Chicken Disrupts Flights at Kauai Airport
Fun, Travel January 10th, 2012 Kauai, Hawaii – A distraught chicken was responsible for the delay of two flights out of a Kauai, Hawaii airport today after blocking passengers from boarding their flights until his travel complaints were addressed. One passenger was injured.
Charles “Chuck” Poulet, of Duluth, Minnesota, was scheduled to meet his long-time girlfriend, Marie Fowler, at Hilo International Airport, but his Air Pacific flight was rerouted to Kauai a short time before scheduled landing due to poor weather conditions.
Airport officials attempted to book Poulet on another flight to Hilo the next day, but Poulet insisted the airport get him on an earlier flight so he could meet Fowler on time for a surprise marriage proposal.
Kauai Airport customer service representatives reported there were no flights scheduled that would get Poulet to Hilo any earlier than the following morning.
Poulet said he’d been planning this trip for months, since Fowler gave him an ultimatum. She told me last year “If you’re serious about our relationship, you betta put a ring on it,” Poulet said.
Poulet and Fowler have been long-distance dating for five and a half years.
“I started planning this thing where she and I would meet in Hilo for a trip of a lifetime. Hawaii. The ultimate, right?” Poulet said. “I wanted to make it something special, you know? And now it’s all clucked up.”
In addition to landing at the wrong airport, Poulet complained that he was not given adequate time or assistance to retrieve his carry-on luggage, bags that contained not only his preening equipment, such as specially-designed combs and gel products, but also the carry-on that contains the tiny opal ring that he plans to present to Fowler.
“I have to have that stuff. If I don’t show up with a ring and if my feathers aren’t just so, I can’t face her,” Poulet said. “I’m a mess over this.”
Flight attendants could not be reached for comment. However, airport policy states that all luggage, carry-on and checked, must be unloaded for any re-routed passengers who are booked on later flights.
Poulet reportedly nipped at the heels of nearly all passengers waiting to board their flights to other Hawaiian islands, in protest to what Poulet felt was subpar customer service.
Katherine Johansson, of New York, New York, required first aid for an injury she sustained when Poulet repeatedly pecked at her flip-flopped feet. “The guy’s insane. I mean, everyone suffers some kind of delay at airports. People, chickens. Everyone,” she said. “I’m sympathetic to his situation, but weather’s weather. It happens. But now my feet are bleeding.”
Poulet also allegedly flew around the airport in spurts of 10-12 feet at a time, in an effort to disrupt two Hawaiian Airlines flights attempting to depart in the hours after his flight landed.
“We can fly if we need to,” Poulet said. “It’s tough, but it’s possible. If only I could fly to Hilo.”
Poulet confessed, “I didn’t mean to scare other passengers. I just wanted to get on an earlier flight. They said they would pay for a shuttle to get me to another airport, but man, what a hassle.”
Poulet’s behavior caused delays for both flights, 30 minutes and 20 minutes respectively, until airport officials could secure the check-in areas.
Air Pacific officials were eventually able to convince Poulet that he would make it to Hilo within four hours of his original flight arrival time, taking a shuttle van and then a puddle jumper flight to the island. Poulet agreed to the arrangement and accepted vouchers for his flight home to Minnesota on January 18.
No charges were filed.
Public relations director, Andrew Fenton, reported that Poulet was put on a van and given all of his luggage, which Poulet inspected carefully before departing.
“The ring is dazzling, isn’t it?” Poulet said. “She’ll be one happy chick.”
*photo credit: Billy Ayers

January 10th, 2012 at 7:49 pm
January 10th, 2012 at 8:51 pm
It’s the story of my life right now, Kathy ! (Palms over face)
I am happy for Mr Poulet … All the best to him and Miss Fowler !
January 10th, 2012 at 9:28 pm
Does a 20 or 30 minute delay even count as a “delay” anymore? I thought was just normal.
Nora Blithe´s last blog post ..Dressing Habits of Whooping Cranes
January 11th, 2012 at 1:20 am
Your such a nut Kathy..Loved this one though! Hope he doesn’t plan on invited Uncle Sanders to the wedding.
January 11th, 2012 at 2:52 am
At least he’s apologized for his fowl behavior.
Laura´s last blog post ..Everyone’s a Critic
January 11th, 2012 at 6:14 am
Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the airport on time. Who knew?
Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog post ..Wordless Wednesday: Sharing
January 11th, 2012 at 8:21 am
My most immediate thought is that somebody wants to get back at those damn cows doing the Chick-Fil-A commercials. Some times you gotta take a stand and some times the best way to do that is to spread your wings…
Emergefit´s last blog post ..I Blame Me: A Relationship Story…
January 11th, 2012 at 9:00 am
For those who fear flying AND birds, this post could be the next Stephen King novel.
January 11th, 2012 at 9:44 am
The publicist says they are, for the most part, open air airports in Hawaii and a lot of strange things can happen. I wonder if I could get on a plane? Hawaii sounds nice right about now…..
Pricilla – Famous SpokesGoat´s last blog post ..Wordless Wednesday – Sherpa the Farm Cat Tells it Like it is!
January 11th, 2012 at 11:21 am
Hmmm, He might be from MN but he wasn’t born and raised here. A MN chicken would never be so selfish and would certainly never go to Hawaii when Wisconsin Dells is just as good and so much closer.
Jen´s last blog post ..It’s the End of the World As We Know It
January 11th, 2012 at 1:01 pm
I love a story with a happy ending. And I hope these two chicks have a long and happy life. A mad chicken chased me out of the hen house when I went to visit Jayne. So I know an irate chicken can be a dangerous thing.
Linda Medrano´s last blog post ..Don’t Push Me – Cause I’m Close To The Edge
January 11th, 2012 at 1:09 pm
Opal? Is he a low income chicken?
January 11th, 2012 at 5:06 pm
Jaffer — I know it must be hard for you both. Thankfully, there’s Skype! I wonder of Chuck knows how to use it. I’d hate to be on the receiving end of a tech support call from him, anger issues and all.
Tonya — Why thank you! They should also be careful to keep all chefs with sharp knives away at their reception.
Laura — Har!
Daisy the Curly Cat — You got a million of them, Miss Daisy!
Emergfit — Squeaky wheel — or flying bird — gets the oil.
Bijoux — Funny! You’re right. And fear of birds flying into planes. That’s a fear I have now, knowing they can take a plane down. Ugh.
Pricilla — I borrowed these pictures from a former high school classmate who took them yesterday at that airport. Cracked me up to see them walking around so freely and no one really paying much mind to them. Crazy place!
Jen — But you can’t blame him for wanting to go to a warmer clime, right? Chicken’s gotta have some good weather one week out of the year.
Linda Medrano — Seriously. I don’t want to be around birds that can run after me. Freaks me the hell out.
June — You could say that. He works for chicken feed.
January 11th, 2012 at 5:35 pm
Where the hell did THIS piece come from? Hilarious, but bizarre . . . even for you.
And how much did they pay for the ceremony? Was it an incredibly expensive wedding, or just a small, poultry fee?
Thank you. I’m here all week
Chris@Knucklehead!´s last blog post ..Woodchuckery
January 11th, 2012 at 5:50 pm
Knucklehead — See above msg to Pricilla. Spotted the pics on Facebook and just couldn’t stop laughing at the one chicken just standing there without any luggage. Maybe I’m the only one who found it utterly hilarious. “…poultry fees.” Ba-dum chhhh!
January 11th, 2012 at 6:12 pm
Are you sure this isn’t the Miami airport. When I flew through there my first inclination was to look for crates of chickens or tethered goats.
By the way, did you notice I have a new photoblog? The link is for the new site.
Tarheel Rambler´s last blog post ..Grazing
January 11th, 2012 at 7:04 pm
With all the new security changes, airline policies and restrictions, flying is NOT for chickens anymore.
I’ve been to that airport–and that is what I love most about Kauai–that it is NOT all developed into 5 star resorts and facilities. I was there for my honeymoon 24 years ago–imagine how many chickens were walking around back then! It is a lovely place to visit because it is much more natural than the other more populated islands. There are also LOTS of hippies that live there. It’s just weird all over–but lovely and natural.
lin´s last blog post ..Semi-Wordless Wednesday – Well, if the cat likes it…..
January 12th, 2012 at 5:00 pm
I think this is friggen hilarious. I am totally cracking up right now. Oh my word!
I sure hope Mr Poulet and Miss Fowler have a life time of happiness together.
meleah rebeccah´s last blog post ..De-Lurking 2012
January 15th, 2012 at 1:29 am
Just shows you how much of a cock air travel can be…
J. Bear Savo´s last blog post ..Roosters Don’t Jizz on Eggs
January 30th, 2012 at 3:21 am
This is real amusing! Never heard anything like that happening ever! Completely Hilarious!
Wish Mr Poulet and Ms. Fowler happy times together.
Arti´s last blog post ..The Chennakeshava Temple, C R Patna
March 27th, 2012 at 3:08 am
I’m from Duluth, and a few years ago they actually ran a story in the Duluth News Tribune about a seagull that would frequent a local motel and tap at the front door for a donut every morning. Yeah, news is pretty slow up here…
PS I love your blog!
August 31st, 2012 at 11:26 am
I’ve been to that airport–and that is what I love most about Kauai–that it is NOT all developed into 5 star resorts and facilities. I was there for my honeymoon 24 years ago–imagine how many chickens were walking around back then! It is a lovely place to visit because it is much more natural than the other more populated islands.
September 25th, 2012 at 12:38 am
This is really a funny thing. Really interesting to read the full post.
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