My Divorce is Final
Fun June 27th, 2011 After nearly four months of sweated bliss, it’s official. I divorced my gym.
I knew the separation was coming, since I’d started seeing someone else. I found a new love on Exercise TV and his name is Kendell Hogan. Kendell knows how to move me and we’ve become quite a couple.
I knew parting ways with my gym would be difficult and guilt-ridden. On the first attempt to divorce them, they lured me back with the promise that a “woman of my age” who does strength training will see bigger and better results than one who doesn’t.
You really need to come in and do weights, they said. And so I did. For two weeks.
But the love was already gone. While I was busy heaving, pushing and pulling, my thoughts were always with Kendell.
Kendell the Cardio Man.
Kendell says “Come on! You can do it! Fight it. Make it happen!”
My gym says “You can’t live without us.”
Oh, but I can. I don’t need you and your treadmills. I don’t need your mind-numbingly boring ellipticals either. Although I did love your ample parking, bank of TVs and sparkling bathrooms. Don’t feel bad.
Truth be told, we were good together in the beginning. You got me started. Made me feel better about myself and encouraged me every step of the way. You got me results.
But now I’ve graduated to someone better, Kendell KickAsserson.
Someone who screams sweet nothings in my ear. “Push through! Now squat thrusts!”
Someone who makes me sweat more than I ever did at the gym.
Someone who comes to my house every day whenever I want him to. Sometimes twice and he never complains.
Someone who doesn’t charge me $48 a month to show up at the crack of dark.
So it’s over, gym. I can’t see you anymore. We were something special, but we are no more. I thank you for helping me lose 25lbs so far.
But the next 25 belong to Kendell. Or maybe a shiny new kettlebell. I’m fickle, you know.

June 27th, 2011 at 7:29 pm
the skinflint part of me approves..:)
robert bourne´s last blog post ..Duct Tape ,Panties and Bras
June 27th, 2011 at 7:35 pm
Good for you Kathy! 25 pounds isn’t nothing to sneeze at. Make sure you keep Kendell on his toes.
Stanthrax´s last blog post ..Have You Kept Your New Year’s Resolutions?
June 27th, 2011 at 7:39 pm
I was going to divorce my gym after I broke my leg, but now my son talked me into going to mediation. I don’t think he really cared about me, though… he just wanted to keep going on my membership. Bastard! Now I’m stuck doing circuit training again… occasionally… very occasionally.
BoomBoomLarew´s last blog post ..Unimaginable Terror: A Magpie Tale
June 27th, 2011 at 7:44 pm
$48 a month seems high so I can understand why you might want out of that. However, strength training should still be included too.
Karen and Gerard´s last blog post ..Sports Camp Rules!
June 27th, 2011 at 7:54 pm
You go girl!!! For my b-day present we are getting me a treadmill and mounting a TV on the wall so I can just workout at home. I’m super pysched! I’ve never tried Kendell. Might have to check him out. Is he on a disc or on a TV show?
June´s last blog post ..Why I Want a Digital Camera!
June 27th, 2011 at 8:25 pm
Go you! I did the reverse, said good bye to my workout DVDs in exchange for the precor machine and aerobic classes at my local Y. 😉 PLEASE post before and after pictures when you’ve reached your goal!
Devon´s last blog post ..Test
June 27th, 2011 at 8:39 pm
I ain’t gonna lie. The title of this post just about gave me a heart attack. 🙂
But go you!
Emily Suess´s last blog post ..Demon Spawn Makes Guest Appearance at My Garage Sale
June 27th, 2011 at 10:15 pm
To hell with ellipticals!!!!
June 27th, 2011 at 10:38 pm
Good luck! Ellipticals kill me. If the gym wasn’t part of our apartment complex, I don’t think I could bring myself to pay extra for it. But, if it works for folks, go for it!
Angela´s last blog post ..What I Learned Today on the Treadmill
June 27th, 2011 at 10:56 pm
I think this is for the best. I didn’t want to say anything, but I’d heard rumors that your gym was seeing other women.
Laura´s last blog post ..Dear Future Houseguest
June 28th, 2011 at 5:50 am
robert bourne — Well, I gotta say, 48 bucks was worth it when I was going. But then I wasn’t, because of Kendell, and then it just got to be stupid to pay for nothing. I wound up paying for a month and a half and didn’t go.
Stanthrax — Thanks! I’m pretty proud of that, and happy I’ve been sticking to my cardio almost every day. I looked at my stats and only missed 2 days in the month of June.
BoomBoomLarew — Mediation is hard. For me, I wasn’t about compromise, but they got me to go back, temporarily anyway. But circuit will be good for your leg, right?
Karen — My next plan is to buy a kettlebell and/or heavier weights. I do workout with hand weights at home, too, just not a specific weight training program. I do know that strength training is worth it, just need to work that in now at home.
June — Congrats on getting a treadmill for home. I know a woman who bought an elliptical for home and loves it. Kendell was available on TV for a while (free via my cable provider), but then his routine expired and so I paid $1.99 to download that routine to my PC. Now I just do it that way. You can see the routine I do daily in the link in my post (Kendell’s name).
Devon – Good for you! As long as do something, whether it’s home or a gym, it’s all good. You won’t be seeing any before pictures, because for 3 years, I don’t think I allowed any to be taken. Not kidding. I’ll share an after picture when I get there.
Emily Suess — I thought it might! Hee. Thanks, I’m pretty happy with my progress. It’s slow, but my workouts are very effective. And free now.
J. Bear Savo — Ah, ellipticals. I remember telling my friends how much I was scared of The Beast. I could only do 2.5 minutes the very first time I got on it, then I didn’t get on again for a whole month. But then I tried again and worked my way up to a whole hour, which pleased me. However, it just got to be too boring. I needed something that moved more body parts and got me sweating more. Enter Kendell. I’m happier now.
Angela — I couldn’t agree more. We all have to find a system that works for us. For me, the gym worked wonders at first, but I found elliptical and weights to be too boring. Even if it was free, I needed something more and different. Go you!
Laura — I had a suspicion!
June 28th, 2011 at 7:04 am
It’s okay. Some relationships just aren’t worth the effort. I can’t do the gym either–while I’m all excited on Day 1, it just sort of goes south from there.
I may have to check out Kendell. I wonder if he’ll come to my house?
lin´s last blog post .."Adopt A Plant"
June 28th, 2011 at 9:20 am
You hussy you!
good job. Keep it up, whether Gym, Kendall or Kettle be healthy
Pricilla´s last blog post ..AbbyDay – I Take Out My Frustrations on the Wood Pile
June 28th, 2011 at 10:08 am
SERIOUSLY! this title! as i clicked i was thinking, “wow. she really got pissed about those paper towels!”
i don’t care how you keep it up, i’m just SO impressed with TWENTY-FIVE POUNDS AND COUNTING! say it with me – TWENTY-FIVE FREAKIN’ POUNDS!! you’re awesome!
Ali´s last blog post ..Camp Packing FAIL
June 28th, 2011 at 10:24 am
This is why I simply MUST get my exercise site up. Maybe I will call it or something. I plan to do kick boxing exercises, but not the TaeBo stuff. This will be more fighting stances and useful techniques. And think of all the beauties like you I could have on the side. Love you!
Fred Miller´s last blog post ..“He Kindly Stopped for Me”
June 28th, 2011 at 10:26 am
I don’t know how you got up and went to the gym every day for so long. Exercise in the comfort of your home is much better, if you can keep it going. You certainly seem to have the staying power.
Babs (beetle)´s last blog post ..Look me in the eye and tell me
June 28th, 2011 at 11:48 am
I think the gym served its purpose. It got you going. That said, there comes a time when you really are able to do it on your own. It’s not like you can’t go back if you feel yourself slipping. I’ve never understood the appeal of the treadmill when you could be taking a walk. Still, 25 pounds says you have have been doing something very right! Keep it up!
Linda Medrano´s last blog post ..Christal Shanda Leer – Porn Queen
June 28th, 2011 at 12:22 pm
You go, girl! I do the elliptical, but I hate every second of it. And every second that surrounds it, too. I’m glad you found something that’s working so well.
June 28th, 2011 at 12:55 pm
Well, first of all, CONGRATS on dropping 25 pounds. That is awesomeness. Secondly, I hear ya, I’d MUCH RATHER work-out at home then go to the gym any day!
meleah rebeccah´s last blog post ..My Scootah!
June 28th, 2011 at 2:49 pm
Hey, ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Congrats on losing 25 lbs. Every time I think I’m ready to crank up my exercise, something throws a monkey wrench into the mix. I came home from a trip with a sniffle, which really doesn’t scream get up and jump around.
Linda´s last blog post ..Nursery Rhyme Redo: Hey Diddle Diddle
June 28th, 2011 at 4:54 pm
Now you’ve got an extra $48 a month to spend on all those fabulous new outfits your skinny new self is going to look marvelous in 🙂
Way to go
ann´s last blog post ..Have you seen my mom
June 28th, 2011 at 5:13 pm
You have to check out XBox Kinect! My Mommeh does not know how to do any video games, but you can watch yourself on TV when you exercise! Her newest favorite is Your Shape:Fitness Evolved. It shows you when your form is not correct or when you are not in sync with the instructor, and you can see your calories burned!
Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog post ..We Love Cardboards!
June 28th, 2011 at 5:31 pm
Congrats on the 25lbs. That’s amazing! I go through my phases with being sick of the gym and working out at home, but always return to my long, lost friend. Can’t give up the gym for me, but let me know how it turns out.
Climb2Nowhere´s last blog post ..Cinnamon Twists (Part 1)
June 28th, 2011 at 5:42 pm
Pricilla — Oh, that made me laugh. First time I ever got called a hussy! Oh, I’m keepin’ it up alright. Kendell paid me two visits today. It got real sweaty, too.
Ali — Ha! Tricked ya! (and laughing again about the paper towels. Could make a legitimate grounds for divorce.) And thanks for the compliment. I’m proud of the weight I’ve lost so far because it’s so hard-earned, harder than it’s ever been in my life. I’ve been on vacation, though, and overate this last weekend. Scared to get on the scale and won’t until end of week. But I’ve been religiously working out, so it’s not a total loss.
Fred Miller — I started doing some kick boxing techniques when I couldn’t do something that Kendell was throwing at me. It made me think I’d like to buy a boxing DVD or something. It’s amazing to me that I’d even consider it, since I’ve been a slug prior to this for the last 3 years. I can’t be your honey. I belong to Kendell.
Babs Beetle — Honestly, I don’t know how I did it either. When I look back on it, I amaze myself. But they opened nice and early and I could get it out of the way for the day, and the trainers were A+. They really helped me.
Linda Medrano — You bring up an important point. Back when I did walk 2 miles a day, I loved it. But then winter came and so did hibernation. That six months on/six months off thing ruined me and was the very reason I joined the gym. As long as I can keep up with my home workouts, I shan’t be going back, but I would in a second if I thought I needed it again. They were so great to me (except when I tried to leave them).
June O’Hara — Good for you on the elliptical! The thing I felt I needed was to move more body parts. That same swinging action bored me to tears and I was thinking I needed to kick things up a notch. Whatever you do, keep doing it!
meleah rebeccah — Thanks, hon. Having met you, I can tell you’re in great shape. I know you golf and do other things outdoors. I wish I could do more outside, but this heat just kills me. Are you golfing much this summer?
Linda — Thank you! I got to a point where I thought “When will it EVER be a good time to workout?” Yes, things always get in the way. However, for the first time in my life, I’m making room for exercise in my schedule. Just like showering and brushing my teeth. It’s necessary, I don’t have a choice anymore since I can gain weight so fast now that I’m older.
ann — Ha! And would you believe I just had a dream last night that I went new clothes shopping? And it was a lovely experience, not like my usual pre-weight loss nightmare. Can’t wait to actually do it when I’m down a few more pounds. I have been buying some transition clothes, but really want to hit the big time later on.
Daisy the Curly Cat — Go Mommeh! I’ve seen the Kinect on TV and other places. It looks like so much fun, and I remember when even Harley got in the action. Keep it up!
Climb2Nowhere — Thank you! I feel good knowing my gym is so close by (only 2 min. from my house) and they open early enough for my taste. If I fall off the Kendall wagon, I can always go back. I’m sure they’d be happy to have my $48/mo again 🙂
June 28th, 2011 at 10:09 pm
I love Fitness TV, it saves me from paying for things I may end up not liking. Besides I can sweat in the privacy of my own home and if I look like I am having a seizure trying to learn a new move, no one will see but me. Congrats on the 25lb! I am down 70 and it feels awesome =D
June 29th, 2011 at 12:49 am
Down with the gym! Plus it’s so stinky in there, and the men grunt and the women preen themselves…
Sandra´s last blog post ..Is plugging my ears viewed as bad etiquette?
June 29th, 2011 at 12:30 pm
You are hilarious! I can just see you squating and moving along with kendal
Karen´s last blog post ..The Belt That Wouldn’t Buckle
June 29th, 2011 at 9:01 pm
I had never heard of exercise TV – me thinks you’re gonna be sharing your new guy with a lot of new people now!
July 1st, 2011 at 9:34 pm
I love how into this you are! First of all, 25 pounds is, like, wow!!! And now finding something that is even more fun and more suitable tells me you are committed to the whole healthy idea. I’m happy for you! 🙂
Ferd´s last blog post ..The Silly and Serious Reflecting Pool
July 2nd, 2011 at 6:03 pm
Nice work! Yes the gym can get expensive that is for sure. My gym fees just climbed to 30 bucks a month (less than 48 i know;)!
As long as you can get your workout in though, it doesn’t matter what you do as long as you’re doing something, and you feel good about yourself. It’s all about finding a system that works for you.
And finally conrats on the 25 pound fat loss. Very nice work!
(PhunnieOne, 75 ain’t too shabby either:)
July 7th, 2011 at 1:16 pm
I haven’t been by in a while and I was wondering how the workout routine was going so I hopped on and I see that things are going very well. Not only did you crack me up (again) but you reminded me of a post idea I’d forgotten about. Since you gave me a laugh and inspiration, what could I do but Stumble you?