Do You Look Like the Picture on Your Blog?
Blogging, Stuff I hate February 12th, 2011 Some bloggers put a headshot of themselves on their blogs, and like me, did so when they started blogging.
Years later, that same picture is still there. For some, they still resemble that old photo.
But not me.
I’m many pounds heavier now than when this picture was taken.
I want to look like my headshot again.
Which is why I joined a health & fitness center last Sunday. Sure, I should have joined long ago for the health benefits, but I admit it was more vanity that got me there.
That’s because I’m speaking at a blog conference at the end of June. I’ll be meeting fellow bloggers who’ve only known me visually by that picture.
When I registered for the conference, I realized I didn’t want to show up and have no one recognize me. Worse, I imagined them huddled in a corner whispering, “Wow. She doesn’t look like I thought she would. Is that really her?”
So I’m doing something about it. Finally.
Every day at 5:30AM, I show up at the gym, shove my stuff in a locker and look in a mirror that faces another and another. The dreaded 360.
I don’t know who that woman is because that’s not who I see when I think of myself.
But the hard reality is that it’s what people see when they look at me and it nearly brings me to tears.
Somehow I’ve managed to look in mirrors past and ignore the obvious. That extra junk in my trunk, the double chin, the tree trunk legs.
You get used to it. I fell into a dangerous habit of thinking “It’s not so bad. I’m not that fat. There are people heavier than me. It could be worse.”
But I’m already worse.
Fifty pounds worse than my perfect weight of 2004.
And so there in the locker room, I reacquaint myself with those extra pounds. Face them. Hate them. Mark their last days.
I do an about face and head through those doors.
I stretch, I strain, I slog, I sweat.
I smile, too.
Because I imagine my old self emerging. A stronger, healthier, thinner me. Pound by pound, I’ll get there.
And then when I reach my goal, people will say “She’s just like I pictured.”
Maybe better.
Wait and see.

February 14th, 2011 at 6:35 pm
i don’t like myself in photos and don’t look in the mirror too much unless i have to…i guess i look like the photo on my blog(s) – though i’m not sure which one looks worse. ;} whatever. i work with what i have and i try to look nice.
congrats on the gym, you sound motivated and that will get your far. hope you feel better.
February 14th, 2011 at 9:37 pm
I look like my head shot… Arrogant yet handsome.
J. Bear Savo´s last blog post ..Sonnet for a Succubus
February 15th, 2011 at 12:11 am
Good luck Kathy! With determination, you can really reach your (weight loss) goal.
RonLeyba´s last blog post ..Philippine Football Team – Philippine Azkals Goalkeeper
February 15th, 2011 at 8:29 pm
That’s some great motivation. As long as you keep that picture in front of you you’ll always be motivated each day.
Hopefully you update this blog post with your results after you’ve achieved your goal 🙂
Jeff Food´s last blog post ..Healthy Foods To Gain Weight Quickly – Skinny Guys Only
February 16th, 2011 at 8:27 am
Yes. The picture of my hand looks exactly like it does in real life.
Minus, you know, the lipstick.
moooooog35´s last blog post ..Undercover Brother – Dos and Donts of Matchcom Male Edition
February 16th, 2011 at 1:10 pm
I look at photos from my twenties when I thought I was crazy fat and I just laugh. I’m so not that size anymore, but the thing is I was way less happy when I was thinner. It’s obvious better to be a healthy weight, but it sounds like you’re in a good place, and that’s so much better than being thin and a big hot mess.
Paula/adhocmom´s last blog post ..The Verdict is In Mom’s “Office” Totally Sucks
February 16th, 2011 at 2:53 pm
Good for you. I’m impressed – 530am is BRUTAL. I’m sure you’re going to look FABULOUS this summer. Quite frankly, I already think you look fabulous.
February 16th, 2011 at 5:42 pm
Ya know, talking about the way you look now without posting a comparrison picture…….is just…..pansy.
Bruce´s last blog post ..MY – MP3 Techno
February 17th, 2011 at 12:17 am
Mine just shows a headshot and it’s exactly how I look. But I, too, am ready for a makeover. I’m even thinking about ditching my blog for something else; maybe the MA not so Fat Woman, what do you think?
February 17th, 2011 at 8:48 am
Mine is a shot of me next to a lifesize replica of a baby giraffe – it’s just taller than me, by a couple of hairs!
February 17th, 2011 at 3:53 pm
Whoa! Can’t really see why you decided to go through all of that. Why did you not just simply upload a photoshopped picutre of you? That’s what most famous people blogging do 🙂
Would save you lots of times.
Joel´s last blog post ..Första inlägget i bloggen…
February 18th, 2011 at 7:54 am
Good luck!!!!!! My picture is about three years old but it isn’t so much the weight, it’s just that I don’t happen to spend so much of my life as relaxed and carefree as I am in my profile picture.
Jill/Twipply Skwood´s last blog post ..How a Coffee Mug is going to Make Me Almost Have to Quit My Job
February 19th, 2011 at 3:16 am
I’ve packed on a pound a year since I got married 27 years ago, but since my blog picture was put up, I’ve lost ten and know it will stay off. Something finally clicked. I quit drinking as much beer, and it turns out the second (and third) beers were having a lot to say about how much I ate, too.
Which isn’t most people’s problem, I suppose, but I will say things do not always get worse in life. Many people of my age have gotten healthier. Admittedly, it was because they finally got scared, but still.
Murr Brewster´s last blog post ..Better Than Chocolate
February 24th, 2011 at 9:45 pm
i don’t have anything to say other than: I LOVE THIS POST. YOU GO, GIRL! YOU ARE BRAVE, STRONG AND WONDERFUL.
February 25th, 2011 at 10:05 pm
I’m all about making progress. I know you can do this – Be sure to update this and let us know how you’re doing!
Jeff Hardgainer´s last blog post ..Hardgainer Workout Program With Video Demos