Join Me at the Tribal Blogs Conference in Minnesota!
Blogging, Fun April 27th, 2011 Some of you may remember that I’m attending and speaking at the first annual Tribal Blogs Blogging Conference in Minnesota, June 23-25, 2011.
What does it mean to be speaking at the conference, besides throwing up 20 minutes before I go on?
As a speaker, I get to give away THREE conference registrations to Junk Drawer readers!
That’s right, peeps. Here’s your chance to get into the two-day conference free of charge (excluding hotel and airfare; a $199 value!) More in a bit.
About Tribal Blogs
I’ve been blogging now for almost four years. And in that time, I’ve joined many networks to learn as much as I can about blogging. The truth is, Tribal Blogs was the first and only place that I could honestly recommend as a value-packed resource for both new and seasoned bloggers.
Ask a question in the forums, get an answer in minutes. Share a blogging frustration and get support and advice immediately. Need some laughs to break up your day? Get that too!
I’m thrilled that Jennifer Brown, Tribal Blogs’ founder, is taking the network to the next level with this amazing blogging event.
About the conference
How many articles have you read about how to build a better blog, but they’re written in general terms with few actual step-by-step takeaways? And then you leave thinking “But how do I do that? I need details!”
The goal of the Tribal Blogs conference is to teach bloggers valuable skills that can be used as soon as you get back to your laptop.
It’s also a place where bloggers who’ve only communicated online can share successes and techniques that have worked for them (and ones that didn’t) in a relaxed, supportive and fun environment.
Topics on the agenda:
SEO (search engine optimization) You write good stuff. Now get found!
Marketing, networking, monetizing and increasing blog traffic
Technical aspects of blogging (plug-ins, tagging, backing up your blog, design and stats/analysis)
Using social media to your benefit
Blog-to-book strategies
How to write compelling content that gets you noticed
How to position yourself to go viral
View the full agenda.
Other fun stuff and goodies!
There will be a cocktail party on Conference Eve, where bloggers can socialize and chillax before getting down to business.
Because I don’t drink, I shan’t be having cocktails. That means you’ll have me to guide you back to the right hotel room so that you don’t try your room key in the wrong door for half an hour before giving up and falling asleep on the hallway floor.
See how helpful I am?
I might also see if I can squeeze in a Q & A session, featuring my husband Dave, who’s coming along with me.
During Kathy 101, you can ask him what it’s like to live with me, how he copes with that reality and whether it’s really true that I’m a few cards short of a deck. Ha!
Advance thanks go to some outstanding conference sponsors, including:
- Publish Green, an eBook publishing and distribution company who is giving away a premium publishing package worth $1,000! Holy jackpot, Batman!
- Beaver’s Pond Press, a Minneapolis publisher whose guest speaker will talk about taking your blog to a book. I’m takin’ notes, baby.
- Go-Girl, a Minnesota-based company that offers a unique, no-mess way for women to use the ladies room without the ladies room. I know! Crazy, right?
- StormSister, also a Minnesota-based company, who makes an eco-friendly, three-in-one beauty bar called Shhh that can be used to shower, shampoo and shave. Awesome!
So how can I get into the conference for free?
Easy! All you have to do is email me with your interest and I’ll fill you in on the rest.
If you’re not among the first three to contact me, you can still enjoy a $50 discount on the two-day registration (code TB50) or $24 off the one-day pass price (code TB75). Enter the code on the registration page.
If you can’t make the trip, but you know someone in the Minnesota area who might be interested, please send them a link to this post so they can get in contact with me.
I’m so stoked about this conference, even if it means I pass out during my presentation. If nothing else, it’ll give all the bloggers in attendance something to write about, complete with pictures of me in a heap on the floor.

April 27th, 2011 at 5:43 pm
I. Can. Not. Wait. To. Meet you!
This is going to be so much fun. And since I don’t drink either, you and I can make masking tape outlines around the people who do pass out in the hallway.
cardiogirl´s last blog post ..The Work as interpreted by Cardiogirl
April 27th, 2011 at 5:46 pm
Im totally-super-psyched about this. I cannot wait for June. Having already met you, I will try NOT to frighten you as much as I did this past summer.
April 27th, 2011 at 5:52 pm
My sad face 🙁
Babs (beetle)´s last blog post ..I’m finally doing it
April 27th, 2011 at 5:58 pm
This is so freakin’ exciting!!! I can’t wait to hear you talk and I’ll even hold your hair for those 20 minutes before you go on! You are going to be awesome! And I can’t wait to meet you in real life! I can’t wait to meet everyone in real life! Squeeeee!!!!!!!
Can I use anymore exclamation points? I think I can!!!!
Jen´s last blog post ..Earth Day 2011
April 27th, 2011 at 6:03 pm
Kathy, I solemnly swear not to grope you, or hug you excessively, or flash you. I can’t promise, however, that I won’t squeeeeee like a 12 year old at a Justin Bieber concert!!!!!!! I may even faint when I meet you.
Note to self: pack smelling salts
April 27th, 2011 at 6:12 pm
cardiogirl — This is awesome. I know you and I are cut from the same cloth. We’re not huggers and we’re not drinkers. So people who think we’re not crazy excited to meet will be WRONG. It’s just our quiet way. Isn’t it ironic we both turned out to be humor bloggers who put it all out there?
meleah rebeccah — You have no idea how excited I am to see you again. It’s been a whole year already! I’ll be praying for you on your flight. Remember, if I can do it, so can you. Counting down the days…..!
Babs — I couldn’t be any sorrier that you can’t make it across the pond, Babs. You would be such a fun and wonderful and hilarious addition to the posse. You will be sorely missed. Maybe do a mock-up of your face and send it to me. I’ll put your head on a stick and carry you around with me, then you’ll be there in spirit! (Don’t laugh, it’s been done before at another conference I attended when someone couldn’t be there.)
Jen — That’s friendship, baby. I have a lot of hair, though. You may need an assistant to help you hold it back while I puke my guts out. I’m so glad to have met you and it’ll be even more awesome in person. See, this is the best thing about blogging and having conferences. You can’t beat meeting others in-person. Whole new amazing dimension!
Nicky — Yes, no hugs. But you and I can smile a lot and be thrilled we’re in the same room together. I may squeee as well. I squeee good and it’s embarrassing. Let’s be embarrassing together!
April 27th, 2011 at 6:16 pm
Wow. Has it been a WHOLE year already? Sheesh. And okay, if you can fly alone, I can do it too. At least that will be my mantra on the plane!
And, I will gladly help Jennifer hold back all of your hair.
April 27th, 2011 at 6:40 pm
I so, so, so wish I could go. As you know, that’s the weekend Dave and I have our trip. I’m so jealous! I know it’s going to be a blast, not only meeting everyone but also just being able to network in such a friendly environment. Just make sure someone videotapes your presentation. Including the vomiting.
April 28th, 2011 at 6:17 am
Well duh, you can count on me. I’ll have to check my calendar to make sure I’m avail on those dates to attend your conf but one way or another we will get together while you’re here. And with any luck, there won’t even be any snow!
April 28th, 2011 at 6:56 am
Now I’m even more bummed because I have to work and can’t attend the conference! Hopefully, I can get together with Unfinished Person and his spouse so we can attend via skype.
BoomBoomLarew´s last blog post ..The Mating Habits of Squirrels Reprise
April 28th, 2011 at 10:14 am
My soaps will be there even if I can’t.
Goats cannot fly and I don’t think that is fair
Pricilla´s last blog post ..The Next Top Goat Model
April 28th, 2011 at 10:18 am
You know when we picked the date we were sure there wouldn’t be any snow but now I am not so sure. Bring warm clothes just in case.
Babs I am so sorry you won’t be there but we are working on Skyping people in so there might be a way to at least watch the festivities and interact with people. I imagine a table of laptops on it with you and Boom Boom and UP each on one. We could even carry you around the room to meet people.
JD I wish you could go but I understand you have other things going on. We’re going to miss you. Worse you are so close being in the Midwest already. Oh well, there is always next year.
Jen´s last blog post ..Earth Day 2011
April 28th, 2011 at 11:28 am
While everyone else is squealing, I’ll probably be the one standing there with that deer in the headlights look. That is until hubby sticks a drink in my hand and gives me a push.
Linda´s last blog post ..Nursery Rhyme Redo- Little Miss Muffet
April 28th, 2011 at 2:58 pm
Linda-I’ll have that same look so we can drink together! Then we can start squealing like 13 year old girls.
Jen´s last blog post ..Earth Day 2011
April 28th, 2011 at 3:10 pm
Very cool– I hope you have a GREAT time!
I wish I got more vacation time, but I kinda need to save what I get this year. It would be so fun to hang out with you again!
Jenn of Many Cabbages´s last blog post ..Why the Workday Would Benefit from a Darth Vader Voice Generator
April 28th, 2011 at 5:12 pm
meleah rebeccah — Just pretend you’re flying along with all the other passengers, then you won’t really be alone. You’re a social butterfly. I’m sure you can make friends on the way out!
JD at I Do Things — We’re really gonna miss you there! Maybe we should do what Jen suggests and have you watch the Skype feed and we’ll make everyone come over and say hi to you from a distance. Beats carrying you around as a cardboard head!
Jeff — You got my email, so write me back and let me know what date(s) you can make it and we’ll set up a meeting. Can’t wait to see you again and Dave’s thrilled he gets to meet you finally. Yeah, snow. That’d be my luck, right? I managed to screw up our last meeting plans, so why not?
BoomBoomLarew — That would be so awesome if you can join us from a distance. I hope nobody makes me do the tech support. You know something is going to go wrong with that.
Pricilla — But, but…. dogs and cats can fly. I don’t support goat discrimination. Life’s not fair. Harumph!
Linda — And we’ll come over and give you a group hug! You like big sloppy hugs, right?
April 28th, 2011 at 5:30 pm
Jenn of Many Cabbages — Same here. We had such fun when we met last year, I wish we lived even closer. Don’t forget to follow Tribal and see if there will be a Skype broadcast you can tap into!
April 28th, 2011 at 6:57 pm
I’m going! I am so going, that I’m going to throw up and speak too!
Also? I will be able to refrain from groping you, but only because I met you IRL once before. Actually, that may not keep me from groping you at all now that I think about it. What about your husband? Is he gropable?
April 28th, 2011 at 8:18 pm
I wish I could go to this, but the biggest stumbling block is the cost. I just started a job, so I’ve got a big ol’ pile of bills waiting before I can ever hope to have any fun. Even if I could swing the ticket and hotel, with gas at close to $5 a gallon, the cost of the drive alone would kill it. (sigh) And I so could use a vacation. My daughter is driving me bananas. I may just drown myself in some Calgon.
Lola´s last blog post ..I still feel like a loser in high school
April 28th, 2011 at 10:36 pm
oh my gosh. i think i’m going to go to this! i will probably hide in my room, sneak into the conferences and sneak out again without talking to anyone (because that’s how i roll when i’m trying really hard to make people think i’m a bitch…) – but, i’m going to be there!
Ali´s last blog post ..Wedding Weekend Update
April 29th, 2011 at 12:08 pm
Crap! I guess I’m too late. Wish I could afford to go. I also started a new job last week working for a birder. Hummingbird season is really big at the office. The actual position is working as an assistant for an Exhibit Manager.
The conference sounds awesome.
Lauren´s last blog post ..Reality Check- Testing- Four- Five- Six
May 1st, 2011 at 4:11 am
Margaret — OK, here’s the deal. I go on first. This means you can watch me bomb and then anything you do for your talk the day after will pale by comparison. Feel better? Dave is unfortunately non-gropable, as he is from the Cardiogirl school of Look, Don’t Touch. But he will pose for a picture with you if you so choose. Just no touching, OK?
Lola — I’m so sorry about that. Would have loved to have met you in person! I know what you mean about costs. I’m checking airfare just about every day for the lowest possible plan of flights. They do change often, which is a good thing. They dropped $400 since yesterday. So there’s hope for me.
Ali — You’d better not be yanking my chain! Are you serious! If you do, you cannot sneak in and out. We will find you. And you will get hugged. Possibly groped. Do you object to groping?
Lauren — I totally get that. As I mentioned to Lola, I know how expensive it might be. I’m trying really hard to snag the lowest possible airfare myself. I’m making a side trip to Chicago on the way home to visit a friend, so I’ve got 3 flights to hunt for bargains for. Congrats on the new job!!!
May 3rd, 2011 at 12:55 pm
I DEMAND GROPING! i will not hide if there is groping!
Ali´s last blog post ..Updates on Spanish- Exercise and Fascinators
May 11th, 2011 at 2:08 pm
uh uh very interesting, but unfortunately I don’t have enough free days to participate at this event :-/