My Life Has Been a Lie
Childhood, food February 18th, 2012It happened at exactly 1:12PM.
I recall glancing at a digital clock in my mother’s apartment before announcing that I was hungry and would make a sandwich.
“Do you want me to make you some tuna fish?” Mom asked.
“Yeah! Would you mash it up good like you did when we were little?” I asked. “And mix it with a ton of mayo?”
“Sure,” she replied.
And then it happened.
We went to the kitchen and she began to prepare the tuna fish.
I went to the fridge to grab the mayo.
‘Mom? What’s this?” I asked.
“What do you mean?” she replied.
“What do you mean what do I mean? What is this?” I asked, holding up a jar of Hellmann’s mayonnaise.
“It’s mayo.”
“It is not mayo. It’s the wrong mayo. Where’s the Kraft?”
She gave me a shrug.
A shrug, from the woman who raised me on Kraft. Kraft, the best and only worthy mayo on the planet.
“Mom. Now you hear me and you hear me good. This isn’t mayo and I want to know when you started buying it,” I demanded. The inquisition begins.
“Oh, I don’t know,” she answered.
She scrunched up her nose and rolled her eyes. And then she gave me what she thought would be a conversation-ending Mom wave-off.
But no.
We’re not ending this conversation! Oh, no we’re not.
“How can you say that? You bought Kraft forever. You raised me on Kraft. I have Kraft in my bones for crying out loud. I don’t understand how you can do this,” I cried.
I’m sick about this discovery, trying to process it all. Meanwhile, my mother is still mashing away at the tuna, ignoring me completely.
“Mom, really? How can this be? Tracey used to always come over the house for the good sandwiches because we had the good mayo,” I reminded her.
See, my best friend Tracey lived in a Miracle Whip house, poor thing. Not even mayo. She was livin’ the high life at my house with tuna sandwiches made with real mayonnaise for years and secretly wished she lived in The House of Kraft.
“Stick with us. We’ll always have Kraft. We’ll take good care of you,” I assured her.
But evidently we won’t always have Kraft.
We’ll switch and we won’t tell anybody.
I’m still in a tizzy, as I set the Hellish mayo down on the counter, then walk away in utter bewilderment. Mom continues mashing the tuna.
I’m faint.
What will people say, Mom?
How can you even look at me?
How can I look at you?
The sad truth was sinking in. Mom was on the other side now. I don’t know what it’s like to be on that side. The world is all wrong and weird and backwards on that side.
I mull over when this could have happened. There was no announcement. No vetting of new mayo. No mayo caucus.
This is the stuff of family meetings. We should have had at least a phone conference about it. A newsletter. Something!
Maybe she’s been buying it for years and I never noticed. Maybe she switched when she had a coupon for ACK, BLEH, I can’t even say it – Hellmmm……..
Whatever the reason and whenever it happened, I know one undeniable fact.
My mother obviously never had a preference because once you have Kraft, you never switch. You just never switch!
Tonight I lick my wounds. My childhood will still be filled with Kraft memories, but I can never make a sandwich at my mother’s house.
Not unless I bring my own mayo.
And don’t think I won’t.

February 18th, 2012 at 7:13 pm
Hell, yeah, Hellman’s! Wooooooooooooo! Party!!!!! 😉 By the way, I love your mom’s shrug. I’m with her. Whatevs. 😛
unfinishedperson´s last blog post ..Wherein I admit I might not be as much a creature of habit as I thought I was
February 18th, 2012 at 7:13 pm
Once you go Kraft, you can never go back.
Paul Eilers´s last blog post ..Jack LaLanne Talks About Sugar
February 18th, 2012 at 7:45 pm
I don’t like tuna, so we have salmon sandwiches with salad cream, which has a bit more bite to it than Mayo. Having said that, your mayo may taste completely different to ours. They do often make things with a different recipe for the US, for some strange reason.
Babs (beetle)´s last blog post ..The CCTV that wasn’t
February 18th, 2012 at 7:49 pm
This did NOT disappoint, Kathy! But as I mentioned on FB, I’m with Bryan: Hellmann’s! Hellmann’s! Hellmann’s! ;-P
KiKi´s last blog post ..I thought I was an archaeologist…but I was just a nerd.
February 18th, 2012 at 8:47 pm
I get it. My mother actually put on her FB status that she went to White Castle’s for lunch the other day. She’s always hated White Castle’s and would never allow us to eat there as kids! What gives??!
And oh, she was so damn proud of herself too.
What is with these old people???
lin´s last blog post ..It’s got to be the morning after…..
February 18th, 2012 at 9:53 pm
I’m with you, I totally take my own Kraft mayo to picnics, etc. I think that’s the reason they sell those little jars. (because I would never buy that small of a jar for MY house, it wouldn’t do one batch of potato salad) There is only one Mayo, Kraft’s, the others are just salad dressing.
February 18th, 2012 at 11:14 pm
Same with stroehman king (not family, not small) there is something different about the crust. It must be Ragu marinara or nothing and imagine having nothing but Skippy and my husband only eating Peter Pan. Our compromise is we always have both rather than fight.
February 19th, 2012 at 1:11 am
Nope. Wont do. Kraft or nothing! Hellmanns has a coloring issue that does not sit right in my mind. And miracle whip? Doesnt even count!!! Im on the Kraft vote!
February 19th, 2012 at 5:53 am
unfinishedperson — Yeah, but according to your comments on Facebook, you don’t even know what real mayo is since your wife is feeding you generic. If you give your palate generic, you’ve ruined it forever. No wonder you’re confused.
Paul Eilers — I love that! Should be a bumper sticker.
Babs — Salmon sandwiches sound good to me in theory. But I’ve never been a fan of it. I only eat tuna mashed up with mayo on a sandwich. Don’t really care for it alone. It needs a mayo friend. Do you have Kraft over there? I’d be interested to know if they use a European formula and whether I liked it or not.
KiKi — Thanks! I loved the discussion that went on over at Facebook. Democrats vs. Republicans. Kraft vs. Hellmann’s. Same level of passionate discussion, eh?
lin — I don’t know! They’re losing their minds!!! It’s disconcerting to find out they can change their tunes so easily, isn’t it? Me no likie.
Shadowsrider — I love that you bring your own (BYOM!) Kraft doesn’t last long in our house either. My husband has a problem for which he should probably go to rehab. I won’t tell you how many jars of it he can plow through.
MaryBeth — At least you always know which brand belongs to whom. No arguments there! p.s. I’m a Peter Pan fan too, because that’s what I grew up with. Geesh. I should check to see if my mom went over to the Skippy side, huh?
Daughterbonnie — Woot! Woot! I agree that Hellmanns has a color issue. I looked at it and it’s kind of yellowish. Ew!
February 19th, 2012 at 6:32 am
My Mommeh is actually a Miracle Whip sort ::gasp!::
Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog post ..A Valentine’s Day Present from my Sweetie!
February 19th, 2012 at 7:49 am
I mean, mayo = Kraft! :p
Meg´s last blog post ..Autostol eller selepude?
February 19th, 2012 at 9:26 am
I grew up in a Miracle Whip house, so I can’t comment. But like Lin, it is equally disturbing when your parents start going somewhere they SWEAR they will never stoop to. My Dad now goes to McDonald’s……the same place he would NEVER take us to as kids.
February 19th, 2012 at 9:29 am
Wow, that’s funny. I actually buy the brands my mom buys… if she came home with something other then Hellmanns mayo I would flip, just like you! They can’t switch things out on us. No way. Tomato paste? Contadina. MUST BE. And you know why my mom gets it and I get it? Cause HER mom got it!
Katherine´s last blog post ..How To Make A Taco
February 19th, 2012 at 10:26 am
Huh, I didn’t even know that Kraft made Mayo.
Carla´s last blog post ..It’s Alarming!
February 19th, 2012 at 10:36 am
I know of what you speak. I married a woman who worships at the Altar of Cheap: Aldi food stores. They might as well have a subtitle on their store sign: “We Destroy all Childhood Favorite Foods With our Store Brands and Low Prices.” She buys the mayonnaise branded “CheapAss.” I cannot begin to tell you what’s in their tuna.
February 19th, 2012 at 11:18 am
Sorry, I am a Hellman’s goat or Best Foods as it is in the West
Pricilla – Famous SpokesGoat´s last blog post ..Silly Sunday – I Know a Secret
February 19th, 2012 at 12:12 pm
I completely understand! I grew up in a miracle whip house, worst stuff ever!!! Now as an adult my mother tells us she hates the stuff, only tortured us cause it was cheap! Now she is all about the Hellman’s. I was a Hellman’s girl until they cam out with the olive oil mayo, Kraft definately does that better.
February 19th, 2012 at 12:45 pm
Mayo of any brand is nasty. I’m a Miracle Whip girl myself, even though I don’t use it for much besides tuna and boiled-egg sammiches.
We often wrote ‘mayo’ on the store list because it was shorter, but we all knew what we wanted. My sister found out the hard way to write MW when her husband did the shopping and brought back real mayo. Yuck!
February 19th, 2012 at 3:05 pm
I prefer mayo made from grapes.. very healthy and taste great. Find it at your local health store.
Dan´s last blog post ..Thought Habits and Goal Setting, It’s Easier Than You Think
February 19th, 2012 at 3:33 pm
I always liked real mayo, but my parents bought miracle whip. I’m kind of with your mom, whatever.
Although I do prefer…the off brand. Half price and all the fat.
SewDucky´s last blog post ..Apples to Apples: Fabric Mart vs.
February 19th, 2012 at 4:06 pm
Daisy the Curly Cat — Ah, but the question is, what would you like, Daisy? I know you like butters, but I bet if you had your choice, you would pick Kraft mayo. Tell your mommeh she needs to let you taste test, OK?
Meg — Right. They are synonymous. I looked it up in the dictionary.
Bijoux — I think it’s like they’re spreading their wings or something in their old age. Trying new things is OK, but just not with mayo. Or McDonald’s. So says me.
Katherine — See, that’s the thing. Favorites are supposed to be handed down, generation to generation. And if somebody messes up the flow of things, all hell breaks loose. I pray you never discover Hellmann’s in your mother’s pantry.
Carla — Oh, you’re kidding, right? Right?
Dane Zeller — I can’t believe how many of you are eating off-brand mayonnaise. I’m very disturbed by this. I’m sorry your memories are being destroyed. You must try hard not to let that worsen. And if it means you have to surreptitiously buy Kraft and hide it from your wife, do what you have to do.
Pricilla — If I ever get West, I’ve got to try this Best Foods thing. If only so I can crown Kraft the winner again.
Melissa — I’m sorry for your loss, but I’m pleased to hear you are on the right track now. I do not like olive oil mayo. Something’s not right about it. But I trust their version is still better than Hellmann’s.
Ladybuggz — Aw, not nasty! Don’t say that! Funny about your MW sister. It’s all in the details.
Dan — What? Made from grapes? I’ve never heard of such a thing.
SewDucky — I don’t know if I could try another brand, even if it was free! If it’s not the same, I’m not switching!
February 19th, 2012 at 4:17 pm
I grew up on Kraft Mayo as well and have bought it ever since. I did attempt a trial of Hellman’s once only because there was a great sale on it. Ick. I pawned it off on someone else and bought a big ole jar of Kraft.
blueyes´s last blog post ..And the Result
February 19th, 2012 at 4:45 pm
We do have Kraft, but known more for cheese spreads and slices than anything else. Hellmann’s and Heinz are the two main people for Mayo and salad cream.
Salmon is mashed up with salad cream or mayo, just like tuna, but has a much nicer flavour. Tuna is cheaper and has a more pungent taste in my opinion. I’m sure you’d love our salmon sandwiches 🙂
I read an article somewhere on ingredients for something and was surprised when they said that it was made differently in the US. Apparently some additives that are not allowed here, are still used in the states (and probably vice versa).
Babs (beetle)´s last blog post ..The CCTV that wasn’t
February 19th, 2012 at 5:17 pm
Oh, no! It’s gotta be Hellman’s. Actually here “out west,” it’s known as Best Foods because it’s, you know, the best. OK, I’ll admit to buying Kraft once in a while if there’s a big price difference. But we really prefer Best Foods.
February 19th, 2012 at 8:04 pm
Don’t worry — if you don’t like the mayo at your mom’s house, you can always make yourself a PB&J. Oh, wait …
Laura´s last blog post ..The Five Stages of Realizing You’ve Written a Poorly-Worded Blog Comment
February 19th, 2012 at 10:36 pm
It is all in the taste one develops. I would have nothing but Hellmans. I also have exclusive Diet Coke with caffene. I cannot tolerate the taste of Diet Pepsi.
February 20th, 2012 at 3:23 am
This hits very close to home for me. As one brought up on Hellmann’s, and believing it’s the only worthy choice, I never imagined that there was a separate camp, one as committed to Kraft as I am to Hellmann’s.
Imagine my surprise.
February 20th, 2012 at 10:59 am
Digital hug your way. I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. I’m around if you need to talk to someone.
Nora Blithe´s last blog post ..The Most Romantic of Days, Gag
February 20th, 2012 at 11:08 am
In South Africa, Nola Mayonnaise is the best brand. I think Kraft is available too, although here Kraft are more known for their margarine than their mayonnaise.
Richard Catto´s last blog post ..Californication Season 4, Hank’s trial
February 20th, 2012 at 1:22 pm
They don’t call it Kraft REAL Mayonnaise for nothin’.
I’m not that particular about mayo, but peanut butter’s another story entirely. It’s Skippy all the way.
Chris@Knucklehead!´s last blog post ..The Sandwich
February 20th, 2012 at 3:13 pm
I grew up in a Hellman’s house! We lived in a poor neighborhood and everyone in town bought the same sandwich spread. We used to beat up those snotty Kraft kids who came to our neighborhood in their clothes made of fabric and not squirrel skins like we had. They ate Oscar Mayer Bologna on Wonder Bread too! Well Kathy, we’re adults now, and I suppose we can still be friends. At least we can both look down at folks who ate that No Frills stuff!
Michael J. Kannengieser´s last blog post ..My New Novel, Burning Blue, Due Out in July!
February 20th, 2012 at 4:10 pm
Kathy, this post cracked me up, seriously!
However, I am on team Hellmans mayo.
meleah rebeccah´s last blog post ..My Daddy and The Paper Towels
February 20th, 2012 at 5:51 pm
blueyes — See? Even the lure of a discount cannot make you switch! Good on you!
Babs — You make the salmon sound so good. I’d be willing to try that. I know some countries allow certain ingredients, while others don’t. It’d be fun to try different tastes of the same brand. I wonder if I’d like your Kraft mayo?
Jeanie — I promise I’ll try Best Foods if/when I get out west. I’m hearing so much about it on this post!
Laura — Hee. You’re too funny. Would you believe I’m still hearing about my PBJ catastrophe a month after trying it? Everyone wants me to go grape and do it with preserves, not the jelly. Maybe. Maybe I will.
Jan — And of course, you know I would say I prefer Pepsi to Coke, right?
June O’Hara — We’re all so connected to what we grew up with. I do understand your affinity for Hellmann’s, but only because you don’t know any better. Hee.
Nora Blithe — Thank you. I’m still smarting from the discovery. It really hurts.
Richard Catto — Huh. I love hearing about products in other parts of the world and what’s “normal” there.
Chris — I know! I love how they just commandeered the “REAL”. I’m almost surprised they were allowed to do that. I’m a Peter Pan girl, but in a pinch, I will accept Skippy.
Mike — Your comment made me LOL. “…and not squirrel skins like we had.” Yes, together we can mock and beat up the generic mayo people. Somethin’ ain’t right with those people.
meleah rebeccah — I’m sorry. But we can still be friends because I like you despite your Hellmann’s problem.
February 20th, 2012 at 6:18 pm
I was a Kraft (real mayo) gal for years. Then I read that something about it had changed. Shortly after that I begin to notice a difference. It seemed creamier and less tangy than before. That’s when I switched to Hellmann’s. It seems more like the Kraft used to taste. Just one mayo-lover’s opinion.
Linda´s last blog post ..Quote of the Week
February 20th, 2012 at 9:42 pm
While I am a Kraft girl, I am a MIRACLE WHIP Kraft girl.
Yeah. I said that.
Margaret Andrews´s last blog post ..Goat Thing of the Day: Apples, Accents and Massages
February 22nd, 2012 at 1:34 pm
You are so cute honey. I could remember myself in your situation. I really love Kraft cheese as well. Then my mom suddenly switched to a new brand. It’s really different when you’ve been used to enjoying Kraft. How long have you been using that brand? For me it’s time immemorial.
Casey O.´s last blog post to pick up girls
February 23rd, 2012 at 12:23 pm
Mayo really bring a new taste when it mixed in every dish.. So yummy!
Krizelle´s last blog post ..Lick by Lick Review – Make Her Addicted to You NOW!
February 24th, 2012 at 9:56 pm
Bwahahahahah!!! My family has been having the mayo debate for years! My older sister loves Miracle Whip; not mayo, read the label…it says salad dressing right there! My younger sister dislikes any mayo…I’ve always known she wasn’t all human. Then there’s me, the sane and discerning sister. Mayo is a condiment made by Kraft; anything else is just white stuff pretending to be tasty.
EmandWeeWee´s last blog post ..Gym Jerks
February 25th, 2012 at 12:26 am
I’m a Kraft krazy, too. Haha. But I must admit lately I’ve taken a likening to Trader Joe’s organic mayo. 🙂
carly´s last blog post ..My Beaverton dentist
March 4th, 2012 at 9:51 am
I couldn’t agree with you more, except of course to state that Duke’s Mayonnaise (found in the most genteel of Southern homes) is far and away superior to Kraft’s. BUT…I grant you, whatever you grew up with using is rightly your special favorite. Parents have an obligation not to mess with our heads and taste-buds and go switching out our cherished condiments! My Mother once switched from Heinz Ketchup (the BEST ketchup on the face of the Earth) to Hunt’s and I almost went into apoplectic shock. It’s just not right.
D. Duplessis´s last blog post ..So David, Wanna Come To A Cuddle Party?
March 13th, 2012 at 9:21 pm
Kraft pretends to be Hellman’s, but it can never be. Kraft is to mayonnaise what Cheez Whiz is to actual cheese.
Marvin´s last blog post ..Annoyed with “The Voice”