Adventures of Bacon, The Blog!
Bacon, Bizarre, food, Fun January 27th, 2011 Anyone who’s been to the Junk Drawer before knows I have a special place in my heart for delicious bacon.
So I was over the moon when a friend sent me a link to a blog documenting the adventures of Bacon himself.
I love, love, love this blog!
Bacon’s owner, Devon Boatwright, graciously agreed to an interview so I could learn more about my new fatty best friend.
I’m Bacon’s #1 fan, possibly in a Kathy Bates/Misery sort of way. I just love him so. Where did you get Bacon and how did you get the idea for Bacon to have his own blog?
Bacon was actually kind of an accident! My mom ordered Bacon for my sister but accidentally ordered two Bacons. Not knowing what to do with the second one, she decided to give it to us as a family gift. She kept joking that it wasn’t a big deal and we could open it before Christmas and it was just a silly gift. Well, I opened up the box and completely freaked out even more than my children.
Since I opened Bacon before Christmas and my sister was also receiving a Bacon, I was not allowed to post pictures of Bacon. Despite my begging, I posted no pictures of Bacon for 3 days! Then Christmas day I managed to wrangle Bacon from my children and was inspired to pose him with the turkey. Then I thought it would be funny if he helped Ray with the dishes. And it just went from there.
When I posted all the photos, people on my Facebook loved them and someone told me I should start a blog. I figured I would do it and make a coffee table book out of it when I was done. I didn’t realize how many people would actually think Bacon was as cool as I did!
Bacon has ridden the subway, crowd-surfed on a dance floor, gone grocery shopping and helped make home brewed beer. Does Bacon realize he’s a Renaissance Man?
Bacon is most definitely an “out and about” fatty meat. He does not like to sit around at home. I had to convince him to get out on the dance floor, he was scared to get stepped on. And sometimes I’ve had to give him a pep talk (seeing all his kin packaged and eyeless was like something from a horror movie). Bacon is really open to trying new experiences no Bacon has ever tried before.
What is the reaction of people in places you visit (restaurants, museums, stores) when you ask them to hold Bacon and have their picture taken? Do you get strange looks? Also, does your family think you’re insane?
MOST people think it’s kind of funny and definitely think I am weird. Honestly, I am a little weird but I am relatively shy in real life. Asking people to pose with Bacon is really a challenge for me sometimes. I haven’t had anyone say “no” outright. Though, there was the one guy who handled Bacon like he was covered in disease. I don’t even know why he agreed to allow me to take Bacon’s picture. But his lack of humor is the minority. Many people have actually approached me asking about Bacon and what he’s doing.
My husband and kids already knew I was insane. Bacon just takes that insanity into the public. I mean, my husband and I went to Italy with my parents for our anniversary and took pictures of the toilets with the insane plan of making a book entitled “Toilets of Rome.” I sometimes wonder if Ray knew what he was getting into when he married into my family. Hee hee. Luckily, he embraces Bacon and has actually come up with Bacon ideas.
Bacon can say only two words: “I’m Bacon!” Can he express himself in other ways besides speech, where he is clearly limited?
I think Bacon can express himself in the way he stares pointedly and blankly at things. And I think, depending on the context, the words “I’m Bacon!” can have a variety of deep meanings.
I’ve seen Bacon eat soft pretzels on two occasions. Is that his favorite food? Does Bacon understand he is a food?
Bacon does realize he’s a food and it makes him really nervous in certain situations. Being in the kitchen at Counter Burger terrified him. Sometimes when I cook bacon for breakfast, he hunkers down and hopes I don’t eye him ravenously. He also realizes he’s a lovely stuffed thing and hopes the dog won’t decide to drool all over him.
To make matters even worse.. Bacon’s favorite food is actually bacon. He doesn’t care if it’s cooked or raw. He’s even been known to cook little bacons for himself on occasion.
One of my cats has a favorite spot on the back of the couch where she hangs out when she’s not doing cat things. Does Bacon have a favorite spot in your house where he likes to chill when he’s not going on Bacon adventures?
Personally, I take issue with Bacon being left around like a toy. He’s very much a family member. When he is not going on adventures, he generally sits at the 6th chair at the kitchen table. There he can see everything going on. Yes, he sits in the chair properly. I have the same thing with dolls, too. It bugs me if the girls’ American Girl dolls are laying on the floor. I always have to pick them up and put them in a proper, more comfortable position. One question about mechanics: How do you position him to, say, sit in seats, hang onto larger objects or bend over? Does he have special innards that allow for this malleability?
I don’t know if I should say that! It’s a secret! Hee hee. Really, Bacon has this wire along the sides of him that make him poseable. His mouth also moves when he says “I’m Bacon!” so that actually allows me to use the mechanics of his mouth to hang him on something. I have a thing about people handling Bacon for photographs so I try to make sure as much as possible that no one is touching Bacon when I photograph him.
If someone has to be propping him up, then I try to cut their hand out of the picture. Sometimes I snap really quick pictures as Bacon slowly slides down whatever I have managed to prop him on. I probably look like a weirdo posing Bacon in public. Especially at our night out where I took like 20 photos of one of my friends holding Bacon up on the pool table to play pool. I kept saying “I can see you in the picture and I can’t crop that!” So we’d repose. Heh.
Where does Bacon see himself in five years?
Bacon definitely sees himself in a coffee table book. He hopes he’ll have to wear sunglasses and a fake mustache when he goes out so people won’t recognize him because he’ll be so famous. He also hopes he won’t have been eaten or become a dog toy for an oversized canine.
I think we can learn a thing or two from Bacon. What is Bacon’s philosophy on life?
I asked Bacon what his philosophy on life was. After all, he’s read many books and must be quite brilliant by now. I waited with bated breath as Bacon thought long and hard about my question. Finally he answered, “I’m Bacon!” So there you go.
Bacon believes everyone should be like him. We could interpret that to mean he thinks everyone should live life to the fullest and go on many fabulous adventures and take lots of pictures. Or we could take it to mean that Bacon has a bloated self image and thinks everyone should be him.
Devon, thank you for taking the time to help us get to know Bacon better. Also, if you get that coffee table book published, I want a signed copy (and I wouldn’t be disappointed with a Toilets of Rome book either!) I just hope Bacon remembers me when he gets famous.
Adventures of Bacon blog
Author, Devon Boatwright’s Facebook page

January 27th, 2011 at 5:55 pm
I can see how someone could get attached to Bacon. He is very cute. I think a stuffed egg would make a good friend for him. It’s a pity I don’t make puppets any more 🙂
Babs (beetle)´s last blog post ..I hate shopping for clothes
January 27th, 2011 at 6:00 pm
Bacon is the bomb! Thank you, Kathy, for introducing your new fatty friend to us.
Margaret (Nanny Goats)´s last blog post ..Goat Thing of the Day- Nanny Goats in Diapers
January 27th, 2011 at 6:32 pm
First of all, I have to say, I have a blogger crush on you. Your words and humor have me hooked – don’t worry, I’m not looking for anything serious; I’m a fast reader.
This site you’ve found is an amazing marriage of two of my most favorite things: stuffed fake food (which is huggably squishy) and actual bacon (which is tastily salty).
I actually devoted an entire blog post to fake food – I realize this probably doesn’t help me look any less crazy than this comment already has.
Tara Rose Stromberg´s last blog post ..Tara Aspires to Pterodactyl Status- Via Words
January 27th, 2011 at 6:51 pm
I enjoy Bacon’s blog – which I found through your posts on FB… I do seem to run into a lot of gremlins over there though… can’t read the comments – ever 🙁
flit´s last blog post ..Canpages
January 27th, 2011 at 6:56 pm
So, how many degrees of separation are there between Bacon and his less tasty predecessors Kevin and Francis?
HJ Smith´s last blog post ..Cop Rant- The War on Drugs
January 27th, 2011 at 7:15 pm
Oh, oh, oh. I love this post, almost as much as I love bacon.
I have bacon-related things I must share.
First off: Maple Bacon Pumpkin Pie from the Cooking for A$$holes blog:
Also, bacon-flavored toothpicks:
Also, Bacon Turtleburgers:
I have additional bacon links to share, but, well, you know, it’s your blog, not mine, and I don’t want to take over, here…
January 27th, 2011 at 7:24 pm
Okay. Since Kathy e-mailed me and said it was okay, here are additional bacon things.
An original bacon costume from old-timey-days:
Droolworthy Bacon Cups:
Bacon Fashion:
Thomas´s last blog post ..helicopters- canyons and my string of ridiculous luck
January 27th, 2011 at 7:29 pm
Oh, I like Bacon, even though I don’t like bacon. Not to offend the little guy or anything, but I wonder if he stinks up the house too?
lin´s last blog post ..I Love Hobbes Thursday – Bored!
January 27th, 2011 at 8:31 pm
I shall endeavor to be more like Bacon in my daily life. There is much to be learned from Bacon. I commend thee, Bacon!
January 27th, 2011 at 9:03 pm
Thanks for introducing us to bacon. He seems very cool. And he can paint much better than I can. I hope his tile comes out real pretty!
Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog post ..How Does THAT Work At the Vets Office!
January 27th, 2011 at 10:27 pm
Bacon is completely flattered by all the Bacony-love!
@Babs- I really do think Bacon needs a stuffed egg friend. He has a stuffed ice cream for a friend. But Ice Cream only appears sometimes, when he can escape the dog’s clutches.
@Flit- I’ve seen your comments on his blog. I asked my husband about what you might be running into. Maybe you could message me on fb and let me know? I’m definitely not computer savvy but my husband is and I hate to see people running into problems on the blog.
@Tara- omg.. a whole post about fake food! I do adore stuffed fake food. Especially if it has eyes.
@lin- Bacon fills the house with delicious Bacony smells. That’s a good thing, right? 😉
I’m Bacon´s last blog post ..Bacon is crafty
January 27th, 2011 at 10:54 pm
I think I”m in love! No, I know I’m in love.
January 27th, 2011 at 10:59 pm
I love it! What a great idea. I wonder what Bacon thinks of Ham. Maybe they’re related because Bacon appears to be a bit of a ham.
I found this on Facebook. It might be upsetting for Bacon and may cause grease to spill from his eyes.
Lauren´s last blog post ..Egad — I have been Sham-pooed!
January 28th, 2011 at 11:11 am
I am thinking he is like Flat Stanley only in a fatty, more slimy incarnation.
Go Bacon – I hope your erm, goose never gets cooked.
Pricilla´s last blog post ..AbbyDay – I Share Mallorys Story of Her Life Here at the Happy Goats Farm
January 28th, 2011 at 12:28 pm
I love Bacon, he is so cute. He is so well rounded for a piece of meat, I love that he can paint and read. Awesome!
Jen´s last blog post ..I want to live in a hotel
January 28th, 2011 at 1:08 pm
I absolutely love this interview, love Bacon, and love Bacon’s blog. Devon, if I ever see you and Bacon at a store or restaurant, I would be HONORED to hold and pose with Bacon. (Oh, and I would totally buy “Toilets of Rome.”)
JD at I Do Things´s last blog post ..I STILL Do Things so you don’t have to damn it!
January 28th, 2011 at 4:17 pm
Babs Beetle — Aw! A stuffed egg! I love it. Maybe a little toast on the side? Of course, they must all have giant googly eyes and have the capacity to smile.
Nanny Goats — Bacon IS the bomb! I’m glad, too, that Devon shared Bacon’s story with us. She told me he was traveling this weekend, so I’m looking forward to more posts about his awesome adventures. That guy gets out more than I do!
Tara Rose Stromberg — I’m happy to agree to a crush with you, but my husband says to make sure you leave weekends for him. I loved your fake food post (Stumbled it!). The pie! The pancakes! The spaghetti and meatball shoes! All awesome, despite being inedible. Hey, if you’re crazy, I am too.
flit — I’m glad you caught my former posts, shared on Facebook. I want everyone to know Bacon and his hilarious “mom.”
HJ Smith — You know, when I asked the philosophy question, it did remind me of Francis Bacon. Did you know he died as the result of one of his “Baconian” experiments involving snow and a chicken? He caught pneumonia and it killed him. I hope Bacon is careful and does not suffer a similar fate.
Thomas — I do not like pumpkin pie, bacon or not. But I’m all over the turtles. I have an ample supply of bacon bandaids, which are weird to wear because the meat part looks like dried blood and people think you’re bleeding out from whatever cut you’re protecting. Thanks for the links!
Lin — That’s OK. Not everyone loves bacon, though that perplexes me to no end. I think Bacon probably smells like nothing, except after he goes clubbing. I wonder if Bacon can be washed?
Geo T. Real — I commend thee, Bacon, as well! I love that all he has to say is “I’m Bacon!” and we all understand him. I like a succinct strip of fatty meat, don’t you?
Daisy the Curly Cat — He is obviously very skilled in many ways. I shall strive to be more like him. I might have to go get another degree though. I think he’s smarter than me. Bacon is like that.
Bacon! Thanks for joining the party and thanks for taking part in my interview. I agree that fake food must have actual eyes. And I hope that Bacon’s scratched cornea is healed soon. You can never be too careful. It’s a brutal world out there.
Linda Medrano — I adore Bacon. I want a Bacon of my own now. I want a Bacon shrine in my house and a special seat for Bacon to sit in where no cats can eat him. Bacon deserves high praise and I’m sure he appreciates your expression of love.
Lauren — Bacon is a ham, isn’t he? I think he must think ham is delicious, just like him. But I’m sure he pities ham because ham don’t sizzle! OMG. That link? How can people not like bacon? Well, OK. I’d never drink a bacon Diet Coke, but still.
Pricilla — Flat Stanley! Yes! Bacon goes everywhere and does everything. I’m expecting him to get on a plane soon and we’ll see pictures of him leaning over the Eiffel Tower. One country is too small for him.
Jen — And I bet he can cook, type, exercise, teach and do math. He’s truly does everything. I would like to meet him some day.
JD at I Do Things — You know, I would be honored too! And as for that dumb humorless guy who didn’t want to hold him, I think he needs more bacon in his life if you know what I mean.
January 28th, 2011 at 5:09 pm
Those were great questions and I love those pictures. I used to have a small cow with a motion sensor and it would start mooing if it caught movement. I’d hide it in various places and he would startle people when they passed. I wish I had taken pictures of it doing things like this. Brilliant idea!
January 28th, 2011 at 5:20 pm
@ I’m Bacon: If you lived in the UK, I would make you a big stuffed egg, with a movable mouth. I would really enjoy the challenge.
Babs (beetle)´s last blog post ..I hate shopping for clothes
January 28th, 2011 at 7:44 pm
Well isn’t that just the coolest.
Ann´s last blog post ..The Brenda Photo Challenge 1-29 Frozen
January 28th, 2011 at 10:08 pm
Um, I can’t be the only one wondering…is Bacon seeing anyone?
January 29th, 2011 at 2:40 am
I heart bacon. Great interview Kathy!
RonLeyba´s last blog post ..Filipino Tattoos
January 29th, 2011 at 7:04 am
Thanks for giving us a more in-depth look at Bacon. I had no idea that he had a blog! I will be adding his feed to my reader posthaste.
absepa´s last blog post ..How do I hate thee- AT&T Oh- Im going to count the ways
January 29th, 2011 at 8:26 am
@JD- I do hope we run into each other sometime! Bacon loves meeting fellow fans who adore him!
@Lauren… Bacon LOVES ham. In fact, he eats ham quite a bit. The cannibal.
@Pricilla- Yes, he *is* a little like flat stanley and quite a few people have mentioned that. Except that Bacon is way cooler. And bigger. And I don’t know that I’ve seen Flat Stanley party. 😉
@Nicky- Bacon is single. But he isn’t really looking. At least not yet. heehee
Bacon is out of town right now and having quite a fun time! Hopefully things will be updated soon!
I’m Bacon´s last blog post ..Bacon goes to south of the border
January 29th, 2011 at 1:08 pm
I used to like bacon too. I suspect I still do, but it has been so long since I have eaten any that whenever I see the word in blog post title, I think only of Kevin. That is any blog EXCEPT yours. When you mention bacon, I always know what you are writing about. Or so I thought. Who would have ever guessed that a blog like that would exist!
I figured that Devon made Bacon herself, but Bacons are actually for sale at Think Geek. Although they are sold out now. Have you been shopping, Kathy?
Will´s last blog post ..Wordless Wednesday 1-26-2011
January 29th, 2011 at 8:16 pm
Awesome interview Kathy – should your husband be worried?
January 29th, 2011 at 8:41 pm
@Will- Yes. Bacon came from ThinkGeek and they seem to be frequently sold out. Maybe Bacon is an advocate for Bacons adventuring everywhere!
I’m Bacon´s last blog post ..Bacon goes to south of the border
January 30th, 2011 at 1:48 pm
Bacon with a rich maple flare is great. Also versatile, besides the best breakfast sidedish, you will find bacon in sandwiches, salads, casaroles, all meat dishes. Once cooked its self life is comparable to beef jerky. Put a bunch of bacon into your packsack on your next hike.
R. Ruth´s last blog post ..Warning- Read This Oakley Half Jacket Review First
January 30th, 2011 at 11:14 pm
That’s just awesome. A bacon that eats bacon and says, “I’m Bacon.” Genius in simplicity. I think I’m in love.
J. Bear Savo´s last blog post ..The Suicide of Superman
January 31st, 2011 at 5:27 pm
Medical Assistant — Cow! Hey, who says you can’t start now? I would love to see people being startled by a hidden moo cow. Hey, if it ain’t bacon, beef is good enough.
Babs — Who says you still can’t make one? Can’t you whip up a computer generated one? You’re the master of design!
Ann — It is indeed! My favorite new blogger! I loved the concept immediately.
Nicky — I think I already told him I’m available, so take a number.
RonLeyba — I heart bacon, too. Glad you liked it!
absepa — Glad you liked him. He’s just getting back from a long weekend, so I’m sure he’s tuckered out (he ate a lot on his vacation and apparently threw a chair in the hotel pool — check out his latest post — it’s a hoot!)
I’m Bacon — I love that you threw a chair in the pool of your hotel, although I have to admit, I didn’t take you as a troublemaker. Be a good Bacon, ya hear?
Will — Tricked ya, didn’t I? This is not eatin’ bacon, it’s lovin’ Bacon! Yes, that’s where Devon got Bacon. Are they really sold out? I think I went there today and it looked like you could order one.
Sheila — Yes, very much. Especially since I just told Bacon that I’m available.
R. Ruth — I haven’t tried maple bacon yet and I can’t imagine why. Maybe because my love of laziness is greater than my love of bacon.
J. Bear Savo — I am too. It cracks me up to no end that Bacon can only say “I’m Bacon!” but he says it with such enthusiasm, it’s OK that his vocabulary is so limited.
January 31st, 2011 at 7:17 pm
hmmmm…now I’m hungry.
January 31st, 2011 at 11:54 pm
I *heart* bacon, and his blog! And I loved this post so very much I had to Facebook & Tweet it!
meleah rebeccah´s last blog post ..Where’s The Fire
February 1st, 2011 at 12:59 pm
I would rather eat bacon every day for the rest of my life than never eat bacon again!
Actually, when I was a vegetarian, the meat that brought me back was bacon! Lol!
February 1st, 2011 at 10:03 pm
Bacon is very cute but I think I would have a hardtime not eating him because he tastes soooo goooood!
February 2nd, 2011 at 7:25 am
Oh, Kathy, I’m so happy for you! You, Devon, and Bacon… a marriage made in heaven!
Great interview! Thanks for taking us into your world.
Ferd´s last blog post ..Stone Mountain State Park
February 20th, 2011 at 9:42 pm
German bacon is the best. I would rather eat that then what they sell in supermarkets here in America.