I Don’t Have the Remotest Idea
Stupid things I do, tech support September 30th, 2012You know how I’m always doing monumentally stupid things?
Well, pull up a chair and let’s talk about last weekend.
One of my TV remote controls has a label stuck to the back of it. The label gradually began peeling away and left glue behind that stuck to my fingers as I channel surfed.
Of course, this annoyance had to be solved immediately and without forethought.
For the record, we have a second remote that did the same thing, one where I successfully removed the sticky residue by scrubbing it with a damp SOS pad. All smooth. No glue. Life was happy.
But for this remote, and for reasons unknown, I decided to scrub it directly under a stream of water. Water seeped into the bowels of the remote, which of course rendered it useless.
I cursed my stupidity, removed the batteries and pointed a hair dryer at it for five minutes. This didn’t help, so I gave up and set it on a windowsill to let a breeze run over it all night.
Twenty four hours later, I picked it up and noticed that pressing some buttons illuminated them and I thought “Eureka! It’s dry!”
Pointing it at the TV and pressing buttons resulted in nothing. It was still working in a broken kind of way.
It occurred to me that since I’d given my remote a bubble bath, I might need to reprogram it to work again with my DVR and TV.
Enter “Remote Control Manual for Synergy V.” Now just go look at that thing. It’s like 40 pages long and I was already tired and ready for bed.
But I had a manual and a mission and so I set out to fix this bastard.
According to the Manual from Hell, you have to enter certain codes for your model of DVR and TV. They give you several possible codes and if one doesn’t work, you try another until you get a match.
Within minutes, I successfully reprogrammed the DVR, the TV and the audio, which meant I could channel surf again.
However, I still couldn’t call up the list of recorded shows. I also couldn’t record anything new.
And so I did what stupid people do and go all Angry Birds on the buttons, press something really wrong and now we have no joy on the TV.
Only a message that reads “No Signal.”
Son. Of. A. Bitch.
I was so close, yet in a moment of keypad frenzy, I ruined all the progress I’d made.
And so I was left with the option no one wants. Ever.
I was going to have to call RCN cable tech support.
I dial, make my way through a maze of options and then hear something that makes me cry.
“All of our operators are busy. Your approximate wait is 20 minutes.”
I listen to horrible little RCN jingles and advertisements for services I don’t want for what feels like an eternity.
Eventually a nice man gets on the line and I tell him how dumb I was by cleaning an electronic device with actual liquid and would he kindly save me from myself.
Our goal was to get a signal to the TV and he sends reset instructions to my DVR, but this does nothing because the problem isn’t with the DVR.
It’s with the TV itself.
He has me walk over to the TV and look for a menu with Input on it somewhere. I start pressing buttons haphazardly and he asks me to slow down and tell him what’s going on.
I work in tech support and I’m surprised at how spastic and uncooperative I’ve become. Chillax, Kathy!
And so I slow down.
I press Menu and see Input listed as an option. But there’s no “Set” or “Enter” button that lets me lock anything in.
Tech Guy doesn’t know what to tell me because he can’t see what I’m seeing and I just know I’m explaining things to him like a three-year-old.
Button not go isn’t work what the can’t set help me waaaaahhhh!
Meanwhile, my husband is calling me from my cell phone and keeps beeping into the call. There’s no way I’m answering it.
I’m not about to risk a hang-up on Tech Support Guy, who is right now the most important man in my life.
I email my sister and tell her to call Dave and ask that he stop calling me, as I’m in tech support hell.
She writes back and says she couldn’t reach him and left a message.
I email her again. He’s not going to listen to voice mail! It’s my phone! Call him again until you reach him!!! He keeps beeping in!!!
Tech Support Guy is still mystified why I’m getting no signal on the TV, but I’m happy now that the incessant Dave beeping has finally stopped.
I return to the set and start pressing buttons again, but this time I realize that if I choose HDMI-1 and wait a beat, then it sets to that option.
A football game appears on the screen. Yippee!
I run through all the resets again on the remote, codes galore, but then I surf and realize I have no HD channels.
I report this new misery to Tech Guy and he sends another reset to the DVR. At once, all my pre-recorded shows display, I can record new shows again and all the HD channels are back.
We share some laughs and I thank him profusely. I ask him if he’s close by and if he is, I’d like to come over and give him a hug. He is duly creeped out.
As we prepare to end the call, I ask him if he could please fix something that bugs me in the Manual from Hell.
“What’s wrong with it?” he asks.
“Well, every place where there should be an “its” is spelled wrong. There’s an apostrophe where it doesn’t belong,” I report. “It’s full of wrong “its”!”
Dead. Silence.
“Hello?” I say.
“Uh. Yeah, well, um. The people from the remote control company wrote that manual, and they just gave it to us to post. We can’t fix it,” he replies.
I reluctantly accept the fate of the manual. I’m sad that it will remain forever incorrect, but then I count my blessings because I have a TV signal and all systems are go. Gotta pick your battles, right?
Tech Support Guy prepares to jettison me off this phone call so he can tell all his co-workers about this stupid woman who washed her remote control and who also happens to be a Grammar Nazi.
You just don’t get calls like that every day, and if you’re in tech support, nor do you want to.

September 30th, 2012 at 10:23 am
To de-stickify one’s remote under water is human…. to actually get to talk to a cable TV tech rep is divine.
Boom Boom Larew´s last blog post ..30 Days of Photographs III
September 30th, 2012 at 10:47 am
Kathy, I’m dying laughing at this ENTIRE post for several reasons.
One: I too get so annoyed when you take a label off of something and you’re left with that ‘sticky residue.’ OMG…it annoys me to no end because I have this tactile phobia about touching anything STICKY.
Second: I had the EXACT same frustration happen to me when I purchased a Universal remote and COULD NOT get the damn thing to program with DVD player. I finally got tech support on the phone from the remote company; only to find out that the Universal remote worked with every kind of DVD player except the one I had, because the DVD player I had purchased 3 years ago was a piece of SHIT.
Third: I just learned about it’s versus its. For years I was using them incorrectly – HA!
Fun post, girl!
Ron´s last blog post ..Photo Hodgepodge And Anal Retention
September 30th, 2012 at 11:41 am
Remote controls are hard! Once I stepped on it and made it do something wacky. I’m glad you got yours working again!
Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog post ..Just a Tee-Shirt?
September 30th, 2012 at 12:19 pm
This sounds like something we might do. That was sad how you almost had it fixed yourself and then goofed it all up again. Yea for tech people who actually do help! Being one yourself I would think you would have been more patient on the phone. That’s hilarious you told him about the incorrect spelling in the manual. I’m sure he was thrilled when that call ended!
Karen and Gerard´s last blog post ..5 Friday Fragments (celebs, sports, glasses, annoyances, organization
September 30th, 2012 at 12:56 pm
Glad you got all that straightened out! ‘Cause losing channel access like that is not remotely funny. Well, except when you tell about it. 🙂
Bohemiologist (aka Musingwoman)´s last blog post .."I dreamed a dream in time gone by"
September 30th, 2012 at 2:38 pm
I can’t get passed washing the remote under running water – You’ve been hanging out with my husband, haven’t you?
Grace´s last blog post ..The Kitty Litter Wars
September 30th, 2012 at 3:07 pm
Boom Boom — Indeed! Of course, not until after you’ve waited the requisite period of time when everyone else in the world is trying to fix a remote they gave a bath to. Oh wait, that’s just me. Never mind.
Ron — There’s that “two peas in a pod” thing again. I am obsessive about having clean hands. Even if they don’t feel dirty necessarily, if I’ve touched something questionable, I can’t let it go! I refuse to buy those damn universal remotes because I just know they’re not really universal, as your experience attests. I’m sorry for your remote hell. It’s really the worst thing, as far as first world problems go. I’m glad you got the its/it’s thing down now. I couldn’t be your friend otherwise.
Daisy the Curly Cat — YES THEY ARE! They are unnecessarily hard, I think. Maybe could Harley go to cable guy school and teach me how to work it right? I could see him wearing a uniform, cap and carrying a big ‘ol tool box. Oh, but wait. Sometimes he mixes things up. Maybe you better do it.
Karen — No, it wouldn’t be something you guys would do. Because, you know, you guys have brains in your heads. And yes, you would think I’d have a sense of how to be a user on the other end of the call, now wouldn’t you? But it proves that you lose your mind when something is wrong and it taught me to be real sympathetic to people with techy problems. It’s funny, I can solve most any computer problem, but TV stuff? No way, man. Different world.
Bohemiologist — Musing, it’s soooo good to see you here! Welcome back, I’ve missed you. And I’m glad you got a laugh out of my misery. I knew it would be good for something.
Grace — I can’t get past it either. Honestly, who does that? Has your husband also washed his ATM card through the laundry? Because I do that ALL. THE. TIME. Clearly I have a problem with washing things that shouldn’t touch water.
September 30th, 2012 at 3:09 pm
Hi Kathy !
OMG ! You are the bomb ! hahahaha !
If it’s not one thing, its something else with you.
I was happy for the remote that it began working again.
But oh boy about the TV.
I can code in plain text but today’s televisions are beyond me.
I rather go back to simpler times of YouTube.
Jaffer´s last blog post ..(Re)Subscribe to ManiaRavings.com by E-mail
September 30th, 2012 at 5:23 pm
You washed a remote under water? The easiest way to get sticky residue off is with cotton wool with a little petrol (lighter fuel) on it. We always keep a can of petrol in the house. As for remotes and TV’s are concerned, I’m hopeless with them now. Mo is in charge of those things. We have such a confusing set-up that Mo has just as she likes it, so I don’t touch them.
Babs´s last blog post ..Eating extra protein?
September 30th, 2012 at 6:53 pm
Goo Gone. Buy some for those sticky spots in your life.
Oh, I dread when I have to make those calls. You sit on hold FOR.EV.ER. and when you finally get someone, they think you are an idiot. Well, I am, but I just don’t need confirmation, thank you, very much.
At least you got it fixed. I sorta put a big giant crack in the display of a VCR once by whacking it with the remote. Yeah, I’ve got a short temper with electronics too.
lin´s last blog post ..Summer’s Last Stand
September 30th, 2012 at 7:16 pm
Sounds like par for the course with a tech call (I choose to ignore that you created the issue with a bonehead move), but I’ll try to remember not to give Mr. Pid a bath. (That’s Mr. Stu Pid- my “smart” phone.)
sharkbytes´s last blog post ..Kayaking the Pere Marquette
October 1st, 2012 at 8:44 am
Oh it’s okay. I often have my straightener cord resting IN the bathroom sink. What’s worse is that I majored in safety. I’ve seen too many people electrocuted in movies to be ignorant. Now that’s just asking for it!
Jessica´s last blog post ..My Interview With A 2-Year Old
October 1st, 2012 at 9:29 am
I am glad I am a goat. I don’t have to worry about these things. But I don’t like when I sit in my favorite spot and there is chicken poop. It is hard to remove.
Did you finally talk to Dave?
Pricilla – Famous SpokesGoat´s last blog post ..Nom, NOM, Nom, NOM NOM!
October 1st, 2012 at 10:29 am
Hilarious! and I am with you on the sticky bit. I can’t take it if anything is sticky! I keep Clorox sanitizing wipes at home, at work, just in case there is a gross sticky spot I have to touch.
I’m in IT too, and isn’t it funny how we turn into our worst tech support nightmare when it is OUR stuff that doesn’t work?
October 1st, 2012 at 1:31 pm
Oh my goodness Kathy, I cannot stop laughing! This is too friggen funny!
Also, kudos for at least trying to fix your remote issues alone, I never would have had the patience for that. I’m happy tech man was able to talk you through it and fix everything OTHER than the typos in the manual from hell!
meleahrebeccah´s last blog post ..30 Days Of Photography | Day 1: Shiny
October 1st, 2012 at 8:44 pm
Yeah, I’m in IT too but doesn’t mean I know how things get plugged in or how that remote sends signals to the various things it operates .. so I’m guessing I wouldn’t have gotten as far as you did. I would have been yelling down the stairs for my basement dwelling son to come rescue me. And actually – it sounds more like you fixed it yourself – you just needed the guy on the phone to listen to you work it out.
BetteJo´s last blog post ..Maxine Monday
October 2nd, 2012 at 4:28 am
Jaffer — “…its something else with you.” Don’t mess with me, pal. The settings on my TV remind me of monitor settings. I never know which button takes you through options or chooses new lists. What a pain!
Babs — OK, now go back and read the comment you left, Babs. Petrol. You said petrol. Now ask yourself “What could happen to Kathy if she gets her hands on petrol?” You don’t know me at all, do you?
lin — I’ve heard of Goo Gone, but I can’t believe I’ve never bought it. Thanks for the tip! I was lucky with the guy I got on the call. He’s totally in the right business, very calming. But i could have done without the wait because all you do when you have to wait is get madder and madder about your situation, right?
sharkbytes — Thank you for glossing over the stupid part. I did think of maybe dropping the remote in a jar of dry rice, they say that works. So keep that in mind for Mr. Pid if you should happen to, I don’t know, lose it in a toilet? You’d be surprised how many people do that.
Jessica — OMG! That’s very scary, but thanks for confirming that just because we know how to do our jobs doesn’t mean we have a brain in our heads for other things.
Pricilla — Chicken poop? Oh my. I’m counting my blessings. Yes, I called Dave when my tech call was over. He totally understood why I wasn’t answering. And he knew he’d greet a happier wife when he got home, since the call was successful.
shadowsrider — Along with the handy wipes, there were a hundred other ways I could have cleaned the remote. But nooooooo! I choose water!!!! And yeah, I was truly amazed at how emotional I got with my TV problem. You really do lose your mind when something you must have working doesn’t work! Me thinks I’ll be a little more sympathetic now with my own clients.
meleah rebeccah — Thanks, my dear. The typos still bother me, btw. I can’t go back there. Gave me convulsions.
BetteJo — Aw, I wish I had a basement dwelling son. I really didn’t want to deal with it, but I was my only chance! And yeah, I just realized I was the one who fixed the TV, not the guy on the phone. But I still needed him to get all my recorded programs back and all my HD channels. I would have been lost without them. Thank you, nice RCN guy!
October 3rd, 2012 at 6:18 pm
Quite funny. I’m wondering, how DOES a woman who can fix complex computer problems find herself in these messes? Just make sure that if you go to clean your toaster the same way, it’s unplugged first. 😉
Melissa´s last blog post ..A Friend to Friend Inaugural Writing Contest
October 3rd, 2012 at 9:56 pm
Yea so get this…. I spent 30 minutes trying to program my 10 dollar walmart remote control because the type was so small in the instructions I couldn’t SEE the damn numbers! ACK!
Katherine´s last blog post ..Above My Head
October 4th, 2012 at 7:29 am
Wish I had thought of the hair dryer when I dumped a scalding hot cup of tea all over my lap, the TV remote and the couch. Missed my laptop by inches – and I would be lost without a computer.
I generally make Matt call tech support for me as he has more patience and is less likely to use bad words in casual conversation.
Kim´s last blog post ..Attack of the Woolly Bears
October 26th, 2012 at 3:06 pm
That’s a hilarious story. You remind me of my mom. 🙂
Taylor´s last blog post ..Orange County real estate
December 23rd, 2012 at 11:26 am
Once even I had a similar situation. I dropped piping hot milk all over my laptop keyboard. I was scared that it would get spoilt. But then I had wave of thought. I used the cleaning sponge to absorb all the milk from the keyboard and then with the help of a tooth brush I cleaned it with water. Then it worked fine. So I think sometimes we should only try simple methods at home.