In the Zone With Prednisone
Bizarre October 15th, 2011So. Some of you know that I’m taking Prednisone, a steroid, for injuries I suffered while trying to do something good for my body.
My cardio workouts are to blame for all sorts of hurty problems with my shoulder, knee, bicep and elbow.
This is obvious proof that exercise is stupid and doesn’t really do anything except accelerate your body falling apart.
There. I said it. Stop doing it. It’s dumb.
Anyway, so I’m on this steroid, which is doing next to nothing for me. But I consider myself lucky to not be one of the people who experiences all kinds of side effects like: extreme hunger, mood swings, and a fat face.
Actually, I have all those things already, but whatever. At least it’s not any worse.
What I did experience was super human strength today while cleaning my kitchen floor.
So I’m gettin’ my Swiffer on and all of a sudden I snap the mop like a twig. With no effort whatsoever.
See? All brokey.
Granted, the handle is plastic, but it’s sturdy plastic that should not just break in half.
I get all sorts of angry (mood swing!) because I have to shell out another 30 bucks or so to buy a new one, unless duct tape fixes it.
But then I quickly move through the anger phase, straight to the “I’m a superhero” phase. Look at me! I’m the Hulk now.
So if you need me to chop firewood for you or move some heavy furniture single-handedly, ring me up. Wanna see me lift a car? I can do that, too.
Unless, of course, grandiosity is one of the drug’s side effects. In that case, never mind.

October 15th, 2011 at 8:26 pm
yep been there many times as well.usually when my asthma really acts up bad.
Mike Golch´s last blog post ..5 On Friday
October 15th, 2011 at 9:38 pm
Hi Kathy,
I’ve been “exercising” since early this Summer. It consists mostly of walking and, every now and then, one push up. Well, about one month ago, I had cheddar cheese for dinner, and got deathly ill. I thought it was lactose intolerance, so I got those pills and had cheese again, and got even worse. My hands and feet started itching. I broke out in hives, even under my frickin’ arms. I damn near passed out, to say nothing of the time I spent on the throne.
Turns out I have exercise induced dairy allergy.
So you’re right. Exercise is harmful.
Bernie O’Hare´s last blog post ..Stoffa Has Kept Commitment to Open Space
October 15th, 2011 at 11:38 pm
Bodies are so ungrateful. I don’t know why we bother trying to do anything nice for them.
Laura´s last blog post ..Confessions of a Water-Spiller
October 16th, 2011 at 5:33 am
Sounds like you overdid it with the exercise; you are not supposed to get hurt! That is funny you broke your mop because you are so strong now. I would be surprised if duct tape would hold it together very well. Think you’ll be buying a new mop.
Karen and Gerard´s last blog post ..8 Things We Learned Thi Week 41 of 2011 (dogs, TV, blogging, blind, crafts)
October 16th, 2011 at 6:05 am
Harley used to take Prednisone all the time when his EGC was acting up. So I know for sure that if you take that drug you will not get any ulcers on your lips.
Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog post ..Fancy Hello Kitty!
October 16th, 2011 at 6:13 am
Mike — Is that the only thing you can take for it?
Bernie – Ick. Sorry to hear this. So does this mean you get doctor’s orders to sit on your ass all day? Cuz I would like that for myself.
Laura — I’m telling you! I had less pain and aggravation when I sat motionless all day long for many months. I will get back to exercise eventually, but obviously I can’t do it to the intensity I had been. Looks like it might be just walking in my future. Unless the knee totally gives way. Then I’m in bigger trouble.
Karen — I know how I screwed up the arm. I used 3lb weights in each hand while doing intense cardio. Overstretched it and BAM. Game over. Dave’s gonna try to fix the mop today with duct tape. I’m just glad it didn’t break the squeezy thing that makes the solution come out. I might be able to hobble along with it broken if I’m careful.
Daisy the Curly Cat — I’m so glad. Although…. ulcers on my lips might be the start of a great Halloween costume, no?
October 16th, 2011 at 6:45 am
This exercising lark is giving me all sorts of hurty parts, but I must admit I feel much better for it – hurty parts aside.
My next post fits in with this post perfectly. You didn’t look over my shoulder as I was writing it, did you?
Babs (beetle)´s last blog post ..The Fly – I prevented an infestation!
October 16th, 2011 at 7:02 am
I agree that exercise hurts, but I know I need it. Do to work injuries, I can only swim, do some yoga or bike. Every time I get into a routine, I hurt myself again! It gets harder to get motivated every time!
October 16th, 2011 at 8:17 am
omg, that made me LOL! I think only you could turn taking prednisone into something good. 😉 And your comment: “This is obvious proof that exercise is stupid and doesn’t really do anything except accelerate your body falling apart” completely cracked me up. I had to read it to my husband who, through working out, has injured his knee and gets ankle pain. (But he did eliminate his back pain!)
October 16th, 2011 at 9:17 am
I’m getting to that age…can’t spin because it hurts my back. Can’t run because I have Achille’s tendonitis. Not sure I can kickbox anymore, and even the elliptical can give me problems. At this point, I should probably take up croquet and call it a day.
I hope you feel better!
June O’Hara´s last blog post ..Clinging To The Familiar
October 16th, 2011 at 10:43 am
I really don’t think a lot of the gym type stuff is good for people. Give me somewhere to take a 5 mile walk and I’m fine. Another good way to get some exercise is in the water. No impact on joints, etc. My sister went to weight watchers about 5 years ago and lost over 100 pounds. She also walked for a couple of miles every day, rain or shine. She has kept the weight off and is toned and trim. Walking is really all you need.
Linda Medrano´s last blog post ..We’re Just Like Ashton and Demi (But Different)
October 16th, 2011 at 12:31 pm
Perhaps I can hire you the next time I’m in Allentown removing stuff from an estate.
J. Bear Savo´s last blog post ..Soft Pack Blunder
October 16th, 2011 at 1:24 pm
You’ve convinced me. I’m taking exercise off my bucket list.
In addition to kidnappings and mob hits, duct tape is also great for holding plastic parts together. I used it to fix the handle on the pooper scooper.
Lauren´s last blog post ..Dude, your pants are on fire!
October 16th, 2011 at 6:50 pm
well I never had exercise on my to do list ..being a Klutz I can do damage to my various body parts enough use making the situation worse…besides I get paranoid just taking an Aleve thinking I might grow a third ear or something…so none of those wonder drugs for me…
robert bourne´s last blog post ..The Man Who Never Lived… part twenty one
October 16th, 2011 at 10:26 pm
WOW! I am very impressed. I’m just curious to see how clean your floors are after that!
I’m not sure it is you or the crappy way they make stuff nowadays. I have been known to wear the wheels off vacuum cleaners. Seriously. And I’m not the Hulk nor do I take prednisone.
lin´s last blog post ..Pumpkin Huntin’
October 17th, 2011 at 5:21 am
Babs Beetle — Ha! That’s what I used to say, until the hurty parts got too hurty. I hope you don’t fall apart, Babs. You’re doing so well with your regular exercise. So, did you break something too?
Shana — I wish I could swim. That wouldn’t hurt too many parts, I’d think. But there’s not pool near me where I’d want to be seen in a swimming suit. I guess all we can do is find the thing that works and run with it. I might have to join the gym again so I can use an elliptical, which would probably be OK on the knee.
Devon — Aw, sorry your husband is hurting. Honestly, I don’t know how people over 40 can even work out. I thought it was doing me good — well, it was, with weight maintenance — but my joints? Not so good. Still mad about it. And winter’s coming, so I won’t be able to walk. Boo!
June O’Hara — I’m glad to know I’m not alone. I guess I’d be OK if the knee weren’t so screwed up. I tried light aerobics Sat. night and it felt worse by Sunday. Really depressed about it.
Linda — I know you’re right, but I do miss working out hard every morning. I used to sweat like crazy and it set me up for a really good day once I got it behind me. Now I’m back to struggling with my weight without exercise. I know walking helps, but when the weather turns unbearable, then what? I can’t bear to regain my weight. It’ll make me cry.
J. Bear — I’ve seen the work you do that goes into emptying out a place. No thanks. I withdraw my offer. It’d kill me.
Lauren — You won’t miss it. Trust me. Well, I bought “Gorilla Glue” yesterday and Dave fixed the handle. But he thinks it’ll still need duct tape, which of course I forgot to buy at the store. Oh, and about pooper scoopers…. We use a spaghetti ladle instead of the plastic kind, which ALWAYS broke. You need metal. And just don’t think of it as a food utensil when scooping your poop.
robert bourne — I’m with you. I hate taking anything prescription. It doesn’t help that I go on Dr. Google and read all the negative effects. I got myself in a tizzy days before taking the Prednisone. But thankfully I’m almost done with the course. One more day. (And so far, no third ear!)
lin — I’ve busted at least one other cleaning machine — my Bissel rug shampooer. That’s from putting all the pressure on the handle so I can get all the solution out of the rug. No, they don’t make these things to last, do they?
October 17th, 2011 at 2:29 pm
I didn’t break anything. The post is about mo – as usual 😉
Babs (beetle)´s last blog post ..The Fly – I prevented an infestation!
October 17th, 2011 at 8:50 pm
Gail and I had some group LOLs over this post. She can tell you about her current hurry parts trying to train for her first 5K. She has run into one problem after another. Maybe if she tries some steroids it will all seem as funny as you make it out to be! 😀
In my advanced age, I have realized that half the battle about exercising is not getting injured. I’ve spent plenty of time on the sidelines, but am grateful to be currently feeling groovy!
Ferd´s last blog post ..Sunday Scenery – The Blue Ridge Parkway in Autumn
October 18th, 2011 at 4:17 am
Whenever something like that happens over here my pat reply has been, “Looks like my super powers are acting up again.”
cardiogirl´s last blog post ..There’s another question I need to answer
October 18th, 2011 at 6:01 am
lol 😀 Whoa! You are really one SuperGirl 😉
Arti´s last blog post ..My Tryst with the Evening Ganga Arti at the Har Ki Pauri Ghat in Haridwar
October 18th, 2011 at 2:14 pm
If you have to replace the mop, try the Rubbermaid. No batteries, washable (and superior) mop cloth, fillable solution bottles so you can use whatever cleanser you want. No advice on exercise – I do as little as possible.
October 19th, 2011 at 8:26 pm
Oh man, Prednisone + Meleah = DO NOT GET ALONG.
And you’re right, exercise only leads to your body falling apart faster!
meleah rebeccah´s last blog post ..Mood Music
October 19th, 2011 at 11:07 pm
Not only was this hilarious, I loved the last bit.
I was going to ask you to come tote barges and lift bales for me, but does your superhero strength include flying? If it does, are you afraid to fly if it’s just you? You know, without a plane?
Margaret Andrews´s last blog post ..Move Over Anne Leibovitz and Ansel Adams. China Shop Bull Coming Through.
October 19th, 2011 at 11:33 pm
I’m sorry that you hurt yourself exercising. I’m just getting off of a foot injury from….you guessed it: Exercising! Hmmm, sounds like some diabolical plot of the anti-exercising coalition to stop us from getting healthy OR it could be a plot by the AMA to drum-up additional business???
Anyway, with regards to the Swiffer, I have a saying,”if you can’t fix it, duct tape it.” That saying worked really well when I worked maintenance many years ago:)
I hope you get to felling better soon!
Tim´s last blog post ..Friday Fotos: 9/23
October 20th, 2011 at 8:38 am
the only thing i do to keep me fit and healthy is by doing Yoga. it makes you aware of your body’s posture, alignment and patterns of movement that’s why Yoga is considered therapeutic.
Abby´s last blog post ..Trouble Getting Pregnant
October 20th, 2011 at 2:44 pm
Dang, sorry to hear that you are now a superhero who can’t do cardio anymore. I think. You sound kinda happy about the whole thing, unless that’s the drugs talking.
Jen´s last blog post ..Gadhafi Captured Alive, Khaddafy Dead, Qaddafi is Really Dead, is Gadhafi Dead or Alive and How Do You Spell His Fucking Name?
October 26th, 2011 at 7:55 pm
Oh Prednisone, how I love you and hate you! I get SO MUCH DONE on that stuff…. !!!!! It makes me clean, then makes me a bitch, then makes me clean, then makes me a bitch LOLOL! Oh and stay awake alll night! Which makes me a bitch!
Katherine´s last blog post ..Practice Makes Perfect!
November 8th, 2011 at 5:42 am
My dad had to take some of that when he got into some poison oak recently!
December 29th, 2011 at 11:33 am
Our Swiffer’s handle snapped off as well yesderday, but I called Swiffer about it and there actually sending a coupon for a Free Replacement, maybe they could do the same for you.