Eggs 101
Bizarre, food December 12th, 2010 There must be a sign on my back that fellow grocery store shoppers can see. It reads “Ask me anything. I have all the answers, even though I don’t work here.”
That sign had me shopping for baptism cards once for complete and clueless strangers.
Today it had me explaining eggs.
While I was scoping out butter, a nearby unkempt but harmless-looking young man addressed me thusly: “Can you tell me the difference between these eggs?”
Oh, God. Here we go again.
I don’t know anything about organic eggs, brown eggs, or Omega-3 eggs or the difference between them.
I don’t know if they taste different and I don’t know where they’re hatched, if they’re local or shipped-in, or if they’re more expensive or healthier than regular eggs.
I. Do. Not. Know. What about me says I know eggs?
In the millisecond it took for me to get all stressed out about this impromptu egg class, the young man followed up with this:
“The sizes. What are the different sizes? This is my first time shopping for my wife and I don’t know what I’m doing.”
I thought “OMG, dude. If you don’t know that the difference between regular, large, extra large and jumbo eggs is purely their size, then no one can help you. Ever.”
But because he was just so adorable and helpless, and I wanted his wife to have the illusion of a husband who can make egg choices all by himself, I decided to give the egg noob a straight up answer.
I said “There are large and extra large eggs. Jumbo is probably unnecessary. Just go with the large eggs and you’ll be fine.”
He grabbed the large eggs, thanked me as he walked away and I wished him a good breakfast.
Then I picked up eggs for myself. I opened the lid to see if any were cracked. Some were. At least three.
Egg noooooooooob! I forgot to tell him to see any of his were cracked!
There go my chances for becoming a Certified Egg Instructor at an accredited grocery store near you.
And I was doing so well.

December 12th, 2010 at 9:46 am
Who teaches us that? I don’t remember anyone ever telling me to check the eggs. Either I saw other people doing it (they sniff the melons too, but that never caught on)or I got home and realized some were broke. I’m not sure. But it is definitely a must-do when buying eggs. I hope the guy got lucky with all his eggs in tact.
Rachele´s last blog post ..She was Cute- and now shes gone
December 12th, 2010 at 9:47 am
ah but see, if you HAD reminded him of that, you’d have blown his cover and given away the fact that he had help. Really, you did him a favour.
My husband always rolls his eyes when I check the eggs – but he’ll spend 20 minutes finding the best meat/fat quotient package of bacon.
flit´s last blog post ..1 downfar too many to go
December 12th, 2010 at 9:51 am
You were under a lot of pressure…
My wife once had a friend who had no idea the function of eggs. She thought that the hen laid them and then the rooster jizzed on them to fertilize them. When I explained to this eggnorant girl that chickens do have sex and that the eggs we eat are unfertilized chicken mensies, she vowed never to eat eggs again.
J. Bear Savo´s last blog post ..She’s Like That
December 12th, 2010 at 9:57 am
There is such a thing as too much info…
But the poor guy! I do most of the shopping, for two reasons: 1. The hubby will take 2 hours to get three items (adding to it a ton of cookies and candy along the way), and 2. The hubby will CALL me at least once while he’s gone to ask about something.
I learned to look for cracks from my mother. And I take the kids shopping most of the time, so they’ve learned that already. My son should be far less than helpless when he gets to the marriage stage. Hopefully he hasn’t forgotten everything he’s supposed to know by then.
Shakespeare´s last blog post ..Tears
December 12th, 2010 at 9:58 am
I recently was doing some research to prove to my sister that one does not need a rooster to have chickens or turkeys lay eggs (yes, a college graduate and she believed that she read somewhere that the rooster encourages more eggs to be laid and then we were at a farm where the woman claimed her turkeys couldn’t lay eggs because they had no males– yes, on a farm…….) and found that a vast number of people do not know how eggs come about. It’s frightening.
But my purpose in commenting is that some of us must have the look of a store employee because I am always being asked things in stores. Probably because I do not carry a purse and I’m always intense when I shop and look like I have a purpose. You must be another who doesn’t dawdle in stores and knows where everything is and just does her job, so people think you work there.
In one of our local chains, we can use handheld scanners to scan our items as we put them in the bags so that we can then just scan at the end and leave. Talk about streamlining the shopping trip! When I have to go to a store that doesn’t have this, I can’t believe how much I feel put out that I have to place items in the cart and then take them back out to scan them!
sparkling74´s last blog post ..Adult Trick or Treating
December 12th, 2010 at 10:06 am
My problem is now they (the evil They) have a package with 30 eggs in it and you can’t see if the eggs are cracked because there is a piece of cardboard over it. However, it’s cheaper (of course, maybe that’s why – d’oh) so I roll with it. So far, though, The Wife hasn’t complained.
Unfinished Rambler´s last blog post ..Oh- it’s a jolly holiday with Wally
December 12th, 2010 at 10:23 am
I am now educated about eggs..who knew.. now this has me thinking there are different kinds of chikkins..I can’t wait for Kathy’s lesson on that… 🙂
robert bourne´s last blog post ..The Road the middle years part 11
December 12th, 2010 at 10:30 am
I was stopped 3 times (3!!) in the 10 minutes I was in Safeway yesterday by people who wanted me to clean up the milk spilled by someone.
You knows eggs and apparently, I am good with spilled milk. I DID NOT cry over it…
December 12th, 2010 at 11:06 am
Maybe you should consider offering an on-site grocery consulting service while you’re shopping. Charge by the minute, or by the question when a master shopper’s level of expertise is required. The sign around your neck could read “Grocery Consulting Service: Will work for money, food, or really good coupons.”
HJ Smith´s last blog post ..Hoo’s that in the middle of the road
December 12th, 2010 at 11:16 am
I agree, you were doing so well. Here’s hoping that none of his eggs were broken.
I hate when people ask me stuff as if I have a clue. When I was in High School I was shopping with a friend of mine. A woman came up to ask me, “What size underwear does your daughter wear?” What??! It was a friend my own age, I was in high school! Sometimes people can be so annoying.
December 12th, 2010 at 11:24 am
People used to do that to me too. I guess we just looked approachable and not too crazy. I always pick up every single egg in the carton and check the bottoms of them. I’ve had people tell me I don’t need to do that, and all I have to do is run my hands over them to wiggle them. They claim that as long as the eggs move then that means they aren’t cracked on the bottom. Yeah, NO! It just means they aren’t cracked enough to be oozing egg and gluing themselves to the carton.
Surfie´s last blog post ..A Little Jar of Heaven
December 12th, 2010 at 11:43 am
I am frequently accosted by non-English speaking people in the grocery store and asked garbled and incomprehensible questions about stuff I know nothing about…or assume I know nothing about since I don’t know what they’re asking me…Ummmmm, No Hablo Nothing But English?
Karen´s last blog post ..Tree Is Still Naked And Staring At Me
December 12th, 2010 at 12:05 pm
You were a good egg to answer his question and not act hard boiled about it, especially since he seemed a bit scrambled. It’s always best to keep your sunny side up. Now my brain is fried!
Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog post ..Im a Holiday Princess
December 12th, 2010 at 2:28 pm
Well, I guess the yolk’s on him!
I’m sorry. That was horrible.
Knucklehead!´s last blog post ..Warning- Grandma Will Get You What You Ask For
December 12th, 2010 at 3:09 pm
Rachele — After I wrote the post, that very thought occurred to me. I never don’t check for cracks. It’s like the law or something.
flit — Oooo, I like that! Of course, I hope she didn’t yell at him if he got any cracked ones. Then again, I’d rest easy in the knowledge that he got the whole lesson today and he’ll be good to go for the next time. (p.s. I understand your husband’s bacon criteria. Just sayin’.)
John Savo — And now that I’ve had your explanation, I may never eat them again either. It’s like with bacon. I don’t want to know if the piggies squealed. I don’t wanna know anything about them.
Shakespeare — They call because, like this guy, they’re afraid to come home with the wrong thing. I sort of pity the Husband Shopper. As for the poor guy today, he certainly looked old enough to have shopped for eggs before, but there’s always a first time. I’m glad I was there to break him in.
sparkling74 — Cracking up about your sister. So was she satisfied with your research results? Yes, you’re right. I shop with purpose. I rarely lug my purse into the store and move with speed and accuracy. However, I was wearing my Matrix coat and looking all badass and he still asked me about the eggs. Huh. I would absolutely kill for a store where I can ring up my stuff as I go. Kill.
Unfinished Rambler — That’s just wrong because, as stated, it’s the law to check your eggs for cracks. I know, they’re pennies a piece, but still. I understand your frustration and would probably write the company over this serious packaging infraction.
robert bourne — I only know one kind of chikkin — the breaded, fried, juicy and delicious kind.
Sheila — Oh for crying out loud. I would have screamed “I don’t work here!!!!” No crying, screaming.
HJ Smith — I would totally do that. I’d be someone people actually want following them around the store, asking if they need assistance. You may have just discovered a lucrative untapped resource for paying my grocery bill. Awesome.
Bernie — What the hell? OMG. That’s ridiculous and rude and just plain weird. And you know what else? I’ve never approached anyone in a store who I’m not 100% sure is someone who works there. I’d be mortified if I got it wrong.
Surfie — “I guess we just looked approachable and not too crazy.” But we’re talking about me. Me. My face and demeanor says crazy. Laughing about your egg touching routine. I don’t go as far as you do. God bless you for the extra minute it takes. I was sort of taken aback by how many of my eggs today were broken. Like totally busted up. Of all the hundreds of egg cartons I’ve examined, this was the first time there was more than one broken. I think someone must have dropped that one on the floor and stepped on it.
Karen — LMAO!
Daisy — You crack me up. Thank you for the laughs. You’re a good egg.
Knucklehead! — Ba dum, chhhh! Yes it was, but I forgive you.
December 12th, 2010 at 3:33 pm
Kathy, this post made me laugh, because I would be in the same boat as the clueless newly married guy. I am constantly asking complete strangers about items in grocery stores.
PS: I think HJ Smith’s idea is GREAT!
meleah rebeccah´s last blog post ..Holiday Shopping And Hygiene
December 12th, 2010 at 4:58 pm
I had to go to the store for eggs today and I almost walked away without checking them first. I bet he got home and found broken ones.
Ann´s last blog post ..All work and no play
December 12th, 2010 at 7:15 pm
Sometimes you can buy the large eggs, and when you look inside (for broken eggs) you find a ‘small’ egg (or two) have found there way into a carton of large. Always good to check – several boxes, if you want the best eggs.
Babs – beetle´s last blog post ..“It brightens” – A story from Mo’s childhood
December 13th, 2010 at 12:39 am
I know the feeling. When I worked retail, and would then go shopping elsewhere, I would always get asked questions. If I wore a polo shirt it was guaranteed someone would ask. If I didn’t I’d still get questions, but not as many. I guess I just reeked retail. I couldn’t get it to wash off.
Red polo shirts are the most dangerous, BTW.
Cromely´s last blog post ..Military to Ban removable media from many computers
December 13th, 2010 at 1:34 am
I know you did not ask, but I could give you an in-depth lesson in eggs. But then you would probably ban me from commenting on your site?
Anyway, I’ll chance it and provide just one secret. If you buy eggs from a local farmer whose chickens wander around and eat plants, bugs, and worms, you will not have to worry about cracks. The same things that make these eggs better for you and make the yolks a beautiful orange color, make the shells much, much, stronger.
And, I just took a close look at your photo and it is not on your back. I would also ask you for advice on baptism cards if you happened to be in that aisle at the time. You definitely “look” like the lady with all the answers!
But then we regular readers know better don’t we? 😉
Will´s last blog post ..Sunday Search of the Week 12-12-2010
December 13th, 2010 at 2:37 am
LOLed at the certified egg instructor. Maybe its on the look of you Kathy that makes people think you got all the answer. =)
RonLeyba´s last blog post ..After Christmas Sales 2010
December 13th, 2010 at 6:01 am
I was right there with you, jacked about your Good Samaritan deed in explaining the large will do every time.
And totally forgot about the cracks. Bummer.
cardiogirl´s last blog post ..The book of questions- Volume 118
December 13th, 2010 at 6:01 am
meleah rebeccah — But I can guarantee that you would never ask anyone what the difference is between regular and large. You’re smarter than that! I like HR’s idea too. It’d make an interesting social experiment — whether people would think the store hired a walking, talking food instructor. Not a bad idea at all.
Ann — Good save! Any broken?
Babs Beetle — Awww, a baby egg in with the jumbos? I’ve never seen that, but of course, now I’ll be on the lookout. Can you see me checking 20 cartons all at once? Will they escort me from the store if I look that crazy?
cromely — Yeah, but did you help anyone? That is the question. Also, I heard somewhere that if anyone wanted to get in the Oprah audience, they should wear a red blazer or dress because red stands out best on camera and the producers like bold colors. And there you have it.
Will — You can teach an old dog new tricks and I would never ban you! That’s so interesting about what makes a stronger shell. I’m going to look next time for either organic or locally-specified eggs and check out their shells. And yeah, no one should be asking me anything about anything. Though I’m two for two, so there’s that.
Ron Leyba — I should make a certificate for that and hand them to all the people I help in the egg aisle. Then they would know it’s officially good advice.
Cardiogirl — Who really uses the jumbo ones anyway? I wouldn’t use them in a recipe and it would make a mess of a Bird’s Nest (ever make those? Cut out a hole in a piece of bread and fry an egg in the middle?) Jumbo eggs scare me.
December 13th, 2010 at 7:57 am
Some things you have to learn on your own. He’ll know next time to check–after his wife reems him out.
December 13th, 2010 at 9:53 am
Daisy always makes me laugh.
That is one good thing about having your own chickens. You get what you get.
The publicist uses duck eggs for baking. Just imagine the consternation if there were duck eggs at the grocery store.
Pricilla´s last blog post ..A Postponement
December 13th, 2010 at 10:58 am
He must have thought you looked like an “eggs-pert!” (Sorry, I know that was bad. It was the best I could manage for a Monday morning.)
absepa´s last blog post ..There are no magic numbers here
December 13th, 2010 at 11:13 am
I appreciated himself buying a ‘flat’ of eggs even if they were uncheckable because I needed them for cookie baking. None of them were broken, though.
Funny story– I was in Acme once and I’d picked up some of those Omega 3 eggs packed in that slick, clear plastic tri-fold container. As I was putting it in the cart it slipped out of my hands and flipped upside down, dropping all the eggs in the bottom of my cart. Some broke right away. A few seemed to settle in the cart holes, then pop one by one and ooze onto the floor. There was another woman there getting eggs and we both responded maturely; we looked at each other, and laughed. Hard. I still don’t understand why it was so funny, but it was.
I DID stick around and help clean it up.
Shieldmaiden1196´s last blog post ..The Inevitability of December
December 13th, 2010 at 12:50 pm
That was nice of you to help. Now that I can actually get my husband to GO TO THE STORE to pick up minor items, I get 8,519 phone calls over the THREE items he went there to get.
Jocelyn´s last blog post ..Victory- Take it where you can get it!
December 13th, 2010 at 1:08 pm
I think you reacted as any other normal person would. Sometimes, though, when someone asks you a question like that, you gotta wonder: is this person hitting on me? Even though it would be flattering, it’s definitely a weird conversation starter.
December 13th, 2010 at 1:34 pm
when your first job in high school is working for Safeway as a ‘bag boy/girl’ (now known as a courtesy clerk), it’s one of the tips that the seasoned checkers would instruct you on when packing the bags (and of course, to put the eggs on TOP!) … otherwise, I’m not sure I would have known!
December 13th, 2010 at 2:44 pm
You were probably caught off guard and didn’t even think to mention to check the eggs for cracks. Bummer though. I’m sure his wife will give him a hard time about it if they did have any cracks and he will definitely never forget it in the future.
Lola’s Diner´s last blog post ..Im Making CookiesHand Me A Hammer And WD-40
December 13th, 2010 at 4:29 pm
My father taught me to check for eggs when I was just a kid sitting in the shopping cart. He’d always take hours shopping in the store and pull out tons of coupons to the mortification of my mother. These days I wish I had learned his crazy coupon skills.
The last 3 times I bought eggs the first carton I picked up was absolutely perfect. I should buy a lotto ticket.
December 13th, 2010 at 4:57 pm
You do realize he was probably hitting on you? Wasn’t really married at all, and thought you were hot? 🙂
December 13th, 2010 at 5:08 pm
Never ever wear a red shirt to Target. Pink even.
December 13th, 2010 at 5:40 pm
lin — I sort of hope not. He really was just so innocent and naive. Maybe she doesn’t know her egg sizes either and they’re meant for each other?
Pricilla — Daisy so funny. My head would have exploded if I’d seen duck eggs there. When I think about it, there are so many kinds of eggs, what makes chicken eggs so special anyway?
absepa — Not bad, my dear. Not bad. I actually eggpected worse.
Sheildmaiden — Oh, I’d totally bust a gut over that. And good on you for sticking around for the clean-up. That story rings a bell. I think you might have told me that after my story of dropping the pickle jar last year. Why does weird sh*t always happen to me at the store?
Jocelyn — It’s a conspiracy, you know. They call a million times to annoy us so we never ask them to do it again. Like when you don’t want your kids to ever do the laundry again, right?
Marjana — You know, I didn’t wonder that for a second until you suggested it. But I was wearing my Matrix coat and looking all FBI and I probably have 20 years on him, so, no. Not a possibility. But you’re right. Totally weird way to engage me.
CC — And that’s why I would suck as a cashier/bagger. I’ve been known to put them wherever the hell they wanna go. If it’s the bottom, then so be it. So be them crushed.
Lola’s Diner — I was, actually. I mean, how can someone not know the difference between regular and large eggs? Took me a minute to process that after.
Nutrition Degree — Damn. Yeah. I hardly ever clip coupons anymore. In fact, I don’t often get the newspaper, so I’m out of luck in that area.
Vikki — No, not possible. Not hot. Not even warm.
Julie — Noted.
December 13th, 2010 at 6:27 pm
I guess you look like an egghead.
I was once lectured on the finer points of frozen food shopping by an elderly woman in the supermarket. She informed me of the best bargains on frozen dinners and the ones to stay away from. She was adorable and wistfully rambled on about how she used to buy frozen dinners enough for two when her husband was still alive.
Later on, I mentioned the incident to a friend and she said, “that was probably my mother.”
Lauren´s last blog post ..Ideas Stew in a Crockpot not a Crackpot
December 13th, 2010 at 10:08 pm
I don’t know if someone else said this already, but perhaps the checker who often does a cursory check of your eggs before tossing them into the sack may prevent him from further embarrassing himself. Can you imagine what he’d be like in the cereal aisle? Poor guy.
Margaret (Nanny Goats)´s last blog post ..Yarn Bombing at the Crocker Art Museum
December 14th, 2010 at 9:31 am
Kathy – My daughter has been learning about all the different holidays this season – she has been driving me insane singing the dradle song “dradle, dradle,dradle . . .” over and over – anyway, since I’m not Jewish I don’t know how to play or where to find the game I need help shopping for it – so, when you have some more free time?
December 14th, 2010 at 9:33 am
PS – not that you are Jewish just a helpful shopper!
PS – Do you know why my most recent post has stopped showing up under the comment section? Have you changed something or have I?
December 14th, 2010 at 10:58 am
Now, I’m sure you would have had much more confidence in your answer if he had asked about bacon!
December 14th, 2010 at 3:57 pm
People helping people it what it’s all about. However, in addition to opening the carton, I lift/turn each egg. If it moves freely, it’s not broken on the bottom. It does happen.
December 14th, 2010 at 4:23 pm
This begs a few comments. As for the folks looking for baptism cards…….it is a good bet they might have been illiterate. More people are than you think. When someone asks you an obvious question, with the answer staring them in the face, chances are they can’t read. I have known a lot of people that wear suits and ties, and still don’t know what the word “Exit” means (literally). I have been asked “Is this the way out of here?” as they stand under and exit sign.
As for looking like you know everything. I have had that feeling before as well…..I always referred to it as being a “Freak Magnet”.
Bruce´s last blog post ..The End Is Near
December 14th, 2010 at 8:51 pm
Maybe he reads you blog and saw your egg lamp pots. And maybe he thought ‘Hey, if she knows about egg lamps, she MUST know about real eggs!’
December 14th, 2010 at 11:11 pm
Reminds of the story about a family whose phone number was similar to a concrete supplier. Having taken hundreds of phone calls for concrete and politely knocking them back, their patience ran out. Out of frustration they gave up with one caller and took his order. 25 cubic metres not coming their way, you bet ya!
Peter McCartney´s last blog post ..LinkWithin Widget Alternative – Howzat- Part II
December 15th, 2010 at 5:59 am
Lauren — LMAO at your friend’s remark. Oh, that’s great. Number one rule of grocery shopping — always entertain an older person with stories of yore, because that’ll be us some day.
Nanny Goats — OMG, the cereal aisle! It’s like a mile long. Nooooooooooo!!!!!
sheila — Here you go. They come in a wide selection, plastic and wooden both. I know it’s late for this year, but maybe next? Sorry about CommentLuv, sometimes it flakes out, or sometimes there is something about commenter’s feeds that make it unable to show up. Keep watching for it to fix itself (that’s happened before). My plug-in is up-to-date.
MA Fat Woman — And how I would have regaled him with stories of bacon past and given him proper cooking instructions, both frying and microwaving. I really should just stand in front of the bacon and give a bacon monologue for ten minutes.
Linda — I usually give the eggs a slight tap to see if they’re stuck. If I hit half of them, I consider the job done. I’m not very thorough.
Bruce — Interesting. That never occurred to me. I’d put my bets on the egg noob for that more than the couple shopping for Baptism cards. In their case, they were just unfamiliar with the religious rite. Egg guy? Don’t know what his problem was. Freak Magnets Unite!
Regan — I was wondering if someone was going to link the two. As soon as I started writing the post, I remembered my egg lamp and wondered if someone would think I have a thing for eggs.
Peter McCarney — Peter! Good to see you! And please tell me you’re not kidding about that family’s phone call prank. Oh, please. That would be so awesome.
December 15th, 2010 at 9:35 am
Oh, I can sooo relate to your experiences. You must have “the face” which many people say I have. It is a look of trusting innocence which — speaking only for myself — I can only liken to Richie Cunningham from “Happy Days.”
However, I have to wear a shirt and tie to work. I hate being see in public in my phony, white-collar, delivered from WalMart look, but someone has to pretend to be a grownup, and it might as well be me. Yet, when my wife asks me to to stop off at the supermarket after work to get a few things, shoppers assume I am the manager — even as I stroll through the aisles with a hand-held basket in my grasp while looking at — eggs!
“Is this on sale?”
“Where do I find Buffalo Wings?”
“You’re out of cinnamon of Cream of Wheat!”
All of this comes my way. I remember to remove my tie before walking into the store, sometimes; but lately I found it to be an advantage, as the other day I fired the rude cashier who thought my coupon for Irish Spring soap expired and had a real attitude about it when I pointed out that it isn’t 2011 yet.
December 16th, 2010 at 5:28 pm
I remember being an egg noob once myself. I would have totally forgotten about checking the eggs first too. I do know this about eggs (though I suspect someone will correct me) eggs are eggs are eggs. Whether free range, organic or any other new fangled thing about them they taste the same and have the same nutritional value. The only thing about any of the processes/marketing scams such as ‘organic’ and free range is that it is a little better for the chicken. I was also told by my daughter that there are more chickens than humans, I don’t know if that was counting the eggs.
Jen´s last blog post ..Twin Cities Blizzard-December 2010
December 17th, 2010 at 4:06 pm
Ah! I had this happen recently at TJ Maxx, when a man about my age kept looking at me like he desperately wanted to say something…
I made the mistake of thinking he either thought he knew me, or even more unlikely, that I was cute or something.
I should have realized it was neither. I am, apparently, this region’s expert on Marzipan… In that, he believed I might actually know what the hell it is.
I tried to explain what I knew for a fact (it’s too sweet, it has an almond flavor, it might be made of some kind of dough, no, it is only shaped like fruit, but it does not taste fruity).
He was happy with this answer and went on his way.
If anyone asks me about eggs, I will give them your URL.
Jenn of Many Cabbages´s last blog post ..Facebook Like Function Spoils Dexter Netflix Savorability Factor
December 21st, 2010 at 10:48 am
I always get people coming up to me in a shop asking if I work there, probably because I dress like a shop assistant.
I wouldn’t know the difference between any of these eggs as well.