Who is This Person?
food April 30th, 2011 My husband thinks somewhere in the last few months, someone swapped out his normal wife for a new one he doesn’t recognize anymore.
I’m kind of cranky this morning because, despite intensifying my workouts, I’m still only averaging a loss of 1.5 lbs a week.
When I was sitting at the laptop trying to research low-calorie meals to make this weekend, he dropped a cat in my lap and thought it was funny.
No. No, it was not.
Me: “Get him outta here! I’m cranky and I just want to shower and go to the store to shop for nutritious things!”
Him: “Wow, last year this time you were asking if we could buy two big trays of Pizza Hut mac and cheese and wanted to polish them off with cinnamon bread sticks and icing.”
Me: “Huh. You’re right.”
Him: “The grass isn’t cut yet. Why don’t you go out and grab a few fistfuls and make a sandwich?”
Me: “You’re funny. Go to hell.”
Update: So far, I’ve lost 18 lbs in just under three months. I’m changing things up with the exercise, skipping the elliptical this week in favor of 60 minutes a day of extreme aerobics. I do notice immediately that my legs and arms are more toned and tighter.
Flab bad. Tight good.
I’m also sticking to a 1,200 calorie meal plan. No cheating. I have to believe my efforts will increase my metabolism and encourage more weight loss.
Because otherwise, I may just crack and find myself at the Dunkin’ Donuts drive-thru waiting for them to fill my trunk with 25 dozen of their freshest glazed.

April 30th, 2011 at 9:13 am
To me, it sounds like you’re doing great and you don’t want to lose too much either. Keep up the good work, lady — even if you are cranky. 🙂
unfinishedperson´s last blog post ..Looking back at the month of April- The continuing saga
April 30th, 2011 at 9:57 am
Don’t give up. My wife and I are on the low carb thing since January. She’s lost 20lbs. while I’ve lost 40lbs. You just have to be patient because Nature is sexist: men lose weight faster than women.
J. Bear Savo´s last blog post ..Antique Mannequin
April 30th, 2011 at 10:08 am
I’m amazed at how well you have been doing. I would not have the will power ..I would be the one trying ..but then saying “to heck with it, I want to just die happy with BBQ sauce from those ribs on my chin”
Keep up the great work 🙂
April 30th, 2011 at 11:21 am
I got tired, hungry and cranky just reading this. Oh wait, it’s past my lunch time, and I spent several hours pulling weeds, raking mulch and supervising mulch distribution.
By the way, 1.5 lbs. per week is a healthy rate of weight loss. Congratulations for sticking to it.
Linda´s last blog post ..His Name is Moe
April 30th, 2011 at 11:22 am
Keep this in mind, though. If you’re only losing 1.5 pounds a week, you’re actually losing weight the correct way. Losing more than 2-3 pounds per week is not a good way to do it, particularly if you want to keep it off. When I dropped my 20 lbs, on Weight Watchers, I lost about 7 the first week (mostly water, probably), and then it was a slow slide down to my target.
Stick with it. You can do this.
Thomas´s last blog post ..uluru at sunrise
April 30th, 2011 at 11:59 am
Good for you for all the work you’ve put in. I keep telling myself to start working out again, but never get around to it. There just always seems to be something more important happening, or so I say.
I thought of you on Thursday when I watched “30 Rock” I don’t know if you watch that show or not, but I actually think they based part of their story, for that episode, on you. You seriously have to watch it if you haven’t. I think Tina Fey is copying you. Check it out here http://www.nbc.com/30-rock/video/everything-sunny-all-the-time-always/1323352. I think after you watch it you’ll be writing to them about stealing your material and laughing your butt off at the same time.
Keshyra´s last blog post ..Jimmy Kimmel – This Week In Unnecessary Censorship
April 30th, 2011 at 12:10 pm
Please reread your post! You have made a marked lifelong change. Do you know how hard that is for the majority of people?!?! You have the right to increase your efforts but be careful because overdoing it can cause burnout and injury. Way to go!
April 30th, 2011 at 1:25 pm
You are doing so well! Be very proud of yourself, especially when Dave is stuffing his face with hot dogs and mayo. Not that any sane person would want to eat hot dogs with mayo!
Babs (beetle)´s last blog post ..Let’s throw spaghetti on the floor!
April 30th, 2011 at 1:41 pm
Ok folks … it’s nice you are giving Kathy all the compliments … but screw that !
Listen, she’ll be having a her birthday late in August right ? Here’s what we do. We send her presents – of choicest desserts. Nothing says I love you better than sugar and honey and lard !
So… who’s with me ? 😉
April 30th, 2011 at 1:57 pm
1.5 is so great. 18 pounds in 3 months is awesome. you are doing it right. lose too fast and you gain it right back because you didn’t learn how to eat and exercise.
i worry about intense aerobics every day. you have to vary it or you plateau. and risk injury. intervals are great for keeping in shape, mixed with some days of intense cardio. and dont’ forget about stretching. everyone always ignores that,. i am a fitness instructor, so i am not just talking out my butt!!
sparkling74´s last blog post ..Feel Good Friday Hooting and Hollering
April 30th, 2011 at 3:00 pm
Don’t fall off the Dunkin’ Donuts wagon. Really, you might get hurt. Think positive thoughts, your gains so far – gains meaning achievements. Negative thoughts bad! I seriously think I’m sleep deprived.
Lauren´s last blog post ..Cell Tower Test Balloon Size of Four Conjoined Inch Worms
April 30th, 2011 at 3:32 pm
unfinishedperson — I think sometimes being cranky actually helps. It’s what made me workout three times in one day a couple times. Anger is a good motivator.
J. Bear Savo — Congrats to you both! I think I’m accidentally on the carb thing. IOW, I’m not trying that hard to avoid carbs, but I’ve noticed I feel better when I have less of them. If I do, it’s smaller portions. My husband is dieting with no exercise and we’ve lost the same amount, him a little more actually. I have to admit that bugs me because I’m killing myself with it.
Katherine — Mmmmm…. BBQ! Thanks, my dear. That used to be me. The will power thing. But something clicked and I actually do think I can make these changes for the long haul now. I was doubtful in the beginning, but now that I feel healthier and fitter, I have faith I can make it permanent. It feels good that I’m not winded anymore, not afraid that summer’s coming (fat people’s nightmare), etc.
Linda — Hee. Sorry. BTW, I love yard work for exercise. Great to be outdoors and breathing fresh air. Good on you!
Thomas – But…but…but…! My logical brain knows 1.5lbs is better, but my impatient, wants-it-all-fast brain is highly annoyed. My trainers at the gym are always reminding me that the rate I’m going is perfect. I guess I just feel like the exercise should be making more of a difference right away. Maybe it’s just that because I’m older, working out feels sooooo much harder! I want to be rewarded more.
Keshyra – Yep, that’s what I’d say too, particularly when it comes to blogging. I would sit for hours in front of the laptop thinking I should be working out and never would. But now I work it into my day like an appointment. For myself. Yes, I heard about that 30 Rock episode. I watched it on Hulu. The funniest part was when the bag started talking to her. I have to say, I did feel cheated. No credit to me at the end!
daughterbonnie — But it seems so easy for other people! Two people told me last month that they lost 10lbs without even trying and it made me mad. I’m trying so hard and I want to be rewarded in spades! p.s. I’m careful about injury. I pull back as soon as I feel overworked. I do that because of the year I threw my back out after exercise. Never want that again. I walked with a cane for a week.
Babs Beetle — Yea! He eats hot dogs and mayo! What gives? I think he can get away with that because he’s more physically active in his job than I am. So even if he doesn’t specifically workout like I do, I know he’s burning more calories 8-5 than me. He’s lucky he has that on his side.
Jaffer Maniar — I would like to request a case of Nuttela. The little jars, so my knife doesn’t get all gross digging down into the big ones. August 31, people. I’ll be waiting.
sparkling74 — Thank you for the stretching reminder. I don’t always do it before and after. You know, you just want to get it done! But yes, I agree I need to mix things up. I’m going to the gym tomorrow to do just weights, maybe some elliptical. For now, I really like the cardio I’m doing. Nothing says buckets of sweat like “Bootcamp Cardio Blast.”
Lauren — My God, I do love my donuts. The only time I don’t mind getting so negative about my progress is when it makes me workout even harder. I won’t let it beat me. I don’t want to slip on the progress I’ve made.
April 30th, 2011 at 4:06 pm
Kathy, You are amazing!! keep on going!!! It’s important not only for you to look good but also for your health as well! Once your husband will notice the dramatic change he also would like to do some changes in his nutrition. Have you tried doing some Pilates or Yoga? I know both of them work on fasten your metabolism and tight you up as well. In the meanwhile – Good Luck 🙂
Larissa´s last blog post ..Why not make yourself feel better!
April 30th, 2011 at 4:39 pm
Also remember that muscle weighs more than fat so it’s how you feel and how your clothes fit more than the number on the scale.
Don’t obsess, eat healthy and you will be fine.
Pricilla´s last blog post ..Who is Sulking
April 30th, 2011 at 5:33 pm
I think you are doing real good! Here is a good snack you can try when you have chocolate cravings: frozen chocolate covered bananas! Since they’re frozen, they take a long time to eat, you get 1/2 a banana and just a little bit of chocolate, but they taste yummy! My Mommeh gets them from the grocery store, and they are about 150 calories.
Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog post ..Tiny Dancer
April 30th, 2011 at 6:52 pm
Kathy, a 1.5 pound per week rate of weight loss is good! It took a while to put on, and it will take a while to come off. That’s why you have to learn to enjoy your new lifestyle as you go. You don’t wait until you’re at a certain weight to be happy. You be happy NOW!
May 1st, 2011 at 12:21 am
I don’t know why but I think men DO lose weight faster than women. I know all I have to do is thing about losing a few pounds and poof they are gone. Well maybe not exactly, but they do come off fast if I try. Problem is I am not that good at trying. I like good food too much. I also think men can gain the weight back faster also. I know I am good at that.
1.5 pounds a week over a long term is really great. And the evidence is that that sort of weight loss is more easily sustained long term. I decided a couple of months ago that I needed to lose a few pounds and 2 weeks later, with very little effort was 10 pounds lighter. I bet I have it mostly back now, though. Fortunately I seem to forever be able to avoid being more than 15 or so pounds over what I should be. I don’t think I would have the willpower to do it if I had to lose 20, 30 or 40 pounds!
Will´s last blog post ..Exposure to Pesticides Lowers IQ in Children
May 1st, 2011 at 4:41 am
Larissa — I’m afraid of both pilates and yoga, but I know at least the latter would be good for my posture and my core. I have a friend who swears by her yoga. She might also swear while doing it. She does Bikram.
Pricilla — See, that’s the thing. How MUCH more does it weigh? Does anyone really know? I figure it’s a marginal difference and that’s why I’m so mad. Although I have to say my shorts are falling off me now when I workout. I’m definitely toning.
Daisy the Curly Cat — Oh, how I wish I liked bananers! They do sound good with chocolate on them, but I can’t get past the squishy feeling of bananers. Maybe if I fried them first? Is that bad?
Ferd — My logical brain knows that, but there I was again on the scale this morning and no change AGAIN. However, as I told Pricilla, my shorts are falling down, I’m toning and building muscle, so that’s proof the exercise is doing its thing. I promise I’m happy NOW!
WIll — Is it because you have more muscle mass than us? What’s the deal with that? I do keep telling myself that slower is better. I guess I’m just nuts because my conference deadline is coming up and I wanted to be down the 50lbs by then. I think I’m only going to hit 35-40lbs by the date, but that’s nothing to sneeze at, right?
May 1st, 2011 at 6:37 am
Way to go Kathy. You’re doing great. I admire your dedication and wish that I had just a little of it
ann´s last blog post ..And so it begins
May 1st, 2011 at 11:08 am
You have lost a wonderful amount of weight in 3 months. I’m totally impressed. I really think that you are going to meet your goal, and even more importantly, your general health has to getting a real boost! You go girl! Your husband needs to stop teasing you, and start being uber-supportive. (I think he may be a little jealous of your success.)
Linda Medrano´s last blog post ..Spring Lingerie
May 1st, 2011 at 5:27 pm
I remember my mom being on a diet and being cranky. We worked at the Y together and someone in the office said, “Would someone give her a piece of chocolate or something!” I need to give up caffeine and I’d probably lose 25 pounds! I hate the headaches that come with it though!!!
May 1st, 2011 at 8:48 pm
That is a good amount to lose each week you should be very proud. I am doing weight watchers they suggest .5 to 2 pounds each week. Remember with all the work you are doing you need to feed your body, if you burn a ton of calories but don’t take many in your body will hold onto fat cells.
To answer your question a pound of fat = a pound of muscle, but muscle is denser so it takes up less space, think feathers vs. rocks. Which is why you are leaner, but the scale doesn’t move. =)
May 2nd, 2011 at 8:51 am
Hands clapping! You go girl. Vaboomer blog
Nancy Mehegan´s last blog post ..Kate Middletons Veil – History of Bridal Veils
May 2nd, 2011 at 10:05 am
Good for you, Kathy. And tell your husband I’m up in arms about the grass comment. Up in arms, I tell you!
May 2nd, 2011 at 1:24 pm
Good for you, Kathy!
I attended my first “Flirty Girl” fitness class this weekend – sort of stripper dance aerobics for women only, sans pole. It was fun! And I’m super un-coordinated. I dare you to shake it like a Polaroid picture with me.
Lehigh Valley Transplant´s last blog post ..Paranormal activity in the Lehigh Valley
May 2nd, 2011 at 4:18 pm
Kathy, the slower the weight comes off, usually means the longer it will STAY off. And that’s what you want in the long run. You are doing a GREAT job. And, you’re also allowed to be cranky.
May 3rd, 2011 at 8:41 am
Thin and cranky is better than fat and happy. That’s what the media tells us, anyway.
Marvin´s last blog post ..Canada’s Conservatives win again
May 3rd, 2011 at 11:27 am
You are doing incredibly well. You must endeavor to persevere! 🙂
The weight will continue to come off, although it will be at a slower pace and sometimes you will hit plateaus where you won’t lose any at all. That is the time to be most disciplined.
DON’T give up!
May 3rd, 2011 at 12:54 pm
“You’re funny. Go to hell.” It was like I was looking in a marital mirror. 😉
Ali´s last blog post ..Updates on Spanish- Exercise and Fascinators
May 3rd, 2011 at 7:12 pm
Way to go, Kathy. Not only the losing weight and sticking to your diet part, but the not killing your husband part. You should be very proud of yourself for this. Losing weight’s not easy. I’ve done it, and need to do it again.
May 3rd, 2011 at 9:50 pm
Great weight loss determination. Don’t let the “new one he doesn’t recognize anymore” (your husband’s joker persona)get into your goal!
RonLeyba´s last blog post ..Manny Pacquiao vs Shane Mosley PPV Fight Live
May 3rd, 2011 at 11:28 pm
Oh Kathy-
I found the best way to lose weight was to eat regularly. I eat normal meals, no snacks, (because I don’t have time, I’m too busy working!) and I don’t even think about eating. There’s something to be said for keeping the engine (Your Metabolism) running at a higher clip. Just my two cents. I still eat a chocolate chip cookie from Vallos Bakery once a week. Fresh with no preservatives. i’ll send you one at Lehigh!
Chris Casey´s last blog post ..I assemble the New Grill in 17 so called easy steps
May 4th, 2011 at 4:00 am
ann — Thanks so much. Believe me, there are some days, like today, where I don’t feel like moving. But I do it because I know it’s good for me and it’s working, albeit slowly. Painfully slowly.
Linda Medrano – I think it’s going to take me 7 months to get to my goal weight, not 5, as I thought. But more and more I’m OK with it because at least I’ll get there. There’s something wonderful about a “sure thing.” Oh, and Dave’s actually my biggest supporter, even though I made it sound like he’s teasing me. He sometimes says he wishes he had my determination.
Susan — My poor coworkers don’t know what to do with me sometimes. I admit I can become a monster. For the most part, they watch that I don’t overdo it and don’t let me make a vending machine run because they know I’ll only turn into a worse monster if I slip. God bless them.
PhunnieOne — I have to remember that. When I think I can get by on 800 cals, and think it’ll be good, it’s really not, so I make sure to eat. Thanks for the muscle comparison. I read somewhere to think of it as a 1lb bag of popped popcorn takes up more space than a 1lb bag of rocks.
Nancy Mehegan — I accept your applause. Thanks!
June O’Hara – Ha! He’s actually my biggest supporter. I know it sounds like he’s teasing me, but that’s how he rolls. I did laugh. And I’d eat grass if it tasted good!
Lehigh Valley Transplant — OMG. Can you imagine? Did you catch the piece on last week’s CBS Sunday Morning program? Stripper poles are all the rage. They actually have a competition (in NY, I think). You can’t imagine what a woman can do to that pole!
meleah rebeccah — I do believe that, even though it means I hate getting on the scale every morning, for fear it hasn’t moved again. I know I should only get on it once a week, so I don’t lose enthusiasm, but I can’t help it.
Marvin — “Thin and cranky.” I’ll take it.
Dave — I promise, I WILL NOT GIVE UP! I can’t. I’ve come too far to screw it up now.
Ali — I see a lot of you in me and vise versa. And that’s why I can’t wait to meet you at the Tribal Conference!
MikeWJ — It’s not easy, agreed. It’s like the hardest thing I’ve done this year. I may all need your help while I try to maintain my loss. That’s the thing that I’m kind of afraid about. Anyone can lose weight, but it’s a bitch keeping it off.
RonLeyba — He is a joker, but he’s actually my biggest supporter. I had to dress up a bit for a service I went to last night and he said how amazing I looked in my outfit. Boy, what a boost that was!
Chris Casey — Dude. You and the bakery. You’re killing me. I hate that my metabolism has slowed as I get older. It’s not fair!!! But as I finish up this last comment, I’m readying myself for 30 minutes of an intense sweaty & gross workout. Can’t wait!
May 4th, 2011 at 5:33 am
Good for you, Kathy!
crocodile´s last blog post ..Discount Tire Warehouse
May 6th, 2011 at 3:40 pm
I liked you better when you weren’t such an over-acheiver.
Bruce´s last blog post ..First Friday Flashbacks
May 8th, 2011 at 9:52 am
keep in mind not eating enough, too few calories can actually hurt your weight loss efforts especially when you’re doing a lot of exercise because your body will go into a starvation mode. Stuck on your weight loss you may want to try eating a few more calories per day
May 18th, 2011 at 10:59 am
Hey, Kathy– Rock on! I mean, I know you’re crabby and are noshing on what used to be your front yard. But 18 pounds! Woo and hoo, lady!!
Jenn of Many Cabbages´s last blog post ..Humorous Space Adventure Short Story- The Hyphiz Deltan Job