What Do YOU Read?
literary April 3rd, 2012My husband found me reading a book this weekend, something I’m mortified to say I haven’t done in about a year.
“Oh, a book! Nice to see you reading again,” he said.
I told him that my friend Julia sent it to me as a gift.
He asked, “Murder?”
“No. ER stories,” I replied. “Written by doctors and nurses in the trenches.”
He wasn’t surprised. “You do love your death, disease and disaster.”
I’ve always been a fan of non-fiction. The more incredible and hard-to-believe, the better.
Someone once told me “You read non-fiction? How boring!”
To the contrary.
I’ve always found true stories about courage, overcoming adversity and survival more compelling than any fiction. Throw in a true crime story and the occasional freak medical mystery and I’m happy.
So do you have a favorite genre? Or do you read anything you can get your paws on?

April 3rd, 2012 at 6:32 pm
Kathy, I am soooo with you, girl!
I adore non-fiction. And it’s funny because I use to be a fiction reader for years and years, but suddenly stopped reading all together. Then, I discovered non-fiction (biographies and autobiographies) and fell it love!
I love non-fiction for the reasons you mentioned – true stories about courage, overcoming adversity and survival.
You said it! Fiction just doesn’t do it for me anymore.
I’m the same with movies – true stories.
Ron´s last blog post ..4 More TMI Things About Me
April 3rd, 2012 at 6:48 pm
I don’t read much now, but most books I read were non fiction. I’ve always preferred reading about real people and have never been one for fiction. One exception was Lord of The Rings though. I loved that book.
Like Ron, I’m the same with movies. Real life stories are my thing.
Babs´s last blog post ..Going back in Time. Final part – Love is
April 3rd, 2012 at 7:21 pm
I love that sort of stuff on TV–all those weird medical shows like the lady who had 125 pound tumor on her body and just didn’t get around to getting it removed. Or the baby with the parasitic head–it would cry, grimace, and suckle!! Very creepy!!
I like biographies if I’m reading non-fiction, but I do love a good novel mostly.
Where is that darn Julia these days, anyway???
lin´s last blog post ..Rambling’s from my wee little brain
April 3rd, 2012 at 8:36 pm
I’m not much for non-fiction, though there are exceptions. I like stories about characters I like. Characters are key, not genre. Humor’s good too.
Although, for about the past three years, I’ve really been caught up by manga so it just goes to show.
Stephanie Barr´s last blog post ..More Writing Updates
April 3rd, 2012 at 9:57 pm
How is JD??
Grace´s last blog post ..Annnd that’s done…
April 4th, 2012 at 12:51 am
I enjoy Terry Pratchett books, especially when life is stressful. And Neal Stephenson. Revisionist fiction, stuff with a fantastic bent. Annie Proulx. I like almost anything really. Jeannette Winterson. Mark Helprin. Oh and especially Nevil Shute!
Impetua´s last blog post ..Zoooom.
April 4th, 2012 at 3:53 am
i like non-fiction, travel adventures good for the imagination, although i do wander into fiction sometimes.
Beverley´s last blog post ..a pause
April 4th, 2012 at 5:08 am
Ever since my Mommeh got her Kindle Fire, she is always browsing Amazon for great bargain books. You can sometimes find them for .99 or $1.99!
Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog post ..Wordless Wednesday: Which is the REAL Harley?
April 4th, 2012 at 5:10 am
My husband and I are both readers and like variety. We enjoy both fiction and non-fiction. Check out our book blog and you will see a wide variety of books that we have read.
Karen and Gerard´s last blog post ..Tuesday Teasers: "The One and Only Ivan"; "Downfall"
April 4th, 2012 at 5:45 am
Ron — (Still laughing at your last post, dude!) Agreed. I find most non-fiction I choose to be more interesting than anything imagined. I’m always impressed at what people can accomplish in the face of great obstacles. Maybe because I’m not sure how I’d fare in the same situations. I’m interested in reading the biography of Steve Jobs (my mom has the book), but it’s a daunting 656 pages. Jury’s still out on that. I have read autobiographies, but for no one famous. I like “regular” people!
Babs — I think I remember you mentioning Lord of the Rings back when I wrote about how I never read the Harry Potter series. I love a good documentary, too. People laughed at me when I told them I loved “Wordplay,” a documentary about the popularity of the New York Times crossword puzzle. It also followed one of the annual crossword competitions. OMG. Such smart people, both those who are great at the answers, but it was also interesting to see how hard it is to construct one of them.
Lin — Parasitic head! OMG. Fascinating! In the ER book I read, there was a story about a woman who weighed something like 600 pounds. When they pulled away the folds of her skin, they found an inhaler, a dime and a remote control for the TV. They called her The Human Couch. Julia’s doing fine, just not blogging these days. I told her you said Hi!
Stephanie Barr — Yes, I should have clarified, I have to like the people too. No fun in reading about someone you hate, eh? I want to borrow the new Tina Fey book soon. I’ve heard it’s very funny.
Grace — She’s fine. Just hiding in the shadows these days. I told her you asked about her 🙂
Impetua — You have my husband’s taste in books. I don’t think he’s read a single non-fiction book. It’s funny to look at the differences in our favorite books in our bookcase.
Beverley — I suppose anything that “takes us away” is a good read, yes?
Daisy the Curly Cat — Wow! Those aren’t many green papers, are they? Didn’t I see you playing with her Kindle the other day?
Karen and Gerard — I know you are both big fans of books, Karen. I always imagine one day you won’t be able to walk through your living room for all the books in your house!
April 4th, 2012 at 6:22 am
Truth is always stranger than fiction…..
I love many genres…..historical fiction is probably my favorite, and I also adore anything by David Sedaris. Some of my favorite NF would be ‘Under the Banner of Heaven’ (Krakauer), ‘Fast Food Nation’ (Schlosser), ‘Thank You For Smoking’ (Buckley), ‘Velvet Elvis’ (Bell) and anything by AJ Jacobs.
April 4th, 2012 at 7:51 am
Did someone mention my name?
I’m glad you’re enjoying the book, Kathy-bell. While I mostly read fiction, I do enjoy the same types of nonfiction as you do: death, dismemberment, TALES OF THE MACABRE, but also other more mundane subjects. I highly recommend Keith Richard’s biography “Life.” I have absolutely no interest in Keith or the Stones, but it’s really well written and an excellent snapshot of the whole “sex, drugs, and rock n roll” of the 60s and 70s.
April 4th, 2012 at 8:32 am
Fantasy, historical fiction, history, and biographies. Once had a notion to read a biography of every U.S. President, but realized that I hated most of them!
April 4th, 2012 at 8:54 am
The publicist reviews books on her blog. The people on one of her tour groups laugh at her picks and tell her she has the most eclectic reading tastes of anyone they know.
Me – I eat books. This is why the publicist does not let me near her books. I will say, though that these Nook things do not taste as good as paper books so I am not for them.
Pricilla – Famous SpokesGoat´s last blog post ..Wordless Wednesday – What is Wrong with This Photo?
April 4th, 2012 at 9:32 am
Science and (pop) economics. Sounds boring, but it is fascinating stuff… I also love reading about religious history. I am not religious personally, but I find understanding what motivates religious people and how these various religions developed to be amazing.
Kooz´s last blog post ..Top 5 Best Baseball Songs That Have Nothing to do with Baseball
April 4th, 2012 at 10:14 am
I tear thru magazines like crazy – Time, PopSci, PopMech, Wired, Family Handyman, Real Simple (my wife’s), and just about any others I can get my hands on.
And I do a bit of non-fiction reading, as time permits. I’ve been slogging thru Charles C. Mann’s “1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus” for a few months now. It’s a fascinating read, but very dense on facts and a little dry.
I recently finished Clifford Stoll’s “High-Tech Heretic” and highly recommend it to every other parent around. It’s an eye-opening look at technology in the classroom and more.
I haven’t read fiction in forever, but that’s more a matter of just not making time for it than anything else.
April 4th, 2012 at 11:40 am
Wow…you read a book instead of playing a FB game? Good for you! 🙂 I read pretty much EVERYTHING I can get my hands on. Books are also the only thing anyone could ever accuse me of hoarding…I have hundreds upon hundreds in shelves, stacked against the wall in the floor of my bedroom…heck I even made end tables out of stacked books. Reading is and has always been my Number 1 hobby.
And since you’re curious, I’m currently reading 3 different books, one on making bread, “Space Chronicles” by Neil deGrasse Tyson, and Sacré Bleu by Christopher Moore. So that’s one how-to book, a book of science non-fiction and a humorous fiction book about French artists…my tastes are varied. 🙂
D. Duplessis´s last blog post ..Only Christopher Moore can save the Titanic!!
April 4th, 2012 at 4:09 pm
I’ve ALWAYS found that fiction is NEVER as exciting / interesting as NON-FICTION!
meleah rebeccah´s last blog post ..Day 4: The Experiment
April 4th, 2012 at 4:48 pm
Bijoux — I enjoy David Sedaris. Also read Fast Food Nation, which freaked me out about food for a while. If you haven’t seen Food, Inc., don’t watch it. Just sayin’.
JD at I Used to Do Things (it pains me to write that) — I thought about getting the Richards book after I saw an interview with him on the Sunday Morning program on CBS. I’ve heard he’s a good writer and, seriously, that guy’s on his 9th life, so it’s gotta be interesting!
BabaBooey — I could see you reading all the presidents. I admire that you’re so into history and can sit with a thousand page book and be happy. You’re my literary hero.
Pricilla — Ecclectic is awesome! Now, about your book eating problem. I know you probably want your fiber, but there are plenty of other places to get it that would taste much better, don’t cha think?
Kooz — I believe you!
Rob O. — I’m glad you have “Real Simple” in there to complement all the guy stuff! I admire you for your history reading (and BabaBooey above). It’s just about the last genre I’d pick up, unless I was stuck on a deserted island with only that to read. I liked Cliff Stoll’s “Silicon Snakeoil,” which was written back at the start of the Internet wave. I even wrote him and got a personal response! I find it funny that way back then, he chastised me for being on a computer too much (as I confessed in my letter). Nothing improved since then!
D. Duplessis — I know! Thanks for noticing! I’m all kinds of proud of myself. But it’s also because my friend Julia emailed me and screamed “Read a book!” when I told her I couldn’t get off the Solitaire wheel. Man, I just love that you’re literally surrounded by books. It does a body good. I like your current reads mix.
meleah rebeccah — Right on, sister! And I’m guessing that’s true about the autobiography you’re writing, yes?
April 4th, 2012 at 8:25 pm
I’m with D. Dupless. I read EVERYTHING and I hoard books too. My husband likes that I got the kindle app because I can get all sorts of free books without needed more shelves (as it is I am still several boxes of books shy of enough shelving. lol
I read all genres of fiction and non-fiction and I love big books. Mainly because I read fast.
I’m such an addict.
April 4th, 2012 at 8:28 pm
Dang it. Duplessis***. I apologize for the typo. I’m on my phone since my keyboard died and can only see my own reply so was relying on memory. Obviously memory failed me this time.
April 5th, 2012 at 1:18 pm
well… the book I am writing is fictional. However, it’s inspired by true events.
meleah rebeccah´s last blog post ..Day 5: Power
April 8th, 2012 at 8:34 am
I just love to read fantasy books such as The Hobbit and Terry Pratchets books, nothing better than escaping from the hum drum world we live in 😉
Karen´s last blog post ..Titanic 3D – Blazing Minds Film Review #ApolloRhylFilmReviewer
April 13th, 2012 at 2:22 pm
I found your site while googling “raymour & flannigan furniture salesmen lie” (because I have way too much time on my hands) and read your entry from ’07. I laughed so hard because my husband and I went through this today. I had found the furniture I wanted, agreed to the price, and my husband was about to sign on the dotted line….
But I hated the lying sack of dogpoop that was our salesman SO MUCH that I walked away from it all. The first sign of us wavering had the guy telling us that his brother had just died. Instead of offering condolences I rolled my eyes and laughed. (Yes, *of course* I googled the obituaries later. I was in the clear). I can’t believe I put my own integrity before material objects. My husband is shocked, too.
Raymour & Flannigan = EPIC FAIL
Anyway, I, too have a poopy black pet named Shadow (but mine’s a dog), and I pretty much stick to non-fiction as a general rule. My latest was medical stories (prior stab victim goes into the ER and when they open his chest….it’s all pus). All good stuff.
Anyway, love your blog. Now that I’ve discovered it I’ll have to go digging around a little more. Either that or go rake the front yard.