So As Not To Squish a Cat
cats July 23rd, 2012This is what it’s come to:
This is a Post-It note, stuck to a blanket on our couch.
It’s there to warn descending buttocks that a cat is sleeping under it.
Our cat Lucky is one of the strangest cats I’ve owned. Since Day 1 of living in our house, he’s always slept under blankets.
Even when it’s hot in the house. I don’t understand how the boy can breathe under there.
This oddity, I will admit, is a bit annoying at times. Whenever he sees you lying down anywhere under a blanket, he must get under there too.
He’ll grab and stab at the blanket until someone lifts it and he can burrow slowly into his cocoon.
Most bothersome is when he does this after I’ve already burritto’d myself up to my neck in a perfect assembly of blankets. Then I have to partially unburrito myself and wait until he’s circled around and found the perfect spot on top of my legs.
Then you know you’re never getting up unless you move the sleeping blob, blankets and all.
Then if you want to get back under, good luck slipping your body back under the new assemblage, now with a cat in it.
A cat who won’t hesitate to let you know how annoyed he is that you’ve upset his 18th hour of beauty sleep today. Because, you know, it’s all about him.
What we do for our pets.
So, where do your weirdo pets like to sleep?

July 23rd, 2012 at 5:13 pm
My Mommeh is always trying to get Harley to sleep under the covers, but he’s an across-the-feet kind of guy!
Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog post ..Monday Funnies!
July 23rd, 2012 at 5:25 pm
Sadly I don’t have a picture of this, but mine climbs into my arms as I sit at the computer. I am then obligated to hold him to my chest like a big hairy baby with my left arm as I peruse the internet with my right. A couple of nights ago found him in the crook of my arm, on his back, his head lolling over my elbow, mouth open, and purring as he dozed off. I have a very strong left arm and shoulder as a result.
Impetua´s last blog post ..Joy and suffering
July 23rd, 2012 at 5:30 pm
Under the covers like your cat. Will even put her head on the pillow. She also likes under the bed too.
July 23rd, 2012 at 5:53 pm
Awwwwwwwwww! This makes me wish I had a cat to snuggle with under the covers. Although, I’m sure I’d get annoyed eventually.
meleah rebeccah´s last blog post ..So… This Happened
July 23rd, 2012 at 7:08 pm
Mine don’t sleep anywhere strange, but Oreo has an annoying habit when he gets bored at night. He scratches on my dresser mirror. It usually results in a quick ticket to the outdoors.
July 23rd, 2012 at 7:18 pm
“A cat who won’t hesitate to let you know how annoyed he is that you’ve upset his 18th hour of beauty sleep today. Because, you know, it’s all about him.”
Bwhahahahahahaha! Kathy, that is soooooooooo true!
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a photo of Lucky, but he looks almost identical to my previous cat, Jerry!
And what’s ironic is that he too loved to sleep under the covers with me when I would go to bed at night. I loved it during the winter, but OMG, in summer with the heat, I couldn’t stand it.
Ron´s last blog post ..Somewhere In Time
July 23rd, 2012 at 7:19 pm
I do liked to sleep with He and She’s comforter on the floor and I push and push so it maked a nice tight nest unner He and She’s bed and I getted all of me but my butt unner there in the comforter.
Kali´s last blog post ..Tricks!
July 23rd, 2012 at 7:42 pm
My cat would sleep on top of the covers on top of me. If I was on my back in bed she’d be on my chest. If I rolled over she would walk until I was flat on my stomach and then lay on my back.
blueyes´s last blog post ..Monday Quiz About Me #15
July 23rd, 2012 at 7:52 pm
Henry sleeps in his kennel most nights but sometimes, if I’m feeling guilty because I haven’t been able to spend much time with him, I let him sleep with me. He used to sleep on my head, but now he curls up next to me… after doing battle with the blankets by pawing at them with his hind legs. just like a bull before it charges. Silly dog!
Boom Boom Larew´s last blog post ..I Should Have Paid More
July 23rd, 2012 at 8:11 pm
Dixie, my Chihuahua princess, has to sleep under the covers with me. Mason, the cat, must sleep on top of the covers in case he senses a mouse he must then play with all freakin’ night long.
July 23rd, 2012 at 9:06 pm
“Burrito’d in” LOL! What a sweet kitty. I have pugs and it’s a common and strange pug thing to want to sleep on the top of the couch cushions so they can rest their little heads on our shoulders. They also like to sleep on our pillows at night – crescent shaped around our heads.
Mod Mom Beyond IndieDom´s last blog post ..The Real L Word: Dirty, Sexy Laundry
July 23rd, 2012 at 10:27 pm
My cats like to sleep on whatever papers I’m working on. They like basking in the hot ventilation from my computers. And they usually like sleeping on the patio table.
Marvin´s last blog post ..“Gun free zone” businesses should be held liable for failing to protect their customers
July 24th, 2012 at 12:35 am
When I first got my Chloe I discovered her infatuation with crawling under the covers. Unfortunately, since she was still “kittenesque” she also attacked anything that moved while under there. Let’s just say that breathing was not suggested.
Anyway, now that she is older, we have a ritual. She knows exactly when my habits have changed and I am on my way to bed for good. When that happens, she insists on crawling under the blankets and curling up. She only stays there a few minutes before exiting, but it is something that happens every night for us.
July 24th, 2012 at 1:38 am
Holly (cat) will sleep over or under a blanket on the couch. When I go to bed, Holly will follow me into my room, sit on the floor, and meow. I’ll call her to try to get her to jump on the bed, but she’ll just sit on the floor and cry. Finally, I’ll get up — and then she’ll jump on the bed and purr. She also likes to go under the covers on the bed, but just for a minute — I think she just wants reassurance that she can go there if she wants.
Thunder (also a cat) sleeps in all the normal cat places, but he’ll also sometimes burrow under the cushions on the back of the couch (not the cushions you sit on; the ones that are the part of the couch that support your back).
Laura´s last blog post ..Probably Not Covered Under Warranty
July 24th, 2012 at 2:47 am
In our house we always say ‘you know it’s cold when the cat gets into bed with you’
Beverley´s last blog post ..standing at the crossroads
July 24th, 2012 at 4:14 am
Daisy the Curly Cat — I bet because he’s a trouble maker and wants to trip your mommeh trying to get out of bed! I’m remembering the Glass of Wine Incident. Haaaaaarllllley!
Impetua — Awesome. This is so funny to picture. Also, this makes you Pet Owner of the Year in my book. That’s dedication and tolerance.
V — I never had a “head on pillow” cat. I wish I did. I would find that so adorable. Also, it would mean the cats could actually breathe. I really don’t understand how Lucky can sleep for hours being covered up like that. Or, maybe he is brain damaged.
meleah rebeccah — I wish you did too! For all my complaining, there really are few more wonderful feelings of contentment than having a warm kitty snuggle on your legs under a blanket. Ahhhhhhh!
Newbuffalomom — Ah, I see he has you trained well. Good mom! Good!
Ron — I love Jerry as a name for a cat! You know, I thought cats were supposed to sprawl out on a cook kitchen floor when they’re hot. I just will never understand them wanting to cover up all their fur with something heavy and constricting. Weirdos!
Kali — Love a good comforter nest! Except we always have to poke and prod to make sure we don’t actually sit on a cat. Not always a safe place to be.
blueyes — I allow a chest-lying cat now and then, but only if I haven’t just eaten. Entirely too difficult to breathe and digest at the same time!
Boom Boom Larew — I have never had a head-sleeping cat, but would love to wear one as a wig while i slept.
injaynesworld — I would be terrified of crushing a Chihuahua under blankets. What’s that? Like five ounces of dog?
Mad Mom Beyond IndieDom — Aw, that’s just adorable. I love when a cat rests a head on me, but it’s rare. You cannot move if they do or it’s all over. I’m surprised any cat (or dog for that matter) even allows their human to use their own pillows.
Marvin — Oh, yes. The papers. And the books. And anything we want to put our eyes on. Silly us. I remember always fighting my cats when I had all my college books and notes spread out on the kitchen table. Constant battle. Lucky used to love sleeping on top of the warm audio receiver in the living room until we bought another one that could be shoved under the entertainment system. You can’t believe the amount of hair we found in the old one when it broke. It’s no wonder WHY it broke!
Tonya — Har. Always funny to wonder how they breathe under “certain conditions,” let’s just say. I love Chloe’s little habit of crawling under the covers, if only for a moment. I adore our cats little rituals.
Laura — Holly sounds like our Shadow. Finicky about jumping up on the bed when called. She usually waits until one of us is all settled, then and only then will she come on up and get into position. Thunder is also like Shadow in that she has formed quite a large crater on the back of the couch, and the middle cushion will now never look like it once did. Totally smashed. It was a nice couch pre-cat.
Beverley — And we love having a built-in foot warmer!
July 24th, 2012 at 8:55 am
The Farm cats all sleep in the bed with the publicist and the male person. We goats are not allowed for some reason. Harumph!
Stinky sleeps pushed up against the publicist’s hip, Sherpa sleeps in between their feet, Harry sleeps next to Sherpa and Pumpkin sleeps next to the male person’s head. It’s a tight fit in that bed. Maybe I am glad I am not in it.
Pricilla – Famous SpokesGoat´s last blog post ..AbbyDay – I Can’t Maaaaa Now I’m Busy Eating
July 24th, 2012 at 7:02 pm
My Spunky Doodle likes sleeping under chair covers and both my cats like napping upstairs on hot summer days because it’s like a furnace up there–go figure.
Karen and Gerard´s last blog post ..Fantastic VBS Vacation Week
July 24th, 2012 at 8:08 pm
When I’m up there are usually at least 2 cats in a combination of on or next to me wherever I am. When I go to bed there is one cat that likes to sleep under the covers against my back which is kind of nice. And then there are 2 on top of the covers on the passenger side of the bed. The 4th? Sleeping in the bathroom lest anyone get the impression she is giving up her claim on it.
July 24th, 2012 at 10:11 pm
Aww, he’s so cute and looks like my Apollo. Both my cats curl up with me at night, one right next to my shoulders and the other at my feet. They’re so sweet…
July 25th, 2012 at 10:25 am
We had a cat that would slide under rugs to sleep. You had to be careful where you walked. Sukie takes herself upstairs to the spare bedroom. Somehow she manages to slide up and under the blankets and will sleep there for hours. We only know where she is by the small mound we see in the middle of the bed. I have no idea how she breaths.
Babs´s last blog post ..Naked in the high street!
July 26th, 2012 at 8:16 am
My cat, Cali, sleeps on the satellite box. She loves that it is always warm and has a slight vibration. She also loves that due to it’s position between 2 levels of the table, her “voluptuous” sister can’t get in there so it is all hers. From time to time we do have to move a droopy paw from in front so that the clicker will work.
July 26th, 2012 at 8:27 am
Sami will sleep under the covers with me, but it’s all nice and snuggly, not annoying. I’ll be laying on my side, and she’ll curl up next to my stomach, I’ll rest my hand on her, and she’ll purr, and we fall asleep together.
But that’s only when it’s cold. When it’s warm, sometimes she’ll sleep on my hip or my butt, and I’ll wake up with a hell of a backache.
Michelle´s last blog post .."Then you show me your world…"
July 26th, 2012 at 10:07 pm
Your cat is so cute. He really finds a comfy place to sleep. Haha! My cute puppy dachshund loves to sleep in my bed. So basically, she sleeps beside me at night but I make sure that she has a diaper before she jumps on my bed. 🙂
Marie´s last blog post ..Photography DVD tutorial
July 27th, 2012 at 6:47 am
Whew! I’m lucky, I guess–my kitties don’t like to sleep with us for some reason. Maybe it’s because Joe snores and is all wacky with his appendages when he sleeps. I have a wee little corner in which to rest. Sigh. We seriously need twin beds.
Anywho….when we dog-sit Sammy the Weiner Dog, he burrows like that. It drives me crazy. It’s okay on the couch with his own blankie, but when I’m sleeping…..blech. And then he gets all his doggie hair on my sheets. Ick.
You know it’s bad when you are leaving post-its so you don’t sit on the cat. 😉
lin´s last blog post ..Chillin’ Master
July 27th, 2012 at 8:16 pm
Hi Kathy,
I had a hamster who always wanted to sleep in my shoes, no kidding. So every time he got lost, I needed to go through all my shoes and I would find him.
Drake´s last blog post ..drake love quotes
July 28th, 2012 at 3:20 am
Pricilla — I do not understand why no goats are allowed in bed. I think you would enjoy lying in that giant pile of legs. I’m sure you would be quiet and would not disturb the publicist. Geesh. Remind them who’s really in charge here.
Karen — I don’t understand the heat thing. On cold winter days, maybe, but this summer time slumber under blankets makes no sense to me whatsoever. Weirdos!
BetteJo — Aw, yeah. I love the “kitty at your back” sleep position. Very warm and calming. Huh. You have a bathroom sleeper? That beats under the covers for weird. Congrats. The 4th wins the prize.
Kari — Lucky is pleased to know you think he’s cute. Love the name Apollo, by the way. I like cats curled up next to me, just not ON me.
Babs — See, it’s very hard to know what a “mound” is. Is it just a bunched-up blanket, or is it a living thing under there? Very dangerous. I bet they wouldn’t do it if they realized how much risk they were taking on!
Jennifer — Cali’s a smart cat! Lucky used to like to sleep on our audio system receiver for the same reason. Up high and warm. Except we’d always find hair and kitty litter in it or on it and I’m sure that’s why it broke.
Michelle — It’s unusual if one of our cats allows us to put an arm around them. They tend to not enjoy that, but it’s awesome if you can do it. I’m sure you put up with the backaches, because, you know. Cats rule.
Marie — OMG. You diaper your doggie? How adorable! And I imagine a puppy dachshund is about the size of a softball. Cute!
lin — Har. Or a kind bed! I know Wiener Dog makes you nuts. But a sleeping Wiener Dog is a happy wiener dog. And it’s that what’s important here?
Drake — Aw, so cute! I just hope you don’t find other things in your shoes if you know what I mean.
July 28th, 2012 at 2:35 pm
Ah- mine likes to burrow when I make up the bed with clean sheets. Then when I am done- out she comes. She’s weird.
Terri B´s last blog post ..Hummers & Martins & One Flippin’ Kitty
July 29th, 2012 at 9:52 pm
That is so funny! I used to have a cat that was on TOP of the blankets, and in the middle of the night, would attack your feet if you moved them. With CLAWS!
My big stupid dog hogs my whole bed… along with my daughter. I use a tiny corner on the edge. The things you do for those you love!
Katherine´s last blog post ..Summer Beauty
July 31st, 2012 at 9:46 pm
I have three cats, and all of them have this peculiar habit of annoying the shit out of me.
J. Bear Savo´s last blog post ..A Tail of the Bacon Tin
August 2nd, 2012 at 8:21 pm
Our pets may be quite annoying as hell but just like what you said, what we’d do for our pets. Whenever my dog sneaks into my room and pushes me to the edge of my bed, still, I’m glad that it’s looking up to me like I’m his mommy.
Jennifer´s last blog post ..ZERONA
August 4th, 2012 at 7:37 am
With me anytime and all the time…whether it is on couch or in the bed, under the covers. I mostly love this, though sometimes it does get annoying.
Samaira Jonathon´s last blog post ..Hostmonster Discount
August 4th, 2012 at 2:22 pm
I once found (and by found I mean “stepped on”) Angel Kitty snuggled happily under a blanket in the hallway. So, I sympathize with the post-it note business. I might have done the same had I known she was lurking there.
Kim´s last blog post ..Getting Back At A Shitty Boss
August 6th, 2012 at 6:42 pm
Yes, Maggie my dog insists on being under a blanket. She sleeps under the covers with us.
sharkbytes´s last blog post ..NCTA Conference 2012
August 6th, 2012 at 8:03 pm
When I saw that Post-It note, I thought it meant something else. Like, whoever sits there is lucky, for some reason. You could have made this a What’s That Wednesday and made us guess. 🙂
Margaret (Nanny Goats)´s last blog post ..A Blogger Slumber Party with Wine, Cheese and Foreigners