How Not to Get Free Coupons
food June 20th, 2011There I was, shopping for one of my favorite kid meals. The kind of meal you still eat as an adult, but that you’d never admit to in mixed company.
Like maybe Trix cereal with chocolate milk. And a bowl of sugar on the side.
What do I jones for from my kiddom?
Steak-umms. That’s right. Steak with umm in the name. You umm when you eat ‘em.
For those unfamiliar with this delicacy, Steak-umms are thin frozen sheets of unidentifiable meat. Meat from some part of the cow, you just don’t know which one. Probably a lot of parts. Let’s just call it “Other.”
Other tastes delicious on a crispy hoagie roll, with lots of gooey cheese. And grease. And maybe peppers if you like them.
They’re so freaking good, chopped up and fried in a pan.
Now. I know we ain’t talkin’ high end steak here. I know that meat you have to peel away from paper isn’t top shelf. Not even close.
I also know that a 16-slice box should not cost a whopping $12.49.
I quickly shifted over to old people mode and started complaining aloud to no one in particular about the price of meat these days.
Since I’d already carted up all the other things needed to make my sandwiches, the Steak-umms forced my hand and I had to buy them.
But not before I asked a cashier to please check the price at the register and make sure it was really twelve forty I-don’t-wanna-pay-that.
It was.
Check again, please.
Still $12.49.
OK, so I broke my piggy bank and paid for them.
As soon as I got home, I emailed the Steak-umm people.
Hi. I just paid an outrageous price of $12.49 for a 16-slice box of Steak-umms. I had the cashier double check the price and he said it was correct. If this is what you’re charging for steak that’s not filet mignon, I have no plans to buy it again. The only reason I did was because I’d already carted all the other items I was going to make the sandwiches with.
Can you tell me if that price is really correct? I just can’t believe that it is. Thank you.
I got a quick response from someone who told me they can’t control the retail price and that “surely” I “understand that economic factors have impacted all of our grocery budgets in recent months.”
They said “surely,” which really means “You ignorant woman who must live under a rock to not realize that everything got real expensive in the last year or so and get off your high horse and just buy the damn meat if you want it so bad.”
They went on to say they don’t give out coupons and that I should look for in-store sales instead.
Something tells me they just don’t give coupons to cranky people with ‘tude.
For those of you familiar with Steak-umms, how do you make yours? Do you use Cheez Whiz? Sauce? Peppers? Onion? Toasted roll? Non-toasted?

June 20th, 2011 at 8:09 pm
MMmmmm.. Steak-Ummms…
Best way to eat them? toast rye bread on the grill (with butter, of course) grill the Steak-um with green peppers, then melt provolone cheese on top. On the bread with shredded lettuce, mayo, a little mustard and salt, pepper, oregano.
Food of the Gods..
June 20th, 2011 at 8:19 pm
I lived on Steakums in college because it was the only meat I could afford to buy other than hot dogs. I think the cheap Steak um is now not so cheap.
Condo Blues´s last blog post ..The Great American Camp Out
June 20th, 2011 at 9:50 pm
Girl, uhm, no. We don’t eat it. You and yours should not eat it. I’m sorry, but no. And that’s a universal truth!
Linda Medrano´s last blog post ..Outgunned and Outnumbered
June 20th, 2011 at 10:19 pm
Next time, try a piece of flank steak and one of those Ginzu filet knives that are very sharp. Won’t look as nice as those fancily packaged meats? but it’ll save you about 10 bucks!
June 20th, 2011 at 10:43 pm
NO FREAKING WAY. Gosh you coulda gotten a steak for that I bet. But yes, they are oh so good! I actually didn’t know they still made them!
June 20th, 2011 at 10:54 pm
i. um. i don’t know where to start. oh wait. yes, i do. DON’T EAT UNIDENTIFIABLE MEAT PARTS. stop it. stop it now.
Ali´s last blog post ..Mom Can we get him some food
June 21st, 2011 at 1:42 am
I love Steak-Ums!. I got a craving for them one night and drove around to 3 different grocery stores to find them. The GF thought I was insane.
I like to fry up two of them (or technically two pair), keep them flat, the fold them in half on a slice of white Wonder Bread (oh, how I miss Wonder Bread — it’s no longer available in Seattle), sprinkle on the salt, add 2-3 slices of Kraft Singles, and close of the sandwhich with more Wonder Bread. It tastes awesome.
And when you want to play with it, you can squeeze it and let the grease soak through.
Wait. Why am I not dead from a heart attack yet?
Cromely´s last blog post ..Movie Review 18- Norwegian Wood
June 21st, 2011 at 4:55 am
“Surely” is a mean word. Maybe you could have Sloppy Joes instead.
Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog post ..Monday Funnies
June 21st, 2011 at 6:16 am
Shadowsrider — Food of the Gods, indeed. I need to get with the program on the grilling of the roll thing. I just toast mine in the oven, but grilling w/butter would be just the thing to take it over the edge. p.s. You sound like a professional. WTG.
Condo Blues — Not any more! I think ramen noodles are still only 3/$1, so I guess that’s what poor college students can still afford. OMG. Ramen noodles. What a flashback. I used to sprinkle the whole seasoning packet on the noodles (no liquid). Would give me a heart attack from sodium overload if I tried that today.
Linda Medrano — But how ’bout if I paired it with a really good merlot? Still no? OK.
MAFW — “…that are very sharp.” You don’t know me as well as I thought you did. You do know I’d wind up with one less finger if I tried that, right?
Katherine — Yep. Still make ’em. Don’t you just want one now? Come on. Admit it.
Ali — But…but… you really do ummm when you eat them. You must try them. It’s never too late to start.
Cromely — Spoken like a man who knows what he’s doing. There is a method to our madness. Wonder Bread, also Food of the Gods, but I don’t even know if they make that anymore. Isn’t it on some kind of toxic foods list because it’s so processed it lasts six months? Yeah. Gimme somma that.
Daisy the Curly Cat — Oh, man. Sloppy Joes! Now I want that! I bet you would like a Sloppy Joe fish equivalent. Nom nom!
June 21st, 2011 at 6:39 am
I have not thought about SteakUms for ages!!!! I used to be an addict but now I am glad I got over that addiction because that price is RIDICULOUS!!! When I did make them I used 2 of the delicious paper thin pieces per sandwich, added sauted onions, peppers and mushrooms and just a little bit of cheddar cheese…yummmo. My mouth is watering. “Surely” I should go find them now and make some……
Beth Ann Chiles´s last blog post ..If It Is Tuesday It is Teapot Day!!!!
June 21st, 2011 at 8:46 am
the publicist has not had Steak Umms in years. She is a child of the city of the cheesesteak. So she knows of these things.
Pricilla´s last blog post ..AbbyDay – I Inspect the Yurt
June 21st, 2011 at 8:48 am
Hahaha. Man you’re funny. Sheets of Other meat. What is it like spam or something. Can’t believe you emailed em straight up..good for you!
POFkid´s last blog post ..The Top 5 Sites Like Plenty Of Fish
June 21st, 2011 at 8:56 am
So funny, that you both bought it AND complained to the company. That’s exactly something I would do.
June 21st, 2011 at 9:30 am
I’ve never had a Steakum, but while I was reading I was overcome with a desperate desire to buy them, NOW! And then I saw the price. Yeegads! Since moving from Indiana to Florida, I already suffer from shell-shock. Simple balogna or hotdogs in Indiana are still around $4. Here? SEVEN DOLLARS? I’m thinking of having balogna shipped in from Indiana. I’m sure the five day trip would not make it inedible.
dana´s last blog post ..JOES MAN CAVE IS NOW MINE
June 21st, 2011 at 10:00 am
Wow, I haven’t had Steak Umms in years. Loved them as a teenager, but they seem so greasy now.
I’d be tempted to buy them again IF Weis didn’t start carrying actual shaved steak. Oh, it was a great day when I accidentally noticed a package of it in the meat department. I don’t think it’s too expensive, either: a 6-buck package made enough for 4 good cheesesteaks. And it’s real meat, not OTHER!
Fried up with some onions, plopped on a toasted roll spread with mayonnaise (Duke’s, preferably), snuggled up to some Kraft singles…
Crap. I just drooled all over my keyboard.
June 21st, 2011 at 10:27 am
When I was in college, I worked at a deli. For .50 we could have any sandwich we wanted for our break. I cooked Steak-Umms every way imaginable, and that is really the best way. Add a couple of pickle spears and a fountain soda, and that is what got me through college. Well, that and Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. (breakfast)
Susan Montgomery´s last blog post ..Irish Wolfhound Humor
June 21st, 2011 at 10:39 am
@daisy the curly cat: manwiches! Did you ever have that canned sloppy joe meat? That’s the steak-um equivalent!
June 21st, 2011 at 3:32 pm
I’m thinking that they don’t make these anymore and the ones you bought are antiques and that is why they are very expensive. Somebody has them flash-frozen in some warehouse somewhere and you are paying the price for that storage….for like 20 years.
We used to pan fry them and plop them on bread with onions. Browned onions. And I remember really liking them. Can I come over to eat your really expensive ones??? I have a taste for them now!
lin´s last blog post ..Im trying to be crabby
June 21st, 2011 at 4:29 pm
The store I work at frequently does a bogo sale on steak ums, my husband loves them and I admit they are pretty tasty.
We put them on a club roll (slightly smaller than a hoagie) I have mine with provolone cheese and we have mushrooms on them also.
Ann´s last blog post ..Bloggers are the nicest people
June 21st, 2011 at 5:51 pm
I love Steak-umms. I ate a wack load as a kid. Funny thing is, I have seen them advertised lately at wallmart in the states. I saw a printablecouponfor it online for like half off or something. Pretty sure it was that brand at least. Thanks for the post
June 21st, 2011 at 7:33 pm
You know how Steak-umms got their name, right? It’s actually the shortened version of the real name which is:
Steak, umm, no it isn’t.
That was too hard to fit on the package, though.
In regard to your question, my favorite “revert to childhood” meal is Pop Tarts and Nestle’s Quik.
Preferably brown-sugar cinnamon, chocolate fudge, or frosted strawberry. Pop Tarts, that is.
Chris@Knucklehead!´s last blog post ..Blockbuster Brouhaha
June 21st, 2011 at 8:10 pm
I have never had Steak-umms before, but I’ve seen them in the stores. I’ll have to check the price next time I’m out shopping! If you didn’t give your real name and address when talking to them, maybe you could try again, and this time just complain about the quality of their product. I’ve been pleasantly surprised the few times when I had a product that fell far below its usual quality and felt it imperative to let them know something was amiss, and the company sent me coupons. Lots of coupons! Cents off coupons and often coupons for FREE product!!!
Imagine all the sandwiches you could make with FREE Steak-umms. 🙂
Surfie´s last blog post ..Here- Fishy- Fishy- Fishy!
June 21st, 2011 at 8:48 pm
I love Steak Umms and I refuse to buy them unless they on sale or buy one get one free. Two reasons 1) I am cheap and 2) principal- like you say it is not filet mignon. Could you imagine if Taco Bell charge $3.00 for a taco? I don’t think they would survive long I don’t know how steak ummms does it at these prices.
Danny´s last blog post ..Palma Ceia Park Homes For Sale
June 22nd, 2011 at 3:57 am
Eww. Steak ummms? Maybe a spamburger next? Follow that up with some beefaroni straight out of the can?
I put on my old lady pants all of the time it seems now (at the ripe old age of 38)…Geez, sonny, are you old enough to work here? Are you sure about these steak ummms? In MY day, we didn’t have electronic scanners but had to key in the prices and count out change.
Melissa´s last blog post ..North Adams Senior Pictures
June 22nd, 2011 at 6:33 am
I’ve been mia in my blog reading and I have missed yours, Kathy! OMG… 12.49 for a package of SteakUmmmmmms is just awful. In fact, you should make your own. Pioneer woman’s Marboro Man Sandwich is my goto recipe for cheesesteaks.. only, I usually use flank or skirt steak instead of cube steak and I pound it thin. Then I use lots of butter to cook it in. I top my cheesesteak with, well, cheese, sauteed onions and mushrooms (baby bella and shitake) and NO MAYONNAISE! 😉
June 22nd, 2011 at 6:36 am
Oh… and my guilty pleasure craving after a night of drinking is almost as bad as Steakumms… I love those packaged White Castle burgers. We have no White Castle or Krystal burger here and those are my closest replacement! Nothing better at 3am than microwaved grey meat. heh
Devon´s last blog post ..Test
June 22nd, 2011 at 6:37 am
Never heard of them. Not something I would have ever tried, but now I’ll look for them specifically. I always take advice from a lover of bacon and junk food. The joy of life! 🙂
June 22nd, 2011 at 7:40 am
Beth Ann Chiles — I guess the days of cheap meat are over. You can’t count on anything these days! The way you describe yours is making my mouth water too. I have some left in the freezer, but no rolls. [insert sad face here]. Surely I want some for breakfast.
Pricilla — “The city of the cheesesteak.” And now I’m embarrassed. I’m imagining you thinking a lot less of me that I would even eat a Steak-umm. But then, I don’t have access to real cheesesteaks, so that’s my excuse and I’m sticking with it.
POFKid — No, not like spam at all, thankfully. And you might think that if I ate Steak-umms, I’d eat spam, but you would be mistaken. Surely. I’m waiting for them to find what I wrote about them and sue me. Or give me coupons. One or the other.
June O’Hara — It’s what I do best. Acquiesce and then bitch about it anyway.
dana — That’s ludicrous! I don’t understand it. It’s scary meat. Scary meat should never increase in price, because I’m sorry, but isn’t that the stuff they throw out after cutting good pieces of meat? Five day shipped meat? Oh, not scary at all.
veg-o-matic — OK, now I have to look for shaved meat. REAL meat. But then, I sort of want the Other meat with the grease. But only once a year. Because you gotta live a little, right? Drool indeed.
Susan Montgomery — Ah, the perks of workin’ in a fast food joint. We got a discount too (at Roy Rogers) and free drinks. I think if we all tried to eat for a week like we did in our 20s, we’d die on the spot. Amazing what we got away with back when we all had metabolisms.
audrey — Is Manwich different than Sloppy Joe? I forget! LIke, is Sloppy Joe even a product name or is that just what we called them? Mmmm, hungry again.
lin — Delicious 20 year meat… mmmmmmm. Yes, you can come over and have sammiches with me. And I would even make some for orange stripey goodness. He’s not on a diet, right?
Ann — The Steak-umm people at least went to the trouble to tell me when the next sales were at my store. There’s a BOGO coming up in July, so you know. Might have to buy more. I was going to buy club roll, so as to minimize my carb intake, but then I remembered “You’re eating Steak-umms, so carbs really matter?” I’m diggin’ the idea of mushrooms now, since so many of you mentioned them.
Josh — I’m never buying them full price again! But they make it sound like coupons are only for the elite chosen ones. Gotta keep my eyes peeled for BOGOs for sure.
Chris at Knucklehead — Read your comment to my husband. We laughed. You’re right. It’s not steak, but if you can just get past what it is, then life is good. God, I hope the company doesn’t sue me.I used to eat Nestle’s Quik straight-up. No milk. Does that freak you out? It should.
Surfie — I gave out my real name and address because I thought they might send me coupons, even though I sounded like a raving bitch in my email. What annoyed me, and still does, is that they make it a point on their website to say they don’t give out coupons. Bastards.
Danny — Oh, man. Taco Bell. Every time I see a commercial for them, I figure at some point they’re just going to offer their entire menu for free. You get like a giant box stuffed with tacos, a drink and a side, for like five bucks. Come on, Steak-umms, you think you’re better than Taco Bell???
Melissa — Ugh. Beefaroni? Would you believe I don’t think I’ve ever had that? Would you believe Firefox didn’t correct the spelling of beefaroni, but only when I capitalized it? Laughing at your old lady pants conversation. I could just hear the sound of your voice. You sound 85. Sonny. Hee.
Devon — I was just thinking of Bacon last night. I miss him and wonder what he’s doing these days. See, but that’s a lot of work, all that cutting and pounding out. You do know me, right? You know I’m lazy and inept in the kitchen, right? Geez, woman. Get with the program. I never had an authentic White Castle burger, which is weird because I’m within reasonable driving distance. I did, however, buy a box of frozen ones at my store and they were so disgusting. Bad way to introduce myself to them, as I know the originals are supposed to be delicious. Mmmm, 3AM meat. Drunk helps.
Ferd — See, this proves I’m an authority. That you trust my recommendation. I have arrived. Thank you.
June 22nd, 2011 at 8:03 am
Of course, we don’t have steak-ums and I think I’m thankful. I stopped eating sausages because I saw a programme on what parts of the animal went into making them. There is one brand of sausages we eat, and only that brand. I think we found out they use actual meat and not eye balls and nostrils. Me? A fussy eater? Probably.
Babs (beetle)´s last blog post ..The rapture has started!
June 22nd, 2011 at 10:47 am
Ever since my Weis began carrying fresh, non-frozen chipped steak in the meat aisle, I have not danced with Other Meat. This serendipitously coincided with them carrying bags of Amoroso’s rolls, which, previously, you could not get in the Twin Tiers for love or money. (I’m 250 miles from Philadelphia, for those wondering where the
‘Twin Tiers’ are)
I make a Delaware County cheesesteak– fried onions chopped in with the meat along with a healthy shot of black pepper, American cheese melted on top, then you lay the roll over the whole business, get your spatula underneath, and flip it over.
Honestly, what I find myself craving lately from the city of my origins is a John’s pork sandwich with the spinach and the sharp provolone.
Shieldmaiden1196´s last blog post ..The Big Man Joins The Band
June 23rd, 2011 at 12:06 pm
We tried them once when I was in high school. We might have forgotten to take the paper off. I’m pretty sure the dog wouldn’t even eat them. I didn’t even know they still made them. I thought they went the way of Sun-In and Loves Baby Soft.
Jen´s last blog post ..Polaroid Digital Camcorder Giveaway!!
June 23rd, 2011 at 1:02 pm
I haven’t had Steak-umms in years! Now I want them too…oh yes, and Sloppy Joes (thanks Daisy!)
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie and Mom Sharon
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie´s last blog post ..MeowMeowMeMe
June 23rd, 2011 at 1:52 pm
Well, I have some in the freezer RIGHT NOW, but they’ve been in there a while because I SO did not have to pay $12 for them! Is that the state of SteakUmmms these days? Man, I hate the world.
However, when I would have them, it would be with Cheez Whiz and sauteed onions because if you’re already going to have Other Meat, you should also have Other Dairy. (And onions because they are just yum.)
Jenn of Many Cabbages´s last blog post ..Swimming with the Fishes- Fer Reals
June 24th, 2011 at 8:08 am
I eat Steak-umms plain. But I don’t crave them too often because they are way too expensive.
Too bad you couldn’t have told them their was a frozen rat tail in the box or something…it would have been worth it for a free coupon. 😉
Cashier´s last blog post ..No Bag For You
June 24th, 2011 at 1:08 pm
I have never had Steak-Umms but our local grocery store has had them on sale for the last few weeks. They even get their own little freezer next to the meat department.
Anne´s last blog post ..Win Goat Milk Soap: A Special Gift From the Small Town to You
June 25th, 2011 at 9:26 am
WoW how could people throw so much in the drawer, now nothing left for me to say. That’s not fair
Dorothy Beckmann@home schooling explained´s last blog post ..Home Schooling Can Lead to Outstanding Careers
June 25th, 2011 at 10:00 am
I’ve found that certain flavors and packaging of Ritz crackers cost more than fresh lobster at the meat counter. I’ve convinced Tessa that Rib-eye or T-bone on sale is very affordable.
Fred Miller´s last blog post ..I Used the Word clitoris in a Tractor Blog
June 25th, 2011 at 2:53 pm
hi I can’t give an opinion on the steak-ummm but I like your blogg and will be back time and time again. I have not blogged for a while and just decided I wanted somewhere to write about all the things that occur to and around my life.
Having just read about your blog I can see that we are on the same or similar wave length 🙂
anna jay´s last blog post ..Not Known
June 25th, 2011 at 2:53 pm
hi I can’t give an opinion on the steak-ummm but I like your blogg and will be back time and time again. I have not blogged for a while and just decided I wanted somewhere to write about all the things that occur to and around my life.
Having just read about your blog I can see that we are on the same or similar wave length 🙂
anna jay´s last blog post ..Not Known
June 25th, 2011 at 3:08 pm
Can’t afford to eat them. It’s Ramen noodles for us. 😉
CrAzY Working Mom´s last blog post ..Ouch!
June 25th, 2011 at 6:46 pm
Now I’m craving to eat steak-ummm!lol I love ’em with cheese!
June 26th, 2011 at 5:15 am
Babs Beetle — See, that was your first mistake. You NEVER watch documentaries about meat. Ever. “Eyeballs and nostrils.” Oh dear.
Shieldmaiden1196 — I need to look for the non-frozen chipped meat today. I know not of what you speak. Also, you sound like a professional. Have you worked at a grill joint before? Damn. That last sandwich you described sounds like the pork sandwich from DiNics at Reading Terminal Market (we saw it made on Man vs. Food once; almost went there this week).
Jen — OMG! Sun-In and Love’s Baby Soft! I remember both! Incidentally, if you see the movie Super 8, watch for all the products that make an appearance. The movie is set in 1979. I lost my shit when I saw Pillsbury Space Food Sticks, which I lived off of for a year or so.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie — I’ve been wanting a Sloppy Joe since Daisy mentioned them earlier. The closest thing I make to that are beef tacos with Taco Bell seasoning. Nom!
Jenn of Many Cabbages — If I ever get them again, it’s going to have to be a BOGO purchase. Ding, ding, ding! We have a Cheez Whiz eater! Happy you could admit that, Jen. Sometimes “other” is just what the doctor ordered.
Cashier — I know my approach was way off when I wrote the company. I think I’m going to write a few of my favorites and see if a nicer attitude might score me some freebies. Ya think?
Anne – They get their own section next to the meat because I think legally, they can’t call it meat.
Fred Miller — And you’d have a case. I’m forever shocked at the checkout at the price of things, and don’t even start me on produce. Really, don’t start me.
anna jay — And having checked out your blog, I’d have to agree with you. Thanks again for the mention and welcome to The Drawer!
Crazy Working Mom — I cannot tell you how many packets of ramen noodles I ate in my teens and twenties. I’m sure my colon is still trying to process them.
June 26th, 2011 at 7:00 pm
I’m originally from Philadelphia, but we moved across the country when I was a kid. We’d use Steak-umms to try to recreate cheesesteaks:
Grill some onions (and maybe some green peppers). Split rolls and toast them on the grill. Grill some Steak-umms. When they’re done, don’t take them off the grill right away; instead, put slices of provolone cheese on top and let the cheese melt. Then pile all the grilled stuff on the rolls. I used to eat these with ketchup, but I think that’s frowned upon.
Laura´s last blog post ..Dear Future Houseguest
June 26th, 2011 at 8:00 pm
Steak-umms with scrambled eggs, onions, peppers, and lots of cheese on a hoagie roll… That’s good stuff.
And that’s a ridiculous amount of money to pay for “steak” made from the assholes of cows.
J. Bear Savo´s last blog post ..Auction of Imagination
July 2nd, 2011 at 7:50 pm
Here’s an outlandish suggestion…get your facts straight. The label on Steakumm (and other similar products) says “beef”. USDA requires your “other meat” products to LIST those ingredients if they are part of that food. “Meat from some part of the cow” as you call it, I presume you refer to tongue, nostrils, eyeballs all other parts we don’t like to consider in our foods. These would be listed in the ingredients, as with some hotdogs, sausages, and the infamous PA “scrapple”. Check with the USDA to learn more.
After working in the grocery industry for over 20 years, I see companies getting out of coupons-too much fraud. Would you rather get 50 cents off with a coupon or buy one get one free? As far as your TRAGIC story of $12.49 spent on “other meat”…shop at Walmart and get it for $6.99 everyday. Why shop at the most expensive place you can find? But sounds like the person you contacted did you a big favor by telling you about the sale price.
July 3rd, 2011 at 9:15 pm
Steak-umms are great!!!?
These things were delicious… I was nursed back? to health on these after a nightmare acid trip.
Robert´s last blog post ..How to Find Olive Garden Printable Coupons
August 6th, 2011 at 8:12 pm
OMG- These were a favorite in our house when I was young. My mom made these on a saturday night. She would fry up the meat in a little olive oil and sprinkle it with garlic salt and pepper. Then she would grill some onions/peppers and mushrooms that she drizzled with worchestersire sauce. Finally, we could fill our own crusty buns with meat and toppings plus some good mozzeralla cheese on top. Brings back great memories!!!
August 20th, 2011 at 5:29 pm
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