My New Favorite Thing
Stuff I don't hate, work December 7th, 2010I have a new love in my life. Don’t worry. There will always be bacon.
My new love and I met while I worked on a colleague’s computer. She noticed I was admiring something on her desk, which I used while I worked.
The attraction was instant and I fell hard. Be still, my heart.
When I finished my work, she gifted me with one.
So what is my new love?
A pencil.
But not just any pencil.
It’s a Pentel OE519 automatic grippy pencil with a twist eraser and deliciously bold 0.9 lead thickness. Oh, yeah, baby.
Hello? Are you still with me?
You fainted, right? I know! I did too!
And I almost had a meltdown yesterday when I couldn’t find it in my desk. I thought someone stole it. I wouldn’t blame them. I mean, it writes like a dream, very sturdy and forgiving — you can press really hard and not break the tip.
It’s smooth like a pen. A pen. But it’s not!
Don’t hate me because I have a groovy new pencil.
Hate me because I won’t let you use it.
Seriously. Try it and I’ll cut you.
Have a nice day.

December 7th, 2010 at 6:49 pm
.9 you say? No way! I’m waaayyy to manly for a .5 and have to seriously dial back on my grip just keep from snapping my .7s. You must tell where I can get one of these. Better yet, you must send me one for Christmas. Thank you.
p.s. but where do you get this magical replacement lead? Do you have a dealer?
December 7th, 2010 at 6:57 pm
You’ll have to stock up so that you don’t wind up in jail if someone touches it!
flit´s last blog post ..Snows & Winds
December 7th, 2010 at 7:08 pm
A pencil that doesn’t make the horrible scritchy noise that makes me hate pencils? Wow. My boss would be pleased if I switched–sometimes I can tell that my insistence on writing in pen makes him nervous.
absepa´s last blog post ..There are no magic numbers here
December 7th, 2010 at 7:11 pm
I have always been a fountain pen man myself. The best way to write it to paint with ink. It isn’t for pansies.
Bruce´s last blog post ..Future Channels
December 7th, 2010 at 7:18 pm
SHARE!!! Oh wait, you’ll cut me. Kay, I’ll go find my own. I. Must. Have. One. I have a new purpose in life. I like this purpose, so much simpler than all the other ones I’ve got tied around my neck right now.
But to be GIFTED with The Pencil!!! Dude, I want your friends.
Karen´s last blog post ..Hope and King Arthur Flour vs Nutfudge Personality
December 7th, 2010 at 7:43 pm
I can’t use pencils. I’m left handed so it ends up smeared all over the side of my hand.
December 7th, 2010 at 7:45 pm
If I wrote anything other than the bi-monthly check to Mrs. Rambler for household expenses, that might be a really cool thing to have. I hardly ever used mechanical pencils because I pressed too hard and went through lead like an ice cream cone in July.
Tarheel Rambler´s last blog post ..The White Christmas That Sucked
December 7th, 2010 at 7:47 pm
I haven’t used a pencil (other than to draw with) for many years. If I was going to use one it would have to be a .9 though. Nothing less would do.
Babs – beetle´s last blog post ..The Worst Christmas Present Ever!
December 7th, 2010 at 8:16 pm
That is a really groovy pencil. Groovy was a popular word the last time I used a pencil. If, however, I suddenly found myself transported back in time, and I was required to use a pencil, I would want a groovy one like that. In a different color of course. Maybe psychedelic.
H J Smith´s last blog post ..Does Your Brain Have a Negative Bias
December 7th, 2010 at 8:44 pm
I am seriously jealous that you have a pencil with .09 lead and it’s that cool. I hate writing with a regular pencil because I can’t stand dull lead. I live for a sharp point 🙂 I want one but don’t worry I wouldn’t dream of taking yours while you aren’t looking.
ann´s last blog post ..Saying Grace
December 7th, 2010 at 9:07 pm
I must have this pencil! I must!
lisa @boondock ramblings´s last blog post ..It’s a good thing I have nice neighbors
December 7th, 2010 at 9:29 pm
Being the ‘giver’ of the pencil I must say I fell in love with these pentel twist erase pencils about a year ago. Since that time I don’t use pens unless I have to. I write more just because I love using it. They are absolutely amazing. I’m thinking in investing in Pentel.
But as amazing as the ‘pencil’ is – Kathy is more amazing in her ability to handle whatever is thrown her way. Don’t know what we would do without her. An amazing pencil is really a pathetic way of saying thanks. Kath – you deserve so much more!
December 7th, 2010 at 10:08 pm
I am extremely jealous of your new pencil. I somersaulted in glee when they finally started making mechanical pencils with .7 thickness lead instead of that spindly little .5 crap. I could finally write without snapping that wimpy little lead into pieces, although I still have to be careful not to cut through my paper.
I can only imagine how nice your pencil is. *sighs longingly* I wonder if Santa knows how what great stocking stuffers these pencils would be…
Surfie´s last blog post ..Motorcycle Mayhem
December 7th, 2010 at 10:35 pm
Glad you found a pencil you adore. I am a pen person and have been ever since high school. Still have the same pen, too!
December 8th, 2010 at 3:20 am
Dare I ask? Do they have one decorated in bacon?
The only thing I use pencils for is the balance in my checkbook ledger and marking where to cut wood and such. Your basic #2 yellow pencils works brilliantly for my needs.
Barb @AgingGracefully-ish´s last blog post ..Aging Gracefully-ish – Chapter 5
December 8th, 2010 at 5:37 am
Jeff — Way! I don’t know if I can give one up for you for Christmas. It’s the season of giving, but as far as I’m concerned, it’s also the season of getting all selfishy with my pencils. You’ll have to ask “cll” (see comment #12) where she gets the lead. Oh, did I mention she also gave me a container of replacement lead and a giant eraser? It’s an embarrassment of riches.
flit — I’ve already got two now, plus extra lead. I wonder if I should have my name engraved on them?
absepa — No scritchy noise! Smooth as can be! No ripping paper, not broken tips, it’s really the Maserati of pencils.
Bruce — I would think not. I’ve never tried. And I don’t want to, because I get addicted easily and I’m a slob, so I would be dumping ink everywhere.
Karen — It really is the little things, isn’t it? And NO, you can’t have it. Unless you wanna buy your own. This looks like it. Although it’s not the exact model number that I see on my pencil, so maybe mine is special and awesome and you can’t get them anymore. Hee.
Anne — Aw, that stinks. But you’d still like to use this one. It does smudge a tiny little bit, but I can forgive that because it’s aces in so many other ways.
Tarheel Rambler — You wouldn’t with this one, Lee! I swear, I tried to break the tip and it doesn’t! It’s a magical pencil to beat all other pencils!
Babs Beetle — .9 is also my new favorite decimal. It makes me deliriously happy as you can tell, you know, because I would kill a person for it.
H J Smith — LMAO. In addition to groovy, it is also far out, trippin’, cool city and fab. You dig?
ann — I understand your attraction. I really do. Regular pencils — do they even make them anymore? Who has the energy and time to sharpen them, and seriously, what do you do when the tip breaks? Get out your big honkin’ sharpener and make some noise. Automatic pencils are where it’s at, man.
Lisa at Boondock Ramblings — See link in reply to Karen. I think it’s a close facsimile. As Surfie suggested, it’d make a great stocking stuffer. Tell your husband! (But only if he won’t make fun of you).
cll — Thank you, thank you, thank you! I could get a brand new car for Christmas, but I would still think the Pentel was the best gift ever. And thank you for your nice words. I would kill to have clients just like you, but sadly I don’t. You make up for them!
Surfie — I never used mechanical pencils much before for the reason you give. Just too annoying, too snappy, too thin. This one is in a class by itself. Now you need to drop some hints and maybe Santa will come bearing Pentels for you. And don’t forget to ask for extra 0.9 lead!
Linda — I do have a favorite pen, both at home and at work. I don’t know what I’m gonna do when the ink runs out. Do you add ink to your high school pen? Surely you must!
Barb – Now that would be the cat’s meow. And the lead should smell like bacon when it comes out. #2 yellow pencil. What’s that? Hee.
December 8th, 2010 at 5:52 am
Go ahead. Cut away. That pencil? Sooo worth the scars. Besides, chicks dig scars. Not that that helps me any, but whatever. I want that pencil.
Hey Kathy! Look over there! Is that a giant bacon tree?! *points into the distance then lunges for your pencil when you look away*
Nicky´s last blog post ..Snow
December 8th, 2010 at 7:03 am
I did not know anybuddy still used pencils! It is pretty cute. For a pencil. I prefer crayons.
Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog post ..Crouching Tiger- Hidden Dragon
December 8th, 2010 at 8:54 am
I like challenges….yes I do! You should worry if and when you see me walking (stalking) the halls of Rauch!
December 8th, 2010 at 9:27 am
I’m so relieved not to be the only person who lusts after writing instruments.
December 8th, 2010 at 9:42 am
I like pencils, though I’m cool with perfectly fine with the ubiquitous .7 leads. My husband WILL ONLY write with .5. Weird.
The twisty eraser, though, that’s definitely a keeper.
Stephanie Barr´s last blog post ..Meet Dylan Chroz part 1
December 8th, 2010 at 10:35 am
That pencil is the publicist’s favorite color. She is more of a pen girl. Goat’s don’t write. It’s hard to hold anything with hooves you know.
And in answer to your question I had better get apples for Christmas or someone is in deep goat poop!
Pricilla´s last blog post ..Wordless Wednesday – Almost
December 8th, 2010 at 11:44 am
We googled for it and The Junk Drawer came up!
We will have to go to Staples and look for it.
Cats~Goats~Quotes´s last blog post ..Bob and Patrick Basement Time!
December 8th, 2010 at 11:58 am
That is one nice pencil. But I do not love it. The color is wrong. If it was a nice magenta I’d love it. To love something, it has to be just right. Keep that one. But I would love a magenta one if you thinking of buying me something. If you are not thinking of that, it’s okay.
Linda Medrano´s last blog post ..Fix The Flaws – Not So Fast
December 8th, 2010 at 3:37 pm
I have one of those pencils as well that I use on a regular basis…it is full of win.
December 8th, 2010 at 3:50 pm
I love finding a good writing utensil – but it never lasts – it’s almost always lost or stolen and your heart is broken. Is your husband aware of this new love in your life?
December 8th, 2010 at 3:57 pm
I’m a gel pen person, myself, but this looks interesting enough to try. I’ll have to remember it the next time I go into Staples!
December 8th, 2010 at 4:04 pm
Nicky — What? Where? Where’s bacon? Wait. Where’s my pencil? I’m such a sucker. Now gimme back my pencil.
Daisy the Curly Cat — I know you do, Daisy. You make excellent drawrings when you color. Is it hard to hold them with your tiny paws?
Linda — I left instructions for everyone in my office not to let you in, even if you say you are just stopping to say hi. The pencils are in a vault when I’m not there anyway, so don’t even try.
Shieldmaiden — I know of your lust. Doesn’t it go “God, country, family, Pentel”? Something like that.
Stephanie Barr — I would take a .7 lead if it were the only thing available. I tested out a .5 today, but didn’t like it. .7 is decent, but it’s no .9.
Pricilla — Maybe they make finger extensions for goats so you can hold and know the glory of good writing instruments. You’re really missing out. I hope you get the biggest and most delicious apples under your Christmas tree. You deserve them from bringing goat joy to others.
Cats-Goats-Quotes — Well, I swear I got the code right, but maybe I didn’t and that’s why I’m the only place where it shows up. Make sure you look for “Twist-Erase” and for God’s sake, be sure it’s a .9 or you will cry.
Linda Medrano — I like a nice magenta too! If I find one, I’ll send ya one. Totally swear I will!
ryan — Full of win indeed.
sheila — My husband is aware of this new love and he’s down with it because he knows a Twist-Erase-using wife is a happy wife.
Pat — I’ve tried gel pens before, but if the tip isn’t thick enough, it makes me crazy. It’s like fingernails on a chalkboard to me for some reason. I know, I have issues.
December 8th, 2010 at 5:14 pm
I constantly broke my .5mm lead pencils so I eventually had to give up and use a normal pencil or black pen. I’ve never even heard of .9mm lead, but that would be a dream come true. I once had the genius idea to put one of those soft grips on a normal pencil, but it became such a hassle to sharpen and I had to sharpen it often. Mechanical pencils all the way!
December 8th, 2010 at 6:39 pm
This has not much to do with pencils, but I thought of you when I saw it:
feefifoto´s last blog post ..Wordless Wednesday- My Mistake
December 8th, 2010 at 6:59 pm
As one who gets excited about stationary and office supplies, I’m totally with you. I’d have been so excited I probably would have gotten an erection.
J. Bear Savo´s last blog post ..Bardship from a Bashed Brain
December 9th, 2010 at 2:22 am
Kathy, you really have a thing with pencils. Do you collect them like having a cabinet full of pencils with different designs and characteristics?
RonLeyba´s last blog post ..Video Game Testing Jobs
December 9th, 2010 at 8:30 am
“Linda — I left instructions for everyone in my office not to let you in, even if you say you are just stopping to say hi. The pencils are in a vault when I’m not there anyway, so don’t even try.”
Everyone has their price!!!
December 9th, 2010 at 9:03 am
“It’s a Pentel OE519 automatic grippy pencil with a twist eraser and deliciously bold 0.9 lead thickness.”
Sounds pretty fancy, Kathy. I’ll stick with my standard, manually operated, graphite induced, portable communications inscriber; a #2, preferably. Oh, we just call them pencils, where I come from. Ha!
Have fun with your new, technologically advanced pencil!
December 9th, 2010 at 9:00 pm
Not to worry, I only use pens! I never liked pencils.
Karen, author of “My Funny Dad, Harry”´s last blog post ..Kasey To the Rescue by Ellen Rogers-An Enjoyable Read!
December 9th, 2010 at 9:12 pm
That is the exact pencil I have used for years. Love it. I have a box in my desk drawer, and always two in my bag. All my Moleskine’s are filled by them.
Joe Thorn´s last blog post ..Talking to Kids About Santa
December 10th, 2010 at 12:41 am
I have got to be weird. I have one of these and don’t care for them at all. Maybe it is because I am left handed, I don’t know.
I use a pencil for work all the time and I use a lead holder that takes 2mm lead. None of the little girly crap: I want a man pencil*.
These are about the only pencils I don’t snap the lead, aside from actual wooden ones, which the quality sucks so bad I no longer buy.
(*Note, my “man” pencil is hot pink. I also have one from the 1930s that, while green, is not that manly either.)
SewDucky´s last blog post ..2 Years!
December 10th, 2010 at 12:54 am
I used that pencil all of high school I loved that pencil with the automatic eraser
December 10th, 2010 at 5:13 am
Criminal Justice Degree – Yes, you must have a bonafide grippy pencil, and .9 if you can find it. I’m told by my freak pencil-expert co-worker that .9s are really hard to find. She explained to me the codes used to describe the different kinds of hardnesses (which is different than thickness). Again, she’s a freak. Get thee to a Staples!
feefifoto — You know, everyone thinks I run a bacon blog. Maybe it’s time I finally start a separate one? You are probably the fifth person this week to send me something bacon-related. I guess the first step is admitting I have a problem.
J. Bear Savo — I used to work with a woman who loved working for the supply store at the university where we work. They closed down and she lost that job. I think she may have needed therapy after. You are not alone.
Ron Leyba — No, but my freak co-worker has a drawer full of pens. She calls those the second-string pens. The first-string pens are in her top drawer, which she says she “never uses because she’s saving them.” Yeah. Here’s her drawer.
Linda — And that price is probably cookies.
Mike — It is fancy and I get embarrassingly giddy when I use it. A couple people who read Junk Drawer came by to visit and test the pencil themselves. I started to sweat a little, but allowed they to use it nonetheless. I made sure they didn’t pocket it. You know, because I’ll cut them.
Karen — But surely you must at least have grippy pens, right? Grippies are the BEST!
Joe Thorn — I love how your special pencil, no, our special pencil gets a mention all its own in your list. I understand. I also laughed at your “keep an extra $20 in there” because I don’t know what that is either.
SewDucky — A 2mm pencil???? As a friend wrote me on Facebook, “you might as well use a crayon.” Where in the hell would you get replacement lead? That’s not just a man pencil. It’s a man pencil on steroids.
John — And it’s like it’s never-ending, so it can erase a year’s worth of mistakes. If only we had one for life in general, eh?
December 10th, 2010 at 9:12 am
Oh you can get the leads from Office Depot and Staples. They’re very common (so I am told) in the drafting world. The only problem is that I have to sharpen the lead often simply because I like a point.
SewDucky´s last blog post ..2 Years!
December 10th, 2010 at 11:11 pm
I couldn’t handle the excitement of owning such a groovy pencil. I probably couldn’t get the lead out. I have knack for making the lead snap upon impact.
Lauren´s last blog post ..Jobless Rate Rises by One
December 13th, 2010 at 5:00 pm
Nothing will ever replace fountain pens.
December 21st, 2010 at 5:21 pm
Haha :)).I don’t have a pencil like yours but I have a grate pen.My mom gave it to me at my birthday and it has my name initials on the pencil cap.I write almost everything with it and I don’t let anybody to write with it.
Be careful not to scratch.
Rares Cojocaru´s last blog post ..8 important things-read in 10 seconds that make you smile