Mug Shots
Fun, work June 8th, 2012I work with a mug hoarder apparently.
Right before quittin’ time today, I walked into the kitchenette to rinse out my mug and found a colleague, Sherri (not her real name, or maybe it is) cleaning out her mugs.
Mugs. Plural. Like seven of them. I’m scared a little. Did she lose a bet?
It’s like a load of laundry in there. She’s got bubbles up to her elbows, a scratchy sponge and I don’t know what else. Maybe she is also doing laundry.
Busy cleaning, she missed the “I’m going to blog about this” look on my face and so here we are.
Let’s begin.
“Um? Are these all yours?”
“Yeah. I used them all during the week.”
“So, what’s the deal? You leave coffee in them and then grab another? Like disposable mugs?”
“No, they’re for oatmeal. You know, the instant packets.”
“Ah, yes. I used to do that. And uneaten oatmeal gets hard and crusty and you could mortar a brick wall with it?”
“Right. Hence, the violent scrubbing.”
We’re all about saving the environment at work, so I give her props for not using Styrofoam cups for her oatmeal and then the conversation shifts to all things mug.
Our favorites, what we like about their shape, height, weight and which ones have good “mug feel.”
Mug feel is critical. Bad mug feel is the death of mugs and the reason I have a cabinet full of them over the microwave.
They’ll never get used because they’re either too tall or too narrow (or both), or they’re the size of soup bowls or they’re too tiny for a respectable cup of coffee.
My favorite one at work is this:
Minus the spillage. That happened on a Monday, by the way. The day coffee gets all bitchy and ruinous about things.
This mug is the perfect height, width and weight. What I love most is the color. It’s such a soothing shade of blue. It makes me happy.
A happy Kathy is the goal, especially at work. I don’t even mind that it’s an ugly mug, in terms of the company stuff written on it. I got it free at a vendor expo and I don’t even buy from them in my job. But the mug is awesome and for that, I love Lehigh Valley Business Machines.
Now here’s my favorite mug at home:
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I love my Tigger mug! As far as I know, you can only get one at Disney World, so I’m totally screwed if this one breaks.
Although I would fly 1,000 miles to get a new one if push came to shove.
It’s perfect for its short, stocky size and circumference, and has a good weight. A hair heavy, but I forgive it because it’s TIGGER!
Tigger makes me happy. And – all together now – a happy Kathy is the goal.
So, peeps. Tell me all about your favorite mug.
I know you have a favorite.
What makes it so?

June 8th, 2012 at 7:16 pm
I like a BIG mug…I love my coffee and need all of that caffeinated deliciousness to get me going at 4:50 am. My favorite mug came from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, so it has an ocean scene, of course. We got it on our honeymoon, so it also has sentimental value. It’s deep and wide and thick enough to keep the coffee warm while I sip on it.
Do you have a mug hierarchy? Like, if your fave is in the dishwasher, do you have second- and third-tier mugs? We definitely do.
absepa´s last blog post ..Maybe you could cross-market the jerky to the stoners…
June 8th, 2012 at 8:12 pm
I usually prefer larger mugs when I’m at work. At home though I love using my old nescafe world mugs. They came out in the 70’s I think and I still have a complete set. I also love to use my old B.C. comic mugs ..both of these sets are clear glass and have made many many moves with me over the years. I grew up first using these sets at my Grandmother’s house and later after she passed they were given to me.
June 8th, 2012 at 9:00 pm
The mug I use at work is from Office Depot- it came with some free samples that a rep brought to me one day. It’s just a white mug with “Office Depot” on it, but it is just the right size. One of these days I may bring one in from home. I’m a penguin junkie and I have several penguin mugs. Although I have a cobalt blue clear glass one from Starbucks that I like too! 🙂
June 8th, 2012 at 9:29 pm
The mug I use for coffee is an old, old, OLD Starbucks mug – we have two. As you say, it has the right heft, shape and volume. That said, I HATE STARBUCKS the store and their dreadful coffee (did you ever have just a plain coffee from Starbucks – it always tastes old and burnt) but they sure used to make some nice mugs…
Grace´s last blog post ..It’s been quiet here…
June 8th, 2012 at 11:46 pm
Nice shots. Wish these were in my collection.
S A J Shirazi´s last blog post ..Urdu Twitter
June 9th, 2012 at 1:33 am
I have a white starbucks mug, even the logo is white and it’s perfect in every way. My BFF bought me it at Christmas. We are both book-a-holics but decided to buy something different and that’s what he bought me. It’s simpleness is and i just love it.
Beverley´s last blog post ..spicy rice – recipe
June 9th, 2012 at 5:05 am
absepa — Big mugs are awesome! My Tigger mug is that way, but thin enough to make it possible to lift when my energy isn’t up at 4:30AM. Hee. I love this idea of “mug hierarchy.” Indeed, I have one. If my Tigger mug is busy, I like a mug that my sister gave me for its design, but it only holds half as much as Tigger. But I’ll use it in a pinch because it’s pretty to look at and that still counts for something.
Katherine — OMG. You have a set that survived from the 70s?! Holy cow! I occasionally use a clear glass mug, but it’s a pedestal mug that I’m always afraid I’ll tip over. That one also doubles as an ice cream cup. I stick it in the microwave to melt a little and it makes me happy to use it.
Jenni — Ah, another vendor mug! I would love to see the cobalt blue one from Starbucks. Sounds pretty.
Grace — I will never understand the popularity of Starbucks coffee. It’s like the world’s biggest joke. Make the worst-tasting coffee and see how much you can get people to pay for it, day after day. It’s really unbelievable.
Beverley — Isn’t a great mug just the perfect gift. That moment when you’re prepping and pouring your coffee into it is one of life’s tiniest, but most enjoyable, parts of the day, isn’t it?
June 9th, 2012 at 6:22 am
I like the tall latte ones, but every time I get attached to one, it gets broken.
My sister got me one of those looks like styrofoam but is really plastic coffee things with a lid for Christmas last year..I was skeptical, but now totally addicted to it.
Ma´s last blog post ..Morning
June 9th, 2012 at 7:15 am
Ah, mugs….
I have two daily use mugs at home. One is the constant…first cup of coffee. It is the “Dad” mug, given to me by my eldest about eight years ago. No other mug is touched until the first cup is had by means of the “Dad” mug.
The second is one of two. During the NFL season, it is a mug gaudily colored with my favorite team’s colors. During MLB season, the same (even more gaudily colored) for my favorite baseball team.
What do I do between NFL and MLB seasons (since I don’t watch NHL or NBA)? That is the annual challenge…to find the right “second mug.” An ordeal only I, in my seemingly perpetual effort to drive myself nuts, can envision and put into practice.
June 9th, 2012 at 7:15 am
I have a 16 oz mug with penguins on it that I have used since….1984. I am pretty sure I stole it from the gift shop I worked at that summer as I don’t remember paying for it. I love it. I often wonder if I would drink my decaf each day if the mug broke. There is no hierarchy. If it is dirty, I wash it. I don’t drink coffee at the office but I do have my favorite for my oatmeal. Interesting post and comments. Have a great weekend!
June 9th, 2012 at 9:57 am
Believe it or not, I don’t have a favourite mug. BUT If I had that Tigger mug, that would definitely be my favourite. It has nothing to do with Tigger. It’s the ‘lip’ I have a coffee set with that shape lip and it is extremely comfortable to drink from. That lip sits so nicely on my lip 🙂
Babs´s last blog post ..Magic Carpet
June 9th, 2012 at 3:16 pm
Ma — I would totally dig a fake styrofoam mug! Sorry about your latte ones getting broken. If it makes you feel any better, my sister gave me two mugs that I liked from her house and I didn’t even get one of them home without breaking it. I dropped it in the garage getting out of my car. D’oh!
BabaBooey — I love your mug story. Both that you have seasonal mugs and that you’re on a quest for a suitable “second mug.” See, this is the sort of mug obsession I knew someone would have. It doesn’t surprise me it’s you.
Sheila — It’s because you stole it that it’s your favorite, I’m convinced. It has special resonance because it’s hot. Not coffee hot; stolen hot. Hee. Back when I was eating oatmeal for bf at work, I think I used my coffee mug, so it forced me to clean it immediately before it got like spackle. If I didn’t clean it, I couldn’t have coffee.
Babs — Interesting! I have a “second” mug that’s just OK. One of its problems is it’s small, and the other is that the lip is too thick. I don’t know why I even use it. I need a better second mug.
June 10th, 2012 at 1:14 am
If I didnt love coffee so much id protest it do to its inability to work when most needed (same goes for brain, cell phone, computer, and esp the vial printer). I have no favorite still searching. I DO have a favorite bowl. It’s the perfect bowl for everything-gives the perfect milk cereal exposure ratio, the leftover spaghetti microwave heat spread, stores the perfect amount of popcorn..i love it!
June 10th, 2012 at 4:32 pm
My Mommeh has a favorite mug that’s over 25 years old! It has a funny rabbit in a patch of carrots and ducks on water and a big smiling moon. It’s cool!
Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog post ..Bert & Ernie Wait, Too
June 10th, 2012 at 5:39 pm
Kathy, okay, first I have to say, I LOVE YOUR TIGGER MUG!
OMG…it’s soooooooooooooo CUTE!!!! Tigger is one of my favorite Disney characters. Actually, a tiger is my favorite animal too.
Second, is that coffee in your blue work mug? It looks like MILK – HA!
And speaking of favorite mugs, I recently had to toss mine out because I had it for like SIX years. It had cracks and chips all over it, which really didn’t bother me because it was still the perfect mug. Large, nice handle, and a wide rim. It was also very colorful. But sadly, one day the handle broke off, so I had to toss it. And brother, was I sad 🙁
Now I have one slightly similar to your work mug, only it’s white. It’s okay, but I’m not thrilled with it.
I need to look for one with a bit more PIZAZZ!
Hope you had a super Sunday, girl. Is today not HOT or what? And I hear tomorrow it’s going to be HOTTER 🙁
Ron´s last blog post ..The Voice Behind The Blog
June 10th, 2012 at 6:36 pm
At work I have one utilitarian mug that I use for everything.
At home I have five favorite mugs.
Two are, well, mug-shaped: they’re shaped more or less like your Tigger mug, only a little bigger. One is white with “caffeine” written all over in multiple colors. It was a gift from a friend in college. I think it may be the first mug anyone ever gave me as a gift. The other has a drawing of a lion on it; it was a gift from another friend about 10 years later.
For hot chocolate, I like a pair of mugs that my niece gave me; they’re tall and narrow and have whimsical pictures of women and pets.
I make my own lattes at home — for those, I use a set of white mugs that I bought myself. They’re big but low enough to fit under the espresso machine.
I never really thought about it, but except for my latte mugs (that have specific practical advantages), all my favorite mugs are ones that other people gave me.
Laura´s last blog post ..I’m Beginning to Think You’re Smarter Than I Am
June 11th, 2012 at 6:09 am
daughterbonnie — Ah, yes, bowls! Distribution ratio is really important there. I have different bowls for different things, but my favorite cereal bowl is very deep. The only problem with that is, when filled, it’s probably 6 times a normal serving size. Yeah, well. I blame the bowl.
Daisy the Curly Cat — That’s an old mug. I hope it never breaks or what’s your mommeh going to do? Hee. Maybe she’ll buy a Daisy or Harley mug and get to see your mugs on her mug!
Ron — I’m so sorry for the loss of your favorite mug. Chippage can be tolerated, but if you’re missing the handle, not so much. I wouldn’t trust Crazy Glue to fix it either or you’re liable to wind up with hot coffee in your lap, which is the last place you want hot coffee. So sad. (And yeah, I like my coffee light. Hee.)
June 11th, 2012 at 9:16 am
I think I have a mug problem.
My favorite at work coffee mug is a big standard looking mug that has a chalkboard surface. There’s rarely anything written on the chalkboard.
But if I’m having tea at work, I have a more slender mug that I prefer.
But that’s only if I’m not traveling with coffee. Then I have a vacuum sealed coffee mug that is so water-tight I can fill it up and stick it in my purse.
But at home, my favorite coffee mug is a clear glass mug that came with a bottle of Kahlua.
Of course, tea gets a different cup. There’s this cute little teacup that my sister got me for Christmas that’s perfect for tea.
Then I also have a mug that says, “Zombie Brew,” that’s shaped like a cauldron. That one doesn’t work well for coffee or tea, but often gets milk-based alcoholic beverages in it.
But when I go home to visit my parents, I use my Tweety mug that I left behind when I moved out, it’s the same size and shape as my chalkboard mug at work.
Don’t get me started on glasses…
Michelle´s last blog post ..Jogging Is Not Sexy
June 11th, 2012 at 9:38 am
So I HAVE to comment on this because I have a few favorite mugs! My favorite is from South of the Border because it’s taller and holds a lot of coffee but it’s not so wide that the coffee gets all cold before I can drink it all. Plus, it has SOB guy having a siesta or something on it. My other fav mug is a normal sized coffee mug that I got in Italy. It’s Romulus and Remus nursing on the she wolf that raised them and one of them is spitting out the milk like “BLEH! Gross!” And the wolf looks disappointed. heh It cracks me up every time I use it. I think your Tigger mug rocks. I heart Tigger so very much. He’s so bouncy.
June 11th, 2012 at 3:16 pm
1. I’m confused. Why doesn’t she just rinse out her mug BEFORE the uneaten oatmeal gets all hard and crusty like?
2. “That happened on a Monday, by the way. The day coffee gets all bitchy and ruinous about things.” – that cracked me up.
3. I LOVE that Tigger mug too.
meleah rebeccah´s last blog post ..Dear Muse,
June 11th, 2012 at 7:59 pm
Mine is a HUGE “Novelist Fuel” mug I got the first year I completed NaNoWriMo many moons ago.
Second favorite is one I got from the Rotary for speaking – perfect weight, shape and size and holds heat really well.
Third favorite is my Ze Frank The Show “thinking so you don’t have to” mug 🙂
Leslie Poston´s last blog post ..First Texting and Driving Manslaughter Case Hits Courts
June 11th, 2012 at 8:02 pm
At home I have a couple of different mugs that I use depending on what I’m drinking. I have separate mugs for tea and coffee. I dunno, I just have this mental connection with what needs to come out of a certain mug. I can’t drink coffee out of my tea mug and vice versa. I know, it’s weird. Whatever.
At work, I use the office mugs. I don’t keep a lot of personal things there because I like to be prepared for a quick getaway if the need arises. Hee! Hee!
lin´s last blog post ..New York, New York!
June 12th, 2012 at 2:07 am
I use my to go cups from the gas station. Since I replace them every day, and they hold about 3 times more then the ones I have at home, it’s just as easy.
That and the dog likes to knock over my coffee and the baby wants to get all grabby with everything, the lid is quite useful.
June 12th, 2012 at 4:33 am
Michelle — Wow! A chalkboard mug? That’s very cool. And holy cow, woman, you have a lot of favorite mugs. I love how each has their own purpose. So specific! And I love that you have a Tweety mug. I’m picturing a giant yellow Tweety head on it and that would make me happy to drink coffee from it. Thanks for sharing all your mugs!
Devon — I can’t use a tall mug because then it’s just asking to be tipped over. I dig your Italy mug. When in Rome, buy a Roman mug. You know, I love my wallet that I bought in Paris for like 125Euro. It pained me to pay that, but you know, every time I use it, it makes me happy. I suspect it’s the same with your mug.
meleah rebeccah — 1. Because she’s just like me. I used to do the same thing. A sink was too far away and by the time you get to it, crustations. 2. Hee. 3. You can’t have it.
Leslie Poston — Awesome. Does it help you write, because if it does, I need one of those. I had to google The Show with Ze Frank. You have such interesting mugs!
lin — I totally get having to have coffee or tea in a certain mug. That’s what mugs do. They get their own identity. “Quick getaway…” Hee.
SewDucky — I think I should start with lids on my mugs. I’ve thrice spilled coffee at work. All three times I got real lucky with where the spillage went. Didn’t get a drop on my computer equipment, but I just know there’s gonna be that ONE day where it doesn’t miss.
June 12th, 2012 at 10:28 am
Great article! I have a favorite mug that has been with me for over 25 years now…it’s a white mug with a caricature of Sigmund Freud on it. Why is it my favorite? Well, that and a matching Edgar Allen Poe mug were the first two purchases I ever made when I moved out of the house at age 17. The Edgar mug was broken when my sister washed it…but Sigmund has been with me longer than both of my marriages! So yeah, it’s I have a favorite mug!
D. Duplessis´s last blog post ..You. Yes You. You made a mistake, now suck it up and apologize!
June 12th, 2012 at 2:49 pm
Love this story! Reminded me of my last office meeting – something very funny happened, and one of the partners said, “You’re not going to blog about this, are you?”
I think the power of the pen (or keyboard in this case) assures you will be a “happy Kathy!”
June 12th, 2012 at 4:08 pm
I love my floral mug from Anthropologie. It’s old timely and oh so quaint. I also love my camera lens shaped mug with a lens cap cover that keeps my bevvies hot.
Mod Mom Beyond IndieDom´s last blog post ..The Summer’s First Great Adventure
June 13th, 2012 at 3:31 am
My mugs die young…I’m sloppy in the morning and then they go to the mug heaven…
June 15th, 2012 at 6:20 pm
I only just recently realized I have a favorite mug because I never had one in that shape before, but I love it. And coincidentally, it’s shaped like your light blue spilly one. And kind of big. Like 12 ounces, maybe 16. To me, an 8 ounce coffee mug requires too many trips back to the pot.
Margaret (Nanny Goats)´s last blog post ..How Do You Take Your Coffee?
June 15th, 2012 at 6:21 pm
Ha! I just realized the similarities in our blog posts this week.
Margaret (Nanny Goats)´s last blog post ..How Do You Take Your Coffee?
July 10th, 2012 at 8:20 am
You got the whole mug thing right. I like the ones that are perfectly cylindrical, no tapering or funky shapes. They have to be white inside so I can see the color of my tea/coffee. I’ve broken the handles off my favorites, so they are now pencil cups, but I have 4 Coca-Cola ones that just hang in there, and two others that were a gift that aren’t anything in particular except the right shape and color. Your blue one is a good color (outside)
sharkbytes´s last blog post ..Little Wood Satyr
August 27th, 2012 at 1:10 pm
Disney one is my favorite.And mugs with curve on the top are good.
@sharkbytes – Agree to have cup white from inside , so that color of tea/coffee should appear as it is.I have a big cup in my office.