I Lost My Writing Mojo
Blogging August 8th, 2010 I have lost my writing mojo. I checked the couch cushions, the garage, under my car seats and in that desk drawer that always sticks. It mustn’t be here.
If anyone finds it, please send me an email and I’ll come pick it up. Or, if you live too far, I’ll pay for postage. It does not have to go in a bubble wrap lined envelope, but it does have to be a large envelope. Say, 12″ by 15.5″.
Oh, and if you see it, be nice to it on approach. Use a calm voice so it doesn’t escape. Maybe offer it some bacon. It responds to “Mojo,” “Chops,” or when it’s feeling down, “Serviceable Writing Ability.”
This is the kind of post you’ll get until it’s found. So please search everywhere. Start with your junk drawers. It’s possible my mojo went in search of others because nothing is happening in mine.
Thank you.

August 10th, 2010 at 6:15 pm
Laura — “I think I’m about the only one who reads what I write.” Oh, no, my friend. Everyone thinks that and it was so true for me for the first six months I blogged. It’s really a wonder I continued with it. And I couldn’t act to save my life. Nor would anyone want to see it. So there.
Ratt’n Along — Mmmm, face-eating! Is there a better way? OMG. Those things are so good. I have to eat it with a fork and it takes forever. {mouth waters}
Michelle Gartner — It’s funny. I don’t remember my last two summers blogging being this bad for writing and reading. Where the hell is everyone? And remember, my voodoo is only good voodoo. In fact, I should go do a chant right now for my mojo to come back (it’s still not here!)
Unfinished Rambler — Now where am I going to find a NASCAR race around here, dude? But just imagine the material. Mmmmm…..material…..
Flower Box — Well, I have been getting out, even in this heat. But I didn’t find my mojo and I’m afraid it may not ever come back. *sniff*
Tara — LMAO. I’m sorry. I shan’t flaunt anymore.
Sheila Sultani — Do you think they’re somewhere beachy? Or maybe camping in the wilderness? Are we talking umbrella drinks or RVs?
meleah rebeccah — That and my dignity.
injaynesworld — I don’t know. Maybe it really is a way to tell us to get the hell off the computer for a while. I’m going to watch some trash TV now in the hopes that something ridiculous will present itself before me.
August 10th, 2010 at 9:17 pm
Blame the cats. Mine wind up stealing everything. Socks, pens, mojo — you name it.
Blasted cats…
The Hawg!´s last blog post ..Being prepared- a how-to fair coming Aug 21
August 11th, 2010 at 8:31 am
Maybe it is just suffering from post-bloggiversary depression and needed some time alone. I know milestone birthdays can be traumatic for many, so I imagine your blogging mojo just needs some alone-time.
Jenn of Many Cabbages´s last blog post ..Kooky Clems Oddity Attic
August 11th, 2010 at 11:40 am
I’m sure yours is hanging out with mine and everyone else who left a comment here. I can’t even come up with decent comments these days.
Jen´s last blog post ..Rethinking Motherhood
August 11th, 2010 at 12:34 pm
That’s a little bit harsh! It happened to me once and I was disappointed because I couldn’t find it. I was just looking for an invisible stuff. So frustrating!
Hopefully, you can see your writing mojo soon…try to look for it in the green meadow…or in the midst of misty mini- forest…=)
August 11th, 2010 at 2:43 pm
I find when I lose my mojo I purchase stationary from http://www.pomegranate.com or I write from the perspective of my dog, Cocoa. EVERYthing is interesting from Cocoa’s perspective.
August 12th, 2010 at 8:20 am
I had this, and as a result I let my blog go stale for about a year and a half without posting.
However, I found him hiding sheepishly in my laziness draw, and so I decided to lure him out, or should I say force him out, with a with my bare hands. I am now happy to announce I am back in the blogosphere!
August 12th, 2010 at 10:53 am
Mine’s gone too, I blame Dr Evil.
Susan Montgomery´s last blog post ..Dog Trainers version of the age old question
August 16th, 2010 at 1:55 am
You still sound like you have plenty of mojo to me 🙂
August 21st, 2010 at 8:46 pm
The first thing to understand is that we all lose our writerly wits from time to time. Often it occurs because we have kept them confined too long at the end of a leash without feeding them enough or, on the odd occasion, we may have forgotten to stroke their egos sufficiently. Either situation can and will result in a wayward mojo.
The problem for most is not that we have lost our wits, it is that we may not be able find them again, and I’m afraid all of us have to face the fact that we may not be able to get our mojo back and may need to replace it with another.
If that becomes the case, I would suggest Amazon. They carry a large number of different things and most likely will have at least one choice of mojo. They may also offer used mojos (although I haven’t actually checked their inventory). A used mojo can be a good investment, but when shopping for one you are often confronted with the problem of choosing the appropriate size and style from among the wide variety that may be available. For instance, are you looking for something in a Shakespearian line? Or, would a simple Mark Twain be a better fit?
Another source you may check for both new and used mojos is eBay. There are often fire sale prices available on the wits of writers who are going out of the business. As always in such matters, you have to carefully check the reasons that the writer is leaving the business in order to determine if the wits are worthless. (Some unscrupulous dealers have been known to sell half a wit and list it as a whole one. You can imagine the confusion that can result from that.)
One more word of caution–be alert for counterfeit mojos. A number of cheap fakes have reportedly hit the U.S. market lately. The usual pattern is that someone takes a common ‘nogo’ and rebrands it as a ‘mojo’ and sells it for ten times its original worth.
It is a sad thing when a writer’s mojo is a nogo. I hope you find yours soon.
Billy O´s last blog post ..Laptop Lunch 320040 Small Single Wall Stainless Steel 17 fl Ounce Drink Bottle
August 31st, 2010 at 11:41 am
It happens. I have to write a lot, and I frequently find myself in a “writing rut” that I need to shake myself out of. Generally I just get away for a bit and everything works itself out and the “blockage” is removed!
September 1st, 2010 at 4:22 pm
Bacon. Cajole it with bacon. It was there sizzling right under your nose the whole time!
October 6th, 2010 at 9:15 am
Just forget about it, and it will come back after some time. Coming and going of Mojo is like tides, you cannot stop it or make it come earlier. The best you can do is to relax your mind meanwhile so that you had a lot of energy when it finally comes back.
December 25th, 2010 at 12:52 am
Here’s hoping that Santa brings your mojo back.
Merry Christmas.
Frank Lee Meidere´s last blog post ..Christmas Comic- “30 seconds later”