15 Tries on the Ear-y Canal
Bizarre, Stuff I hate April 15th, 2011 Today I had an ear lavage. The word lavage is derived from the French verb laver “to wash.”
An ear lavage thus means “to drown through an opening where only a Q-tip should go, if that.”
Last weekend I developed what at first seemed like a cold, but turned out to be only a cold wannabee. Some sniffles for a day, some sneezing, no cough. In the end, just clogged ears.
My doctor says “Could be allergies. You might be one of us now.”
Yeah, me.
She recommended I have my ears irrigated to eliminate wax build-up as an issue and I agreed.
A nurse came into the room with what can best be described as Thanksgiving dinner supplies.
A huge turkey baster, some plastic mixing bowls and a tablecloth.
In one bowl was what I thought must be a gallon of water, the other one empty.
The turkey baster kinda scared me because I know this woman had plans to squirt all that water into my ears until my brains came out.
“Have you ever had an ear lavage?” she asked.
“Yes. Once. And I didn’t like it.”
“Most people find it enjoyable,” she countered.
“I’m not most people. Something must be wrong with most people.”
First she prepped the equipment, then she asked if I could pull my hair back so it didn’t get wet.
“Uh. I really can’t because once it’s shellacked like this, it doesn’t move. But I’ll braid it.”
Done. The back is braided, but the top is not and now my head looks like cotton candy on a stick.
The nurse cloaks me with the plastic tablecloth to keep the water from spilling on my clothes. I’m asked to hold the empty container up to my ear to catch my brains as they fall out.
Then instead of asking me to sit on a chair that’s way lower than the elevated exam table, she climbs up on the table with me and leans in with the turkey baster.
I find this positively medieval and tell her so. She either doesn’t know what the word means or she’s heard it all before because she totally ignored the remark and continued on with Death by Lavage.
Very quickly she starts shooting warm water into my right ear and I want to scream because it’s a freaky feeling and ME NO LIKEY!
But I put my big girl panties on and made it to the end of six or so injections of water where water shouldn’t go.
After each gusher, she looks inside my ear with yet another medieval device and proclaims it “really bad in there” and continues with the torture treatment.
Each time, more of the same. Nothing but clear water dribbling into the giant cup I hold to my ear.
Where’s all the wax she sees in there? Maybe it’s not wax at all! Maybe it’s a T-U-M-O-R! It’s always a tumor! I have a tumor!
After the last treatment, she looks again and says wax is still “way back there.”
I disagree that what she’s seeing is really wax, because all of a sudden my ear pops, a little water comes out and I’m almost totally clear now.
I believe what the nurse saw was the part of my brain that’s suspicious of nurses who stick turkey basters in people’s ears.
She does the other ear and this time, and after 7 or 8 tries, some gross globs of wax come out and she shows it to me as if I might want to confirm that it is, in fact, not brain matter.
See? Not brain!
We’re done now. I’m happy it’s over and I’m pleased my ears are much clearer than they’ve been. I can hear all the voices in my head much better now.
Maybe I have allergies. Maybe I don’t. I got a prescription for a nasal spray because apparently I also have sinusitis. Or a tumor.
Ever had an ear irrigation? Did you like it? Maybe like it a little too much? What’s wrong with you people?

April 15th, 2011 at 5:00 pm
No I haven’t ever had one – thank goodness!
So did that deep glob of wax travel through your head and out the other ear? Did she, in fact, see any wax? If it didn’t come out, how can your ear be clear now?
Confused? You will be…….
Babs (beetle)´s last blog post ..How to utilise an old bath
April 15th, 2011 at 5:07 pm
Holy crap, Kathy! I have never had an ear lavage, and after reading this I NEVER want to get one.
I had to laugh though at the image of your head looking like cotton candy on a stick. And, I had to laugh – because I always think it’s the worst case scenario like “It’s a tumor” whenever I have to deal with all things medical issues.
April 15th, 2011 at 5:19 pm
Nope, me neither, and it is not something I would willing succumb to either. Congratulations on tolerating it through to the end.
April 15th, 2011 at 5:36 pm
I wish I could have seen pictures of the waxglobs! My ears get pretty waxy all the time. Or maybe it just looks like a lot of wax on account of I have a small head.
Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog post ..Feeling Blue
April 15th, 2011 at 5:43 pm
Now I want an ear Lavage….it sounds absolutely dreamy. (you use a nettie pot, so this should be no big deal for you…..quite your whining.)
Bruce´s last blog post ..Illuminating The Neighborhood
April 15th, 2011 at 6:08 pm
I had one couple of years ago. All I kept thinking abotu what the pretty sound of lavage. Mine didn’t have a turkey baster. She used what I would call a waterpik, designed to clean your teeth when you have braces. And she SHOVED it into my ear and I was pretty sure all the water was going to come right out of my mouth because I think my whole face was swimming in that water. I don’t know how ANYONE could love that feeling. I kept feeling myself on the verge of SCREAMING, not because it hurt, but because it just felt so WRONG. After much lavaging, she finally gave up and told me I should probably see an ENT because she wasn’t seeing much wax and nothing was coming out. And I wasn’t hearing any better. Until I swallowed and all the sound came rushing in. BEAUTIFUL! No wax, not deaf and not needing to see an ENT.
Getting an ear lavage was, to me, like getting a finger stuck up your butt. Seriously. A wrong feeling that makes you want to scream and push it all away.
sparkling74´s last blog post ..Feel Good Friday- Grab A Cup of Tea and Enjoy!
April 15th, 2011 at 6:51 pm
The experience you just described would be an excellent way for someone to torture me. I *hate* getting water on my ears, even a tiny bit, and I just don’t know how I would make it through the squirting part. I haven’t been hearing very well lately, but I definitely don’t wanna go to the doctor if that’s what is going ti happen.
absepa´s last blog post ..Maybe you could cross-market the jerky to the stoners
April 15th, 2011 at 7:03 pm
First things first, let’s get this out of the way.
In my best (worst) Ah-nold impersonation: “It’s not a tu-mah!”
Surfie´s last blog post ..When Lightbulbs Attack!
April 15th, 2011 at 7:05 pm
I had one once, only they used a MACHINE to squirt the water in at full fire hose force, not a turkey baster. They didn’t get brains either but they did flush out a small piece of paper. (!!!) It made me so dizzy I almost fell out of the chair, but I can hear a lot better now. Paper. Go figure.
Kim, Rambling Family Manager´s last blog post ..Garden Pictures
April 15th, 2011 at 7:47 pm
That does not sound like fun at all. I’ve done the nettie pot thing a few times and I really don’t like it, so I could imagine pouring water into your ears is even worse. Pour you, I mean, Poor you (no pun intended). But thanks for sharing and always putting a comical spin on things, at least you can laugh at your pain, it is sometimes the best way to deal with it.
Keshyra´s last blog post ..Shelley Elaine- On SNL Weekend Update
April 15th, 2011 at 8:18 pm
I’m thinking I would like and appreciate that thing in my sensitive ear…only one ear is responsive. Funny post. It’s okay to laugh now right and I’m glad you can hear the voices in your head a lot better now.
April 15th, 2011 at 8:52 pm
My daughter had this done. They used a giant silver syringe to squirt the water. She was sitting on my lap because she was young so we both ended up soaked. I was shocked at the giant lumps of wax that came out!
April 15th, 2011 at 9:22 pm
I’ve had it once when I was little, and once as an adult. I had a ear fungus, and the ear lavage cleared it up in a minute. And I didn’t find it unpleasant – it was painless, and I heard ocean sounds.
April 15th, 2011 at 10:42 pm
That sounds positively wonderful!
…I might have a small, wee, tiny obsession-like thing with ear cleanliness.
April 15th, 2011 at 10:53 pm
I’m going to have to pass on this experience. Almost sounds like when they had gauze shoved way up in my nose after my surgery and just pulled it out a few days later. I ended up in a little ball in the exam chair because it just FELT WRONG. I then proceeded to blow what was left in my nose since I couldn’t breath and the geniuses thought Afrin was going to help get rid of the dried blood which instead I inhaled on one side *shivers*. Never again with ANYTHING go up my nose.
blueyes´s last blog post ..Meet Me on Monday 42
April 15th, 2011 at 10:56 pm
I had it done several years ago when I couldn’t hear on one side. I absolutely detest water in my ears, so it was rather traumatic even if I don’t remember whether my doc used a syringe, a turkey baster, or a fire hose. On the other hand, I could hear afterwards, so it was worth the trauma.
My dad had it done a few years ago and they got at least half an inch of wax from each ear. And one of my sisters once had wax so bad she had to put in drops for several days to soften the wax before they could wash it out. She said it looked like a large nasty marble. Ugh.
April 16th, 2011 at 2:49 am
I totally understand the “it’s a tumor” reaction. I once took my cat to the vet because I thought he was having some weird neurological problem, and it turned out to be fleas.
The ear irrigation sounds really unpleasant. Did you get to pay half price because they only got wax out of one ear? And did you take the wax home and make a tiny candle?
Laura´s last blog post ..What’s Wrong With This Picture
April 16th, 2011 at 4:15 am
Babs — I’m as confused as anyone. The wax that came out actually was from the less-clogged one of the two. Still think there wasn’t any wax in the right ear. All I know is the flow of water must have done something because this morning, I’m all clear!
meleah rebeccah — The tumor diagnosis always surfaces in my mind when a doctor or nurse doesn’t find what they think something is. I go from not worried to panicked in two seconds flat! Oh, and you’ve met me when my hair looked like cotton candy, so you know that’s a true statement.
Linda — I looked willing, but inside I was screaming “Don’t come near me with that thing!” I’m the biggest baby I know.
Daisy the Curly Cat — Oh, no, Daisy. Wax globs are no fun. You would not like them, Sam I Am. Do you let your mommeh clean your big ears with a Q-tip? I bet you think that’s a funny looking toy, huh?
Bruce — To me, it sounded like a freight train in my ear. Aside from all the noise, I had no control over it like I do with my neti pot. So I’m gonna keep whining, OK? OK.
sparkling74 — It IS wrong! I’m glad you had a good experience (in the end). I, on the other hand, still need to see an ENT, but it’s for my chronic ear pain when I lie down. I wrote about that once before. It’s my little cross to bear. I have not, however, written about a finger up the butt. Be glad.
absepa — And now I’m sorry you know what to expect. If you have to do it, just keep thinking “If Kathy can, I can too!” And then you can write about it. The hope of a blog post after is always good motivation!
Surfie — LMAO at your Ah-nold impression. Does it make you weird? Not exactly. When do you ever get to see wax floaters? If you wanna, I say go for it!
Kim — What? What? Paper? Did they ask you if you were shoving spitballs in your ears? I got yelled at once because a doctor found some Q-tip fibers in there. Hey, if they make something small enough to dig around in there, people are going to do it.
Keshyra — Ah! Another neti pot user! Yes, in the ears is worse because it’s noisy and someone else is in control of the flow. With my neti pot, I can stop whenever I want to breathe or relax. Not so with the lavage.
V — I say on your next doctor’s visit, ask for one! You too can hear clearly. The voices in my head are a loud bunch. I’m glad they’re not muffled anymore. That was getting to be a pain.
Susan — Did she cry? I wanted to cry. Hey, at least it was made more worth it by the wax that came out. I was depressed because for me it was almost for nothing. I wanted to see gunk!
Fifthmarch — Ear fungus?? Yuckers! I’m glad you had good success. Isn’t it just the greatest feeling when the ear pops and suddenly all is clear?! I wasn’t thinking “ocean” during mine. I was thinking “freight train.”
April — You likie! I like ear cleanliness too, except I try to get it by way of Q-tip. But we’re never supposed to root around in the ear with one of those. Still, I can’t help but be happy if a clump of wax comes out on the tip. So satisfying!
blueyes — Oh, you poor thing. I never ever want gauze up my nose. And I’ve heard horror stories about the volume of gauze that can actually be shoved up in the cavity. It is the stuff of nightmares for me. You’re a braver person than I.
Ladybuggz — The sensation of not being able to hear is the worst part of the clog, plus the constant “fake yawning” and chewing gum in the hopes it’ll clear on its own. The nurse mentioned the possibility of drops for me, but the doctor didn’t think I needed them. I have to trust that there really wasn’t a lot of wax in there. In a weird way, I wanted a whole chunk to come out of each ear. It would have perhaps explained why I have ear pain when I sleep. But alas, an ENT is going to have to try and figure that one out.
Laura — So we all jump to the worst conclusion then! Laughing. No, I did not ask to take home the wax that came out. If it had been the size of a thimble, then yes. I would have mounted it and set it on my bookcase.
April 16th, 2011 at 6:23 am
I’ve never had one and after reading this I don’t want to.
ann´s last blog post ..The Brenda Photo Challenge 4-16 Spring Easy
April 16th, 2011 at 8:14 am
I think I would like to get my ears lavaged. I dunno. I’m one of those freaks. If Bacon had ears, I think he’d like it, too.
April 16th, 2011 at 9:07 am
I had my ears irrigate to remove a hardened ball of wax no smaller than a tumbleweed which was causing my vertigo. I wouldn’t say it was enjoyable.
Rima´s last blog post ..Who Will Apply the Sunblock
April 16th, 2011 at 9:13 am
In medieval times wouldn’t they just have stuck a sharpened stick in your ear?
feefifoto´s last blog post ..I Am Mossier
April 16th, 2011 at 9:43 am
I did not need this first thing in the morning.
I am going to go throw up.
Through all four stomachs.
I seem to be doing this a lot lately on blog posts.
What is up with that?
I AM glad you are feeling better
Pricilla´s last blog post ..I Have an Announcement
April 16th, 2011 at 10:28 am
I just wonder if its better than ‘ear candling’. Because I’m a little more comfortable with the idea of someone putting warm water in my ear than I am with someone shoving a candle in my ear and SETTING IT ON FIRE.
Shieldmaiden1196´s last blog post ..The Official Answer is NEVER- and other questions that need answering
April 16th, 2011 at 10:48 am
Any time I’m in a doctor’s office, I’m not having fun. Okay, I take that back, but it was only once ever.
Linda Medrano´s last blog post ..Size Matters
April 16th, 2011 at 4:43 pm
I’ve never had my ears douched like that, it sounds heavenly. I’m obsessed with making sure I have q-tips around after the shower to dry the insides of my ears.
madge´s last blog post ..I Paused- then I Pondered
April 16th, 2011 at 9:15 pm
Oh my what disturbing post, I say disturbing because I too went through ear lavages when I was a youngster and never knew why. It seemed when I was a wee lad, I would get ear infections or something that required this act of human torture. Oh how I hated it and to this day it is one of the few things I have vivid memories of, not playing ball or riding my bike, stupid water being steamrolled into my ear canal. I have to admit, I was wondering how you came up with the posts title, what a little smarty you are
Man Over Board´s last blog post ..How to Use Facebook So It Doesn’t Use You
April 16th, 2011 at 11:13 pm
Kathy, Don’t worry, The Voices in your head are arguing with the voices in mine. Since you had you ear lavage, I can hear yours as well. They are having a cruller eaters anonymous meeting.
I would tell them to quiet down, but I don’t want to be rude.
I never had an ear lavage, but I have had my nose “Clauterized?” twice. I was prone to nosebleeds, likely because so many kids hit it with their fists in my youth.
Chris Casey´s last blog post ..A visit to the OVERpriced Going out of business for last 6 months furniture store on MacArthur road
April 17th, 2011 at 6:56 am
ann — To lift a quote from my favorite blogger, I did it so you don’t have to!
Devon — Or, maybe Bacon’s glad he doesn’t have ears.
Rima — Ah, yes. But I bet you were in heaven when that tumbleweed fell out of your head. Worth it?
feefifoto — Yes, I believe so. I also think they haven’t come very far.
Pricilla — I’m sorry all your stomachs upchucked. Say, does it mean you can eat four times as much food? I would like to have an extra stomach or three.
Shieldmaiden — I do NOT get candling. That’s more medieval than this. Who thought of that? Who volunteered to go first? Inquiring minds want to know.
Linda Medrano — As long as it was just that one time. I’m not going to ask what kind of doctor you’re talking about.
madge — LMAO at your douched reference. Yeah, either that or an ear enema. I do love a good Q-tip cleaning. As long as I don’t pull it out with the tip missing, I’m down with that.
Man Overboard — I’m so sorry you had to go through so many lavages. I suppose if you were a kid now, you’d get those ear draining thingies installed instead. THANK YOU for “getting” the post title. You are the first one to do so.
Chris Casey — Figures. Even the voice in my head eat all the wrong things and too much of them. I lost it yesterday. Ate a giant bag of cheese curls and four small chocolate Easter bunnies. Don’t tell anyone. Your nose procedure sounds way worse than this. The only time I had a nosebleed was when I got hit in the face with a basketball in grade school at the first practice session. I quit immediately.
April 17th, 2011 at 2:27 pm
Interesting. I’ve never had to do that.
Marvin´s last blog post ..Patterning
April 17th, 2011 at 6:25 pm
I’ve never had one of those ear lavage thingies and it just sounds freakie deakie to me!
April 18th, 2011 at 9:37 am
My first time visit. Enjoyed poking around in your ‘junk drawer’…. found some interesting tidbids and the best thing, you made me LOL on a few of your postings. I’m always up for chuckles, ie…. “I’m pleased my ears are much clearer than they’ve been. I can hear all the voices in my head much better now.”
Happy day………….
Brenda @ It’s A Beautiful Life´s last blog post ..How Do You See It
April 18th, 2011 at 10:27 am
Back in 2008 I needed my right ear flushed every 2 months over an 8 month period (kept clogging, idk why). And then I took a trip to DisneyWorld. The day after I flew home, both my ears drained for a whole day. I’ve only been back once for a flush. I don’t mind them at all. I just can’t believe the stuff that comes out – too gross for words.
April 18th, 2011 at 12:38 pm
I tried to clean my ear with a q-tip and the tip stayed in my ear. I had to have my ear irrigated at that time. It is a strange feeling to say the least.
April 18th, 2011 at 1:22 pm
See, the nurse should’ve started singing, “CALL ME . . . EAR RESPONSIBLE!”
This is why I don’t have a job like that.
I’m glad the earrigation worked, though. And it does sound uncomfortable.
Chris@Knucklehead!´s last blog post ..The Best and the Worst- People to Be Stranded on an Island With
April 18th, 2011 at 5:30 pm
I’ve never had an ear lavage. But I have known some people who swear by this ear candle thing. Similar to sticking a rolled up paper in your ear and lighting it on fire. Somehow the heat from the candle melts the wax. With my luck, it would melt my hair as well!
BoomBoomLarew´s last blog post ..The Mating Habits of Squirrels Reprise
April 19th, 2011 at 12:26 pm
I had to look and see if JD had commented. I thought of her immediately, given her adoration for ear drops. Your procedure might just have been ecstasy to her.
Jenn of Many Cabbages´s last blog post ..Forty Years of Darkness- Day 45
April 20th, 2011 at 6:15 pm
“Where’s all the wax she sees in there? Maybe it’s not wax at all! Maybe it’s a T-U-M-O-R! It’s always a tumor! I have a tumor!”
Why did my mind immediately go to Arnold in Kindergarten Cop…
Would have been hilarious if the nurse had responded to your thoughts in his voice.
Congrats on getting through…
HuhWhat´s last blog post ..Well- more testing- here we come…
April 21st, 2011 at 6:48 am
Well you are one lucky person Kathy.
Because she could have buttered you up and put an apple in your mouth. Or…. misdiagnosed completely and performed of all things an enema! Imagine that! With a turkey baster!
Kerry´s last blog post ..Detect Internet Trackers With Ghostery
April 21st, 2011 at 9:54 pm
HOW COOL! I remember getting it done when I was young and a huge THING came out. EWWW! And before that they would SCRAPE it out with a pick thing… even worse. Just last week I was at the doctor and when she looked in my ears she said, ‘Oh, you have a lot of wax in there. Get some wax softener, use it a few times and then come it for me to wash it out!’ She said this as if she would LOVE to do it! Really??!!!!
April 28th, 2011 at 11:09 pm
I haven’t had one but when I was in nursing school I got to assist at one… It was this old guy who reminded me strongly of Luther on “Coach.” It was INCREDIBLE the amount of crap that came out of this man’s ears. I also go to stick my hand really far up this one lady’s tunneling butt wound, watched a doctor rummage frantically around in a lady’s hoo-ha to pull out the second (distressed, but ultimately healthy) baby of twins, and (this was the one that really made me squirm) witnessed a guy getting his ingrown toenail fixed. Which mostly means “removed.”
I’d rather get my ears lavaged than go through any of that again.
Impetua´s last blog post ..Office Space
May 4th, 2011 at 1:26 pm
A friend of mine collects medieval torture instruments – buys them at european auctions, I am certain I saw something like this lavage thing on his mantelpiece! Lol
February 3rd, 2012 at 5:17 pm
I changed few of those.Now i have one made from solid steel and it is finaly OK