How to Make a Dippy Egg (aka Egg in a Basket)
food, Fun February 27th, 2011I participated in a Tribal Blogs chat last night and the subject of eggs came up. I explained how much I liked to make dippy eggs and only one other person knew what the hell I was talking about.
You may call them something else, like an egg in a basket or egg in a hole. If you’re sick of your eggs scrambled or in an omelette, here’s a funner way to make ‘em next time.
Kathy’s Dippy Egg
Step 1: Press out a hole in one slice of bread. I use a glass, some people use jar lids. Hold aside the bread you cut out, or if your pan’s big enough, throw it in to get toasted, too.
Step 2: Heat a frying pan to medium-high heat. Toss in a pat of butter (or more, the butterier, the better!)
Step 3: When the butter sizzles, toss in the bread to soak up the butter.
Step 4: Crack an egg and deposit it in the hole.
Step 5: Let it fry for a minute or two, until the egg white starts to solidify. Meanwhile, toast another slice of bread. I like extra buttered toast with my eggs.
Step 6: Carefully flip the bread/egg to “seal” the top side of your masterpiece. Allow it to fry for about a minute.
If the yolk breaks, you’re screwed and you should just start over. Feed your mistake to the dog.
Step 7: Butter the first slice of toast and place on a plate.
Step 8: Carefully scoop out the dippy egg without breaking the yolk, and flip over on top of the other slice of buttered toast bread.
I did a quick Google search on dippy eggs, and one woman said she wishes she knew what to do with the cutout. Well, duh. You dip it!
Step 9: Cut up pieces all around the egg, as well as the buttery toast underneath and dip into the egg for a savory, delicious breakfast. Bacon optional.
And there you have it. Kathy’s Dippy Egg!
Have you ever made these? What do you call them?

March 10th, 2011 at 4:43 pm
Are you from Western PA? My family is, even though we’ve been away from there most of my life… I don’t think I’ve heard anyone else use the term “dippy.” 🙂
March 11th, 2011 at 7:38 pm
this is awesome, always wondered how to do this! breakfast activity with my toddler tomorrow morning =) thank you!
Kristin Neudorfer´s last blog post ..MOMmy Hour!
March 11th, 2011 at 11:01 pm
O M G that is brilliant!!! Thank you. can’t wait to make it for breakfast on Sunday!
Madge´s last blog post ..I dont go Looking for it- But Drama Finds Me
March 16th, 2011 at 11:17 am
Thanks for posting this. I have been trying to remember how they were made in my childhood and my wife never read this page of the cookbook. Back in my younger days, these were always referred to as a ‘Frog In A Pond’.
Bruce´s last blog post ..The Teach-Able Moment
April 2nd, 2011 at 10:14 pm
I so had to include this in my Sunday Social! Can’t wait to try it and to call home to the farm to find out why my childhood was incomplete.
Junebug´s last blog post ..B is for Balderdash!!! A to Z Challenge
April 4th, 2011 at 3:13 pm
My mother made them all the time–we called them “hole in the bread.” She friedf the bread good and crisp before she added the egg.
mary taitt´s last blog post ..A-Z Challenge- C is for Cheshire Cat
July 10th, 2011 at 12:12 pm
the great idea i never found to make a hole on the bread. I should try this. tHANKS
andre´s last blog post ..Enjoy fast food (Fast Food) with more Healthy
August 20th, 2011 at 8:05 pm
[…] Hobo Toast? Frog in the Pond? No! No! NO! I have no clue. Kathy at The Junk Drawer kindly demonstrates and explains this wonderful concoction. I can’t wait to try it […]
September 17th, 2011 at 9:41 am
we call these eggs in a frame
crosby´s last blog post ..International Bacon Day