The Purse Curse
Fun, Stuff I hate July 2nd, 2010 The good thing about carrying a purse is that I have everything I need in a day whenever I need it. The bad thing is that I have everything I need in a day whenever I need it. It’s freaking heavy.
Granted, I’m not one of those suitcase purse kinds of women. That’s just crazy. Nor am I like the Sherpa woman I work with who walks into the office a few times a week carrying no less than four kinds of bundles: her laptop case, her regular purse, her knitting materials bag and usually some books. She’s a librarian Sherpa, so I can make a concession for the books.
That’s not me. I need exactly one bag and I’m thoroughly annoyed if I have to grab a bigger sack to put the purse and other things in. I want to be a minimalist, like my husband, who gets to walk around earth carrying a five ounce wallet.
Anyway, I’ve got a bag big enough to hold my wallet, a digital camera, my sunglasses case and about a thousand envelopes with what I think are important papers in them, but never find the time to actually check. At least they’re all rubber-banded together so that I look some measure less disorganized when I go hunting for something.
Even though I don’t think I have too many items in my purse, the weight of it all means that everything is laying at the bottom of it and I still need to dig around. Since I have nothing unnecessary in my purse, this annoys me to no end.
Tonight when I went to the vet’s to pick up medicine for one of my cats, I got in line behind a woman who had her purse slung over her shoulder and in that purse sat a dog.
Cute little thing. Really little. About the size of the turkey sandwich I had for lunch today.
The woman was trying to check out, pay her bill and be on her way. But she just could not get to her wallet. Dig, dig, dig. Sigh, sigh, sigh.
She says “I don’t know why I can never get at anything in here!”
I’ll tell you why.
Because there’s a dog in your purse.
So tell me, ladies, do you hate your purse? Love your purse? Do you wish you could walk around with only a wallet? Do you wish you could carry a teeny-tiny dog around in it, ignoring the snickers of people like me who think that’s hysterical?

July 6th, 2010 at 5:45 pm
The purse is definitely for a husband’s benefit. He doesn’t have to carry around the mail or digital camera. I’ve kind of settled on a backpack like I used to do in school. Much easier to heft around weight on the back than the shoulder, but you get no points for style.
July 7th, 2010 at 5:18 am
absepa — I have a pit purse, except for one zippered pocket on the inside, where I put all my technology. I hate that because even though I know where to grab, the devices often turn on by themselves because they’re comingling in there. Annoying! Yeah, purses since we were kids. Something wrong with that.
Technical Support Atlanta — “Life in a bag.” All the more reason not to carry one. What if we lose it or it gets stolen?
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids — I bet your furs are pretty much everywhere. Good job!
Nicole — I don’t know what the solution is either. And I’m still annoyed that men don’t seem to need everything we do. Even if they ask us to hold their wallets, it’s still just a wallet!
Beamer — Aw, but mammy posts are so fun to write because it makes men’s heads spin.
Impetua — Oh, man. The mom bag. I pity you. I hope you have a good chiropractor. Yeah, the dog butt thing. If I ever carried around an animal in my purse, I’d have to put it in another bag first. I don’t need dog butt on my lipstick, thank you.
Knucklehead! — Seriously. I would love to have seen that woman go all crazy if that pooch took a crap in there. You just know it’s happened to someone somewhere at least once.
grannyann — You’re the first to suggest lightweight material for a bag. That’s smart. Half the weight of my purse is the purse itself. Annoying!
muskrat — Come on, dude. Go for it. Be the first straight man to carry a purse. And be brave and call it what it is! It’s not a European bag, not a murse, not a mag. It’s a purse and you know you want it.
Marlene — I always debate whether or not to take my purse shopping. I usually opt for just carrying a single car key and my ATM card. It’s liberating and I don’t have to worry about leaving it in a dressing room. The only bad thing about leaving my phone in the car is I always seem to need it in the store, as in “Dave, do we want pizza or burgers and are we out of mayo?”
Medical Assistant — It’s not fair!!!! I do like a backpack when traveling. You almost don’t feel the weight at all. It’s got bulk, but at my age, I need to save my shoulders and back.
July 7th, 2010 at 9:44 am
Hm. Hey, what’s a Sherpa? I hope it has nothing to do with that crazy voodoo doll scheme you’ve concocted….
Rebecca´s last blog post ..What Stormtroopers Do on Days Off
July 7th, 2010 at 9:45 am
[…] small purses as blogged about very recently by Kathy of the Junk Drawer in her post entitled The Purse Curse ) until I realize I’ve got only two or three things in there and none of them is my […]
July 7th, 2010 at 12:11 pm
My husband would probably carry a purse. Heck for a while he carried a shoulder/back pack style bag when we lived in Hawaii and he wore mostly bali pants (with no pockets)
One solution (and I employ it regularly) is to have the husband carry MY purse.
Heck…smart men know when to take the bag. 😉
Laura´s last blog post ..please stand by
July 7th, 2010 at 11:12 pm
The Search for the Perfect Purse is an on-going process. If I have a small purse, I want a bigger one. If it doesn’t have a zipper, I want a zipper. My bag is always heavy, no matter what size it is. My cell phone alone feels like it weighs five pounds. I always carry at least one paperback with me, too, because I’m a reader. Plus a small notebook, pens, lipstick, comb, coupons, receipts, wallet, keys . . .
New Jersey Memories´s last blog post ..Wordless Wednesday 3 – Cherry Blossoms- Newark- NJ- April 2010
July 9th, 2010 at 9:32 am
I think the search for the “perfect purse” is a life long pastime. It’s like Holy Grail. Does it really exist? When I think I’ve found one…something about it drives me crazy…too small, too big…It has Jessica Simpson’s name on it. So the search continues. I have made myself the deal that if I can make it through the summer without killing one of my children…I get to reward myself with a REALLY expensive purse. Once the bus pulls away from the drive on the first day of school…I’m heading to the mall.
Lanita´s last blog post ..A Curtain of Shyness
July 14th, 2010 at 5:32 am
Really a perfect purse is a life long search. I have so many dumps in it. So many papers,tissues,a comb, mirror,lipstick, watch,id cards,cellphone , digital much inside dig it inside you get into a new world.
But I feel secured with all these things..when I go out for shopping with a jeans and a wallet in my back pocket I feel I miss something and it happens..I regret for not having something with me !! I miss out something or other.
July 17th, 2010 at 3:50 pm
My purse is inside a big duffle bag. I need my tuppwerware container to carry my leftover pizza in for lunch, my book(s) to read, my flannel shirt to protect me from the cold air conditioning on the bus and at work, my vitamin pills and the newspaper that I read at lunch because I’d rather be on the computer before I leave for work. If I had a little dog, it could fit in there too! I think that’s cute she carries her tiny doggie in her purse.
Karen & Gerard´s last blog post ..7 Things I Learned This Week 78
July 28th, 2010 at 8:58 am
Hi Kathy,
I have a tiny purse and a big suitcase with wheels that I take with me every time I go to the mall. That way I don’t have to ruin my back by carrying a huge purse and also anything I buy goes into the suitcase. It all works out very well because I have 3 hernias in my back and doing this prevents them from getting worse.
The dog purse is funny LOL.
All the best,
Eren Mckay´s last blog post ..Frog baby shower decorations
August 14th, 2010 at 9:12 pm
How many women ever consider where there purse has been. It’s not like they ever get washed. It drives me crazy when I see them on the floors of cars, shopping carts, resturant floors, then a friend comes over and plops their purse down on my kitchen counter top. I eat there!!! Why can a guy get everything he needs into a 3×5″ piece of leather tucked away in his pocket but a woman has to have a piece of luggage to lug around all day?
West´s last blog post ..A little West Yellowstone Hotel Background
August 15th, 2010 at 2:42 pm
Loneliness is really a most irritating feeling that no one can ever enjoy, but recently some researchers have find out that this lonely behavior of people can prove to be the biggest enemy of their health.
The researchers have shown that the temporary friends of internet just like the ones in our friends list on any social network can’t remove the tag of being lonely from our life until there are some strong spiritual relations.
Read more:
August 27th, 2010 at 6:37 am
I think, the purse should never be blamed for this incident. I guess its just the person who used it.
August 28th, 2010 at 7:36 pm
Well, I’m not a girl so, I can’t comment on a purse but, this article reminds me of a poem that a friend of mine wrote.
A closet is a girls best friend
Full of shoes
A shirt, a skirt and leather pants.
To walk, to hang, even to dance.
It’s my closet that gives me the chance.
Mirror doors and lots of drawers, filled
with things from lots of stores.
Yes, my closet is my best friend.