Stop Looking at My Underwear!
Stuff I hate November 20th, 2010I used to say the one thing I can’t live without was Internet access. That’s true most of the time, but as of 1:42PM today, the new thing I can’t do without is quick-drying clothes.
Our Kenmore up and died today. Rest in peace, 19-yr-old heavy duty front-loader, model #96273800. You served us well.
The panic didn’t set in right away. For an hour I thought I could manage. Maybe try to dry clothes in it with just cool air. We get cool air. But a single blanket we ran through a full cycle didn’t even get half dry.
I have two options: 1) Buy a new dryer and pray it gets delivered within 24 hours, or 2) Go to a laundromat until it does.
Option #2 is not a happy option. I would rather scoop my eyes out with a melon baller than sit in a laundromat watching my pants dry. And I’m not one of those people who puts their stuff in the machines and leaves to run errands. I have clothing separation anxiety. No, I don’t actually think someone will steal my clothes, but I kind of do.
Also, I feel so weird exposing my clothes in a public setting. Yes, yes, I know I wear them in public. I just don’t want to wash them in public.
This leaves Option #1. And that means I’m taking my sister’s advice and going to the same family-run store where she bought her washer/dryer and got them delivered the same day.
I will be there when they open Monday morning. Waiting with a credit card in hand. I will step inside, point at the first dryer I see and buy it. I will ask if I can have it that day and hug them if they say yes.
If they don’t, then it’s to the laundromat, where random people doing there laundry run the risk of seeing my clothes, and that includes these shorts. Don’t judge me. You know you have something that looks just like it.

November 20th, 2010 at 8:45 pm
gets ready to head to the laundromat to hang around.. 🙂
robert bourne´s last blog post ..The Road the middle years part 5
November 20th, 2010 at 9:11 pm
Going to the laundromat is like hanging out in the third level of Hell. Oy. I hope they have a model that can be delivered to your house five minutes after you buy it.
cardiogirl´s last blog post ..The book of questions- Volume 116
November 20th, 2010 at 9:13 pm
I’m still having flashbacks from my laundromat experience two years ago. I’m praying for you.
Jen´s last blog post ..Now there are two ways to win an iPod Shuffle!
November 20th, 2010 at 9:33 pm
I have a friend with a trailer, so it’s ‘Pick Up’ (aka in the south as ‘Will Call’) for me! And no… I do not have shorts that look like that. OMG! Oh wait… I know. That pair of shorts is now your favorite soft cloth for polishing your furniture, right? Yeah. That must be it.
Barb @WillThink4Wine´s last blog post ..Note to self- no chocolate cupcakes with blue frosting
November 20th, 2010 at 9:41 pm
I had to use the laundromat for several years. The place was an endless source of amusement and I often brought folks there for the entertainment. I’m serious. I looked forward to Tuesday night at the laundromat, I really did.
Grace´s last blog post ..Cranberries- Jimmy Choo and Uggs
November 20th, 2010 at 10:07 pm
I never went to a laundromat but do walk by one quite often. Hardly anyone is ever in it. It is best I think to go with the store and buy the dryer you can get in just one day. Sorry, I really don’t have any torn pants like that!
Karen and Gerard´s last blog post ..5 Things I Learned This Week 96 puzzle- books- pets- costumes
November 20th, 2010 at 10:14 pm
I haven’t been to an actual laundromat in… dang, it’s been so long, I can’t even remember. Thirty years? Twenty-five, at least. I’ve been lucky enough to have laundry facilities in most of the apartment buildings where I live, and have lived with a washer and dryer in my house since I bought the first house back in, oh, ’92? Our current washer and dryer (both Maytags)are about 14 years old. The dryer has been a real workhorse; we’ve had repairmen out to visit the washer three times (SOMEONE who isn’t me likes to put too much stuff in there and overbalances it; tore belts twice, burned out the motor once). I really like my washer and dryer, and will be very, very sad when they finally go to the junkyard. And at that point, I will be at the local appliance shop looking for same-day delivery, as well. (Although, if the death is timed right, I could actually wait three or four days.)
Kelly´s last blog post ..Corona
November 20th, 2010 at 11:53 pm
I don’t have anything that looks like that. Sheesh…what kind of a person do you think I am. 🙂
Good luck and I hope you can get that new dryer!
lisa @boondock ramblings´s last blog post ..It’s a good thing I have nice neighbors
November 21st, 2010 at 2:18 am
Hey, don’t knock laundromats. I met a woman I fell in love with at one. We had a great year together. But then we were early 20 somethings at the time. Have not been in a laundromat in many years though and come to think of it, I probably would wash my clothes in the bathtub and hang them from the trees out back before I would want to patronize one now. Plus, my daughter in college just told me last week how much the machines cost now. I don’t think I could afford it!
Will´s last blog post ..Organic is Good For You – and the Oceans
November 21st, 2010 at 2:33 am
The publicist was never so as when her washer and dryer were hooked up in her house. She had to use laundromats for 9 years while living in her fifth wheel. Some were good but some were very very bad
Pricilla´s last blog post ..Amazing Behavior!
November 21st, 2010 at 3:24 am
I just had my first laundromat journey in several years about a month ago. Fortunately, that was just blankets, but it reminded me of just how heavy laundry is. When I used to go to the laudromat on a regular basis, I was always afraid I was going to drop my newly cleaned clothes in a mud puddle in the parking lot, and have to start over like Sisyphus.
If delivery takes longer can you just turn stuff inside out for a little while? You can stretch it out with some liberal standard on a smell test. Just wear extra perfume and you’ll be fine.
Cromely´s last blog post ..A fortunate injury
November 21st, 2010 at 5:57 am
How could anyone judge you if you trusted us enough to show us those shorts? I know I have some clothing that I would never walk outside in, (O.K.,maybe, just to grab the mail) but, I have items that are super comfy and meant for no one’s eyes except my own.
I think I block out icky or unpleasant thoughts when I have to do a chore that might make others gag. I can be really tough that way and just get it done, no drama. Maybe teaching school does that to a person…
November 21st, 2010 at 6:54 am
You need to go rent a truck, drive to lowes and bring a dryer home. OR, you could pack up all of your dirty clothes and give them to Dave to take to the laundry mat – that’s what husbands are for. You could sit across the street in the Starbucks with some binoculars and a walkie to make sure proper sorting is taking place.
November 21st, 2010 at 7:11 am
LOL, you were right, we all have something that looks like that XD That made me laugh! Cheers.
November 21st, 2010 at 7:16 am
By the way, nice blog. And now.. time to throw away my old underwear! XD
Viajando´s last blog post ..Bulgaria un pais imprescindible para viajar
November 21st, 2010 at 7:18 am
About a year ago, Mark decided to do some “routine maintenance” on our dryer, so he got out the long vent cleaner thingy. When he was done, no heat on the dryer! We called a repair guy, and he said all the lint was jammed up somewhere. If it’s in a spot he can’t get to, he will need to cut a hole in the attic and then cut open the vent. Or maybe his electric vent cleaner will work. Luckily it worked.
Daisy’s “mom”´s last blog post ..A New Winter Cap!
November 21st, 2010 at 8:03 am
Robert Bourne — Oh, please don’t lurk at a laundromat. That sort of behavior will lead to a line of questioning that you probably can’t answer well enough by explaining my blog.
cardiogirl — Truly. The only good thing about it is that they have wi-fi and I can at least bore all my Facebook followers with minute-by-minute status updates about me sitting in a laundromat.
Jen — I’ve found myself at launromats late in the day and it’s like Night of the Living Dead, isn’t it?
Barb at WillThink4Wine — About the shorts, there is one person who’d better comment here and admit she has shorts just like it. If she doesn’t, I’m calling her out on it. She and I have discussed our holey shorts in some emails. So thank God there’s at least one person I know who’ll fess up to it!
Grace — It really is like an amusement park. All people from all walks. Those who do it regularly, those who do it for oversized laundry and those who do it in emergency situations only. And there shall be no conversation, save for a “Got any chance for the machine?”
Karen and Gerard — Never? Oh, Karen, you must go just once. At least for the blog fodder. Don’t you have some oversized blankets you can take? It’s truly a society of its own.
Kelly — You’re lucky you got a repairman in before you had to go to a laundromat. I think you might have just jinxed yourself. Just sayin’. I know of the “too much stuff” problem of which you speak. And it ain’t me. I’m done trying to explain to Dave why that’s a bad thing. He said nothing to me when an oversized load caused a flood in the laundry room a couple months ago. And I said nothing. Just handed him towel after towel.
Lisa at Boondock Ramblings — What kind of person do I think you are? One who has an ass way smaller than mine!
Will — I just saw a documentary about Dolly Parton. She met her husband of 44 years at the Wishy-Washy Laundromat in Georgia. That’s proof it’s a suitable place to find a good mate! I think I spent about ten dollars washing and drying an oversized comforter. Worth is, since it only fits in those monster-sized washers they have there.
Pricilla — I know your publicist’s pain. I probably went to four different laundromats when I was single, living in apartments that didn’t have a washer/dryer set. One did, but it was so scary down in the basement next to the apartment furnace, I never liked to use it. No one would ever hear my screams down there.
Cromely — Sisyphus! Hilarious! I had a blanket dragging experience the last time I went. The comforter weighs about 50lbs and I didn’t know until I got it to the trunk how long I’d been dragging it along the wet ground. Note to self: Do not go when it’s raining!
sue — When I showed this post to my husband and said I didn’t like to display my laundry to the public, he said “But you’d post those shorts for the world to see?” But you’re all my friends, so it’s different! Yes, those shorts are “Going to the mailbox really fast shorts.” I swear I thought more of my readers would admit to having them.
sheila — If only we had a truck and the manpower to carry one. I’m at the mercy of a store who does. Also, they will take the old one away, so that’s good. Ah, but you might be surprised to know that I’m the “laundry slob” in our family. He sorts and folds not only his stuff, but mine too. I’m the one who leaves everything in a giant heap on top of the dryer. It annoys him to no end.
Viajando — Good! I think that makes two of you now who’ll admit to having and wearing something like my shorts. Thank you for fessing up and thanks for coming on board. Hope to see you again.
Daisy’s Mom — That would have seriously annoyed me to find that maintenance broke something! Glad Mark’s got the handyman’s touch. We tried everything the interwebz recommends for “tumbles, but no heat.” Unfortunately, it means we’re gifting ourselves a new dryer. Honestly, it’s hard for me to believe it lasted this long. I’m grateful that it did.
November 21st, 2010 at 9:15 am
Please accept my sincere condolences. The same thing happened to me last year… my Kenmore made a big clunk and stopped mid-cycle. I was forced to do one load of clothes at the laundromat before the new dryer was delivered and I’m still having nightmares about it.
CatLadyLarew´s last blog post ..Word Verifications Love Em or Hate Em
November 21st, 2010 at 10:04 am
I would be begging friends or neighbors to let me use their dryer while I waited for my new one to arrive. I’ve never used an actual laundromat except for the ones they have in hotels and at Disney World. My water heater busted last week. I guess your dryer will be frolicking with it in Major Appliance Heaven now.
Surfie´s last blog post ..Not Eaten by Zombies
November 21st, 2010 at 10:12 am
I feel your pain. Many years ago after a divorce, my dryer quit. I hung my laundry on hangers in my bathroom for six months. But I knew what part I needed thanks to the ex. I finally had the money and ordered the part, installed it myself. Viola’ … a working dryer. Still using said dryer! Knock on wood.
November 21st, 2010 at 10:32 am
I don’t wear shorts, so no, I don’t have anything that resembles those. I do have some rather threadbare jeans I wear around the house though. I’m sorry, but holes I do not wear. Jeans can be patched, so that’s what I do. I have a teary goodbye ceremony when a hole appears in a most favourite item of clothing, other than jeans.
Laundromats? I haven’t used one of those since I was a kid and my mum needed some help. Awful places.
Babs – beetle´s last blog post ..I’ve won £15-000!
November 21st, 2010 at 12:39 pm
I like the laundromat! It’s a fun place to hang out with like – minded individuals, people who like clean clothes that is. But then I also like going to hang out at the 7-11. Everybody sooner or later goes into the 7-11 and you get to talk to them all. I’ve met a lot of new friends at both places. Plus, if you’re home alone and bored, where else do you go for instant companionship? I go to the laundromat sometimes just for fun. I have a perfectly working washer and dryer.
Linda Medrano´s last blog post ..Navajo Shortcuts
November 21st, 2010 at 12:54 pm
Monday morning, walk into the appliance store and say “which one of these dryers is IN STOCK and can be delivered TODAY to my house?” … no looking around as it will only break your heart to fall in love with something that is out of stock! If they don’t have one, head to Lowes or Home Depot — both of which will sell you the model off the floor and deliver the same day as long as it’s before high noon (trust me, this happened to me last year the day before out of town family (read “must wash/dry guest towels, sheets & kitchen rugs”) came for a week stay (and of course, would not be amused going to the laundromat!) … ahhh … and be prepared if you still have the matching washer — mine died two weeks after the dryer … apparently they were trying to spare me the financial shock of going out in synch!
November 21st, 2010 at 1:36 pm
please. do you know how much energy a dryer uses? When I moved from suburbia through no choice of my own at the time, I didn’t purchase a dryer. We are line drying just fine and saving on the electric bill. For towels and big things, an occasional trip to the local laundromat with a good book or magazine is not cause for psychic crisis.
cara´s last blog post ..IMPACT OF FAIR TRADE COFFEE
November 21st, 2010 at 2:39 pm
There’s just nothing good about a laundromat. The husband and I had to go that route for the first year or so we lived together, and it was torture. I wasn’t willing to leave my clothes, either, so it basically took up an entire Saturday just to get the laundry done. I’ll be sending good laundry-vibes your way for Monday. 🙂
absepa´s last blog post ..Fortunately for them- theyre also cuddly and lovable
November 21st, 2010 at 3:18 pm
CatLadyLarew — I feel your pain. I’m hoping to get by with zero trips to the laundromat. I did a small load today and everything’s out on my porch drying. I wish it were sunnier today!
Surfie — “Major Appliance Heaven.” Awesome. I wonder what they talk about up there. Probably how their owners abused them for so many years then complained when they broke.
Pat — Like you, I had a period of about 8 months where I only had a washer in my apartment, no dryer. Every Sunday I had all of my stuff draped over all three radiators. Looked a mess but, boy, did they dry fast! Congrats on your mad handyman skillz!
Babs — This is our clothes telling us something. I’m not listening. God bless large convenience appliances!
Linda Medrano — That assumes I’m social. Hee. I can see you being the most interesting person wherever you go. I tip my hat to you.
CC — Right. The only way I’m gonna get it tomorrow is if they have them in the back. That’ll narrow down my choices, but I’m hoping they’ll have the best-sellers in stock and I can feel confident with my purchase. OMG. The timing of your dryer death couldn’t have been any worse, eh? And, yes, I’m terribly worried the washer will go soon after. I figure it’s any day now.
cara — I do, but I save in other places, rest assured. No waste here. Also, this is a humor blog, so I’m not exactly going “psychic” over this. Or psychotic.
absepa — If I had a dollar for every lost Sunday…. Thanks for the good vibes. I’m praying they have something good in stock for me to take.
November 21st, 2010 at 4:21 pm
Kathy, I do not have anything that looks like that! My husband, on the other hand …
I’m using my mother’s washing machine and dryer at her apartment (I smuggle everything in inside a duvet-bag to make it look like I’m not using the building’s water resources) because I can’t bring myself to use the facilities in the apartment building we are living in temporarily (while our new house is being built and our old one is being sold).
Stick with the Kenmore – that’s what I’m leaving behind (boo hoo) and that’s what I’ll be getting for the new home. Good luck, girl!
Poetikat´s last blog post ..A rather revealing Sepia Saturday post
November 21st, 2010 at 4:26 pm
The laundromat is a very scary place indeed. Here’s hoping you get a new dryer 1st thing Monday Morning!
meleah rebeccah´s last blog post ..Is This Really Necessary
November 21st, 2010 at 5:57 pm
Oh, I feel your pain! The last time I had to use a laundromat, it was underground in the sub-basement of my apartment building. So scary, I spent 3 years washing my jeans by hand in my bathtub and waiting 2 days for them to dry… Go out and get a gorgeous, oversize, does-everything-but-iron-your-sheets washer and dryer set, and take back your life! 🙂
Vikki´s last blog post ..Officer- Can We at Least Talk About It
November 21st, 2010 at 5:58 pm
I feel your pain. We have a 19 yr. old stacking set. About a month and a half ago, I washed some fabric and it got caught under the agitator. Five days later, the repairman came. He got the fabric out, but decided we needed a new transmission. Nine days later, he came out but couldn’t do the repair because the trunnion (whatever that is) was rusted in place. He ended up replacing the transmission, the tub, and a few other things, but not for more than another week. We now have a new washer inside an old washer frame, just in time for houseguests.
Everything we own (except undies, of course) gets worn at least twice before we wash it, so we only had to visit the washateria a few times. Plus, our dryer worked just fine, so we didn’t have to spend the extra time and money.
Luckily, we’ve had a service contract with Sears from the beginning. We got about $700 of parts and $200 labor for nothing. If we’d had to get a new set, we’d’ve had to choose a new stacking set with less capacity and dryer controls that required a stepstool ($$$), or remodeling our laundry room for a regular set ($$$$).
Ladybuggz´s last blog post ..Phooey on Futons!
November 21st, 2010 at 7:31 pm
If you’ve been paying attention to my blog, I DO NOT have anything that looks like that because I immediately throw them away when a hole appears. And it seems recently that holes are appearing way too often and I have an underwear crisis. How do you keep a pair once they have ripped? Don’t they just keep ripping and ripping? I had a pair the other day that was ripping on the side and if I had been wearing a skirt, I no doubt they would have fallen right down in the middle of class and that would have been a VERY memorable moment and I fell flat on my way to the SMART board because I tripped over my own underwear.
sparkling74´s last blog post ..Feel Good Friday- On a Saturday
November 21st, 2010 at 7:57 pm
LOL, actually I’ve made it a point to trash clothes that look like that these days. Luckily there is a semi-nice laundromat right across the street from where I live if I am in a bind. My dryer died about 2 years ago and now my washer is on its last legs too. Only one cycle works properly sort of. I’ll probably buy another one next month as we get paid 3 times that month.
blueyes´s last blog post ..Four Foods on Friday 123
November 21st, 2010 at 11:35 pm
Ah, but you see that’s why it was fun. The regulars on Tuesday night. Lots of food sharing, cigarettes and beer. Card games. Gossip. The old man who would come in, all dressed in white, strip down to a white bathing suit, toss all of his clothes in the washer, ask someone to go next door to get him a beer, scrounge cigarettes from whomever he could and the the stories would flow. When his clothes and sneakers (yes he washed them too) were dry, he’d get dressed and stroll on out into the evening. Every Tuesday.
Grace´s last blog post ..Cranberries- Jimmy Choo and Uggs
November 22nd, 2010 at 9:34 am
I hope the dryer arrives without a trip to the laundromat. Good luck! Laundromats are the worst.
November 22nd, 2010 at 1:58 pm
EVERYONE: I love the sound of laundry drying in the afternoon. I sit here in my kitchen listening to the soft sounds of blankets tumbling away in MY. NEW. DRYER! Went to the store this morning, picked one out and it was delivered to me three hours later. Take that Home Depot!
Poetikat — Tell him I said it’s OK to walk around in half falling apart clothes. I’m glad you have a non-laundromat to sneak your things to. I hated the facilities in one of my old apartments. It was like a scene in the scariest of slasher movies. Dark and dungeony! I went with a GE. It’s running now. So happy.
meleah rebeccah — Got it! Running now! Those guys moved fast!
Vikki — I know exactly what you mean. I had a place like that. It always reminded me of the jail scene in Silence of the Lambs because there were gated stalls where some tenants kept their things. You had to walk past them, then through another door to get to the washer/dryer. And so noisy down there. All the machinery clanged or hissed and scared the crap out of me! I got my dryer today. Woo hoo!
Ladybuggz — So you kept that beast running after all?!? I’m glad it didn’t cost you a dime. Speaking of dimes, when the guys took out our broken dryer, almost a dollar in coins fell out of it. Someone in our house never empties his pockets. I like the idea of stacking sets, but do wonder if I’d need a stool to reach up top. It’d be nice to have the extra space in our laundry room.
sparkling74 — I know what you mean about the underwear. I had an underwear crisis recently where all of them seemed to tear at the same time. I had to buy several different new kinds to find the right fit. I should have bought a hundred of them because I’m going to go through it all over again at some point. Re: your underwear falling down, aren’t teachers supposed to give their students something embarrassing for them to laugh riotously about?
blueyes — You’re lucky to have a nearby laundromat. If I did, then I wouldn’t feel so anxious leaving my things to tumble without me. Our washer is the same age as the dryer that broke, so I’m guessing it’s on its last legs too. Tick tock, tick tock.
Grace — Are you sure that wasn’t a bar/laundromat? Sounds like a fun place! Awesome.
Anne — It’s here!!! Bought it at 9AM, here by Noon. So happy!!!
November 22nd, 2010 at 2:40 pm
LOL! Also, I feel so weird exposing my clothes in a public setting. Yes, yes, I know I wear them in public. I just don’t want to wash them in public.
All the appliances in our house are dying. Our AC is 22 years old and our fridge just sprung a leak. I can so relate.
Lauren´s last blog post ..Driving Monologues – Fork in the Road
November 22nd, 2010 at 3:00 pm
ehe. I feel your pain. My dryer stopped working too. It doesn’t heat anymore. I just spins and blows room temperature air. This means that it can take up to a day of resetting the dryer over and over for a full day.
When I go to my friend’s house to babysit on the weekend I typically either bring laundry to wash, or bring a basket of wet stuff to dry. I am not going to the freakish laundromat where I live. It’s like the bowels of hell there. Last time I went they had repainted, but it still looks like the old machines, just spiffed up and there are so many that don’t work, it’s like a joke. I can’t just go out and buy one because I can’t afford it until I file taxes for this year and get my refund. So that means I have to wait until March or April for a new dryer. I don’t think I can hold out that long, but I have no other choice.
Lola’s Diner´s last blog post ..Monday Mayhem – Silly ponderisms Part 2
November 22nd, 2010 at 4:34 pm
Separation anxiety from your clothing? In college, I knew a couple girls who had the opposite of that. We referred to them as “AWESOME!”
Knucklehead!´s last blog post ..The McRib Experiment- The Fine Print
November 22nd, 2010 at 6:10 pm
It’s great that you were able to get a new drier so quickly. When my last one died I was forced to put up clothes lines all over the inside of the apartment to hang and dry the wet load before the mold could claim it. Luckily, the maintenance people were able to come within a couple days and swap out the dead one.
November 22nd, 2010 at 8:14 pm
I hope, as I write this comment, you got your new dryer! And one thing more, you can get a new dryer but can’t get a new or replacement for that short? LOL . Just kidding.
PS: It is my first time here and feels like I will be checking your blog more often after reading this post. =) . Cheers!
RonLeyba´s last blog post ..Video Game Testing Jobs
November 23rd, 2010 at 2:34 pm
Loved the “scooping eyeball out with melon baller rather than go the laundrymat” comment! Couldn’t agree more.
And hello, no, I don’t have any garments with holes!
In fact, the second I get a whiff of a hole, said item ends up in trash. Sexy Hubby has had a few words with me over same. Seems I toss “perfectly good” stuff!
KT – visiting from An Authentic Life, a fellow BlogHer buddy.
November 23rd, 2010 at 9:21 pm
I’m just gonna clue you in to the fact that the laundromat is the BEST place to write a blog post. Dang, there are some characters in that place! I’d go, just for kicks. But leave your laundry at home.
Lin´s last blog post ..And you wonder where I get it
November 25th, 2010 at 4:12 pm
I’ve got lots of things that look look just like that.
john´s last blog post to lose man boobs
November 27th, 2010 at 3:27 pm
Lauren — This experience made me take stock of what else in my house is due to break. We just put in a new hot water heater, the roof’s gonna need replacing in five years, the dishwasher and fridge might go, and we’ve already had problems with the built-in microwave. You might find a fundraising post here in the near future.
Lola’s Diner — There are supposed to be things you can check if you tumble, but get no hot air. One of them is to check your fuses (there are always two for a dryer, so check both). In our case, it wasn’t that. When I went to the laundromat yesterday to wash/dry a big blanket, I noticed a big poster on the wall called “Wall of Laughs” or something like that. It was dated 1989 and had a quote from Brett Butler on it. “Bowels of hell.” Yep. Hang in there, sister.
Knucklehead! — I always wonder how the male professors can even teach with half the class wearing next to nothing in warmer months. Seriously. Lotta skin there. And muffin tops.
Medical Assistant — I was terribly lucky. I’m not one to string line in order to dry my things. I’m more likely to go out and buy new clothes. Think I’m kidding?
An Authentic Life — Welcome fellow BlogHer’er! Hey, I’m with your husband. I mean, if you have holes in your shorts, all ya half to do is wear underwear too. Unless those also have holes. Nevermind.
Lin — I had a mildly entertaining visit yesterday (see my current post). The guy in the orange shoes seemed normal enough, until he got all OCD on his laundry.
john — Yes, but would you take them out in public. That is the question.
November 29th, 2010 at 12:41 pm
LOL! I actually have a whole bunch of shorts like that. the things is – I really like them and still wear them despite the holes so that’s why I haven’t thrown them away.
Certain conveniences are awful to live without. I have a washer but not a dryer yet. It’s on my list of things to buy though- definitely.
All the best,
Eren Mckay´s last blog post ..Duck Baby Shower Invitations
December 4th, 2010 at 1:00 pm
I have not had a dryer for a couple years now. I dry everything on a couple clothes drying racks. I find that it works really well and is simple once we change a habit or two. Do your laundry in the evening then hang your clothes out in the middle of your rooms if you can leave on a fan or something for some extra air circulation everything will be dry and ready to be put away in the morning.
December 7th, 2010 at 10:27 pm
I know my husband loves me because when my dryer died he bought a new one within hours–before I was in full DT’s!
Jenn @ Juggling Life´s last blog post ..The Things We Do For Love
January 11th, 2011 at 7:20 pm
Test editing.