What This Curly Top Girl Learned by Having Straight Hair for 36 Hours
Fun, Stuff I don't hate May 18th, 2012Those of you following me on Facebook learned this week that I had my very curly hair straightened at a salon, just for the fun of it.
Thought I’d post about it on the blog in case you’re not following me there. Why aren’t you following me there? Really, why not? Geesh! Go follow me on Facebook!
OK, let’s continue.
So. I’m back to curly now, but for just one day, I got to have the hair I’ve wanted all my life.
What I learned:
1. I got to be Clark Kent for a day. It was as though I was a totally different person, just by the length and style of my hair. I added probably 4-5 inches just by having it straightened.
I fooled a client of mine, who walked into my office and didn’t know it was me until he saw my whole non-curly self. When it registered, he had that cartoon reaction where he whipped his head back and forth and his eyes popped out.
2. You know that thing celebrity women with long straight hair do? They take each index finger and smooth hair strands away from their faces? Over and over. It annoys me when they do that because they appear rather full of themselves, with their shiny and luxurious hair. Like they know they have it all.
I did it all day. Couldn’t stop. And I loved it.
3. My straight hair became smooth as silk. This was perhaps one of the most enjoyable aspects of my new hair. Curls can sometimes feel silky, but not tight corkscrew like mine. I have kink and when it’s humid, game over.
Even on that foggy day, my hair behaved (with the right salon products) and I continued to run my hands over it when no one was looking. Only lunatics pet their own heads in public. Just sayin’.
4. Bed head after having the hair straightened actually turned out really good. I slept without pulling it back or covering it. When I woke up, I looked in the mirror and couldn’t believe how stunning it still appeared. Atheists have it all wrong. There is a God.
5. A cable knit beanie hat makes a fine stand-in for a shower cap. It’s bizarre to step into a shower wearing nothing but winter gear on your head, but you know. Gotta save the hair. And I did.
6. Women with curly hair want straight. Women with straight hair want curly. Very few women have what they want, but the right products and time investment make all the difference. It took the perfect gels, shampoo and conditioner, thirty minutes and no less than six different implements for my stylist to create the look.
Could I do it myself? Not on your life. But I’ll go back to my stylist when I want this look again for a special occasion.
7. I loved my new hair so much that I didn’t mind posting pictures of myself, despite the fact that I’ve gained back nearly all of the weight I lost last year. Most days I feel like a lumbering walrus. But on that day, I felt pretty.
For I had good hair.
And all was right in the world.
If anyone lives in my area and is looking for a professional stylist, who’ll give you expert advice and treatment for your hair, ring up Karen Johnson at The Artisan on Broad Street in Bethlehem, 610-867-2454.
Tell her I sent you and couldn’t shut up about the fabulous hair she gave me for one glorious day.

May 18th, 2012 at 7:14 pm
Our Mom has curly hair and (finally after 2 years) used her flat iron to make straight hair. You’re right…she felt like she owned the universe! Morning hair wasn’t as scary either!
The Florida Furkids and Lexi
The Florida Furkids´s last blog post ..Foster Friday with Lexi
May 18th, 2012 at 7:49 pm
Va Va Va Vooom! You go gurl.
May 18th, 2012 at 7:50 pm
…. with no curl.
Geakz´s last blog post ..Nice Time Zone Vizualization. Every Time Zone | Visual.ly
May 18th, 2012 at 8:51 pm
Kathy, I LOVE your try-out with straight hair!
I’m so use to seeing you with your wonderful curls, that I had to take a second look at your photo to see if was really YOU!!!
Honestly? I think you look faaaaaabulous both ways!
And having been a stylist for 13 years, I can attest to your statement….
” Women with curly hair want straight.”
And it’s funny because, personally, I prefer curly/wavy hair because it has a natural movement to it. Plus, I think curly hair is sexy.
“It took the perfect gels, shampoo and conditioner, thirty minutes and no less than six different implements for my stylist to create the look.”
HA! Isn’t it amazing the time and effort it takes to do that? And I know some women who do that every single day!
Anyway, it’s fun to try new things, isn’t it? So glad you tried it!
Have a faaaabulous weekend! Hasn’t the weather been stunning?
Ron´s last blog post ..On Tom Ford And Perfection
May 18th, 2012 at 9:12 pm
The straight hair fabulous-ness can be yours whenever you want it, I promise! I never thought I could do it either, but all it took was a bit of practice and experimenting to get the right mix of products. It takes about 45 minutes with a flat iron, but I love my straight hair so much that it is totally worth it. Plus, I only have to do that twice a week unless I get really sweaty or something. The silkiness amazed me, too…my hair is usually as coarse as a horse’s tail.
May 18th, 2012 at 9:18 pm
You look good, curly hair or no.
I don’t look good, straight hair or no. No, as in “no hair.” :-p Getting old sucks.
Crabby Blogging Lady´s last blog post ..It Figures
May 18th, 2012 at 9:30 pm
Maybe it’s the photo – but truth to tell I like the curly hair better – But it seems I an in the minority
Grace´s last blog post ..Why I have high blood pressure…
May 18th, 2012 at 9:50 pm
I LOVE the curls. I understand the need to feel different. Tessa uses an argania oil product just to take frizz out. But she keeps the curls. I love ’em.
Fred Miller´s last blog post ..What the F*#%, Indeed!
May 18th, 2012 at 10:28 pm
I actually like it both ways. I’m not completely without an opinion, though — they’re both better than the blue hair you had on clown day.
My hair is straight when it’s long and very wavy / slightly curly when it’s short. If I grow my hair long and then cut it, everyone thinks I got a perm.
Laura´s last blog post ..My Cats Probably Don’t Have the Disease From the Movie “Contagion”
May 18th, 2012 at 11:53 pm
Glad you got to walk on the wild side. But curly is better.
Marvin the Martian´s last blog post ..Celebrity death in the swamp
May 19th, 2012 at 12:40 am
I have curly hair, but not tight curls, more like extra wavy tending toward ringlets if I want ’em (which I don’t). Absolutely no effort required.
Not only do I love my hair, I always have. My daughter has hair like mine and she’s always wanting it curlier or straight. I don’t get that, but, hey, everyone likes something different.
Don’t feel bad about my hair satisfaction (no work replied). Physically, that’s about the only part of me I like.
Stephanie Barr´s last blog post ..EPublished!
May 19th, 2012 at 12:40 am
No work required – must edit posts.
Stephanie Barr´s last blog post ..EPublished!
May 19th, 2012 at 5:21 am
The Florida Furkids — I think I might go buy a flat iron and test the waters with it. But I’m remembering how long my stylist took to do it, section by section, very slow process. I just don’t have that kind of time in the morning. Although if I didn’t wash my hair daily…. Huh. Might have to give this a whirl.
Geakz — Dude! Thought you fell off the face of the earth. Glad to see you back at Junk Drawer. And thank you!
Ron — Thanks, friend. I didn’t know you were a stylist for 13 years. God, how did I miss that? Thank you for saying curly hair is sexy. It’s what we all want, no matter how old we are. Well, maybe not at 70. I’ve been enjoying the last couple days, which have been super perfect. I can enjoy blogging out on my patio again. Hurray!
absepa — It’s funny, I was just thinking about you yesterday, wondering where you were. Missed you. Ugh. 45 minutes sounds horrible to me. But the temptation is there if I can get it right. I’m going to buy a flat iron and see how much I can replicate this week’s look. I’ll probably blog about it if I look like the Bride of Frankenstein.
Crabby Blogging Lady — Thank you! Yes, getting old sucks and I’m finding it takes a lot more time to maintain a “look” than before. Maintenance is a bitch.
Grace — Thank you for saying so, because curls are the way people will see me most of the time. I have to live with that, so it’s good to know at least one person out there likes them better!
Fred Miller — Aw, thanks, dude. It’s really good to hear that. I think I need to get on the “better products” bandwagon. My stylist tries to dissuade me from buying grocery store hair care products (Pantene, etc). Says it’s worth the money to buy something better. Tell Tessa I know all about frizz, but I used to have a lot more before I let the curl do its thing.
Laura — Oh really? Not into striking day glow blue? My sister always used to tell me when I was young (and complaining about curls) that if I let it grow long, the weight of the hair would pull the curl out. I know that happens with some women, but I was never so lucky. *sigh*
Marvin the Martian — It was fun while it lasted. And I almost cried in the shower the day after when the curls came back with a vengeance.
Stephanie Barr — You hit the nail on the head. Everyone wants something different. It’s a balancing act between what we want and what we can get away with. I’m glad you have good hair you love. I hate to sound so shallow, but good hair is really important, esp. for women.
May 19th, 2012 at 5:44 am
I think curly hair (and fur) is cool! But trying out a new hairdo is fun, too. Your straight hair looks pretty. My Mommeh would love to trade her straight hair for curls. Or waves. Or just a little body. Right now, she has a big body.
Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog post ..I Am Wearing Rosettes!
May 19th, 2012 at 6:49 am
I don’t know why it didn’t occur to me that, yes, you’d gain inches too. I knew there was something else besides the gorgeous straight shininess of your hair! I’m so glad you got to experience feeling as pretty as we all know you are.
JD at I Used to Do Things´s last blog post ..I Left the Room so you don’t have to
May 19th, 2012 at 9:18 am
WOWEEEE! You look SO different! I like you both ways, though. Wait! Does that sound kinky? Yikes. I….err….like your HAIR both straight AND curly.
Whew! Now that we have THAT cleared up….
Isn’t it fun to be able to have it straightened–even if it is just for a day? It’s the OPTIONS that we women want. I have wavy hair that holds a curl like a mutha’, so I have the best of both worlds. I can have straight OR curly hair–which is great.
And now that you have Karen Johnson, Super Hairstylist Extraordinaire, you can have those options too! Hooray!
lin´s last blog post ..The secret is to NOT ask
May 19th, 2012 at 12:28 pm
As the publicist noted on your facebook page – we all want what we don’t have. She has straight hair and all her life she wanted nothing more than long curls. It’s human nature. Makes me glad I am a goat. Although I do covet Abby’s horns….
Pricilla – Famous SpokesGoat´s last blog post ..Flash the Goat is Growing Up
May 19th, 2012 at 2:52 pm
What a big change–no wonder the client didn’t recognize you! I don’t understand though, it lasted more than one day, didn’t it?
Karen and Gerard´s last blog post .."Words" by Ginny L. Yttrup is a Must Read
May 19th, 2012 at 8:08 pm
Can I be really honest? Although I do like your straight hair, I do actually prefer your curls. I showed Mo the photo and said “Wow! Kathy with straight hair” Mo said “It’s nice but I prefer her with curly hair”. So that makes two of us.
Please don’t get me wrong. It does look nice and I expect you are thrilled to have straight hair for once, but it’s like everyone else’s hair. Your curls make you different and interesting. As you know, I like ‘different’.
Babs´s last blog post ..Excuse me while I rant
May 20th, 2012 at 11:07 am
Have you, by chance, ever tried any shampoos/conditioners/styling crap in the Ouidad line? You can get it online…and it is specifically and only for very curly hair.
Shieldmaiden1196´s last blog post ..Resistance Was Indeed Futile
May 20th, 2012 at 3:46 pm
You know that thing celebrity women with long straight hair do? They take each index finger and smooth hair strands away from their faces? Over and over. It annoys me when they do that because they appear rather full of themselves, with their shiny and luxurious hair. Like they know they have it all.
I did it all day. Couldn’t stop. And I loved it.
HAHAHAH. I hate that crap too, it’s annoying leave yer dern hair alone, but i guess it’s hard not to touch it when it looks so good, huh? you go, kathy. nothing like a nice hair style to make you feel like wonder and super woman at the same time. hope you get it again, it looks good on you. maybe when we meet again this summer/fall that will be your treat to yourself.
May 21st, 2012 at 8:06 am
Having a long and silky hair can add more beauty to a girl. I didn’t mean that having a curly hair is ugly.. It’s still beautiful but you should know how to maintain it.
Born27´s last blog post ..http://www.abconferencecall.com
May 21st, 2012 at 12:48 pm
As someone who has a tiny bald spot and a rapidly receding hair-line, I’m just totally jealous that you have the luxury of a choice! Curly or straight! At least you have hair! Lucky you!!! Women even have the luxury of nice as hell wigs…wigs for men are horrible. (not that I know anything about that you understand)
D. Duplessis´s last blog post ..Why so shocked to learn that your ancestors were a part of their time & place?
May 21st, 2012 at 2:28 pm
I have neither straight nor curly hair. I have what I like to call…..stupid hair. It’s limp, has no body, no life, is slightly wavy when left to its own devices and requires full on treatment every day. Otherwise, it clumps together in an ugly stringy yucky way. And bed head? Forget about it.
Margaret (Nanny Goats)´s last blog post ..Goat Thing: Tipsy Goat, Pencil Sketch and a Postcard
May 21st, 2012 at 3:04 pm
I loved your straight hair, Kathy. But you were definitely incognito with that look. I almost didn’t recognize you either. I’m so happy you enjoyed a Good Hair Day for once!
meleah rebeccah´s last blog post ..As Seen On TV: The Facial Hair Edition
May 21st, 2012 at 4:31 pm
Daisy the Curly Cat — I would totally pay to see your curly furs flat ironed! (p.s. Tell your mommeh I have a big body too. But I’m workin’ on it.)
JD at I Used to Do Things — My stylist always has to remind me what “wet inches” translate to in dried curls. The boing takes a lot of length and she’s afraid I always as for too much to take off and then I’ll be unhappy with the shortness later. She’s always looking out for me. And thank you so much for the compliment!
lin — There was a “goes both ways” discussion over on Facebook. Cracked me up! You got it, sister. OPTIONS make all the difference. Just knowing I can do this makes me happy. I bought a flat iron this weekend and tested it out. I didn’t do a half bad job!
Pricilla — See, everyone covets something, even if it’s horns. I would not like horns myself. I have enough problems with my features without stumps sticking out of my big fat head.
Karen — It lasted a day and a half until I washed it. Then the boing came right back in seconds. It was rather depressing to see them again. I didn’t have my hair chemically treated, so it all came back.
Babs — That’s OK, Babs. I really appreciate you saying that because curls are how I have to wear it most of the time. It’s nice to know you like them better.
Shieldmaiden — I haven’t heard of that line. I was just thinking today I really need to buy exactly the products my stylist uses on me because my hair comes out so soft when she uses them. I don’t know why I haven’t asked about that before.
v — You’re right. It’s very hard not to touch it when it feels so good. And what a rarity for me. I mean, I’ve NEVER had it so silky before. It was like I was wearing a wig or something. Ha! But if I wear it straight when we meet again, how will you know it’s me?
D. Duplessis — I honestly feel for you (as I do for my husband, who has little hair). I shouldn’t ever complain about my hair because imagine my horror if mine stopped growing. I probably wouldn’t cope very well. Quit my job, stay in the house, that sort of thing. I’m sorry for your hair. Truly.
Nanny Goats — “Stupid hair.” OMG. LMAO. You do NOT have stupid hair. You have the hair I want, so shut it!
meleah rebeccah — Thank you. I really did enjoy every minute of it. Really savored it. Sorry to see it go.
May 22nd, 2012 at 7:07 am
I’m so pleased you enjoyed your day of straight hair. I flat iron my unruly mop regularly. The cure for Bed Head alone is worth the effort.
Bohemiologist (aka Musingwoman)´s last blog post ..And none of this changes the fact that the phone bill is late
May 25th, 2012 at 7:35 am
I’ll be honest, I love the curly hair better on you but I do understand wanting it straight.
A co-worker has really curly hair and she has hers chemically straightened. It takes a couple of hours at the salon but only has to be done a few times a year. The effect is amazing and she hasn’t gone back. You should look into it. I’m sure your stylist will know about it.
May 29th, 2012 at 8:12 pm
OMG you look amazing!!! Not that you don’t always look amazing but you totally look like you should be running your fingers through your hair while getting interviewed for ET or some other entertainment show.
My hair isn’t as curly as yours but it has some major curl to it. I’ve had it straightened once in a salon and a couple times attempted it on my own. It takes forever to achieve.
So glad you took pictures and shared them.
Jen´s last blog post ..Is Justin Bieber Trying To Pump Up His Image?
June 30th, 2012 at 7:22 am
You look so nice in this new straight hair-do Kathy, though I like you with curly hair as much as these. I know absolutely how you’d have felt that one day with soft and silky tresses falling over your shoulders. I have wavy hair myself and often get them straightened for special occasions. It’s so easy to manage such hair, just wash and brush them and you are done, and the look is just marvelous. In fact it is for this reason that I’m considering getting my hair straightened permanently.
Samaira Jonathon´s last blog post ..Bluehost 3.95