A Brain Dump Post
food, Stuff I hate, Stupid things I do March 14th, 2012I generally avoid writing posts made up of a stream of random thoughts, but you know, sometimes you just have to write anything.
So here goes, the brain dump:
1. 2011 was the year I ate a PBJ for the first time in my life. 2012 is the year I ate scrapple for the first time ever.
Liked it, didn’t love it. I wanted it to be more like sausage, but it wasn’t firm enough. Little crispy on the outside, loosey-goosey in the middle. Made much better when lying in a pool of maple syrup, though. That is all.
2. Today while leaving work I spotted a student practicing walking on a tightrope pulled taut between two trees, only inches off the ground. Wanted to ask “What for?” but was too lazy to walk over and probe. Cool, though. Rock on, Sidewalk Wallenda!
3. On the way home from work, a tiny piece of plastic bag blew into my car and settled on my dash. Then it blew out the other window. I thought of Windy and smiled.
4. The other day I freaked out when I found what I thought was some kind of mutant curly worm behind the toilet bowl. So I let it sit there until I got the courage to investigate closer.
It wasn’t a worm. It was a large shaving from my eyeliner pencil. Why was it there? Because I sharpen the pencil over the toilet bowl so the shavings can go down a pipe instead of shaving it over my trash basket, which has open slats in it and I’m always thinking the shavings are going to fall through the slats and onto the floor where I’ll have to clean them up later.
So instead of shaving the pencil over a trash can, I’m shaving it over a toilet, where debris falls on the floor, I still have to clean it up, but now I have the added stress of thinking it’s a bug that will jump on my face and burrow a hole through my eyeball.
Also, how does one miss a target the size of a toilet bowl? Oh, wait. Men do it all the time. Never mind.
5. For all you cat owners, I just read a post on a pet website that claims to sell an “unbreakable” plastic pooper scooper. You know what’s unbreakable? A slotted metal spoon you’d use for spaghetti. Seriously. Plastic always breaks, and unless your cat leaves 10lb deposits, a metal scooper will last you forever and then some. You’re welcome.
6. After watching an interview with a very pregnant Jessica Simpson yesterday, I had a pregnancy dream last night. I was close to delivery and the only thing I could think of was “We don’t have any diapers.” So in my dream I went on Facebook and asked all my friends whether I should buy Huggies or Pampers. The winner was Pampers.
7. Expired Greek yogurt has the consistency of regurgitated oatmeal. Discovering you’ve eaten expired Greek yogurt is scary and keeps you close the bathroom. Just in case.
8. I hate whistlers. There is nothing fun about hearing a person whistle. It doesn’t make me think “Oh, what’s he so happy about? I would like to feel happy too, so I shall whistle as well.”
It makes me want to roll up an old sock that my cat plays with, encrusted with kitty spittle, and shove it in said whistler’s mouth.
The end.

March 14th, 2012 at 6:16 pm
Mom doesn’t like scrapple but it always looks good in pictures. We think of Windy whenever we see a plastic bag floating in the wind. Mom has also done #4 and (so far) we haven’t deaded a litter scoop.
We love posts like this ’cause it’s just like our Mom’s mind!!
The Florida Furkids
The Florida Furkids´s last blog post ..Woofie Wednesday St Patrick’s week style
March 14th, 2012 at 7:05 pm
You got pregnant in your dream ? By whom ?
Does Dave know ?
March 14th, 2012 at 7:07 pm
Congratulations by the way… a bouquet of your choice flowers are on your way.
March 14th, 2012 at 9:00 pm
I totally agree with the slotted metal spoon thing. Those plastic litter scoops are junk.
Yay for brain dumps!
Impetua´s last blog post ..It was a dark and stormy night. Also, I somehow broke a bone in my foot.
March 14th, 2012 at 9:04 pm
1.In 30 years of having cats I never broke a plastic pooper scooper.
2. I hate whistling – even if the person is really really good at – worked with 2 people who whistled classical music brilliantly – they did duets – doesn’t matter it just hurts my ears and makes me cringe.
3. I love “brain dump” posts – reading them and writing them.
Grace´s last blog post ..Where are the kitties?
March 14th, 2012 at 10:00 pm
#2 is called slack lining (at least when I did it in college) and is pretty popular with rock climbers. It helps you build balance and is a friendly non-aggressive way to get people to join your club/group. Also…it’s kinda fun.
March 15th, 2012 at 4:11 am
Floriday Furkids — I think of Windy, too, any time I see a floating or stuck bag. There’s one real big one stuck on the exit ramp of the highway I take home from work. I would pull it out, except it’s on a curve and no way am I parking my car there to save it. So I guess I’ll see seeing it until next winter or later. Ugh.
Jaffer — Ah, thanks for the flowers. They can be imaginary flowers since the pregnancy was imagined. I hate having those dreams because I’m never prepared!
Impetua — We used plastic scoopers for many years before we smartened up. I don’t know why no one thinks to market metal ones. Oh yeah, because plastic ones that break will keep selling!
Grace — To the scooper, you must be an anomaly! OMG. A whistling duo?! I would die. Just die. Thanks for liking brain dump posts. I dislike writing them myself because it feels lazy to me, but at least it helped me get something down. Maybe it’ll jump start my brain for future posts.
Daughterbonnie — Thank you! It did look like fun, looked safe, and I wanted to take a picture, but thought I’d creep the guy out. BTW, he didn’t fall once (watched him go across and back again).
March 15th, 2012 at 5:21 am
See, Windy will never truly leave you. I’ll bet you can see a bit of Windy’s image in all of her many relatives.
Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog post ..Bert & Ernie Explore
March 15th, 2012 at 5:28 am
That slotted metal spoon sounds like a good idea! Thanks. I find it funny that you even dream of going on Facebook and remember the question and responses you got! I sometimes dream about doing a blog post, but not too often.
Karen and Gerard´s last blog post ..The Funniest Job I Ever Heard Of (Writer’s Workshop)
March 15th, 2012 at 8:38 am
I’m not sure what’s more amazing, the Pampers/Huggie debate in your dream, or the fact that you hadn’t tried a PBJ until 2011! How is that possible? You did grow up in America right? On a weird sort of side note – Last year, my daughter’s 21 year-old boyfriend joined us for Thanksgiving dinner. When the pumpkin pie was served, he told everyone that he had never ever tried pumpkin pie. We looked at him like he was from another world. How is that possible?
D. Duplessis´s last blog post ..Want to stop alcoholism? Drop some acid.
March 15th, 2012 at 10:30 am
That was some seriously good randomness.
1. I would never eat scrapple.
3. And isn’t it awesome to be driving with the windows down in March?
4. I once thought there was a huge centipede on a wooden shelf in our basement. I sent my husband down to get it and it turned out to be a weirdly shaped ‘knot’ in the wood!
6. You may possibly be on FB more than me!
March 15th, 2012 at 10:31 am
The publicist is not sure she should have read this on an empty stomach before her coffee. Perhaps she will read it again after breakfast….or not.
Pricilla – Famous SpokesGoat´s last blog post ..A New Nemesis for the Publicist
March 15th, 2012 at 11:46 am
Really? You ate scrapple with maple syrup? You are kidding us aren’t you?
We have never broken a plastic pooper-scooper either. Your cats must do almighty heavy poops!
Windy is not forgotten 🙂
Babs´s last blog post ..Going back in time. Part 2 – The Anniversary
March 15th, 2012 at 12:15 pm
Thanks for the smile you put on my face today!
March 15th, 2012 at 1:14 pm
I miss Windy. She had such charm and charisma!
I hate whistlers too, mainly because I can’t whistle to save my life.
Linda Medrano´s last blog post .."It’s Just What You’re Stuck With"
March 15th, 2012 at 6:17 pm
Daisy the Curly Cat — I did think maybe she was coming for a visit, just to remind me that she hasn’t forgotten about us. You know we will never forget about her.
Karen — It shows how much time I waste on Facebook I guess! Not proud of it.
D. Duplessis — It’s possible because I always thought the combination of PB with the J was just the worst possible tastes you could put together, and I was right! I hated it. But I promised my readers I’d try it, though they pretty much all told me I did it wrong (put on too much PB and used the wrong jelly. Apparently it was supposed to be grape. FAIL!)
Bijoux — Aw, thanks. I hoped so. You’re not missing much with scrapple, I hate to say. If you really like your pork parts firm, then skip it. I love that someone else thinks everything’s a potential bug. I think I’m ruined from the apartment I lived in once where I did have bugs all the time (bees AND centipedes!) Freaks me the hell out.
Pricilla — Was it the worms or the scrapple? Tell your publicist I’m very sorry.
Babs — It was suggested to me a couple times on Facebook that I try it with either ketchup or maple syrup. Since I’m a maple syrup on breakfast junkie, I went with that. I wish I’d loved it. IIRC, we used to break the plastic scoopers digging on the bottom of the tray for stuck pee. Never again!
Linda — Glad I could oblige!
Linda Medrano — I do, too. Do you know that I still glance out at her tree whenever I walk by? I don’t know why I keep looking. I know she’s not there. Makes me sad. I don’t think we’re missing anything with the whistling. People would hate us if we did anyway!
March 15th, 2012 at 10:30 pm
Ok the bag that flew in and out of your car is a sign! A sign man, a sign!
Doesn’t Greek yogurt make you poop even if it’s not expired?
And you are right! Whistlers blow.
Sophie´s last blog post ..Vinyl Fence Post Caps
March 16th, 2012 at 8:12 am
Kathy, I think you should try a PBJ deep fried, or add bacon…everything is better deep fried or with bacon! 🙂
D. Duplessis´s last blog post ..Want to stop alcoholism? Drop some acid.
March 16th, 2012 at 2:36 pm
Awesome brain dump, Kathy. I, too, hate whistlers. Have you ever (EVER!) heard a whistler whistling to a song on the radio and ever (EVER!) been in key?
And your plastic bag piece blowing into your car was some kind of fateful moment as far as I’m concerned. Good God, Windy was so personified, she’s become a ghost now.
Margaret (Nanny Goats)´s last blog post ..Fresh & Easy: There’s a New Market in Town
March 16th, 2012 at 8:03 pm
I love the pencil shavings story! It reminds me of the time that I opened my closet door and discovered a hideous monster, which on closer inspection turned out to be a pile of cat toys.
I have the best cat litter scoop in the world. It’s metal and has a really long handle, so I can stand nearly straight and can keep my face far away from the litter box while I scoop.
Laura´s last blog post ..Before There Was Spam…
March 17th, 2012 at 9:35 pm
Your expired yogurt snippet reminded me when I ate some yogurt and inquired to my then girlfriend (now wife), “I didn’t know we got blueberries in our yogurt” and she said we didn’t. That’s mould.
Gross, but in actuality I couldn’t taste the mould.
Jon D.´s last blog post ..Head-On Car Accident Collisions and Personal Injury ICBC Claims
March 18th, 2012 at 1:58 pm
Sophie — I’m convinced every time a bag blows in front of me, it’s Windy trying to say “Hi.” Yes, that makes me crazy, but everything I think does. And you know, the Greek yogurt thing. That was my first time eating it. All I hear anymore is Greek yogurt this, Greek yogurt that. Now I’m thinking Greek yogurt, bleh.
D. Duplessis — You reminded me of the time I blogged about gross food combinations, then tested a few of the things my readers suggested. One of them was PB & bacon. Not a fan. Bacon does not make everything better, contrary to popular belief. Pickles and PB, though? Awesome.
Nanny Goats — And have you noticed that most whistlers are old guys? I think it’s because they come from an era where there was something worth whistling about. Or something. Windy the Plastic Ghost. I’ll take that!
Laura — Yes, monsters and cat toys. It’s all the same. Also? Cat toys in the dark that you’re afraid are cat vomit or worse. I like your scooper. Our faces should be no closer to the box as the cats’ get. Seriously.
Jon D — Ew. Just ew. And sorry.
March 18th, 2012 at 7:20 pm
Thank you for updating as I have REALLY missed your posts. My last TWO have been blog brain dumps.
“It wasn’t a worm. It was a large shaving from my eyeliner pencil.” That made me laugh out loud.
And thanks for the tip on expired Greek yogurt. I hope I never find myself in that situation as I’m sure it ends BADLY.
March 19th, 2012 at 2:35 pm
A Brain Dump Comment:
I opened a bag of Sun Chips the other day and thought of you.
(You’re right about plastic cat litter scoops.)
Nora Blithe´s last blog post ..It’s Spring!
March 19th, 2012 at 6:43 pm
I like brain dumps. They make me feel not so alone because I have these random thoughts all the time.
We use a metal slotted spoon for the poopers too! Except now, Grace the cat has kidney issues and her pee pee makes really big balls in the litter and I have to use one of those giant expensive kitty litter scoopers. Ugh.
I don’t think I would like scrapple. Is it like Scrabble? because I am not good at Scrabble. And if I had to eat all those letters I would think that would not be good.
I love the Windy story! I think Windy is sending you little messages from beyond. She says “And when there is wind and bags, there I will be….forever.” That sorta makes me cry. A little. I think of Windy every time I see a bag in a tree. She left a huge hole in this world, ya know?
I like the tightrope guy. That is cool. And odd. Plus a bit of talented.
HATE whistlers. The only one who likes a good whistle is the person doing it. I think whistlers should be shot. Including my husband who does it all the time. And thinks he’s good at it.
He’s not.
lin´s last blog post ..Weight of the world…….
March 20th, 2012 at 9:02 pm
I think I am the only one who hasn’t jumped on the Greek Yogurt bandwagon/trend/fad. Kudos to you for giving it a try. I’m actually surprised you were so open minded considering how long it took for you to try a PB&J.
Jen´s last blog post ..Tanks of Thanks from Cenex
March 25th, 2012 at 4:19 am
Hey hey whats wrong with whistlers!?! lol Usually what I try to do is figure out what song they are whistling if any. That makes is less obnoxious.
Edmund´s last blog post ..Walk In The Park
March 27th, 2012 at 6:45 pm
1. I eat PBJ every day for breakfast. I’ve never heard of scrapple and after reading the wiki, I won’t be trying it!
5. I’ve had the same plastic scooper for 20 years. What are you feeding your cat?
7. I tried Greek yogurt that was fresh and didn’t find it far off from your expired description.
8. I whistle because it’s better than my singing, but I try not to do either around others.
April 1st, 2012 at 10:31 am
I write streams of random thougths all the time, frequently it’s all I can think of. And you could not pay me to eat yogurt, expired or otherwise.
Valdese Blogger´s last blog post ..Books I’ve read lately.