Texting the Hard Way
Stuff I hate November 23rd, 2011I don’t know how anyone tolerated texting in the old days. And by “old days,” I mean last year.
You know the way, don’t you?
Press the number 8 key on your phone once to get a letter “T.”
Press the number 4 key on your phone twice to get a letter “h.”
Press the number 4 key on your phone thrice to get a letter “i.”
Press the number 7 key on your phone four times to get a letter “s.”
Press the number 4 key on your phone thrice to get a letter “i.”
Press the number 7 key on your phone four times to get a letter “s.”
Press the number 2 key on your phone twice to get a letter “b.”
Press the number 8 key on your phone twice to get a letter “u.”
Press the number 5 key on your phone thrice to get a letter “l.”
Press the number 5 key on your phone thrice to get a letter “l.”
Press the number 7 key on your phone four times to get a letter “s.”
Press the number 4 key on your phone twice to get a letter “h.”
Press the number 4 key on your phone thrice to get a letter “i.”
Press the number 8 key on your phone once to get a letter “t.”
Press the star key to get to the punctuation menu for a “.”
Today I texted with the contractor we hired to work on a bathroom. I set out to tell him to arrive at my house at 11:30 and I would leave work and meet him there.
It took me so long to type that message, I had to change the time to 11:40.
I hate texting with my Playskool phone because not only does it take me forever to tap out letters, I must use proper punctuation, spelling and capitalization. I also don’t use “2” for “to” or “u” for “you.”
Shut up. I know I’m making it harder than it has to be, but you gotta admit it’s pretty ludicrous to begin with. Now somebody buy me an iPhone with a data plan and make it snappy.
Happy Thanksgiving blessings to everyone! May your house be full of fun and laughter, your plates be overflowing and your pants be all stretchy like.

November 23rd, 2011 at 1:48 pm
I have an iPhone with an unlimited data plan and texting plan and get this… I still don’t text. I hate textese and all the abbreviations. It just makes me nuts, and not in the fun way.
Happy Thanksgiving, Kathy!
Barb @iPhoneographi´s last blog post ..Two words
November 23rd, 2011 at 2:12 pm
I don’t text – had the function on my phone disabled – can’t send or receive – Yay! Don’t have a Smartphone, don’t need one…You got a phone in your hand? Call me!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
Grace´s last blog post ..Another quiet day for me but I’m betting
November 23rd, 2011 at 2:40 pm
I have a flip phone and know exactly what you mean. On my birthday we were meeting my brother for lunch. I started writing a text as soon as I got in the car so when we were halfway there the text would be ready to send. ;P
A keyboard would be nice, but not worth giving up a phone with the earpiece at my ear and the mouthpiece at my mouth. I hate short phones.
November 23rd, 2011 at 2:49 pm
Happy Thanksgiving. Kathy! Here’s hoping you get an iPhone, like immediately.
meleah rebeccah´s last blog post ..Thanksgiving 2011
November 23rd, 2011 at 3:20 pm
Your not alone, I’ve never sent a text yet! Dinosaur here.
I’d take and iPad if were handing them out though. Happy Turkey Day all!
DJ´s last blog post ..Happy Thanksgiving 2011
November 23rd, 2011 at 3:59 pm
I still have my flip phone (3 years now on this one). Texting is a pain. I know our service provider has a function whereby you can send a text to someone’s phone from your computer.
Anyway, Christmas is coming – maybe you’ll find one in your stocking. Happy Thanksgiving!
Linda´s last blog post ..Giving Thanks
November 23rd, 2011 at 6:58 pm
I has a confession to make: my Mommeh has never sent a text message in her entire life!
Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog post ..Wordless Wednesday: Supercat
November 23rd, 2011 at 8:33 pm
VERY clever post, Kathy!
LOVED…This. is. bullshit.
Well, since I don’t have a cell phone myself (I know, I’m not normal), I’ve never sent a text message, however I have heard from those who do the same thing!
Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving Day, girl!
And hoping your get your iPhone from Santa this year!
Ron´s last blog post ..Memories of Thanksgiving Day And Dinner Rolls
November 23rd, 2011 at 8:33 pm
Happy Thanksgiving Kathy! And just so you know, you don’t have to have an iPhone to text like a 12 year old girl! I got an LG phone with slide out qwerty keypad. It’s awesome and didn’t cost me any limbs whatsoever! 🙂
Nicky´s last blog post ..I Need To Find A Gift
November 23rd, 2011 at 9:46 pm
I text more than I call now. Sad to say, I know. But I have TEENS! And that is the only way to communicate with them. And now I sorta like it, but I have a qwerty keyboard which makes it a LOT easier.
Happy Thanksgiving to you too! I have my super stretchy pants ready for tomorrow!
lin´s last blog post ..I’ve got you cornered……..
November 23rd, 2011 at 11:17 pm
A year ago I was still texting that way!!! I got an iphone around Christmas and was so happy to have a faster way to text. You have my sympathy!
Junebug´s last blog post ..Thanks for…
November 24th, 2011 at 1:15 am
Don’t worry. Five years from now we’ll be laughing at you because you’ll be using one of those silly dinosaur iPhones.
Margaret (Nanny Goats)´s last blog post ..Custom Jewelry by North (and a Giveaway)
November 24th, 2011 at 5:13 am
Barb — Right, and I just don’t need to be available like that at a moment’s notice. I prefer email, when I don’t feel the urge to respond in two seconds flat. My sister hates me. She wants me to get on a text plan I can live with like yesterday.
Grace — Wow! You’re a text rebel! Yeah, I’d rather talk on the phone than text, especially because that would take me a fraction of the time.
Ladybuggz — LMAO. I would do better with a slide-out keyboard or touch screen, but even then I’m all fumble fingers. I can’t be helped.
Meleah Rebeccah — You’ve probably had yours since the day they came out, right? I know I’m so behind the times. But it’s my little protest against technology that wants me to be on all the time. It’s bad enough I’m chained to my laptop!
DJ — That’s awesome. It’s funny how many of you haven’t ever texted before. I thought I was the only one who truly hated it.
Linda — I’ve never figured out how to text from a computer. I looked into it once (because my sister insists I text), but I could never figure out the system. I was always missing a piece of the puzzle.
Daisy the Curly Cat — That makes several of you! Join the No-Text Club!
Ron — That’s exactly what I think while I’m slaving away with all that tapping. I just can’t believe people (kids mostly, I figure) could tap that fast with such a silly method. I read a “How To” on texting yesterday that said you can use the forward key to speed up the process of getting at the letter you want, but it sounded just as convoluted as the regular way. Boggles my mind. No thanks.
Nicky — I have yet to make the leap to a real phone with a real plan. What I have now is that thing up there in the picture. It cost me $19.99 and I buy minutes when I need them. If I ever do buy a real phone, it’ll be the kind you describe. I need a keyboard or touch screen!
lin — That’s the big reason, I guess, why I never got into texting. No kids. I know I’d have to bite the bullet if I had them. When I made the realization that my painter guy prefers texting, my heart sank. We’re going to work with him again on installing hardwood flooring, so I guess I need to learn to text faster!
Junebug — Isn’t it just awful? I had to text the painter dude later in the day with measurements for our living room floor. He’s going to install hardwood floors. Do you know how long it took me to send that????? Nearly killed me.
Nanny Goats — Right you are. I’m always two steps behind. Like I don’t have enough things for people to make fun of me about. Yeah.
November 24th, 2011 at 10:37 am
One word- SWYPE. Love it. If all you ever do on a smartphone is text, this will change your life. 🙂
November 24th, 2011 at 11:09 am
The publicist does not text either. In fact, her phone is so old it does not even take pictures!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Pricilla – Famous SpokesGoat´s last blog post ..HAPPY THANKSGIVING
November 24th, 2011 at 11:23 am
Happy Thanks Giving Kathy!
Good for you.. A sad happening for us today because my brother lost his iPhone. Intentionally get by someone in his office table. No one knows who get it. Were inquiring and get the GPRS of the phone so that we can find it by using iCloud but sad to say that the phone is offline.
Vernon´s last blog post ..how to meet women
November 24th, 2011 at 11:49 am
I text but until recently I didn’t know how, nor would I let anyone explain it to me. I’m so glad it isn’t the old days and glad I have an iPhone. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! Have a lovely holiday weekend too!
Linda Medrano´s last blog post ..The Year I Made Turducken
November 24th, 2011 at 1:24 pm
Kathy, which cell provider do you use. If you are on Verizon, I can help you.
Linda´s last blog post ..Giving Thanks
November 24th, 2011 at 4:05 pm
I stand corrected by my hubby. You need to know the recipients service provider. He found some links that may help you.
This may help until you get that fabulous new iPhone! 😉
Linda´s last blog post ..Giving Thanks
November 24th, 2011 at 8:29 pm
Don’t you think it’s time to get a grown up phone? Lol! I have a Blackberry Torch that slides to reveal a real keyboard instead of the funky one that’s on the touchscreen. I hate the touchscreen for texting. The keys are too close together and you almost have to use your fingernail to type.
Lola´s last blog post ..Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you Bette Midler!
November 25th, 2011 at 12:04 am
Haha, this is great! A few months ago I dropped my phone in the toilet at work and unwilling to pay the 130 deductable on my insurance plan (they neglect to tell you when you buy the insurance plan that there is a deductable that high), I went to target and bought a 10 dollar phone. The only way to text was the way you mention above and I text constantaly. Within a week I had a text callus! So much so that when I went to get a manicure, the woman asked me what happened to my thumb! After about a month, I gave in and paid the 130 dollars but never bring my phone into the ladies room!!
November 25th, 2011 at 12:23 am
November 25th, 2011 at 3:52 pm
Oh I remember those days, it was a case of repetitive-button-pressing-strain injuries, now it over-texting-compulsion syndrome 😆
Karen´s last blog post ..Why I Opted To Upgrade And Use CommentLuv Premium
November 25th, 2011 at 5:31 pm
Ha ha! I refused to text on my old phone. I was thrilled once I got my iPhone and could text in full, with all punctuation in place 🙂 I’d even text you if I knew your number. You really must have one!
Babs (beetle)´s last blog post ..Fulfilling my fancy
November 25th, 2011 at 9:32 pm
I’ve heard that if you put your old phone under the pillow before you go to bed, the Apple Fairy will leave you an iPhone, but only if you’ve been a good girl, which I’m sure you have been. So why not give it a try? Couldn’t hurt. 🙂
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
Tracy Farr´s last blog post ..She said, He said
November 26th, 2011 at 10:29 am
newbuffalomom — That just blew my mind. I have to tell my sister about that. She wants to swype through life. She’d like to give up her fingers and just swipe everything because it’s so much faster. Not kidding, we just had a long, strange conversation about it at Thanksgiving. Thanks for the tip!
Pricilla — Mine doesn’t either!!!! Which is why I have to carry around my Playskool phone, my iTouch AND my camera. Combined, it’s half the weight of my purse. And annoying as hell. I need an all-in-one.
Vernon — That’s sad and hilarious at the same time. Hope he finds it!
Linda Medrano — It sounds like you were lucky enough to leap frog over the annoying part. I envy your iPhone. I don’t actually have to have an iPhone, per se. Just something I don’t have to jam my fingers into like a neanderthal. That’s not too much to ask, right?
Linda — Thanks. I’m going to check out those links. Maybe you found ones that will work for me. I really would love to text via computer!
Lola — I do “just OK” with the Blackberry slide out keyboard, as well as I do with a touch screen, which is at least better than the Playskool phone way, so that would be progress. The really good thing about touch screen is when it gives you suggestions for words. That’s enormously helpful for someone like me with sausage fingers.
Darlene — You sound like my co-worker. If it makes you feel better, he TWICE lost phones to water. Once in a toilet and another time he jumped in a pool with his clothes on and his phone in the back pocket. Maybe I should bring my phone into the ladies room. Hmmm…
Karen — If texting wasn’t so easy, i bet teens would have $200 monthly phone bills, right?
Babs — If I ever get one, you’ll be the first to know! Full punctuation shows our ages, you know that right?
Tracy Farr — Aw, the Apple Fairy. I love that idea! So funny. Thanks for the laugh.
November 28th, 2011 at 1:46 am
I love having the ability to text. It was great when my girls were in school; I could leave them texts informing them of newly scheduled doctor/dentist/etc. appointments after school, or invite them out to lunch with me, all without having to call the school office to have messages delivered to them in their classroom. (Of course they only read their texts after their classes let out. 🙂 )
Then my daughter had a brain hemorrhage and was hospitalized for 6 months. I spent 24/7 with her in the hospital and rehab hospital. I could communicate with my friends and family via text without disturbing her by talking on the phone. She’s had 33 surgeries now; texting allows me to communicate with family and friends without disturbing the other people in the waiting room. When friends’ family members are in the hospital, my friends can communicate with me via text without disturbing anyone else in the waiting room. And as I tell my daughters, just as I never feel obligated to take a phone call during an inconvenient time, I do not feel obligated to immediately text back to someone (if it is not an urgent matter) at an inconvenient time for me. I have to say my thumbs thanked me very much when I got my iPhone…they got very sore when I had one of the phones with the keyboards that you have to press on to type.
November 28th, 2011 at 6:36 am
Why not just call? It’s so much easier and faster! I’ve never text messaged anyone.
Karen and Gerard´s last blog post ..Another Disappointment For Browns Fans
November 28th, 2011 at 5:53 pm
I insist on using correct spelling and punctuation when texting, too. Know why? If anyone swipes my phone and sends a text (like Tessa’s kid) the recipient will know I didn’t send it because I don’t write like he does.
Fred Miller´s last blog post ..Hope this dog cost some jerk a lot of money
November 28th, 2011 at 11:36 pm
Texting bites the big one. Smartphones have not made it much easier. Most people I know use texting to avoid talking to people. Phone companies love texting because they charge much more for a text than for a call.
Marvin´s last blog post ..Premonitions
November 29th, 2011 at 12:07 am
Haha, I love texting but it is such a pain in the arse. I was so happy when I got a Pay as you go phone that had a qwerty keyboard. Now my only problem is my sausage fingers.
November 29th, 2011 at 10:57 pm
My mom used to be all proper in her texting now she uses more slang and shortcuts than her grandkids.
November 30th, 2011 at 3:51 pm
I was once text addict, but now I don’t care about texting anymore. I only use my cp for calling.
GabrielleIvan´s last blog post ..3D Television Reviews
November 30th, 2011 at 8:31 pm
Kathy, I think drafting letters on the mobile phone usage is determined based on ergonomics. because almost all mobile phones like that and meet international standards. Now there is also a mobile phone qwerty keyboard like a computer typesetting
December 2nd, 2011 at 1:10 am
My daughter sent me this link and you are the first person I thought of- KATHY MUST SEE THIS!!! http://imgur.com/a/SgGGh
Kim, Rambling Family Manager´s last blog post ..Busy Days and Fibro Flare Ups
December 2nd, 2011 at 9:15 am
Texting is the best thing ever, but without the right device it is a chore.
December 6th, 2011 at 7:10 am
I also got a new phone this year, mostly so it’s easier to text. The autocorrect on the old phone was exasperating. It refused to recognize names of people that I had to type often, so I ended up doing things like: R u s s to convey my message when talking about someone. Cut down on gossiping, let me tell you!
December 7th, 2011 at 5:43 am
Thank you so much for expressing my intense frustration with “old” technology. I have a TracPhone. I know you’re not surprised since I am a proud cheapskate. Texting really is a bitch and I share all of your thoughts. ALL. OF. THEM.
I can’t write without appropriate capitalization, without punctuation and it takes forever and a day. AUUUGH!
Just know, you are not alone.
cardiogirl´s last blog post ..There’s a blogger among us, I just know it
December 12th, 2011 at 3:46 pm
Well, now we can talk to text which happened in no time flat, so I’m waiting for the day we can think to text. My phone already knows what I want half the time anyway. Now if it could just do the grocery shopping.
January 6th, 2012 at 2:38 pm
I remember the good old days on my Nokia and I absolutely hated predictive text. You’d text your mate to put kettle on and when you got there, they just looked at you stupid because predictive had completely changed it!!!!
You could get yourself in trouble if you didn’t check:D
Caroline´s last blog post ..How To Spot Fake GHDs