Wanted: SWF With Tech Support Skills
computing April 19th, 2012So I was talking to a client at work today. I had just reconfigured her laptop and mentioned that for her to connect to her home wireless network again, she’d have to remember her network password.
Uh-oh. No one ever remembers that.
We joked that it’s good for at least one person in any household to be the Rememberer of Passwords and other impossible things.
That person in my house is me. I’m also tech support for all our equipment, except the monstrous TV setup that only my husband understands.
If he goes, I’m screwed, because I can’t understand how to work the controls for that bastard.
But for home computing, I’m your man.
Which means if I go first, this is the ad my husband will place on Match.com to find a new mate:
WANTED: SWF with tech support skills. Must be able to disinfect viruses, keep all software up-to-date, troubleshoot problems big and small, install all new systems as needed and remember passwords for everything. Mac skills a plus, because I’m thinking about getting one. It helps if you have a Barbie doll figure, but seriously, if you can manage my home network and answer all my techy questions, your hardware doesn’t matter.
So who’s the tech support in your house?

April 19th, 2012 at 6:52 pm
That would be me, of course. I even get my sister in Spain asking me how to do stuff and sort out her problems! I’m only glad I gave Windows the boot 10 years ago or I’d have to look after all my sister’s PC’s too!
I used to be the sound system and TV techie too, but in recent years Mo has taken that over. Now it’s all I can do to turn the thing on! So many remotes!
Babs´s last blog post ..My metamorphosis
April 19th, 2012 at 7:59 pm
This is scary…..me, for the most part.
Well, not for the computer as much as the rest of everything else–the TV, VCR/DVD, furnace, electronic thermostat, and everything else that gets plugged in. There’s a saying at our house…
“If mom dies, we’re f****ed.”
They are gonna be standing by my coffin saying that, I swear.
I finally made a little rolodex by the computer for all of the passwords to everything we need them for. That way, they are covered at least for a day or so.
lin´s last blog post ..I Love Hobbes Thursday – Skinnier Days
April 19th, 2012 at 8:08 pm
Kathy, this post is HILARIOUS!
This made me howl….
” but seriously, if you can manage my home network and answer all my techy questions, your hardware doesn’t matter.”
Boy, your hubby is lucky to have you!
Well, since I’m single, I’m the one who handles all the techy stuff in my house. But mind you, I NEVER read directions. I do everything by ‘process of elimination.’
Ron´s last blog post ..Ta-Ta….A New Vent!
April 19th, 2012 at 10:58 pm
Me – mostly. But I’m a MAC and my husband is a PC…
Grace´s last blog post ..It’s the little things that bug me and
April 19th, 2012 at 11:20 pm
I kinda want to ask you to leave your husband and run away with ME (and all of my electronics…).
Ali´s last blog post ..The Post You’ve All Been Waiting For (Yes, you have. You know you have. SHUT UP. You have.)
April 20th, 2012 at 1:19 am
I am for the most part, but my own personal hardware could use a new upgrade. Im thinking the 4.1 patch should do nicely. I heard it comes with a smaller waste and less wrinkles as well as a few nips and tucks that are much needed..
April 20th, 2012 at 5:18 am
Our dad is the tech person in my house. My Mommeh made an Excel spreadsheet for all of her passwords and then password-protected that. Now she just has to remember that password!
Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog post ..A Hello Kitty Suit!
April 20th, 2012 at 8:23 am
Because I work in the web design industry, my family and friends all seem to think that I should know everything about their computers, printers, scanners, and networks as well. And I just don’t. If their website crashes or they need a MySql database and some PHP help, or perhaps they need some graphics created – I’m their man. If they can’t figure out their printer…they can call somebody else! OR…as I point out to them (and my clients) all the friggin’ time…look it up on a search engine for gawd’s sake! Heaven forbid people do their own research!
D. Duplessis´s last blog post ..Checking out the ladies isn’t as easy as it once was…
April 20th, 2012 at 10:10 am
That would be the male person. Since the publicist had her brain surgeries she is lucky she remembers her name….
Pricilla – Famous SpokesGoat´s last blog post ..Farm Cat Friday – Sherpa Practices for the Catalympics
April 20th, 2012 at 12:25 pm
Alex is the man to see for anything technical. Routers, modems, hardware, software, you name it, he can do it. He can build a computer from ‘spare parts’. And it will work as a matter of fact. Dang, he’s good.
Linda Medrano´s last blog post ..Conversations With The Visiting Crow
April 20th, 2012 at 5:57 pm
When I was working, I was the first contact tech person in our area. At home, hubby is my tech support, when I can’t solve the problem.
Linda´s last blog post ..Daydreaming
April 20th, 2012 at 6:15 pm
Babs — I knew it would be you! Although I know that Mo is also very handy. Didn’t she build an entire entertainment cabinet and figure out all the cabling so it would be hidden within? I mean it. I’d rather do computing tech support than TV support. I hate TV systems!
lin — Sorry to laugh at the thought of everyone standing around your coffin, heads hanging low, while muttering “Now what are we going to do?” I really need to document some things around here. There’s no one in my family, except maybe my sister Ann, who could deal with all this crap if I keel over tomorrow.
Ron — I have a vague recollection of you writing about how you hate to follow directions. Or maybe that was someone else’s blog. At any rate, I’m like you. I’d rather just sit and stare at a picture than look in a freaking manual. I learned how to replace my car’s headlight by watching a YouTube video. I always pass on written instructions. Bleh.
Grace — But you’d still say you’re compatible, right? The OS doesn’t really matter 🙂 I’m telling you, if Dave gets a Mac, he’s on his own. I don’t know much more than he does, basic stuff, enough to get me by. If he gets one, I’ll be asking HIM questions.
Ali — Good to see you, girl! I often ask people when they go on amazing vacation trips that I would be their personal valet and do all their mobile tech support if they’d just put me up with them. No one’s taken up my offer. Yet.
Tonya — Har! Yeah, I’m looking for an upgrade too. Actually, I’d like a rollback to when I was 21. I’d take that hardware any day of the week.
Daisy the Curly Cat — Your mommeh’s smart! I always think I should do that and then I never do. Heck, even a post-it note would help at this point.
D. Duplessis — Man, do I understand your pain! You tell someone you’re in tech support, and it’s all over. All of a sudden you’re the expert, but the truth is, no one can be an expert in everything. Thy friend is Google.
Pricilla — Aw, poor publicist. Gotta write everything down!
Linda Medrano — Hang onto that man! I’m in awe of anyone who can build their own computer. That’s really very awesome.
Linda — It’s good to be the tech person to go to at work. It makes you indispensable. Everyone needs tech support sooner or later. Great to be the “one in the know.”
April 21st, 2012 at 12:55 am
Typically, my dog handles the TV, Wii, PS3, and Netflix, while my cat takes care of the computers, printer, and wireless network. As for passwords? Those are written down, and let’s not even talk about security questions and answers.
Kim´s last blog post ..What ARE They Thinking?
April 22nd, 2012 at 4:44 pm
We have a friend we call for anything too complicated. I’m pretty smart overall, but not great with tech stuff… We’re still trying to figure out how to repay him because he also likes to do yard work and throws the ball for our dog. I don’t remember the last time we allowed him to pay for a meal.
Impetua´s last blog post ..Chubby Bunny
April 22nd, 2012 at 7:52 pm
Since it is just me in my household then I’m the girl and honestly I have no excuse not to be able to do it either considering I’m double majoring in computers :/
blueyes´s last blog post ..Weight Fluctuations
April 23rd, 2012 at 5:47 am
I am by far–even to the HD TV, DVD player and VCR. At least your husband would not how to post his want ad, not mine. The blogs would come to an abrupt end. My husband has no clue how to do a blog post. I doubt if he’d even bother going on Facebook.
Karen and Gerard´s last blog post .."Catch Me" by Lisa Gardner is her Best Yet!
April 23rd, 2012 at 12:37 pm
Hmm… My mom is mostly tech support around here. And when she can’t help? I call my girlfriend Leslie!
meleah rebeccah´s last blog post ..Day 23: Fishtales
April 23rd, 2012 at 5:56 pm
I guess that I am really lucky in this regard. My husband works in IT for a large company. He talks all of that geeky stuff that I have no idea what it all means. He may as well be speaking Portuguese. I do appreciate him keeping our computer secure and having the passwords locked down for us. The Television set up though, he could use a little help. We still have projection TVs. He needs to upgrade them to the flat screens. Your post was hilarious thanks for the laugh to break up my day.
April 24th, 2012 at 4:10 am
I am. My dad gets me to come over and hook his HDTV, satellite, DVD, blu ray and sound up every time he decides to upgrade. Which amounts to 3 times a year. Then because he upgrades, I get the “old” equipment, and hook it up in my own house. Not new, I’ve been doing this since I was 12.
I just got back at 3 AM troubleshooting my dad’s computer.
At home, I set up all the accounts, all the passwords, and I’m the only one that knows them. My SO, Neal, will be in deep water if I ever croak since I’m the one that knows where all the stuff is for the VA, bank, credit card, mortgage and the like. It doesn’t even have to be high tech, now. For that, I have a planner.
The funny thing is, SO can do all the tech stuff. Anyone that can work on nuclear energy turbines as a machinist can do it, and probably a whole lot easier then I can. Although I will give him his credit: I had a sewing machine not work and he fixed it (I didn’t want to take it apart), he’s made me a sleeve board and clapper, installed a phone line and generally does the stuff I don’t want to d0 (which you should read as “fixes the stuff I don’t want to stick a screwdriver into and wiggle around until it works”). He also messes with the Xbox, since I’m not going to.
But…I had to replace the outlet in the kitchen, fix my drain pipe (and I can’t change the lights in the kitchen. Makes NO sense how they come apart) and got the freezer to actually keep the ice cream from melting.
(Tech. Not always high in the Ducky house.)
SewDucky´s last blog post ..Final Fabric Installment, Kid Edition
April 24th, 2012 at 8:36 am
I’m the keeper of the passwords but it used to be my husband who installed software and set up hardware for all systems, including the TV. I always wanted him to feel useful.
Now that he is no longer my husband, that leaves me to do all future installing/software/hardware. Including deciphering his inexplicable TV connection setups. Muy confusing.
Stephanie Barr´s last blog post ..It Can’t Always Be Good News
April 26th, 2012 at 11:36 am
I would be the techie in my house which makes me laugh because my kids grew up with computers. They are 20, 19, 17, and 15. You would think that they would know more than me, but no, everytime there is a problem with the computer, who do they call? Mom!
April 26th, 2012 at 8:28 pm
Brian and I tag team believe it or not. Hardware is his specialty. Software is mine. I also cover cell phones and he fiddles, I mean, sets up all the complicated TV crap, er, stuff.
Nora Blithe´s last blog post ..30 Days of Photography II: My Toothbrush
May 1st, 2012 at 6:31 pm
I am the tech support for my home. I refuse to be tech support for anyone else.
Marvin´s last blog post ..The frog in the freezer