Is There an Expert in the House?
Fun November 16th, 2010OK, so you know how it this blog works, right? I tell you everything about me, but then I occasionally ask you to spill the beans about yourselves.
I love reading about my readers!
Here’s today’s curiosity….
What are you an expert at? If someone asked you what you’re really good at, what would you say? It doesn’t have to be what you do for a living.
Are you a restaurant-quality cook? Can you fix any plumbing problem with just a screwdriver? Can you finish a Sunday New York Times crossword puzzle? Does every picture you take come out perfect the first time?
I wanna know what’s your thing. What do people always say you’re the best at? Don’t be shy!

November 17th, 2010 at 11:17 pm
I’m an expert at stacking dishes after washing in the strainer; I don’t have a dishwasher and when company comes for dinner the stack can reach several feet in height. I know I could just dry them but that would take all of the fun out of it. Oh, and I’m really good at Chess!
November 18th, 2010 at 6:30 am
Dave — Do you also buy your underwear at Kmart?
Nanny Goats — Apparently, yes. I just read a tweet by someone that said if you speak with confidence and authority, you can say you’re an expert at anything. So go forth and tell everyone what you know. If you sound like you know what you’re doing, you’ve got it in the bag.
wwillow27 — I’m embarrassed to say I don’t even know what that is. Is it classified as a form of knitting? Oh, nevermind. I’m an idiot.
sparkling74 — I’m finding it’s best to know something about a lot, more than knowing a lot about a little. A green thumb is awesome. I kill everything. Except the two plants in my office that have no business remaining alive, given how I treat them. Which is to say I let them go without water for weeks, remember it, then drown them.
Ferd! — And aren’t we all glad you do?! I am certain being a doctor is the hardest job in the world. Our jobs are similar in that I fix things that are broken, except if I make a mistake, no one dies. BIG. DIFFERENCE.
Laura — First, I’m sorry you left Hawaii for a less amazing state. Did you cry when you left? I’m in awe of you that you’ve been in the theatre. How do people do it? You’re basically out on stage naked and you have to remember your lines, too? Again, awe.
Jen P — I love reading everyone’s replies, too! This was fun. I have a little bit of your timing skill, though not as good as yours. I bake without reading how long something should be in the oven. I go totally by sight and smell(and sticking a toothpick in cakes, if that’s the case). See how lazy I am? You gotta figure out how to make your time gift work for you. Lemme think on that.
MA Fat Woman — Can you come over here, then, and put all my dishes away? Say, twice a week? I’d pay you in bacon. Chess? That’s awesome. Also something I’d never try because it requires, you know, thinking hard.
November 18th, 2010 at 6:57 am
I’m an expect at time management and organization. I can accomplish more in one day than most can in a week. My kids will say that I’m an expert at saying ‘no.’ I ALWAYS answer no first and then evaluate the question and MAY reconsider. Kids tend to ask stuff when you’re occupied and I find it safer to say no first. lol
November 18th, 2010 at 9:41 am
I’m an expert at finding typos in anything: text, headlines, marquis, magazine articles – they just jump up at me. Sometimes it’s annoying, but on the other hand I’ve become the proofreading guru in the office. I can crochet anything as long as I have the directions. I’m told it’s a gift to be able to understand them. As long as there are no typos, I’m good to go.
November 18th, 2010 at 12:48 pm
I am an expert list maker (I love making them) and expert small area organizer. This does not make me an organized person with a super clean house, but, if I need to, I can make a list and organize a tupperware drawer or kid’s toys like no other!
November 18th, 2010 at 1:38 pm
Oooh, ahhh. Look at that easy-to-red typeface in your comment section, gingah! Larger and easier to read.
I notice details. All of the time. It’s a blessing and a curse. The curse part is when I start to feel OCD about it.
The blessing, however, is that I’m a model employee since I am … anyone? Anyone? That’s right. I am detail-oriented.
cardiogirl´s last blog post ..Where everybody knows your name and maybe admires your new iPod Shuffle
November 18th, 2010 at 2:44 pm
Dam. Na. Tion! It should say, easy-to-READ typeface.
November 18th, 2010 at 9:51 pm
It may be kind of sad, but I’ve been told my thing is helping pet owners decide when it’s time to say good bye.
Vets sometimes are not that helpful and having been a vet tech for 20+ years, I guess I have an instinct in that area. Animal hospice care is also something I’m good at. Most pet owners don’t even known they have that option.
DJ´s last blog post ..Our Clara Kitty has Passed On
November 19th, 2010 at 12:40 am
I’m an expert self-manicurer. I’ve been doing my own nails since I was five and I have a semi-impressive color collection, though it it noooothing like some of the nailpolish people I meet online that have upwards of 1500 bottles. (I did buy NINE new colors this week, something of a record for me.) I change my color two to three times a week and I can whip out a full manicure in under 15 minutes. I like sparkles. And absurd colors. I did my sister in law’s nails for her wedding, and my own for my wedding.
Shieldmaiden1196´s last blog post ..You Wanna Hear a Story
November 19th, 2010 at 9:53 am
well, ehm… i have written almost 2000 blogposts so far (in my other blogs, the ones that arent written in english 🙂 ), i have been blogging since 2005
and well yeah… i’m quite proud about that, eventho my posts were mostly about my daily activities, but STILL, at least i’m writing and plan to keep on writing 🙂
i’m blogroll you, kathy 😀
plan to visit you again anytime soon.
tyka´s last blog post ..Someday you might work for them
November 19th, 2010 at 3:27 pm
I am great at being humble and not being able to come up with things that I am great at off the top of my head :/
Poker Tips
November 19th, 2010 at 10:17 pm
I’m a word dork, so I’m good at remembering names of things like medications (generic and brand name both). I always know where the scissors are. I’m told I write a fairly humorous blog on occasion. And I’m crafty. Kinda. And I make really good apple crumb pie.
But I suck at self-confidence and I can’t fake sincerity. If I don’t give a crap, you’ll know.
Impetua´s last blog post ..The Only Version of This I Can Stand
November 20th, 2010 at 7:07 am
Joan Raskiewicz — So can you come over here and manage my weekend and help me organize? I leave everything for the weekend and spend three hours procrastinating. Help! I like your blanket “no” answer. It must freak them out when you say “yes.”
Marlene — I think it’s genetic! Remember the ski sign at the lodge and the Bravo TV mistake? So fun! Where we part ways is crocheting. Remember that time I tried and gave up after three stitches? Directions or not, I’m a loser.
Melissa — I suspect you have a gift for seeing the finished product before you start. I am constantly stymied by the work I know is involved in getting from point A to point B, so I just don’t do it. It’s also why there’s a one foot pile of papers on the kitchen table that will never get looked at. Can you help me?
CG — You’re gonna scream, but I haven’t enlarged the comment typeface yet. I think you just want it to be larger, like me! I swear, I’ll get to it eventually. I would rather fix the problem I’m having with Windows Live Writer first. Then I’ll biggify my comments.
DJ — Oh, boy. That’s a tough one, but let me just speak for all pet owners and say what a necessary and valuable skill that it. I know that vets aren’t able to really tell you when it’s time. We went through that with our Stinky, but soon enough it became apparent and we didn’t have to ask. I’m glad you do what you do.
Shieldmaiden — Are you sure the word is “expert” and not “junkie?” If I ever get nails, will you do me?
tyka — Congratulations! You’re a writing fiend! I can barely get one post out a week these days. I used to be much more prolific in the beginning, maybe because I thought no one was reading and I didn’t care what I wrote? Welcome aboard. Glad to have you.
ryan – Hee.
Impetua — I love, love, love your skills and your honesty. Gave me a good chuckle. Really! It did!
November 20th, 2010 at 1:06 pm
I think I have two “things” – the first is music. I’m a musician, I love music and I play a lot of instruments. I’ve always seemed to be able to pick up new instruments and play them. I taught myself trombone – my Mum came home with one, put it in front of me and said “You have an audition tomorrow for the orchestra. We need a trombone player.” I went in the next day, played a few short songs and became the trombonist.
My other thing would be cooking. I have a few crazy mishaps, but the majority of the time I can cook quite well. I enjoy throwing together meals without recipes too. I love cooking. 🙂
There are plenty of things I am NOT good at too, but that’s a story for another day haha.
Katie´s last blog post ..Snow!
November 20th, 2010 at 2:00 pm
I love to go to yard sales and I think I have a very good eye. I went to a junk shop with a friend and I found 3 really neat items, a cat and mouse wall hanging for my garden, an old, 1920’s style pitcher and a hammered aluminum casserole with cover. Now, to some, that sounds like more junk, but my friend was amazed, since when she looked, she saw nothing of value. I adore sifting through stuff and have the patience to keep looking. Now, the challenge is to set up a site to SELL all this or the next episode of, HOARDERS, will be shot at my home.
November 22nd, 2010 at 6:08 pm
I’d say I have a knack for getting things done. Whether it takes me a day or a week, I try to never leave any stone unturned.
December 7th, 2010 at 5:49 pm
I have the ability to put up with never ending civil service beauarcary…….for almost 20 years. Which I assure you, is a rare talent indeed (add, without going ‘postal’)
Bruce´s last blog post ..Future Channels