Share Your Genius
Fun October 9th, 2010 I recently posted a silly Facebook update:
“I don’t understand why the MacArthur Foundation didn’t award me a genius grant. I figured out that if I pour my coffee creamer in my mug before the coffee goes in, then I don’t need a spoon to stir it. The coffee does the mixing as it goes in. If that’s not genius, then nothing is. Honestly.
This got me wondering what tips you guys might have for saving time or aggravation, or just generally making mundane things in life easier. It might be something you do in your house, at work, or for your family.
I always remember a little thing my Mom did when I was small. She always wanted me to be nice and warm getting out of the bathtub. She turned on a space heater to warm things up, but she also sewed together two bath towels so that the whole thing would reach the floor and my feet didn’t have to be cold for one second. Thanks, Mom!
I’d love to hear about the creative things you do to make the little things in life easier and better. I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Remember, no tip is too goofy or insignificant. No one will laugh. In fact, someone will probably thank you.

October 9th, 2010 at 5:05 pm
I probably do tons of things to make life easier ’cause I am the laziest person on the planet but I can’t think of a one specifically…I just do ’em, I guess.
October 9th, 2010 at 5:12 pm
I put my creamer in before the coffee too, sweetener too!
Another thing I do when making instant tea (the quart size, not individual glasses), I put a little hot water in the bottom of the pitcher… or bottle or whatever… and then put the tea in. Then fill it up the rest of the way. It mixes MUCH better that way.
October 9th, 2010 at 5:41 pm
My Mommeh’s biggest time-saving secret is to only buy food you can cook in the microwave. I am not sure I was supposed to tell that.
Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog post ..Cheesehead
October 9th, 2010 at 5:44 pm
I think they made a huge mistake. Pouring coffee creamer into the mug before the coffee is as important a discovery as Mendeleev’s periodic table of elements.
At work I use short cuts to avoid repetition. Instead of handwriting every label, which I was told to do – I know it sounds crazy – I created an address list in Word. It seemed like a no-brainer. I have terrible handwriting, so writing anything takes me a long time.
Lauren´s last blog post ..Are you Scribeaphobic – Afraid to Write
October 9th, 2010 at 5:54 pm
No, no! My genius! Mine!
I won’t share!
(Unless I remember one of my many lazinesses like always changing my daughter with a clean diaper under her dirty one in case things get out of hand [never need a changing pad that way] or putting sodas on their side on the top shelf of the mini-fridge door behind me so I can get one without having to get up. Or. . . )
Stephanie Barr´s last blog post ..For Relax Max- Pressure Breathing
October 9th, 2010 at 6:34 pm
1) Great topic.
2) Can’t wait to hear the NPR interview on this.
3) Plastic bag fetcher for trees should surface now.
4) That’s why I pour my bourbon first.
5) Patented “Five-Point Comment System” is my genius.
October 9th, 2010 at 7:59 pm
1. I went to college to learn that cream should go in before coffee.
2. I am still in touch with that professor
3. I grew a beard to avoid shaving everyday – now I only trim it once a week
4. Stealing the 5 point comment system from Geakz and modifying it to 4 and calling it mine is my genius.
October 9th, 2010 at 8:45 pm
My dad used to have trouble finding his car in a parking lot so I put different colored beads on his car antennae. It was always the only car in the lot that had them!
Karen, author of “My Funny Dad, Harry”´s last blog post ..What Makes You Mad- And What Are You Going To Do About It Writer’s Workshop
October 10th, 2010 at 4:58 am
I drive a car that requires me to manually turn the headlights on and off. On rainy or foggy days when it’s required to drive with the lights on, I swing my visor to the left at the top of the driver’s-side door. That way when I exit the car, I hit my head on it reminding me to turn off the lights. I’ve been doing that for 40+ years and have never returned to my car’s dead battery.
October 10th, 2010 at 5:46 am
LOL at Jesse!
I sleep in my recliner so I never have to make my bed.
No, I don’t. I’m just kidding.
Or am I?
Barb @WillThink4Wine´s last blog post ..Prep Day – Lets start all over again
October 10th, 2010 at 7:18 am
We can never find our car in a crowded car park, so like Karen’s dad, we tie a bunch of gold tinsel to our areal. That way, we can see it long before we get close. Save lots of time wandering up and down rows of cars.
Babs – beetle´s last blog post ..Going to a Rock ‘n’ Roll concert
October 10th, 2010 at 8:05 am
Well, you already know about my dog-poo scraper-upper. I guess my other moment of genius occurred when I realized I didn’t have to say, “No, thank you!” to the recorded voice asking me if I wanted to try an iced frappe latte at the McDonald’s drive-thru.
JD at I Do Things´s last blog post ..I Punctuate Things so you don’t have to REDUX!
October 10th, 2010 at 9:12 am
On the car finding thing, we put unusual colorful car stickers on the rear side windows of the car. It helps us find both our car and van in a parking lot.
Stephanie Barr´s last blog post ..For Relax Max- Pressure Breathing
October 10th, 2010 at 11:31 am
We goats don’t worry about saving time since we have all the time in the world.
The publicist can’t think yet because she hasn’t had her coffee..which she drinks black so your helpful hint won’t well, help her.
Pricilla´s last blog post ..No-Name Has a Name!
October 10th, 2010 at 11:43 am
I mix my salt and pepper into one shaker so I can just shake and go. I go with a 2-1 ratio.
October 10th, 2010 at 11:45 am
When I used sugar in coffee, I always put it in first. But now that I only use cream, I pour the coffee first then add the cream right on top. I don’t stir because I hate wasting a clean spoon on something besides ice cream.
Linda Medrano´s last blog post ..Hooking Up Officer James
October 10th, 2010 at 12:19 pm
I must admit that I do try to make life a little easier by doing a few shortcuts, but sometimes, no all the time, I end up doing what I should of done in the first place!
Karen´s last blog post ..Saturday Six – Do You Remember The 80s
October 10th, 2010 at 1:59 pm
I can’t really think of any time-saving things that I do…does this mean that I am actually wasting tons of time? Guess I need to re-read everyone else’s tips. 🙂
absepa´s last blog post ..Good night- dying of fright- get out the dynamite
October 10th, 2010 at 5:58 pm
Oh, gosh, where to start. First of all, I always buy coffee beans, the ones that have been grown, picked and roasted by someone else. Same thing with my meat – I buy it already grown, butchered, and even packaged. I watch movies other people have made and read books someone else wrote. And the very most important thing: I buy wine already bottled. I have my priorities. All of these things save me tons of time.
Sorry – I know I have some time saving hints, but none of them are popping into my head right now. It’s Sunday – my brain gets Sunday off.
C Lanctot´s last blog post ..It’s Friday and I’m Ramblin’
October 10th, 2010 at 6:29 pm
I “share my genius” all the time on my website. My kids, however think I am still “searching” for my genius. I guess that is why we have our children, to always be counted on to tell us like it is and not let our heads swell to much with our genius.
As to what I do that might count… I ALWAYS wake up one minute before my alarm goes off. Don’t know how I do it, but if that’s not genius, well I don’t know what it. The sewing together of the towels beats me hands down though. Heartwarming!
And thanks Jesse! I will use the visor trick on the Toyota, (don’t these things ever die?), I have been driving for the past 20 years. Just wish I had heard of it years ago.
October 10th, 2010 at 8:56 pm
[…] bulb? The one that says “Hey, I could blog about this!”. That happened to me tonight. The Junk Drawer blogged about a time-saving idea she had that she feels is prize-worthy (and indeed it is) and […]
October 10th, 2010 at 9:26 pm
I clean the toilet and sink while the kids are in the tub. I can’t leave them alone in there yet, so I might as well make good use of the time! I also chop several heads of garlic on Sundays, then store it in a jar in the fridge (in olive oil) so I have it to use throughout the week.
I think the creamer-first idea is a great one!
Jen P´s last blog post ..Weve Been Busy
October 10th, 2010 at 10:55 pm
I put the milk in coffee first too! I find it tastes better because the hot water isn’t poured directly onto the coffee (and then burning it).
I don’t have any time-saving tips I can think of really, but one thing I’ve always done when I have to get up early to go to work is get my uniform ready and hang it up in the bathroom so I don’t have to leave the warm bathroom and fumble around in the dark (because Phill’s still asleep) to find everything. And cleaning my teeth in the shower saves time too.
Katie´s last blog post ..Thanksgiving Weekend
October 11th, 2010 at 3:25 am
This one is sort of cheating. Alright, it is cheating. I did not think of this myself; I learned it when I worked fast food.
After I take the trash out of the trash can in the kitchen or basement (the large containers) I throw a new bag that’s still folded into the bottom of the can. Then I open a new bag and put it in place over that bag.
I leave three or four on the bottom until I run out of trash bags in the house.
When the supply of bags in the house runs out I swear and yell. And then, as I am jamming the trash further into the bag to keep it from overflowing, I remember that I still have three bags under that one.
So I stop swearing, pull the trash out and then make a mental note to buy more bags at the store.
cardiogirl´s last blog post ..The book of questions- Volume 110
October 11th, 2010 at 4:16 am
Grace — No, I’m the laziest person on the planet. Maybe I another post to ask what’s the laziest thing you’ve ever done and want to admit to.
Jenni — I can see how it would. That would solve the whole problem of being unable to sweeten cold tea if it’s already cold. You could stir in sugar for five minutes and it would never dissolve.
Daisy the Curly Cat — That’s OK, Daisy. I’m sure she’ll forgive you. I do the same thing. And that’s the way I make bacon myself. It’s much less messy in the microwave machine. Tell your mommeh.
Lauren — Seriously. I don’t know why they didn’t call me. I just did the same thing with return labels to use at home. Except that it didn’t save me much time because I couldn’t figure out which way the label sheet goes in Tray 1 in the printer. I printed on the wrong side three times before getting it right. D’oh.
Stephanie Barr — I always wondered about the changing pad. If you get it soiled, then you have to wash it immediately. What a pain! I know two people who have a mini fridge outside the kitchen. That’s genius, too!
Geakz — You’re right, it is your genius. And it’s patented, and I see that Jaffer is respecting it.
Jaffer — Yeah, but I heard you almost failed Coffee Pouring 101 because you kept spilling it during exams. I think you should still have to pay Geakz royalties on the commenting system.
Karen — I love this idea! I lost my car on Saturday. Could have used that. Also, have you ever tried getting into another person’s car that looks exactly like yours and wonder why the key doesn’t work? Oh, only me?
Jesse — Awesome! But do you have a permanent lump on your head from it?
Barb — I hate making beds! I’ve heard “in quoits and bed-making, close enough is good enough.”
Babs Beetle — I love that idea. Same with people who put tennis balls on the end of the antenna. Cracks me up, but I guess they can find their cars easier than anyone else.
JD at I Do Things — An, the ‘ol shit on a shingle? Wow, McD’s is getting fancy now, aren’t they?
Stephanie Barr — I’m stealing that idea. Do you know how many gold Honda Civics are out there?
Pricilla — Lucky goats, you. Strangely enough, I drink my coffee black at home (don’t know why) and with creamer at work (don’t know why).
Fin — Love it! Never heard of that before. Cool.
Linda Medrano — A girl who has her priorities straight. Hey, have you ever put ice cream in your coffee, say, at a restaurant? Yummers!
Karen — I love a good shortcut. It means I have more time for blogging or napping. Preferably napping.
absepa — You must have many, but I’m getting the sense no one can think of them out of context. I bet if you observed what you do today, you’d find yourself shortcutting a half a dozen times.
C Lanctot — Funny! And I just read your post about this. I’m with you on everything, especially the not dusting thing.
Will — Kids never think their parents are geniuses. Until they’re parents themselves. I get up before my alarm too. So why do I always panic in the middle of the night that I haven’t set it? I know I’ll wake myself up on time anyway. Weird.
Jen P — Those are good ones. There is nothing I hate doing more than cleaning toilets. I’d probably only do it too if there was absolutely nothing else to be done. Hey, I just went to a garlic festival a couple weekends ago. Love the stuff!
Katie — I’m completely unlike you in the clothing department. I’m a total mess. I’m often running downstairs to pick something out of the dryer from the night before. I’m a slob, I admit it.
cardiogirl — Awesome! You know, I just recently noticed that out cleaning staff in our work building does the same thing. I saw extra bags hanging over the edge of a trash can so they’re always available when it gets emptied. That’s a real winner, CG!
October 11th, 2010 at 6:28 am
Hahaha you reminded me of a coffee spilling accident – make that two unforgettable incidents back in college.
1. This one is a common type and you must see many: Way back during my very first days in college, I had an Algebra class at 8:00 AM in the morning. Our class was held in a cinema-hall style room with desks attached to the sides of the seats.
So there I was sleeping away and the person next to me had placed his Starbucks to my left. I awoke from my nap startled and since his desk folded my way …
What I still can’t believe is that nobody laughed or even twitched. The person whose coffee I had wasted was instead apologizing to me !
2. Fast forward a few years, I was hurrying out of Dupont subway station on my way to class. Coffee in one hand, up the escalators and through the turnstiles next but … I got stuck in the turnstiles somehow and when I tried to yank myself out of that situation the coffee decided to spill in my direction instead of the floor.
I was wearing a light coloured shirt that day. “Coffee ?” Everybody asked all day when seeing the large stain that went from my right shoulder to my waist.
October 11th, 2010 at 7:32 am
I never walk empty handed. If I’m headed to the laundry room ill grab a basket or dirty clothes. If the laundry isn’t done ill grab the lint can. Out to my car to grab the next thing of groceries means I take something from my “take out to the care pile” (borrowed books, outgoing mail ). I brush my teeth while I pick out my clothes for the day. I record my grocery list into my phone app while walking the dog and it seperates them into theme areas (cooking, cleaning, etc). I check voicemails and bank accounts @ my epoch of a neighborhood stoplight. I keep my recycle bin between me and the front door so junk mail gets thrown out. I keep a notepad in my pocket so instead of calling the same person 9 times, I can just call once and clear out all questions. We keep the shelves in our fridge organized so cleaning it out is a quick 2 second job.
October 11th, 2010 at 12:09 pm
We use a plastic juice bottle for Kool Aid, and also put a little hot water in first, to dissolve the sugar and powder. Shake well, then add cold water. Old fashioned cloths pins for everything from closing cereal bags up in the box (so they don’t go stale) clipping bread bags closed, to holding all the tea bag tags to the side when we brew iced tea. (no more fishing out bags from the bottom). I line the drawers in my refrigerator with parchment paper, so when there is a spill, I just pull the paper up and it’s clean. No more scrubbing cold sticky messes. I got lots more!
Susan Montgomery´s last blog post ..PVIWC Fun Show 2010
October 12th, 2010 at 4:52 am
I love that towel idea! In the winter, when my older kids were little, I used to pass the iron over their clothes before dressing them. It didn’t actually save me any time, the reverse really, but they never whined about getting dressed!
Nicky´s last blog post ..He Enjoys Much Who Is Thankful For Little
October 12th, 2010 at 8:54 am
I’m so proud of myself! I realized there is something I do that I thought of myself. Yay for Cardiogirl!
Okay, I buy one 32-ounce bottle of Evian water and when I am done I fill it 1/4 full with more water. I lay it on its side in the freezer and a few hours later I have a vertical ice cube that will keep the rest of the water (after I fill the bottle with more water) ice cold.
It keeps all of the water cold because the ice cube is vertical, rather than a large chunk just on the bottom.
There you go. That’s my bitchin’ idea. Thank you and good night.
cardiogirl´s last blog post ..If I had more money I’d never pass up a new pair of Chucks or a pack of coconut M&Ms
October 12th, 2010 at 9:31 am
Lining the refrigerator shelves with parchment paper is absolutely the most genius idea ever. I shall make out with you virtually for that tip. Unless you’re not into that sort of thing, in which case, *awkward*.
I do lots of things to save me time and sanity. Like someone else mentioned, I try to not leave a room empty-handed, even if it’s just one item. I have to carry laundry across the street for washing, so when it’s time to switch the clothes from the washer to the dryer, I carry a new load over with me to stick in the washer so that I have one washing and one drying at the same time. Before I get in the shower, I put a little toilet cleaner in the bowl and then it’s just a quick swipe with the brush before I leave the bathroom to keep my toilet from getting funky. I also keep a container of clorox wipes nearby to wipe down the sink after I’m done in there in the morning. All of my morning routine necessities are kept in a large container that can be easily stashed under the sink out of sight and then pulled out every morning for quick and easy access.
My biggest time saver, though, is that I only wash my hair once a week. My hair is really long and really thick so blowing it dry takes well over a half hour, then there’s the straightening and I do not care to spend more than an hour on my hair every day. I wash it on the weekend when I can let it air dry as I do my laundry and then take the straightening iron to it on Monday morning and just forget it the rest of the week, other than brushing, obviously. 🙂
October 12th, 2010 at 11:34 am
I lay down rectangular strips of wax paper down on the edges of a cake plate before I put the cake down (so there’s no plate showing…hope that makes sense!…then when I’m done frosting the cake, pull out the strips of wax paper, and voila – no messy frosting smears on the pretty plate!
October 12th, 2010 at 12:03 pm
Rather than buy those cute little ringy things that go on the stem of the wineglass to differentiate one person’s glass from another’s..which I can never find and need glasses to hook them on…I just use a twist tie.
Lanita´s last blog post ..Closed for the Season
October 12th, 2010 at 1:48 pm
Would you believe I can’t think of one thing that I do to save time? Maybe that’s why I’m always running behind. I can’t even think about anything funny to say. Anyone want a used gallbladder?
Tarheel Rambler´s last blog post ..Party Loyalty Over Common Sense
October 12th, 2010 at 4:05 pm
I like to duct tape my tooth brush to my fork, as a means of saving time when eating and brushing my teeth afterward.
I often get confused and end up brushing with spaghetti, then eating the paste afterward. sometimes, I’m too smart for my own good.
C.B. Jones´s last blog post ..Mirror me back- buttah brotha!
October 12th, 2010 at 5:10 pm
It’s not really a time saver, but on really cold nights I throw my comforter in the dryer for a short while and have a nice warm bed to crawl into when I throw it on. This was passed down by my grandmother.
My old car has a weathered Jack-in-the-Box head on the antenna so I can find it on the parking lot. It has served as the figurehead of my car for over 10 years and has seen more mileage than I would care to admit.
October 12th, 2010 at 6:53 pm
I put my creamer in before the coffee too, and I would have suggested using that mixed peanut butter & jelly spread for sandwiches as a way to make your life easier – [after all, you only have to open one container for an awesome lunch] but I just read your comment on Tracy’s blog about NOT being a fan of mixed spreads at all. So….hmmm….I’ll have to think of another suggestion!
meleah rebeccah´s last blog post ..Are You There- Internet It’s Me- Meleah
October 13th, 2010 at 4:35 am
Jaffer — You were napping in class? Jaffer, I’m so disappointed in you. Oh, wait. It was Algebra. You’re forgiven. Sorry about the other spill. The bread always falls buttered-side down, doesn’t it?
daughterbonnie — And I bet your house is spotless and organized. Holy moly. The best I do is put clean laundry in a pile near the steps. Except that I make half a dozen passes without taking it before I get fed up and finally move it!
Susan Montgomery — We used clothes pins too for closing up chip bags! I’m going to use your fridge recommendation. I have spills in there from 1998 that I don’t think I’ll ever get off.
Nicky — I adore your idea about making your kids’ clothes warm before putting them on. AND, they were neatly pressed! (The clothes, not the kids.)
cardiogirl — Damn, girl, you are full of awesome ideas, aren’t you? “Vertical ice cube” is absolute genius. It is indeed bitchin’.
April — You go ahead and make out. We won’t mind. I admire those of you who are thinking ahead when it comes to cleaning. Whereas I’m running all over the house looking for cleaning products, forgetting some, running back and then again. I really ought to buy two of everything I need — one for upstairs, one for down. Wow, how long is your hair? I like to let mine “rest” on the weekends. Mine is also thick, but not too long. They say you shouldn’t shampoo every day anyway.
Angi – That’s a great idea. I’ve seen that done now and then on those cake shows on TV. Now, what’s a person like me to do who just eats cake right out of the pan?
Lanita — Genius! AND we all have a thousand of those twist ties. It’s like they multiply in the junk drawer, don’t they?
Tarheel Rambler — That’s OK. Maybe you’ll think of some when you have all that boring time recuperating from your upcoming surgery. I’ll be thinking of you on Monday! Do they let you keep the gall bladder, because that might be cool.
C.B. Jones — LMAO!
Nutrition Degree — I love a toasty blanket! LOVE! IT! A Jack-in-the-Box head? That there sounds like a collector’s item.
meleah rebeccah — I agree that the PB and J mix is a good idea, you know, if you like that sort of grossness. I’ve often thought I should run a fundraiser on the blog where I have a goal to raise money if I eat a PBJ on camera for the first time in my life. p.s. Hope you’re feeling better by now.
October 13th, 2010 at 9:50 am
Your mom’s towel trick is genius! Wish I would have thought of that.
I can’t think of much that I’ve done to save time….
OH! I store all our DVDs, CDs, books (by author) and spices alphabetically. Saves time when looking for a particular one. Although that doesn’t seem to work on hubby who still needs to ask “where the heck is (fill in ANYTHING here)?”
So alphabetizing obviously doesn’t help everyone….
Maureen´s last blog post ..Wordless Wednesday – iPaw-ed
October 13th, 2010 at 9:07 pm
I may have missed the boat as far as commenting on this topic, but it took me a bit to think of things. First of all, I have emergency back ups. My emergency back ups can be anything, but the whole concept started with the spare clothes and socks I have in the back of my car. I keep a set for every family member in a zippered storage bag. They have come in handy on many, many occasions, most recently when socks were needed at a community center that unexpectedly had a roller skating rink complete with rental skates.
Secondly, I invented the Throw Up Cup. (Patent pending.) The Throw Up Cup is a two cup plastic measuring cup with a handle that I also keep in my minivan. The genius part is that I use gallon sized ziploc bags for liners. Zip up the mess and toss it in the nearest gas station trash can when everything’s over, no fuss, no muss. (Very important with kids.)
Kim, Rambling Family Manager´s last blog post ..Bloggity Blog Blogs
October 13th, 2010 at 11:40 pm
Wait.. You’ve NEVER eaten a PB&J sandwich? EVER?
And yes, thank you, I’m getting better! [Still on painkillers so I apologize if my comments dont make sense!]
meleah rebeccah´s last blog post ..Are You There- Internet It’s Me- Meleah
October 14th, 2010 at 6:49 pm
My wife once maintained that the creme MUST go in after the coffee. Like you, I always poured her cream in first and let the coffee stir it, (saved getting a spoon dirty), but she was adament that it tasted different if I did it that way……there is a reason why my wife and I divorced…….
Bruce´s last blog post ..Micro-Rant-1
October 17th, 2010 at 6:34 am
Maureen — I admire you for your mad organizational skills. I remember when I first got my iPod Nano and wanted to transfer all my favorite tunes from CD, I totally destroyed whatever filing system we might have had. A big pile on the floor does not a filing system make.
Kim, Rambling Family Manager — You really are a family manager, aren’t you? Damn, woman. That Throw Up Cup is genius. You should seriously try to patent that and sell it and make millions. Not kidding. Have you thought about it?
meleah rebeccah — Nope. My siblings have, but not me. Never. No desire. Kinda grossed out by the concept. Not curious. You’d have to pay me. Does that answer the question?
Bruce — She’s so wrong, obviously. We all know that it’s only when someone makes a pretty picture out of cream/foam on the top of the coffee that makes it taste different and better. Geesh.
October 18th, 2010 at 11:07 pm
Great minds think alike! I ALWAYS put in my creamer and sugar before I pour in the coffee. If that doesn’t deserve a grant, I don’t know what does;)
October 25th, 2010 at 6:55 pm
I don’t drink coffee, but did the exact same thing this morning with my cocoa. Chocolate in first, milk in second. Yes, genius.
Alison Moore Smith´s last blog post ..Granite Remnants
November 9th, 2010 at 4:10 pm
I do little tricks like this here and here. Always waiting to shave a few seconds off of something. I even try to figure quicker ways to fold my laundry.
November 18th, 2010 at 11:41 am
I sure would love a genius grant….I doubt i’ll get one though 😛
Carport´s last blog post ..Pop Up Gazebo