Why It’s Good to Read Your Blog Offline
Blogging December 18th, 2010 A friend of the family enjoys my blog, but she doesn’t read it the way you do.
She’s in her 80s and doesn’t have a computer or access to the Internet. She gets my blog when I print out several months’ worth of posts and mail them to her at the post office.
A blog through snail mail. Weird, huh?
Whenever I print out posts I always sit down and read through them before mailing. Why? Because reading a chunk of your old posts in a quiet setting, on paper, is a full-immersion exercise that gives you a clearer picture of your writing. Much more than just browsing a single post on a computer screen can.
Because there is time and distance between me and something I wrote months ago, it almost feels like I’m reading someone else’s work. It’s fresh to me.
I discover a lot from this process.
When I laugh at something I barely remember writing, it’s like getting a surprise gift. “I wrote that? Not bad, Kathy. Not bad.”
It also gives me a chance to watch for negative trends that I might have slipped into over the years and that need improvement.
Here are some things I noticed:
1. I’m writing less. This last packet I sent was thinner than it should have been for five months and I know why. The larger my audience gets, the more afraid I am to publish something that I’m not sure will be a hit. There were periods I went as long as eight days without a new post.
When I first started The Junk Drawer, I published every 2-3 days. I want to get back to that, accepting the risk that something will fall flat. Sure, if I write more, there may be more stinker posts, but I know that I’m happier when I publish more often.
2. No matter how much I edit a post before I publish, I found some posts that still weren’t cut enough. I wrote things that weren’t necessary for the post theme, especially in the lead paragraphs. Some passages sounded awkward or lengthy, and didn’t help move the story along. Lotta clunky stuff in places.
3. I overuse some words, use clichés when I get lazy, and sometimes something I write doesn’t even make sense to me when I read it months later. I’d sit there and think “God, what must my readers have thought? They sure are forgiving.”
4. I’m insane. But we knew that already.
So in this season of giving, give yourself a little gift.
Print out some of your stuff and cozy up with it for a while. You might be surprised by your own writing, find a few things you can improve upon and renew your excitement for blogging.
Works for me!

December 18th, 2010 at 7:51 am
Is that not kind of the whole point of a junk drawer? Once in a while you’re supposed to find a treasure… but surely not every single time.
flit´s last blog post ..1 downfar too many to go
December 18th, 2010 at 8:06 am
Ah worry. I know it well. Luckily I don’t really have many readers, and I just sort of splatter myself all over the pages of my blog, because for me writing is a release and a relief. Despite my spelling errors, which I always seem to have even though I spellcheck, and my frequent stupid and/or confusing subject matter, it never fails to make me feel good when I hit the publish key and it all erupts onto the internet.
I am always happy to find a new post on Junk Drawer, and I always read them with pleasure, because you are a great writer and astute observer. If I always wanted to read something safe, I’d be re-reading the books on my shelves instead of blogs. So publish away kid! You’ll never disappoint me.
Karen´s last blog post ..Fat Girl Deflates- Realize Band at Eleven
December 18th, 2010 at 9:56 am
One of my blog pallies and her husband were tragically killed a few months back and her daughter wrote on her blog that they were going to print a book of her posts to honor them by. Imagine that! While I love the thought, I cringe to think of those “bad posts” in print for all eternity! That said, I think my posts are representative of me–having some good days and some bad. And there are far too many days and instances where I use the wrong words and am not so popular.
lin´s last blog post ..Now DistrictLinescom Sucks
December 18th, 2010 at 10:56 am
I think it’s hysterical that you know someone who wants to read your blog bad enough that she lets you print it and mail it to her. K-ster doesn’t understand the point of why I blog. I tell him it’s the book I’ll never write. It gives me a chance to write and let people read it and see their reactions. And it gives me a good laugh sometimes to go back and read what I’ve written, particularly when I think it’s a humdinger. And I’m sometimes so appalled when the Queen of Grammar makes a horrid mistake, such as one instead of won.
sparkling74´s last blog post ..Feel Good Friday
December 18th, 2010 at 11:38 am
Kathy, I have yet to read anything of yours that was “shoddy” or weak. Your personality comes through in everything you write, and the end result is that the reader feels like they “know you” and “like you” (very much in fact).
Linda Medrano´s last blog post ..But What Do I Do With It
December 18th, 2010 at 1:46 pm
I’ve done some very good writing on my blog back when no was reading it except me. And I didn’t care if people did or didn’t. I’m still not sure whether I care if people read it. I keep promising myself I will only write what I please but then I edit out all the truths and leave the fluff. I think I need to have another chat with Polonius.
Grace´s last blog post ..My daily chats with the newspapers
December 18th, 2010 at 2:25 pm
I’m an internet blogging noob. (that’s my disclaimer) Are you writing for yourself or for the masses? It’s different for each person, and it’s also a very personal matter, so I get it if you choose to pass over this… Who do you write for? If it’s for YOU, then you shouldn’t worry one little bit what the masses have to say about your work. It’s yours, and it’s put together masterfully the way YOU want it. Writing is an artform. Therefore, it is subjective…. Some may like, some may not. In our little museum of modern writing, some may pass by and say, Meh. But most, I believe, stop and say… Oh, this is wonderful.
Keep it up.
.endtransmission.´s last blog post ..Chipotle Diaper
December 18th, 2010 at 2:43 pm
I’m always surprised that anybody reads my blog. They just don’t comment, except for the usual handful that number in the single digits. That’s why I now have a new blog. Having 188 Followers and 88 Subscribers in a reader was creeping me out… It was akin to having 276 peeping Toms. Me no likey.
Barb @AgingGracefully-ish´s last blog post ..Aging Gracefully-ish – Chapter 13
December 18th, 2010 at 5:39 pm
works for me as well which is why have drawers full of paper and notebooks…:)
robert bourne´s last blog post ..The Road the middle years part 13
December 18th, 2010 at 9:34 pm
I frequently reread our older posts, for the same reasons you do. I also find myself more cautious about what I post since we’ve gotten more readers. We’ve become friends with quite a few of our readers and I feel like it’s become personal, so when I flop, it’s like I’ve let down my friends. Not to mention the fact that some of them are insane and scare me. A lot.
I don’t think you need to worry though. Didn’t you write a test post that got 3000 comments? 🙂
Nicky´s last blog post ..It Really Is A Wonderful Life – Part One
December 19th, 2010 at 2:18 am
@Barb: I know the feeling of having hundreds of various subscribers. I have many that subscribe to headlines, excerpts, etc. But I have several hundred that subscribe to the full feed. Most of those have probably rarely visited my site, but read my posts regularly. Although it is a bit peeping tomish, it is also sort of flattering, I guess.
And Kathy, I bet you are one of the only ones that thinks you are “insane”. Funny, yes. Insightful, yes. But not insane. Your comment about writing less prompted me to look at my archives to see if I fluctuate. Amazingly, even without paying attention to it, I am pretty consistent over the years. At least 90% of the months have 14 to 19 posts. A few months have more and a few have 10 to 14. At least 4 or 5 posts a month are things like Wordless Wednesday so they have no writing, but I still count them. So I am not prolific, but certainly consistent. I guess that is a good thing?
Will´s last blog post ..Wordless Wednesday 12-15-2010
December 19th, 2010 at 6:40 am
Oh yes, I am FOR more posts here! It’s always fun to rummage through the junk drawer!
Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog post ..Im a Holiday Reindeer!
December 19th, 2010 at 7:34 am
Okay I totally love everything about this post. Yes, you should post more, I love your stuff! Havent seen any weak stuff coming my way from your junk drawer though!
And wow the printing off is a cool anachronism, I may try that, though gotta admit am a little scared to look that deeeply at my stuff, as I self-censor so much already. Interesting ideas!
Brahm (alfred lives here)´s last blog post ..Drew Barrymore and other undiscovered treats
December 19th, 2010 at 7:41 am
flit — But as a writer, I strive to make a post the best it can be. Otherwise, I feel lazy. So you’ll be OK with the stinker posts then?
Karen — That it is for me too. More so in the beginning, but now I worry more. Ah! I love a post to “erupt onto the internet” too. There should be a name for that feeling when you click publish, right? Thank you for your wonderful comments. I really appreciate that. Makes me feel like I’m doing something right. You know I dig your blog, too!
lin — Oh, I didn’t know that. How sad. I’ve wondered from time to time what will come of my blog when I’m gone. I think I would like someone to print it out before my domain expires and no one can access it anymore. I should put that in my will. Oh, dear, you can’t say you’re not popular. You are SO crazy popular!
sparkling74 — Yep, Junk Drawer is the book I’ll never write, too. I’ve had some starts and stops with a real book, but I always prefer to tend to my blog first. It is fun to take a look back. There have been some posts I completely forgot that I wrote. Weird!
Linda Medrano — You are a dear, sweet woman. Now what do you like better? Roses or wine? Because I think I should send you a gift for that!
Grace — Maybe you need an anonymous blog for all that truth stuff? There are things I want to write about, too, but would never dream of it. Then again, I couldn’t get anyone to read it if it were anonymous. Catch 22.
endtransmission — You know, in the beginning I would have said I was writing for me. But now I say with conviction I’m writing for others. Steve Martin was just recently quoted that any writer who claims they’re “only writing for me” is just kidding themselves. I agree with you that even though I write for others, it’s written the way I want it. I loved your comment. So insightful.
Barb — No one comments? Yes they do. Me no likey subscribers? Are you kidding? You have many friends and readers, so I don’t understand this at all. I’m cornfused!
robert bourne — And a favorite pen, no doubt. You’re a prolific writer. No writer should be without the instruments of his craft. Incidentally, I finally cleaned out my car yesterday and found not one, not two, but three notebooks. Want ’em?
Nicky — Yes, exactly! It’s personal and you want to please you readers who’ve come to enjoy your writing. I hate the thought of letting people (and myself) down. You get it! (And laughing about the test post. Yeah, I got a couple comments on that.)
Will — Sometimes I do question the way my brain works. I sometimes seem to find the weirdest (stupidest?) things to write about. But if people like it, I guess it’s OK, right? Your writing stats are impressive. Truly. I was shocked to find in one month I had only six posts (November, 2010). That really bothered me. Yes, consistency is a very good thing. Congrats!
Daisy the Curly Cat — I would like to think my blog is like a big toy box to you that you like to paw through for something fun. Does your mommeh let you look in her junk drawer at home?
Brahm — Thanks! Yes, do print your stuff out. Like looking in a mirror. And like any other self-examination, it’s a learning experience. Don’t be bothered that you self-censor. Just look for trends and patterns that you can’t see when you read only one post. It’s eye-opening! Thanks for your comment.
December 19th, 2010 at 9:19 am
There is a PDF tool out there for bloggers who want to make an offline copy, you made me want to try that again. 🙂
December 19th, 2010 at 11:33 am
I love that your writing feels like you. When I read it it’s almost like having you over for tea or coffee and catching up. In Hawaii they call that “Talk Story”. My friends aren’t perfect…perfect is intimidating and unrealistic. Your blog is human in it’s imperfections…and that’s much more valuable (and readable)
I have a friend who started a blog this past year and it got an initial burst of popularity…and now she’s following all the steps of blog marketing…Contest this and advertising that product that and follow me and I’ll follow you. I’ve stopped reading b/c it’s now my friend anymore. There is maybe one real post in every ten and the rest I feel are trying to sell me. She’s lost a lot of readers who actually came by to sit and “Talk Story” and gained a mass following of mutual-Tweeting-Society who don’t read so much as click.
Keep on keeping it real…and love-able. And post more…I like talking story with you.
December 19th, 2010 at 11:48 am
I’ve done the same thing… printing out posts to send to my brother. It is definitely different to read them on actual paper. Like you, I’ve found that I write less these days and my posts are much more concise than the early ones. But it’s still fun to go back and read the old ones… let’s me know that I’m just as demented as I was two years ago!
CatLadyLarew´s last blog post ..The Pitter Patter of Little Feet
December 19th, 2010 at 11:49 am
And I’m horrified by all my typos and mistakes… like putting an apostrophe in “lets” in the comment above. Rats!
CatLadyLarew´s last blog post ..The Pitter Patter of Little Feet
December 19th, 2010 at 3:06 pm
THANK YOU for saying that you laugh at something you wrote and crack yourself up. I try to explain this to my husband when it happens to me and I think it confuses him.
Margaret (Nanny Goats)´s last blog post ..Recipe- Goat Kima
December 19th, 2010 at 3:06 pm
I look through my old posts and I see all the kids that are no longer on the Farm and I get sad….
Pricilla´s last blog post ..Silly Sunday
December 19th, 2010 at 4:13 pm
It seems that you’re learning what a great many bloggers and writers never learn — and that is the art of self-editing. When I had my old blog up and running, I thought that everything I wrote was perfect after a bit of spell-checking and a final reading. Yet, now that I have been editing the magazine I realize how foolish I was.
Editing has made me a far better writer and editor of my own work. I read so many submissions from people which are just plain awful, I wonder if they read their submission at all before they sent it to me.
Because I edit the magazine, I look back as you do at previous posts and see where I could have cut. The good news is if you’re noticing this now, you learned from your experiences here with your site, you care about your work, and you will always be better as you go. Trust your instincts and post, post post!
December 19th, 2010 at 9:39 pm
I love this post and all the points that you made. I agree with Linda though, you are a talented writer, and I can’t imagine that you shake your head too often.
Great name for a blog btw!
Sandra´s last blog post ..Drunken night out!
December 19th, 2010 at 11:08 pm
Good advice, Kathy.
I’m self-critical, too. Maybe not as much as you are, but then again, my writing/material isn’t as good as yours either. You are good because you are you, AND because you make extra efforts to write well.
I don’t even know how to print out my blog. I’ll figure that out and try it.
Oh, and another thing. I’m not as insane as you are, and we all know insane sells. So, I’ll try to be more insane. K?
December 20th, 2010 at 5:24 am
Oyvind — I’d like to know what that is. I simply copied and pasted into a word document (picked one month at a time).
Laura — Oh, thank you so much! I love this idea of Talk Story. It’s a shame that your friend got caught up in the marketing of her blog. I know there’s a strong urge to do it, to find whatever you think might help. Sometimes you wind up spending more time on that than on writing. I ran that risk, too. I loved your comment! Thank you!
CatLadyLarew — I’m glad you print them out too! It’s definitely a fun and educational exercise. I have to admit, though, I don’t much like my early stuff. Talk about stinkers. And some posts were oh, so long! Eeek! I’ve definitely shortened my posts over the years, shooting for 500 words or less, which seems to be my magic number. Re: “let’s,” I get that wrong more often than I want to admit.
Nanny Goats — Oh, I’m so glad you admitted to it, too! We should admit that we laugh at our own stuff. Nothing wrong with that!
Pricilla — Awww, Pricilla. You get a pass. Don’t look back if it makes you sad. A unhappy goat makes me sad.
Mike — Yes, yes, yes! Editing is our friend. The only problem in my case is that when I’m done with a post, I’m so anxious to get it published (like a few more minutes matters), that I have trigger finger. Not as much as three years ago, but the temptation to go live prematurely is always there.
Sandra — Thanks for your kind words. Unfortunately, I was disappointed more when I sent this last batch of posts than ever before. But it renewed my interest and motivation to do better and that’s a good thing.
Ferd — Aw, don’t say that. We’re all unique writers with our own voice. The one area where being self-critical may actually hurt me is that it keeps me from publishing for long stretches. It taught me there’s such a thing as being overly-critical. I vow to let more things fly! Yes, insane sells. That’s why Snooki got a book deal.
December 20th, 2010 at 12:13 pm
Periodically, I go back and read my stuff too. Does it make me laugh the second, or even third time around? I have really cut back on my writing as well. It’s not that I am out of ideas, since the sickness and subsequent loss of my cat I have been unable to put the words to paper, so to speak. When I do have a post idea, I’ll usually do a draft with a title and a few words as to why I think it’s funny. To keep the blog going, I have reused a few earlier posts. I like to look at Lewis Grizzard and Erma Bombeck, they wrote nearly every day, even through cancer and heart disease, had a few columns that fell short, but kept on writing; it’s what they did.
December 20th, 2010 at 12:36 pm
you found your writing mojo again! congrats. (we all knew you would!)
Ali´s last blog post ..Moving Update- Peaceful
December 20th, 2010 at 3:34 pm
That’s good advice, and I noticed the same thing by reading my blog on Kindle (available for 99 cents per month over at Amazon.com). It just seems, I dunno, different.
Knucklehead!´s last blog post ..My GPS is Trying to Kill Me
December 20th, 2010 at 4:59 pm
I often read my old blogs for inspiration and to not forget things…..and ‘doh’….I end up editting them again, because I find bad sentence structure or miss-spelled words……it is a sickness.
Bruce´s last blog post ..Droid Dump
December 20th, 2010 at 5:01 pm
I love to laugh, and this is a great place to visit for that. I see something of myself in almost every post and I don’t feel as out-of-place. Reading through the comments is a huge part of the experience as well. It’s a community that celebrates the funny quirks in everyone.
December 20th, 2010 at 6:14 pm
Regarding Lin’s comment. My niece’s (Sindie) complete blog has been printed out for the family also.
If I’m honest, I don’t know who my readers are any more, which is probably why my posts are thinning out somewhat. I used to have a feel for what my readers wanted. I don’t any more, and I think my blog is suffering because of it. maybe I should get back to just writing for myself. I feel an important post coming on 🙂
Babs – beetle´s last blog post ..Who wants a white Christmas
December 20th, 2010 at 11:46 pm
I always print out my writing. The words look different on a page. I don’t always print out my blog posts and instead rely upon the view screen, which is a mistake. I also find that when revising from the screen, I tend to overwrite. Some of my best writing happens while I’m driving or emptying the dishwasher.
Lauren´s last blog post ..Just ADD and Me and the Circus in My Head
December 21st, 2010 at 1:38 am
Great story.
Whenever I post something new, I’m almost always disappointed in the quality. I’m sure I didn’t spend enough time on it and that I’m failing to meet my own standards. When I look at old posts a few months down the road, I’m frequently surprised at how much better they are than I initially thought.
I spend way too much time worrying about getting it right, and that’s cut my posting frequency, too.
Cromely´s last blog post ..Frequent Flier Animations
December 21st, 2010 at 5:10 am
MA Fat Woman — Well, we do all need a break when life gets in the way (sorry about your sickness and loss of your cat — I lost my sweet Stinky in October and didn’t write that much then either). I do try to think of things to write about every day, but don’t actually do it. My full-time job really gets in the way!
Ali — Sorta, kinda. Not where I want to be, but I’m getting there. I really do want to get back to posting every 2-3 days. I guess that means I’m due already!
Knucklehead! — Yes, it is different on the Kindle. I’ve seen mine there too. It’s weird to see your words in a form other than on a big computer screen.
Bruce — I like reading my old stuff for inspiration too. It reminds me what I’m capable of and helps during times of writer’s block.
Nutrition Degree — You’re right. The comments are sometimes the best part of the blog. I’ve told people who read Junk Drawer, “if you’re not reading the comments, you’re missing out on the whole experience.” Some really funny stuff there!
Babs Beetle — But maybe take a new attitude and write what YOU want instead of what you think your readers want. I know I love reading stories from your childhood, and I’m intrigued by the stories you’ve written about Mo. So I guess I just said what I wanted.
Lauren — I think we overwrite on-screen because it’s so easy to add. I wonder how short my posts would be if I wrote long-hand. Hmmm. I hope you have a pad and pen in the shower. Don’t let those good ideas go down the drain!
Cromely — I’m glad you get satisfaction from reading your things later. Keep that in mind when you publish. Go with your instinct and let it fly! You and I need to stop worrying and post already. I mean, what’s the worst that could happen? Less people comment? Big deal, right?
December 21st, 2010 at 1:52 pm
I’m afraid to do this with real printed words. I do go back and look sometimes and think “not bad” but I will also catch some typo I missed and cringe. It’s a great idea as is writing more often.
Jen´s last blog post ..Top Five Last Minute Christmas Gifts
December 21st, 2010 at 2:11 pm
I haven’t printed mine out, but I’ve experienced all of those thoughts when going back and reading old posts.
Good idea to print them out, though!
Barbara´s last blog post ..A Twirling Good Time
December 22nd, 2010 at 3:39 pm
I’m so unmotivated today that I’ve been reading some of my old posts. I have to tell you I’m having a blast and the day is going by so fast. I have to copy and paste my posts to send them to my mom’s email machine, no computer. Trying to explain links to her is like trying to herd cats.
December 22nd, 2010 at 6:08 pm
Wow, Kathy. That’s a really good idea. I’ve never even considered reading through my old blog posts like that. Thanks for the suggestion. I’m sure I could learn A LOT.
meleah rebeccah´s last blog post ..Merry Christmas
December 27th, 2010 at 8:58 am
i want a blog. sure i’ve been writing, but i’m just too lazy to edit and proofread.
v´s last blog post ..He beat her to the punch- but she got the last laugh
December 28th, 2010 at 11:32 pm
This is exactly what I do, the only difference is that, I print out and read others blog post. Those posts I find valuable for me to read offline with a cup of coffee.
RonLeyba´s last blog post ..After Christmas Sales 2010
December 29th, 2010 at 9:16 pm
Hi Kathy,
I always enjoy reading your blog and frankly don’t think it needs any more editing. I don’t think you’re too wordy or overuse clichés. That’s what gives your writing style personality, wit and authenticity. Of course we all need to write more and I too have the whole perfectionist thing going on with my writing so I “get” what you mean.
All in all – my opinion is keep up the good work.
All the best,
Eren Mckay´s last blog post ..Personalise ladybug invitations
December 30th, 2010 at 12:29 pm
Outstanding advice, Kathy. And as for worrying about a piece failing your audience, no one is a bigger fan of Nora Ephron than I am and her new book sucks. It just oozes “resting on her laurels.” No writer hits it out of the park 100% of the time. Just keep writing what gives you joy. Most of the time, that will be enough.