My Wall Street Journal Interview
Stuff I don't hate, Stuff I hate July 30th, 2010 So remember when I was interviewed about Windy on NPR’s All Things Considered program? Yeah, good times baby!
Well, what you don’t know is the day the Windy interview aired, I was interviewed by the Wall Street Journal for an entirely different story. I was pinching myself all over because I couldn’t believe my good fortune.
That morning I received an email from a marketing reporter, asking if she could interview me about the YouTube video I made about the very loud Sun Chips bag, a bag that’s so loud husbands can’t eat out of it near a sleeping baby or their wives will kill them dead.
The reporter found my video online and was putting together a story about the bags and all the people who can’t stand them.
She took some vitals from me, my name, town and blog information and then asked me some questions.
When did you realize the bag was so loud?
As soon as I got it home and opened it. My husband and I irritated each other for a week. You can hear it on different floors of the house.
How do you feel about Frito-Lay’s efforts to improve the environment by making 100% compostable bags?
Great, except I’ll never buy them again. I thought of writing the Frito-Lay people and telling them that they’re losing sales because the bag’s so loud.
[This turned out to be untrue, because I recently purchased a bag, but only to give to a colleague so he could hear for himself how loud they were. When I drove to work with it and went over some bumps, the bag made a noise. Just sitting there, it made a noise. God.]
Do you write companies about products you dislike?
Oh, yes. In fact, I just wrote the Glad Wrap people to tell them they need to help consumers find the end of a new roll. The thin plastic is clear and sometimes you can’t see or feel where the end of it is. They can fix the problem by tinting the end of the roll in some color or attaching a little pull tab.
I went on to say that companies should hire me as a product tester to let them know what will work and what won’t. I would make an excellent focus group participant and they should want me full-time because I would never shut up.
Do you hate a lot of things?
Oh, no! I’m in love with my Dyson vacuum cleaner. In a really unhealthy way. I told her that vacuuming was a joy now, and despite the high cost, it’s worth every penny and she should go buy one. Like right now.
We touched on a couple other things and then the interview was over. She thanked me for my time and said the article would appear soon, but it’s been six weeks and still no story. I think I scared her.
What a loss. Just think of all the people who won’t get the chance to leave comments on the WSJ site, saying how certifiably mental I am.
So that leaves just you guys to tell me so on the blog. But I’m a lovable certifiable, right?

July 30th, 2010 at 7:18 pm
Oh you definitely are a lovable nut job.
Did they know who they were dealing with? Not to print your story? They should be so lucky to interview you again.
Where’s that voodoo doll?
Babs – beetle´s last blog post ..Painting by blackmail- instead of numbers
July 30th, 2010 at 7:19 pm
I think you are on your way to being a correspondent for a TV show like Good Morning America or something.
I love it.
PS – You are not certifiable. You are amazing and funny and that’s what makes us all flock to your blog. Can you imagine how boring you’d be otherwise?
Monique´s last blog post ..I’m Fat
July 30th, 2010 at 8:01 pm
At the risk of sounding like a Kelly Clarkson song…
Because of you I fondle those bags in the supermarket.
Compulsively. I don’t like Sun Chips enough to buy them, they are usually my ‘Side item I hate the least’ at Subway when compelled to eat there, but if I walk down the snack aisle I HAVE TO TOUCH THE BAGS.
Shieldmaiden1196´s last blog post ..Some Travel Reading for Your Journey out of Shametown
July 30th, 2010 at 8:23 pm
We bloggers are just misunderstood with a hint of nut job. And we will use Shieldmaiden as an example also.
Reporters aren’t use to the truth, you totally through her off. You go girl.
Sue´s last blog post ..Try to keep up!
July 30th, 2010 at 8:40 pm
Definitely lovable certifiable, which means you’re lots of fun. I do seriously question the sanity of anyone who loves their vacuum. Although I love my new oven. . . .
C Lanctot´s last blog post ..My First
July 30th, 2010 at 8:47 pm
Let me be the first to say that you are not at all certifiable. You can still be lovable, but you’re completely sane. Anyone who has a Dyson knows where you’re coming from.
On the other hand, if you start blogging about how everyone should buy a snuggie because it’s preferable to merely wearing your bathrobe backwards…well…
…I think that’d be a sign that the terrorists have won.
Thomas´s last blog post ..more airline miles and what i learned today
July 30th, 2010 at 9:06 pm
Terry´s last blog post ..Rug
July 30th, 2010 at 9:16 pm
Hey, I love Arm& Hammer laundry detergent – I mean I love the stuff. Doesn’t mean I’m certifiable – loving a vacuum cleaner doesn’t make YOU certifiable but don’t tell my husband about the Dyson – he’d have to buy one and I’d have to cite it in court for alienation of affection!
Grace´s last blog post ..Phantom Hair
July 30th, 2010 at 9:41 pm
First of all, congrats on The Wall Street Journal interview. That’s freakin’ faaaaaabulous!
Second of all, I didn’t realize that the You Tube (about the Sun Chips) was actually YOU when I viewed it?!?! And it’s funny, because I just recently bought a bag of those damn things and you’re right….they were soooo LOUD!
Third of all, you may be certifiably mental, however I’m happy to say….that’s a GOOD thing!
Ron´s last blog post ..Cell Phone Storage…Oh- BRAther!
July 30th, 2010 at 9:47 pm
I had to remove the chips from the bag and store them in a different container. Everytime I tried to get some out for a snack I had flashbacks to the time someone gave my son (then age 6) a drum set for xmas.
July 30th, 2010 at 10:45 pm
Decades ago, I was interviewed by the WSJ. It was months before the story came out. But they quoted me as I badmouthed an ex-employer’s horrible treatment of its employees (hence the “ex”). It was an example of long-delayed gratification.
Marvin´s last blog post ..A visit to Universal Studios Orlando- part 2
July 31st, 2010 at 12:50 am
For some strange reason, I now have an almost irresistible desire to go get a bag of sun chips out of the cupboard, and bring them up to bed with me 🙂
Todd Morris´s last blog post ..Ironic T-Shirt Alert
July 31st, 2010 at 1:34 am
Very straight. I love it. We should express our thought the way we feel. I hope WSJ will publish it or may be they fear the aggressiveness.
Sahina Care´s last blog post ..Your Daily Hair Care Routine
July 31st, 2010 at 1:59 am
You are a beautiful lovable certifiable. You have such a gift for entertaining and a definite skill with the English Language. I am proud of the fact that I interviewed you back when. You rock girl, truly.
Beamer´s last blog post ..odd glass
July 31st, 2010 at 3:15 am
Definitely lovable, Kathy! And that is so cool! Next stop, “Ellen”…or “Oprah”…then your own show! Yay! :o)
earthtoholly´s last blog post ..SkyWatch Friday- Lucy’s Tennis Ball
July 31st, 2010 at 3:30 am
You’ve got my vote Kathy,
I’m sure that means more than having an article published in the WSJ. Right?
I can’t hear you…..You did say “right”, right?
Barbara Swafford´s last blog post ..Lose Weight While Blogging
July 31st, 2010 at 4:32 am
I immediately thought (when I first read the post about the Sun Chips) that I’d never buy a bag but I wondered what it sounded like in person. Cheapskate. I’m not buying it just to be annoyed.
And then I read Shieldmaiden1196’s comment saying that she touches them at the store without buying them. That never occurred to me and when I am grocery shopping today I will be crunching the hell out of the bag and then I will replace it on the shelf.
July 31st, 2010 at 5:52 am
I remember you writing about that loud bag but don’t remember the video. I looked at you video (and subscribed to you). That bag really is LOUD! That’s interesting they interviewed you about your video. Maybe the Furminator people will see mine I did using it on my pets and let me do a commercial for them! Who knows?
Karen & Gerard´s last blog post ..7 Things I Learned This Week-80 blogging- checkers- bromeliads- writing- conference
July 31st, 2010 at 6:21 am
Babs Beetle — I know! I should call her back and ask “Don’t you know I’m Kathy from the Junk Drawer? The Junk Drawer? I’ll help sell papers! I think I’m going to use “nut job” in my tagline somewhere since that’s how I bet people describe me anymore.
Monique — See, that’s the thing about radio and print. No one has to actually see me. I’ll stick to off-camera. Thank you for your kind words. Pass me a tissue.
Shieldmaiden1196 — You go girl. You get right up there and squeeze. They could start a new advertising campaign because of you. “Please don’t squeeze the Sun Chips!” Seriously. You can’t even carry them far without them making noise. Even if you hold them by the smallest sliver on the top. Crunch. Crunch. Crunch!
Sue — I agree. I don’t know if we’ll ever be understood. We walk to a beat of a different drummer, that’s for sure.
C Lanctot — Ah, my dear, then you’ve never used a Dyson. Trust me, you’d come over to the other side if you did. So, are you cooking now for no good reason because of your new oven?
Thomas — You understand then. You just made me picture a terrorist in a snuggie. You know, because they can hide their explosives easily under them.
Terry — Awesome, except that it never got published. Sigh.
Grace — I’m glad you’ve found a second love. Nothin’ wrong with that, sister. And don’t you just love the soothing voice of the guy who invented the Dyson? It’s like he’s wooing us. And I fell for it. But he’s got the goods to back it up.
Ron — You aren’t the first person to say they didn’t recognize it as me in the video. I would say it’s because I’ve gained weight since my picture on the blog, except that tons of people who see me every day said the same thing. I don’t know. Maybe it’s because they can’t see my mop top hair? Really strange phenomenon.
Katherine — Oh, I totally get that. Most annoying noise ever. I know I can put them in another container, but hey, I grew up eating chips straight out of the bag, and now Frito-Lay has gone and done screwed that up!
Marvin – OMG. So maybe there’s a chance they’ll still publish it? I’m glad you got your digs in. WTG!
Todd Morris — Do it at your own risk!
Sahina Care — All anyone has to do is ask for my opinion and it’s all over.
Beamer — Ah, thanks dude! Yeah, how long ago was that interview? Count yourself among the “big boys” who did!
earthtoholly — My husband is convinced that I’ll be on TV because of the blog some day. When ever I complain about my weight gain, he uses that as motivation. “Remember, you’ll be seen on TV….”
Barbara Swafford — It does! I don’t want to lose readers because they’re afraid I’ve finally gone off the deep end. So the trick is to get really close the “mental line” but not go over it.
Cardiogirl — I can guarantee that if anyone walks by you when you’re doing your fondling, you’re going to gather an audience. Not because you’re weird for touching the bags, but because everyone will be in shock awe over how loud they are. Do it!
July 31st, 2010 at 8:56 am
I love the question “Do You Hate A Lot of Things”? Just how well did she know you before this interview?
Note to Cardiogirl: You won’t need to take the bags off the shelf and crunch the hell out of them. Just let your fingers lightly touch the bag as you walk past. You will be rewarded with a deadening CRUNCH!
JD at I Do Things´s last blog post ..I Create and Eat The Strandwich! so you don’t have to
July 31st, 2010 at 8:59 am
I don’t think you’re certifiable at all. Of course, that may not mean much since I’m definitely certifiable.
I used like Sun Chips, but I seem to be in a phase where I don’t like chips of any sort. Not even my beloved Ruffles with Ridges. (See above assertion of certifiable candidacy.) But when I go to the grocery store later, I AM going to fondle some Sun Chip bags.
And it’s so cool that you get interviewed! I hope the WSJ runs that article soon.
Kelly´s last blog post ..Phoenix
July 31st, 2010 at 10:51 am
You’re obviously totally sane because you heart your Dyson and hate loud chip bags and sinister disappearing Glad Wrap ends. Either that or we’re both totally crazy. But seriously, can you imagine what kind of people would actually LIKE that noise? They probably seal up the uneaten (sacrilege) chips in Glad Wrap.
CatLadyLarew´s last blog post ..The Fruit Stand- A Magpie Tale
July 31st, 2010 at 11:28 am
I wish the WSJ would print that interview. You are not the only crazy lady out there and so many of us agree with you. I’m not part of the cult of Dyson, but I hate noisy bags and Glad Wrap that I can never unwind correctly. It sucks.
Linda Medrano´s last blog post ..Moose Sheets
July 31st, 2010 at 12:30 pm
It was probably your honesty that scared her.
She is probably not used to that.
Pricilla´s last blog post ..Oh I Love the Garden – and the Male Person
July 31st, 2010 at 4:04 pm
Don’t worry. I am sure they are waiting for the perfect time.
You think you can do anything about my kids’ really loud eating habits?????
Susie @newdaynewlesson´s last blog post ..When You Get Used To Something It’s Hard To Do Without
July 31st, 2010 at 5:22 pm
I would have been more likely to avoid that bag back in the days when I didn’t want Mrs. Rambler to know when I was snacking. These days it’s so infrequent that it’s not a big deal any more. But that bad is annoying. I got a call from Durham (25 miles away) the other night telling me to quiet down after I got myself a snack from the Sun Chips bag.
Tarheel Rambler´s last blog post ..It Was a Joke!
July 31st, 2010 at 6:34 pm
Wow, you just get more and more famous every day! And you’ve even commented on my blog before. A FAMOUS PERSON HAS COMMENTED ON MY BLOG! I wonder when they’ll run the story. I want to see it!
Surfie´s last blog post ..Wordless Wednesday- Anole Lizard Camouflage
July 31st, 2010 at 7:21 pm
Doesn’t genius live right next door to madness? As for the end of the Glad Wrap, they could always run a strip of the Sun Chips bag along it. Then you’d be able to find it no problem, even with both your eyes tied behind your back. Except then you probably wouldn’t want to find it anymore.
If I say you’re lovable certifiable, will you say I am too? Please.
Nicky´s last blog post ..As Easy As Your ABCheese
August 1st, 2010 at 5:35 am
Karen — I love the Furminator web site. “St. Bernard tested.” It would be awesome to do a commercial for a product you love. They don’t need actors. They just need to ask for people who are happy with their purchase.
JD at I Do Things — Yeah, she figured that out in less than a minute. I thought “OMG. Am I that transparent?” I have this great vision of CG checking up and down the grocery aisle before reaching out a hand to start the crunch test. I can see her buying them, just to bring them home to her family for entertainment value. It’s the craziest thing!
Kelly — Interesting. I’ve never been a Ruffles fan. Too salty. The Sun Chips are less so, but they’re stricken from my list of acceptable chips. Too bad. I like them. I’d be shocked if they did run the story. It’s been too long now.
CatLadyLarew – The noise is so loud it’s become a joke now. I don’t buy them to eat. I buy them to share the phenomenon with others. I would sort of like to know if they expected more sales and have to rethink the bag on account of no one can stand them. Good to see you over at the Tribal Blogs party last night!
Linda Medrano — Me too. There are enough people out there writing and videoing about the loud bag for me to know at least I’m not alone.
Pricilla — I don’t know how to be anything else.
Susie — Ugh. Loud eating?! Sorry. That drives me nuts. I hope they at least don’t eat with their mouths open. That drives me nuts.
Tarheel Rambler — Absolutely. You cannot eat out of it without getting found out, near or far.
Surfie — Oh, you’re too funny. Notice the only things that are making me “famous” are the things that also make me a nut job. So much for being known for my wit and smarts. Never happen.
Nicky — It does. There you go using your brain. Use the two together. With caution. OK. You are lovable certifiable! (We should put that on a t-shirt).
August 1st, 2010 at 6:40 am
I hate loud noises, especially loud, crunchy bag noises. My husband Mark takes FOREVER to root around in crunchy food bags. I usually have to leave the room until he is done. He might be doing this on purpose.
Daisy’s “mom”´s last blog post ..I Am Wearing a Rainbow!
August 1st, 2010 at 9:48 am
Kathy, Cheetos bags are just as annoying. I just want a couple, you know, to satisfy a craving at 11 PM, and damn if that bag doesn’t sound like I’m trying to destroy a roll of Christmas wrapping paper!
August 1st, 2010 at 8:44 pm
Nice work. I interviewed myself with a wooden spoon yesterday for my show this morning but then bumped myself at the last minute.
Acadia´s last blog post ..Big Brother – Throwing Grenades
August 2nd, 2010 at 4:53 pm
You are PERFECTLY lovable. She was just jealous of you because you’re so much more awesome than she is. Clearly…
I want a SunChip now.
Ali´s last blog post ..Vying for Favoritism
August 2nd, 2010 at 4:55 pm
I’m not a fan of excess noise. When it comes to chips I prefer to empty everything into a bowl and eat it that way. I’m always eating goldfish in the office and I can’t stand being the one that breaks the silence, so the bowl solves that issue and no one glares at me.
August 2nd, 2010 at 6:12 pm
Tinting the beginning of the new plastic wrap roll is freakin’ genius! You definitely should be a product tester. And you’re definitely lovable.
injaynesworld´s last blog post ..injaynesworld there are Too Many Damn Balls
August 3rd, 2010 at 11:30 am
Great responses. You did a great job on the NPR interview. I hate plastic wrap, too, because I can’t find where the roll ends. I always get into a wrestling match with the box. The box always wins.
Lauren´s last blog post ..Confessions of a Serial Plant Killer
August 3rd, 2010 at 5:15 pm
I don’t eat chips but I do find this funny – I can’t believe NPR actually interviewed on this topic….I guess we live in very good times when our lives are so fully of fun. Go creativity! 🙂
Farnoosh´s last blog post ..Beyond the First 30 Days- Staying Committed to Habits
August 11th, 2010 at 8:37 am
Who knew product complaints could be so exciting and so much publicity for bloggers!
Nobody has ever wanted to interview me, but I did get a friend of the girl who sings the Good Feet Store jingle chuckling about my post that talked about the dumb lyrics to that song, and how I felt sorry for the singer hired to sing anything that stupid.
Jenn of Many Cabbages´s last blog post ..Kooky Clems Oddity Attic
August 27th, 2010 at 7:40 am
Oh those bags… We had one in our house before and I couldn’t even get on the phone while someone was holding the bag. I’m pretty sure my neighbors couldn’t either.
Ascentive´s last blog post ..Finally Fast Software a Virus A Case of Mistaken Identity http-wwwprwebcom-releases-finallyfast-virus-prweb4392734htm
September 7th, 2010 at 3:27 am
I really have a great fun reading your post. You’re blessed with an excellent humor and its very apparent in all the articles you’ve wrote. Anyway, I guess you overwhelmed that person that’s why she delayed the article to appear in WSJ. Let’s just wait and see. Very cool post and I will surely visit your blog again. Thanks!
April 18th, 2011 at 8:30 am
To be interviewed by the WSJ is very impressive – they still have a paywall for some areas of the site. Was your interview ever published?
Peterson´s last blog post ..Anytime Banking – Internet & Mobile Banking