Clown Day and The Movie Trailer
Bacon, Bizarre, embarrassing, Fun, Stupid things I do, work January 27th, 2012Clown Day was a huge success, except for the fact that students on our campus couldn’t have cared less that a clown walked among them. I’m still calling it a win because no one threw a pie at me.
I’ll recap the day and then let you enjoy the movie trailer we produced to commemorate events. I’m submitting it to Sundance. They take everything.
The day began with my clown assistant sister Marlene collecting me at my house. I made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to eat later, and she immediately chastised me for putting too much of everything on the bread. I can’t do anything right.
We piled in the car and headed to work, getting noticed by no one. We clowned around in my office with everyone who came to get an eyeful. Took video and pictures and then headed out to our first stops.
No one said anything to us. And I looked like this. I don’t get it either.
Students, if anything, simply glanced and put their heads back down. Only one student spoke. “Run! Run away!”
Wow. Tough crowd.
We headed for visits to various buildings on campus, stopping at my satellite office, where I followed a grad student back to hers, saying “Would you mind if I followed you back to your desk? in the creepiest way possible. Until I told her who I was, she would not look me in the eye. Note to self. Creepy is only fun for the clown.
Before we knew it, lunch time! We headed to a deli nearby, where I had my first and last PBJ sandwich. I know I made it wrong. I know I used the wrong jelly (strawberry), but that didn’t matter. I was a “mouth feel” thing. Jelly too slimy. Make clown sad.
So my videographer graciously offered me half his BLT sandwich. Bacon good. Make clown happy.
The rest of the afternoon was more of the same: Students not caring, but friends and co-workers loving it.
By 3PM, my clown assistant and I were exhausted. Clowning is much harder than I thought it would be. You always have to be ON. We felt OFF by then and decided to head home.
Made a quick visit to my clown assistant’s workplace for pictures. Found out that her co-worker’s son is a campus police officer where I work and got the email that I sent warning that a clown would be on-campus (can’t be too careful).
Can you imagine the morning briefing? Be on the lookout for a clown today. She’ll be unarmed and hilarious.
So what did I learn by clowning all day?
- A clown can hold her bladder for eight hours and not suffer any ill effects.
- She can also eat a whole pizza for dinner by herself.
- No one’s butt looks good in a clown suit. Hourglass figure? Forget it.
- A blue afro rocks.
Thanks go again to my sister for helping me with picture-taking and lugging all my clown paraphernalia around. Clowning is hard, but I think clown assisting is harder.
Jason Slipp, my good friend and co-worker, filmed and edited the following movie trailer. Thanks for your creative spirit, time and talent! (Movie to come in a later post).
Here you go!

January 27th, 2012 at 6:47 pm
Your trailer is amazing! Can’t wait to see the movie. I’m not typically scared of clowns, but I thought the gloves were kind of creepy. Not sure why.
January 27th, 2012 at 6:48 pm
I can’t wait to see the video! I’m glad you had a great day, even though it was tiring.
Babs (beetle)´s last blog post ..My new blog template
January 27th, 2012 at 7:33 pm
Wonderful. I’m just sad the academy award nominations are already out. You rocked the clown bit, Kathy! I’m proud of you!
Linda Medrano´s last blog post ..Domestic Violence: The Tale of a Tail and a Leg
January 27th, 2012 at 7:40 pm
Only time in my entire life that I can say this and it is a compliment instead of a mean saying:
“What a CLOWN!”
You done good!
Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog post ..A Skull and Spider!
January 27th, 2012 at 8:15 pm
I LOVE that the “I don’t like it” is on the video,
Very good…hope you have recovered.
January 27th, 2012 at 8:17 pm
Bravo! Bravo! I love the shot of you in the elevator and the doors closing. Made me giggle.
January 27th, 2012 at 9:43 pm
Maybe next time you can stand under Windy’s tree in your clown suit and sing a song in her memory. That might make the students notice, right?
January 27th, 2012 at 10:09 pm
“Creepy is only fun for the clown.”
The line of the year, Kathy. And the potential title for your movie.
Chris@Knucklehead!´s last blog post ..The Brady Mob
January 28th, 2012 at 12:50 am
But has anyone heard from Kathy since? Maybe she has been sent to the Clownitorium.
-Wouldn’t that be WONDERFUL?
LOBO´s last blog post ..LOBO is a Mom (Day III)
January 28th, 2012 at 6:47 am
absepa — Thanks, we love the trailer too! That’s funny you don’t like the gloves. Probably part of the whole “covering the face” is creepy kind of thing. The hands too, maybe?
Babs — Thanks, I have a new found respect for what clowns do. Of course, maybe they know you shouldn’t try to do it for 8 hours straight. Clowning is best in smaller chunks.
Linda — Thank you so much! And we do love the video. I must have watched it 20 times myself while we were in editing. Loved it!
Daisy the Curly Cat — Appreciate that, Daisy. Please tell Harley that I still think he does clowning better than me. He rocks a clown wig!
Sheila — I whined a bit, didn’t I? That was the camaraman’s favorite part, I think. So cranky!
Katherine — I liked that shot, too. When the doors closed, someone called for the elevator, but when the door opened on the next floor, no one was there. That would have been hilarious (or terrifying), if someone had been.
MAFW — I’m not sure if anything would have made them sit up and take notice. It was the weirdest thing watching them NOT watching me!
Knucklehead — Ha! And I felt really guilty about that. The woman was aghast until I quickly told her who I was. She graciously posed for a picture then, but only then.
LOBO — Can you imagine how scary a place like that would be? Gives even me the shivers.
January 28th, 2012 at 7:43 am
“Why are you doing this?” … EVERYONE
I loved the video. For a pbj, I know some people put pb on both sides so the jelly won’t run through… but I only do it one side and not that much jelly. But you know what is MUCH better? PB and HONEY! No slimy there!
Katherine´s last blog post ..Porta Potty Prank
January 28th, 2012 at 8:02 am
I can’t picture being a clown all day–that would be hard to stay in character all that time. I used to be a clown sometimes for just a short time at our AWANA club at church to amuse the kids and leaders. It was quite fun but don’t think I could do it all day. I was never creepy though, just stuck to funny and happy. I didn’t wear any makeup but had a big red nerf nose that itched like crazy!
Those students must be way too serious not to enjoy a visiting clown on campus!
Karen and Gerard´s last blog post ..4 Things We Learned Week 4 of 2012 (reviews, money milk, Facebook)
January 28th, 2012 at 9:31 am
Ah, Ms. Clown. It is a testimony to your campus occupiers that a person having a blue afro does not attract their attention. This must be old hat to them, literally. I would suggest next time you carry a case about the size of an AK-47. That would assure you a spot at Sundance, and a place on the bench at the local lockup where you could associate with a few of the 99.999 percenters.
January 28th, 2012 at 10:33 am
You really need someone who knows how to make PB&J to make you a proper sandwich. That thing was scary looking!
Glad you had a good clown day!
Pricilla – Famous SpokesGoat´s last blog post ..Harry Helps the Male Person – Part II
January 28th, 2012 at 3:03 pm
Awesome, awesome, awesome. Things I miss about being at Lehigh 🙂
Tina´s last blog post ..I AM…PENN STATE
January 28th, 2012 at 4:11 pm
I am so proud of you for running around like a clown! Your outfit was awesome. What are you going to do with it now?
Margaret (Nanny Goats)´s last blog post ..Sticky Readers Now Available in More Formats and More Countries
January 28th, 2012 at 8:51 pm
The trailer was amazing!!!! I will tell you though, when I was in college, I would have also put my head down if a clown had walked by me on campus. There were so many strange looking characters (think Devo or Flock of Seagull copycats) that you just didn’t want to risk giving anyone a second glance.
January 28th, 2012 at 9:58 pm
You were a wonderful clown! I love that you had the guts to go through with this. And you might like peanut butter, honey and banana sandwiches better. Can’t wait till you ride the horse, but I’d leave the clown wig at home.
You rock!
injaynesworld´s last blog post ..injaynesworld "Show A Little Class…"
January 28th, 2012 at 10:09 pm
I’m with Pricilla–I think you need a better PB & J sammich. That one did not look very good.
I followed your antics on FB, but I wasn’t “friended” so I couldn’t comment. But I would have only said things like “Beat it, Clownie” so you didn’t miss much. 🙂
It’s sort of hilarious that nobody thought you were odd in your clown get-up. Doesn’t that make you wonder what WOULD make people notice??
January 29th, 2012 at 3:09 pm
Kathy, I *loved* clown day sofa king much. It was especially wonderful to follow your every move on Facebook. And that movie trailer = AMAZING!
meleah rebeccah´s last blog post ..How I Became A Millionaire
January 29th, 2012 at 4:34 pm
Katherine — I laughed at that “Everyone” too. My awesome producer thought of that. (And yes, we’re pretending we’re official Hollywood people, that’s fun too!) I like the idea of honey with PB and you’re saying no jelly right? This is an interesting suggestion. Might have to try that.
Karen — I could totally see you as a clown, Karen. You have “the spirit” for it, no doubt about it. I did get a nerf red nose, but there was no way I was going to wear that. I hate my own nose enough!
Dane — Har! The suit was so big, I could have totally hidden weaponry under there, which is why I gave the campus cops a heads up. You really just never know with all the crazies out there. I wanted them to know I was a happy clown, not the shoot-up-campus kind.
Pricilla — I’m sorry to say there won’t be a next time. I don’t think the method had as much to do with it as the slipperiness of the jelly itself. I’ll have to reserve it for straight up toast at breakfast.
Tina — A-ha! Here’s where I read your comment. Was looking for it on Facebook. D’oh! See, now wouldn’t you think that the students would have been more excited to see me? I mean, Lehigh’s fun, right? Geesh. Totally perplexed by the reaction. Have fun at your Harry Potter thing!
Nanny Goats — Thank you, dear. I’m going to loan out the outfit to anyone who wants it. It’s really a sight to see and i hope at least one person wants to borrow it for Halloween or something. Would make me feel better about having spent a fortune on everything.
Bijoux — That’s interesting. I would have thought with all the stress of college life, the students would have thought how cool it was. It’s not like they don’t put on shows themselves and do other crazy things all over campus. Still shocked by the non-reaction. p.s. I saw Flock of Seagulls in Philly, circa ’83 (one of many bands who started for Genesis.) What a night that was. Should blog about it.
injaynesworld — Ha! Yes, clown wig and anything coloreful/scary will stay at home for the horse ride. Your sandwich scares me, though. Not a fan of bananers.
lin — Hee. I remembered you told me that earlier and I kept thinking “Beat it clown!” during my day, so you were with me in spirit! I think a person would have to walk around buck naked on campus to get noticed. And even then.
meleah rebeccah — Thank you! I still love watching the trailer. My guy did a great job, didn’t he?
January 29th, 2012 at 7:59 pm
I’m sorry, Kathy, but sometimes friends have to help each other face unpleasant truths about themselves, so I’m just going to come out and say this: you have many talents, but PBJ-making isn’t one of them. My 8-year-old could do better than that, which is really saying something, because he’s a cat. I’m afraid you have a lot to learn before you can even consider changing careers and becoming a PBJ chef.
The video was hilarious. And now I’m craving a BLT.
Laura´s last blog post ..Customer Review: The Acme EZ-Jump Personal Teleportation Device
January 30th, 2012 at 1:50 am
Unarmed and Hilarious. Imagine the police of the Feds saying that over the radio in an action movie with a fugitive clown.
Just clowning around.
Andrea´s last blog post ..learn ballroom dancing
January 30th, 2012 at 3:06 am
Wow! That was real good! Kudos to you and everyone else for managing it all so very well! Looking forward to the movie 🙂
Arti´s last blog post ..The Chennakeshava Temple, C R Patna
January 30th, 2012 at 1:30 pm
Wow,good for you! You actually did it and you dyed your hair! Oh wait, is that a wig? Just kidding, you look good in blue. 🙂
DJ´s last blog post ..January Sky Watch
January 31st, 2012 at 12:11 am
Wow, what a fun day!
Marvin´s last blog post ..Intolerance through experience
January 31st, 2012 at 7:53 pm
Congrats on an awesome clown day! You gave me an idea. I fell off my diet wagon (by consuming and entire pizza) BUT if I become a clown the size of my rear end won’t matter in those suits. Hmmm……. Brian will probably divorce me but I’ll get to eat everything in site. Decisions, decisions.
Nora Blithe´s last blog post ..What Would Judge Judy Say?
February 1st, 2012 at 12:52 am
Nice story! It’s a fun clown day to you. But I think what are you trying to say is that, wearing like a clown could be an effective way to get attention of people?
Gabby´s last blog post ..A Kenoza Coffee Coupon
February 2nd, 2012 at 6:41 pm
Serious ovarian fortitude on this one! Absolutely terrific.
“Creepy is only fun for the clown.”
Little known clown rule: Clown “kreepy” should always be spelled with a “K”
Emergefit´s last blog post ..Flight Paths…
February 2nd, 2012 at 9:48 pm
First of all, I would have so thrown a pie at you because I know it would have made the movie trailer. (And clowns freak me out.) Secondly, I prefer strawberry jelly on PB&Js. So you don’t like PB&J sandwiches. So what? Is it weird and irrational that you don’t? Sure. But so is my hatred of Jello.
J. Bear Savo´s last blog post ..Array of Anathemas, Part I
February 3rd, 2012 at 5:37 am
I loved the trailer very much. I love clowns and am sure my love will grow more now.
Wish you all the best.
Darren Miller´s last blog post ..Brainwave Entrainment
February 3rd, 2012 at 9:56 am
I give you a lot of credit because I never would have had the nerve for that! Nice video trailer. There’s a certain amount of irony in this. You run a highly popular and very funny humor blog; yet, you can’t get a laugh, much less a shrug, from anyone while dressed as a clown. Well done, Kathy, you silly clown!
Michael J. Kannengieser´s last blog post ..New Novel, Burning Blue, Due Out in July!
February 3rd, 2012 at 6:58 pm
Looking forward to watch the trailer..Sounds its a great movie..Thanks a lot for sharing..
Mickey´s last blog post ..Can You Empty My Rubbish
February 10th, 2012 at 1:10 pm
Thanks for the video. I liked the tempo. I also liked the use of stills combined with clips.
April 4th, 2012 at 1:55 am
“now that you dont have to worry to much about your ass” – LOL, you just made my day Kathy 🙂