I’ll Take These and Oh, You’ll Need a Gas Mask
embarrassing September 12th, 2010 After wearing the same walking sneakers for five years, I thought it was time to get new ones. I buy mine at an independent sports shop where the owners take a very serious approach to footwear.
They want you to come into the store wearing the shoes you currently use so they can examine them for wear and help you find a better-fitting shoe if you need it. They also encourage you to take sneaks for a test run up and down Main Street.
Awesome, except for one thing. This puts my old smelly shoes in the vicinity of people with functioning nostrils.
No, I never wore my shoes barefoot, but that hardly matters. There’s some kind of foot-to-sock-to-shoe funk transference phenomenon going on there that only the wearer of the shoe can tolerate. In fact, I keep them in the laundry room where they can’t hurt anyone in the house.
Motivated by the desire to get a really good sneaker, I soldier on and lace up the Funky Shoes and head to the store.
I’m excited that I can find a new sneaker almost right away. A very nice salesman tells me he’ll be right with me and when he comes back he says “Oh, that’s the new model of the ones you’re wearing now.”
Ugh. He’s already looked at them. Can he smell them, too?
I take a seat and nervously remove my sneaks, hoping that the guy isn’t flat out killed by what’s about to be released into the air. He’s not. Is he a robot? He crouches down in front of me to examine the shoes for wear.
He flips one over and rubs his hand over the sole, pronounces them dreadfully worn and asks how long I’ve had them. I answer four or five years and wonder whether someone could calculate that by the number of seconds it takes to pass out from the smell, sort of like aging a tree by its number of rings, only in reverse.
He does not wince or choke. In fact, the robot smiles and says he’s glad I’m replacing them. He sets down the shoe he touched with his bare hands. Lord have mercy.
I’m desperate to put the shoes back on — the clock is ticking on this bomb! Thankfully he doesn’t make small talk. He asks what size I need. Before I could answer, he went for the reach again.
Oh no.
Don’t do it, man.
Just don’t.
He picked up one of my sneakers and pulled it close to his face to read the size label under the tongue.
Does he know how mortified am I right now? Does he know he just carelessly peered into the Chernobyl of Shoes? Can’t he just toss me a heap of ten different-sized shoes and let me rummage through them? I’m convinced he’s named Employee of the Month every month for sticking his nose in the abyss of customers’ shoes and coming out alive. That, or he’s desperate for a $100 sale.
He leaves briefly to get my size and I snatch my old ones and move them up on the chair next to me, as if that’ll help. The fumes were released already and you can’t put the genie back in the bottle. I am Pig Pen, sitting in my own stink cloud.
He returns with my new shoes and I thank God they fit perfectly and feel great. I take them for a quick spin around the fitting chairs and give a big thumbs up. Good. Now my funk and I can pay up and leave. I’m certain the salesman needed a decontamination shower after I left. Certain.
When I got home, I immediately deposited my old shoes in the trash bin in the garage. Good-bye stinky ‘ol shoes! I later toss a bag of garbage over top of them, latch the lid and let it all simmer.
The next day I remembered I should have kept the old sneakers to wear for lawn mowing. So I went into the bin, removed the garbage and salvaged the shoes for another God knows how many years.
So let me ask you, how bad do you think they smell now?

September 12th, 2010 at 2:50 pm
I’m always so paranoid that people can smell my shoes. Like after gym, I’ll be able to smell how awful my shoes smell and I always wonder if everyone else can. No one’s ever said anything though, so I’m guessing they can’t. Unless there’s some sort of secret cult where people get together and make fun of everyone with stinky shoes.
September 12th, 2010 at 2:50 pm
Well if they did not smell better after a night in the garbage, they can’t be as bad as my 15 yr old son’s stinky football cleats.
Maggie´s last blog post ..Flashback Friday- The Formal Dining Experience Edition
September 12th, 2010 at 3:10 pm
I’m seeing a theme here ..stinky shoes and stinky weight loss ..hmmm lol.
I have had a similar experience lol. That is possibly why people like you and I wait soooo long before purchasing new shoes. When I do find some I like I buy 2 pair and let them take turns and have time to “air out.”
By the way, after surviving the “stinky shoe” period of 3 teen boys I thought I was just about immune to anything. NOPE, who knew that one teen lady, running track and cross-country could put any young boys “stink” to shame. I did start shelling out the extra money for the NIKE DRI-FIT socks for her and they seem to have helped some. I actually like them because they are comfy for someone like me who has to wear the shoes for up to 14 hrs straight on some days.
Congrats on the new shoes 🙂
September 12th, 2010 at 3:24 pm
My husband swears his feet don’t stink. They do, mine don’t so bad but I can sympathize fully. In fact I’m having a distinct feeling of dread if I take mine off right now…..
TC´s last blog post ..Through A Dogs Eyes On PBS
September 12th, 2010 at 4:18 pm
It is very interesting that we kittehs walk around in a litter box and our feet do not stink! It must be something about keeping your feet out in the open to breathe and not closing them up in sweaty shoes. Shoes are one of the few things I refuse to wear.
Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog post ..Harley the Lovebug
September 12th, 2010 at 5:13 pm
LOL! One day last winter I had to stop by the barn before work. I went in and sat at my desk. Once the heater starting working on the mud/urine/manure mixture defrosting off my boots you could almost see the air shimmer. Everyone avoided my office. It was great. I ate lunch at my desk. What smell?
Shadowsrider´s last blog post ..Virginia Scottish Games 2010
September 12th, 2010 at 5:26 pm
Can I sneak in a pitch to your legions about Soles4Souls.org…
Your independent shop probably doesn’t participate, but most chain outlets do.
Now about the salesguy… obviously a cokehead and has a artificial proboscis.
September 12th, 2010 at 5:33 pm
I feel that way in Zumba, like I’m the only one sweating, and everybody must get a whiff when we get to crowded together.
Then again, on Friday, SOMEONE was letting everybody know what they ate for dinner last night, in gaseous form (the silent killer). I sure hope that lady was embarrassed. Gross!
Shakespeare´s last blog post ..Eureka!
September 12th, 2010 at 5:44 pm
Regan — Yes, there is a cult, I’m sure of it. I imagine only girls have the cult, though. I’d guess that guys will tell each other in no uncertain terms how bad they think each other smells. In fact, they probably hold contests.
Maggie — So, do you like buy five pairs of cleats per season? It’s not like you can wash them. I don’t even want to think what his uniforms smell like if you have to wash them.
Katherine — It’s STINK WEEK! OMG. I can’t believe I didn’t think to buy two pair. What a moron I am. I should go back. Wow, I’m surprised your daughter out stinked your boys. Way to go! I think.
TC — My husband’s feet don’t stink, which makes my feet all the more gross. I don’t know how he lives with me.
Daisy the Curly Cat — A-ha! I knew it! So if I’m barefoot at work tomorrow, everyone will actually thank me? I know you don’t like shoes. I saw a post of yours where you refused to wear bunny slippers. I don’t blame you. They were a little bit scary.
Shadowsrider — Hoo boy! Them’s some stinky feet you must have had. You know, I used to work with a woman who had a lot of dogs and the smell frequently clung to her clothing. She had a heater under her desk, which baked everything and some days I felt I was working in a kennel.
gointlikesixty — Pitch away! I wondered if the guy went in the back room to sniff smelling salts or something. Vicks Vapor Rub. Anything to kill what was happening out there on the floor.
Shakespeare — Ew, hate that. When I go on my walks, I always worry that people will smell me passing me on the sidewalk. Why? Because I smell other people’s sweat when they walk or run by me. Sorry to hear about Friday’s unwelcome guest scent. Pity.
September 12th, 2010 at 5:49 pm
You are so funny! Five years for a pair of tennis shoes is a long time. Mine last about 1-2 years at the most. My husband goes through about 4 or 5 pairs a year! He wears them all day long 7 days a week except when he goes to church on Sunday. He’s on his feet all day at work too. You must have super tennis shoes to last that long. Let them go already!
Karen and Gerard´s last blog post ..Hurray For The Patriots- Browns Disappoint- Lions Get Gyped
September 12th, 2010 at 8:08 pm
Kathy: Mr. C once had a pair so bad I insisted he buy a new pair. And like yours, Chernobyl of shoes. We did not even let the salesman throw them away in the store. We moved to a large mall waste container and with them in the box, in a bag, deposited the offending shoes into it. We joked later when we heard sirens that the mall we had been in had to be evacuated for toxic waste disposal. God bless our salesman that day, and I will pray for yours!!!
September 12th, 2010 at 8:20 pm
Oddly enough my gym shoes don’t smell as bad as I do after a work out. It horrendous trying to get the stench out of my gym clothes and often to the point when I just chuck them and buy new ones even though they are still wearable. I must sweat for like 10 people. Kid you not. I actually thought ahead of time when I bought new gym shoes and have my old ones for mowing the lawn and when I go to camp in Tennessee every year because I actually want to keep my gym shoes as dirt free as possible.
blueyes´s last blog post ..Be Mindful of your Bills
September 12th, 2010 at 10:20 pm
OMG, Kathy…this is soooooo funny!
Hey listen, my feet sweat so bad that I have to alternate my sneakers and dress shoes so they have a “dry-out” period before wearing them again. After wearing my sneakers all day, I place them on the window sill to help speed up the drying – HA! Oddly enough, my feet don’t stink, they just sweat profusly!
Ron´s last blog post ..The Gray Area of Attraction
September 13th, 2010 at 1:37 am
When I used to work out more (ahem) I would take off my tennis shoes and dump Gold Bond powder in them. It soaks up all the sweat.
Suzy´s last blog post ..September 11 bis
September 13th, 2010 at 2:48 am
My advice to anyone that has to take old trainers anywhere is to use talc on your feet and in the trainers before wearing them and to mask the smell with some Fabreeze just before entering the shop 😉
Karen @ Blazing Minds´s last blog post ..Blazing Minds Gets Top Article of the Week on Blog Engage
September 13th, 2010 at 4:28 am
Karen — I know they say you should replace sneakers every other year. I just never get around to it. Wow, Gerard must have a bigger shoe collection than you do! BTW, the shoes pictured in this post are my old ones. Don’t they still look pretty decent?
Mrs. C — I can just picture you at the big garbage dumpster and speeding away like you just robbed a bank. Incidentally, we did the same thing with some meat that went bad in our fridge. It would be too long before our trash pickup, so we drove it over to an industrial park’s dumpster, dropped it in and sped away!
blueyes — They should make really cheap disposable clothing just for working out. I mean, who really cares what the clothes look like? You could have a giant pop-up box like tissues, except with shirts in them.
Ron — You’re a lucky man. I sometimes put my sneaks out on the porch to dry in the sun, but then I wonder if I’m just “setting” the stink. I think I just have to buckle down and buy new ones every year or two. Nothing can save them.
Suzy — I should do that with this new pair before they start getting bad. Someone suggested fabric softener sheets, but I think once they get crusty, there’s no helping them. Gold Bond to the rescue!
Karen — Or, I could have bought five of the same pair and saved myself ten years of going back to the store. p.s. Fabreeze is the best invention of the 21st century.
September 13th, 2010 at 6:10 am
No, your feet can’t be any worse than mine, my summer sandals just reek! Now, I once heard that if you put your smelly footwear in the freezer, it would kill the offending bacteria. However, what about the frozen food and the freezer damage?
I can relate to this post, I can’t imagine anyone getting near my sandals, especially the red pair. And like you, I consider saving them for painting or working outside when they really should be put out of their misery.
September 13th, 2010 at 7:39 am
Don’t hate me for this, but I can wear shoes for years, trainers too, and you could safely put your nose inside my shoe and take a deep sniff. All you would smell is the leather, or material the shoe is made from. Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Does it mean that all the badness is locked inside my body? I don’t know but it’s a good thing if I have to remove my shoes in public.
I did however, have to stop wearing slippers because of extreme badness inside those. They could walk on their own!
Babs – beetle´s last blog post ..How a phobia was born
September 13th, 2010 at 8:24 am
I’m sure as a salesman in a running shoe store he’s seen and smelled worse. Some runners probably wear in shoes with gallons of nasty sweat absorbed into them, and of course then there is the blood from popped blisters that they continued to run through. Gross! By the way, is that photo your actual old sneakers? They look pretty darn good for being 5 years old!
Surfie´s last blog post ..A Hint of Fall
September 13th, 2010 at 8:43 am
Despite that I now own at least 5 pairs of “lawn mowing sneakers” I always find reason to mow, dig, or just plain stomp around my property in my $200 running shoes which, helps them become stinkier more promptly. The good news is, I think the odor repels the spiders and keeps them at bay. And those “lawn mowing” shoes…..? They’re just to stink for my good feet!
September 13th, 2010 at 9:05 am
I once had an old pair of sneakers for about five years too. I used to bartend in them, and OMIGOD they smelled HORRIBLE. The combination of sweaty feet and dried up alcohol was disgusting. Thankfully no one had to smell them but me!
meleah rebeccah´s last blog post ..DeSordi Family Picnic – 2010
September 13th, 2010 at 10:55 am
erm, I am a goat. I sleep in hay upon which I have peed and pooped for months.
‘nuf said
Pricilla´s last blog post ..Somegoat is Exhibiting Less Thank Ladylike Behavior
September 13th, 2010 at 11:15 am
Ewww! Kathy! Throw those damned stinky sneakers in the garbage and leave them there!
Linda Medrano´s last blog post ..I met A Man From Africa
September 13th, 2010 at 1:03 pm
See, I couldn’t take the kennel smell, and I have an Irish Wolfhound! Horse smells are ok, dog or cat smells, never! Poor dog isn’t even allowed to smell like a dog, I bathe him all the time. But then the horses are not allowed in the house.
Susan Montgomery´s last blog post ..Virginia Scottish Games 2010
September 13th, 2010 at 1:25 pm
I think some shoe salesmen are in that line of work because it’s their kink. Especially foot-smell. My cat loooves foot-smell. She’ll worm her whole head into the shoe and lay there for long moments.
Marvin´s last blog post ..Larva postcard
September 13th, 2010 at 4:45 pm
I agree. It is weird when people have their head in your shoes- it’s so easy to get self concious. But I think that they have done it so many times (the sales associates) that it doesn’t even phase them. They probably don’t even notice.
Andy @ U Comment- I Follow´s last blog post ..Айн- цвай- драй- полицай !
September 13th, 2010 at 5:32 pm
Great post! I feel your pain, tho. I am SUPER-paranoid about smelly feet, smelly breath, smelly pits…anything that might have a less-than-pleasant aroma. When I had to do physical therapy for my broken ankle, and the first thing the therapist did was make me take off my shoes so she could “manipulate” my ankle? I nearly died.
absepa´s last blog post ..In which I complain about commercials Again
September 13th, 2010 at 5:42 pm
I’ve heard that if you rotate between 3 pairs of shoes and don’t wear the same pair two days in a row it gives them time to air out and also helps them last longer. I also have a Costco-sized sprayer of Febreze for emergency situations. I tend to wear my shoes until the sole is gone and I’m walking on the foam, so they get too much time to soak in smell.
September 13th, 2010 at 6:16 pm
So, wait a minute! When you said you lost 2 Stinkys, did you just mean you took your shoes off?
Seriously, that guy really does deserve his picture on the wall. Talk about your dedicated employee!!
Nicky´s last blog post ..Back From Paddling
September 14th, 2010 at 8:58 am
Very Nice work again, as usual. I would tell you to keep up the good work, but I am not afraid of you not doing that.
September 14th, 2010 at 9:32 am
You sound hot.
moooooog35´s last blog post ..Wrapping up the Week – September 12- 2010
September 14th, 2010 at 1:18 pm
Amazing how professional these stores can be – there is so much to know about fitting sports shoes. I remember my first visit at a pro store, where they analyzed my gait and all that – but ever since they told me what I need, I just order by mail.
Anne M´s last blog post ..Yellowstone National Park in 4 Days
September 14th, 2010 at 5:43 pm
LOL! Funny post! Well, I’m sure the employee deals with that on a day to day basis so no worries!
Mandy June´s last blog post ..How to Catch Up On Your Retirement Savings Fast
September 15th, 2010 at 1:06 pm
I’ve seen more examples of people being totally unaware of the bouquet they carry with them than your example of being hyper-aware of your foot odor. Knowing you as I do, could it be that this is another example of being insecure? Hmmm??
It’s also possible that your salesman doesn’t have any nerve endings left in his nose after being in that job for a while. Even garbage handlers become immune to the smell after a while. In fact, I knew guys who worked on trucks picking up dead livestock that didn’t notice any bad smells. Yet a normal person would smell the truck from a mile away.
Count your blessing, Kathy, and hope that fresh-mown grass will improve the odor.
Tarheel Rambler´s last blog post ..Sunday Scenery – 115
September 16th, 2010 at 8:48 am
Going to a shoe store is not unlike going for the pap smear (yes, I compared shoes salesmen to gynecologists) thankfully they are both professionals and therefore you don’t need to cringe in embarrassment for the odor your feet put off.
My feet are one of my best assets and they don’t smell, under any conditions and it isn’t just because they are my feet and I don’t smell them, I have asked others to smell them just to be sure and they have informed me that they don’t. However, my son’s shoes could end world wars and my daughter has the worst smelling feet in the nation. They must get it from the other side of the family.
Jen´s last blog post ..I’m Working On My Book Again
September 16th, 2010 at 1:00 pm
“Chernobyl of Shoes”! You got me laughing out loud for the first time today, thanks for this!
DJ´s last blog post ..Quick and Easy Volcano Model
September 16th, 2010 at 8:17 pm
My son’s lacrosse cleats and equipment smelled so bad, we made him keep the whole gym bag in the garage!
SuziCate´s last blog post ..Living Or Lingering
September 17th, 2010 at 9:25 am
Hi we notices your comment on Daisy(the Curly Cat’s) site. What an awesome blog!
TK´s last blog post ..Femme Friday
September 18th, 2010 at 12:23 pm
hehahhaha. Great post, Kathy. There were so many great lines like this one: I’m convinced he’s named Employee of the Month every month for sticking his nose in the abyss of customers’ shoes.
There’s nothing more comfortable than a pungent pair of old corroded sneakers. I only get rid of sneakers after the sole separates from the shoe and hits the ground thudding.
I think your sneakers smell so bad that the government is sending a HazMat unit to your house to isolate, disinfect, and sterilize the sneakers before your neighborhood becomes contaminated.
Lauren´s last blog post ..Premeditated Blogging- Criminal- or Anal
September 18th, 2010 at 12:26 pm
If I’m walking in or exercising in my shoes, I replace them every six months, so they don’t get a chance to get TOO stinky. But dryer sheets work pretty well to get the stench out.
I have to believe that shoe salespeople are immune to shoe stench. They’re kind of like the gynecologist of retail.
JD at I Do Things´s last blog post ..I Am Alive- Awake- and Scared so you don’t have to be
September 19th, 2010 at 2:47 pm
Haha. My hunch is they probably do not smell as bad as you fear!
I have actually been wanting to go to a nice shoe store like the one you described where they will tell me the best shoes for my feet. I like to run but I have a lot of problems with my knees and ankles when I do and think the right pair of sneakers would probably help. I just need to get past the intimidation (like you did!).
erin´s last blog post ..End Of Summer
September 19th, 2010 at 5:10 pm
Yar! Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day!
September 21st, 2010 at 1:16 pm
Lol, I’m sure the people who work at the shoe store are used to stinky shoes. This must happen to them a few times a day! If I worked there I’d probably hold my breath every time I handle shoes that close to my face.
September 24th, 2010 at 12:36 pm
Positively hilarious!! i too just replaced a pair that I’ve had for many years and they looked surprisingly similar to yours!! Except that mine smelt like roses, of course! Maybe, the salesman had a lack of smell or had stinky feet himself and couldn’t smell yours!!!
Kristen´s last blog post ..When You Least Expect It
September 25th, 2010 at 9:11 pm
Reminds me of the time my mom didn’t want to buy me new Nikes until I took mine off in the car. It’s a miracle she didn’t pass out and drive into a telephone pole. She did, however, order me to put them back on and said we’d go to the store the next day.
You do know you can wash sneakers, right? I have to wash mine all the time because I’m constantly stepping in dog poo in the backyard. Just don’t dry them or wash them on hot to prevent shrinkage.
Staci at Just Bloggled´s last blog post ..Why I Need to Watch Less TV- The Dumb Brunette Moment of the Week
October 26th, 2010 at 3:10 pm
That was a perfect piece of writing. I do not agree with every single single thing that you said but still very good nonetheless. On a side note, I am so thrilled that the NFL is back. It seems like I been patiently waiting forever. This has to be my favorite time of the year. Sorry, I’m rambling. lol
November 9th, 2010 at 4:24 pm
Maybe he just has no sense of smell? Seems like the perfect person for that type of job if you ask me. 🙂
April 1st, 2011 at 9:28 am
Just don’t get shoes wet and then wear them without socks. Then they will really smell bad. My friend did that by mistake one time, had to throw the brand new shoes away.