack, shmart attack. I’m on fire here! Why they put the buttons on the way they do is anyone’s guess. I hate being that person who hit it accidentally. And of course there were a half dozen people nearby cursing me under their breath. I don’t blame them. It’s what I do when other noobs hit the button.
Michelle — That is the dumbest thing I ever heard. I looked for my lights over by the radio too because I’d run out of other dumb places to look. The lights button didn’t resemble a lights button at ALL to me. Dumb, dumb, dumb!
CatLadyLarew — I know it’s what she was thinking anyway. Hell, I was thinking it.
Linda Medrano — She was screaming at me to turn off, turn off! And I’m all like “But it’s pouring rain, I’m in an unfamiliar car, so pipe down lady!”
Momma Drama — We must all stick together!
Lauren — What? What’s a window lock? OMG. Now I have to go study it again. I just realized I’m going to have to put the windows down when I take my road trip, as I will have to go through a toll. I don’t want to be that person who can’t get her shit together with 50 people waiting behind her! I thought the same thing about my husband’s headlights. His last car did that (a Toyota), but this newer one doesn’t. What the hell?!
Ali — There is a fine line between genius and crazy.
meleah rebeccah — We’re going to have some time trying to meet up this weekend, aren’t we? Maybe we should all give each other an extra three hours to go 50 miles? God, I hope we all make it. I think we can, I think we can….
Lin — I’m a simple girl with simple needs. There is NO need for all the stuff he’s got jacked up in there. It’s like getting into an airplane cockpit for crying out loud. Give me four wheels and a seat.
Criminal Justice Degree — That’s a brilliant name for it! Can you imagine if the GPS was built with artificial intelligence and could really talk back to us? Like Hal from Space Odyssey? That prospect is both exciting and terrifying to me.
July 26th, 2010 at 7:10 pm
hiihihihihihihihi…Kathy you cracked me up with this! Don’t hate me for it, but I can’t relate at all. I love driving! Tell you what, I won’t apply as assistant, but if you need a driver…I’m your gal! Driving Miss Kathy!
Nicky´s last blog post ..A Girl Can Dream- Can’t She
July 26th, 2010 at 7:35 pm
As soon as Regan finishes being my life assistant, I will send her over. Except, she will really come in handy when she learns to drive, so, no, you can’t have her yet.
July 27th, 2010 at 12:13 am
I feel for you on going from one car to another. My Dad’s gear shift is on the steering wheel, mine is in the center. EVERY time I go from his car to mine, I almost rip off my wiper control by grabbing hold and shifting. =/ His lights on on the dash too, dumb place.
July 27th, 2010 at 5:27 am
You really had me grinning, haha. Seems like you think way too much. When I started driving it was nearly the same, every little hurdle freaked me out and I overthought everything. Just letting it flow worked for me.
Andi´s last blog post ..MALIE 7 Zonen Kaltschaummatratze im Test
July 27th, 2010 at 12:25 pm
Poor, Kathy– I can kinda see this happening. 🙂
You will enjoy, if you haven’t seen it, Christopher Guest’s “A Mighty Wind.”
There’s a character in that who is running the folk singing show, and as he’s managing the event, he comes up with these elaborate concerns about potential safety hazards, including scenarios for how someone could die or get critically injured because of a somewhat viney table centerpiece.
Jenn of Many Cabbages´s last blog post ..Swiffer Popularity Spawns ToolFool Household Dating Site
July 27th, 2010 at 2:08 pm
My mother will be 76 in October… she has yet to pump her own gas. Ever. She almost had to once, but she damsel-in-distressed some strange young man to do it just in the nick of time.
And one of my sisters uses the Full-Service gas station (THE one that still remains) in her home town or her husband pumps it for her.
I SO did not get that gene. Men don’t even open doors for me. Well… maybe one or two.
Barb @WillThink4Wine´s last blog post ..Gracie- get out of the trash!
July 27th, 2010 at 4:14 pm
Nicky — “Driving Miss Kathy” I love it! I would be happy to be driven around like that. It’d probably be safer for everyone on the road, too.
annofthejunkdrawerblogfamily — I shall be waiting. I’ll give her gas money and money for her time. It can be her first after-school job.
Phunnieone — Wow, does he have an older model car? Do newer cars even have the gear shift on the wheel anymore? I’d totally be screwing that up.
Andi — I wished I could shut off my thinking (and yes, I know I overthink everything. It’s a real liability, as you can tell.)
Jenn of Many Cabbages — Oh, I need to find that on YouTube if it’s available. A viney table centerpiece, eh? I can see lots of problems there.
Barb at WillThink4Wine – I have a friend like your mom, but she’s only in her 50s. It blew my mind the first time I heard her say “Oh, I’ve never pumped my own gas.” I just blinked at her with my mouth wide open. What? I cannot fathom how one can get around not having to do it, like, EVER.
July 27th, 2010 at 4:40 pm
Funny but I find myself thinking these same scary scenarios now and the older I get the more I visually seem them in my mind. Scary crap isn’t it!
July 27th, 2010 at 4:52 pm
Lol Kathy,
Great story. I love your humor. I was just thinking, you must be a hoot to spend time with. Now I can hardly wait until video blogging becomes the rage. 🙂
Barbara Swafford´s last blog post ..Women vs Men – Who Wins The Word Count Award
July 28th, 2010 at 7:51 am
Wow. And I shall say again – Wow.
Beamer´s last blog post ..odd glass
July 28th, 2010 at 11:27 am
We just have to wonder, will the electric lawn mower be ENOUGH?:).
LPC´s last blog post ..LPC is at Loving Natures Garden Today
July 28th, 2010 at 8:27 pm
I thought I was the only freak who thought about all those things while driving the .2 miles with a gas can in the back of my car. Whew, I’m glad it’s not just me.
I try not to drive other peoples cars because it takes so long to figure out where everything is. I’m all against standardization on so many things but inside a car would be really handy.
Jen´s last blog post ..I might as well be pregnant
July 29th, 2010 at 12:35 am
LMAO!! Oh that is fabulous!! I *am* sorry that you had such a hard time with everything, but the story of it all was priceless. Thanks for the laughs… you rock.
P.S. My trunk latch is thisclose to my gas cap latch, so I have driven around many times with my trunk open. Hope that helps. HAHA
Corrina´s last blog post ..Embarrassing Story of the Day
July 29th, 2010 at 10:38 am
I love the play on the words ‘assisted living’. Makes me think I need the same! haha
Eric´s last blog post ..Chrome Developer Tools vs Firebug
July 29th, 2010 at 2:09 pm
I can really identify with this post. First of all, you had me laughing through the whole thing. Thanks…I love to laugh.
I also got a kick out of you driving your husband’s car. This happened to me with my boyfriend. We had gone a football game and he had a bit too much to drink.
I had never driven his car, but I wasn’t about to let him drive. The biggest issue was the BRAKES. My older car, you have to feel the push when you brake. I mean they’re good brakes, but there not touch sensitive. The Honda that my boyfriend drives is. Even a light tap on the brakes and the car stops. We drove home with me looking like a beginning driver with all the stop and go movement. My boyfriend on the other hand looked a bit green about the gills.
On the positive side…he’s much more careful now about how much he drinks when we were in his car:~)
Thanks for this post and reminder:~)
Sara´s last blog post ..My Challenge- Poetry Writing
July 29th, 2010 at 4:27 pm
My family doesn’t trust me around fire, gasoline, or anything remotely resembling the two. Set up the bonfire to create an aerodynamic “fire tornado” one time, and suddenly your burning privileges are revoked. *sigh* I guess that means I’m on the far opposite spectrum of you on this one 🙂
Master Dayton´s last blog post ..How I Turn Demand Studios Rejections Into Passive Cash
July 29th, 2010 at 5:27 pm
Well, now it makes perfect sense to me that you’re developing an obsession with cordless electric mowers. You really should get one, either that or send the husband for the gas like the rest of us seem to do!
Alison Kerr´s last blog post ..Top Eleven Reasons To Buy A Cordless Electric Lawn Mower Like Mine
July 30th, 2010 at 6:20 am
It’s ALWAYS the husbands fault – ALWAYS! I’m anal about driving. I don’t like driving on the interstate or going anywhere I haven’t been before. I refuse to use GPS,it would confuse me.
Sheila Sultani´s last blog post ..Calvins Pee Happy Ad Campaign – Totally TMI!!!
July 30th, 2010 at 7:25 am
Yesterday I decided, being unemployed, that it would be nice to mow the grass for my husband. The mower was in the shed parked right next to two propane fuel tanks for the gas grill. I was afraid that if I started the mower in the shed, the propane tanks would explode and simultaneously ignite the fuel tank of the mower and the gas can and burn me to a crisp. I could not get the mower into neutral in order to roll it out of the shed without starting it, so I pushed it, skidding the locked tires until it was halfway out of the door, a sufficient distance from the tanks, said a prayer, and started it up. I lived.
August 9th, 2010 at 8:14 pm
My husband got me a GPS but for some reason I never seem to agree with that “automated lady”. I have been driving the same car for almost 10 years now so I don’t have to learn to maneuver through a dashboard full of knobs and lights.
Curvy Plus Size Girl´s last blog post ..I Want To Be Extraordinary !!
August 10th, 2010 at 9:20 pm
A brilliant, funny and awesome read with a great writing style and writing voice! I never thought anyone else used “my” phrase: “It’s hard being me” – And gosh do I do lots of these things. Not a good sign, is it? :)!
THANK YOU!!! For the laughs and the lessons!
Farnoosh´s last blog post ..10 Smart Questions to Ask before Choosing your Next Language
November 11th, 2010 at 8:50 am
Ok, you had me cracking up!
You write like I do when I’m writing for fun. My first published piece was on socks – it was quite amusing…
I also have a mom blog and a few others- check it out!
Thanks for the great read!