Call me Karth for Short
Bizarre, Travel November 6th, 2012Hey, peeps! I know. It’s been forever since I’ve written.
One of my excuses is that I’m on vacation this week in beautiful Savannah, Georgia.
I’ve already shared this on Facebook, but it’s too good to not also share here.
This is the sign that our driver held up at the airport when we landed. I really don’t understand how spell-check didn’t pick up the myriad mistakes, or how anyone who has eyeballs in their head wouldn’t catch any of it.
My friend Jeff Lee is worried that perhaps the driver meant to do this and she really was looking for a Karthleen Ffrederck and Karthleen is still back at the airport waiting for her ride. Hee.

November 6th, 2012 at 5:25 pm
I’m so happy you’re on vacation, Kathy! Have a blast. And that sign is flippen hilarious!
meleahrebeccah´s last blog post ..NaBloPoMo | Day 6: Hurricane Sandy – Part Six
November 6th, 2012 at 6:23 pm
I fear Harley may have prepared that sign for you…
Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog post ..Harley Screams for Ice Creams
November 6th, 2012 at 6:43 pm
If you haven’t already, visit
All will be explained. 🙂
November 6th, 2012 at 8:55 pm
Hahaha! I like Daisy’s comment!! (Still giggling…)
The funny thing is that you answered that sign.
lin´s last blog post ..I’ll be flying a surrender flag
November 7th, 2012 at 10:11 am
The publicist says that people just don’t care any longer
Pricilla – Famous SpokesGoat´s last blog post ..Wordless Wednesday – Adventure Goat
November 7th, 2012 at 10:33 am
You’ve got to admit Karthleen is pretty close but Ffrederck is a little trickier. In South Georgia a surname that begins with three consonants is pronounced by using the last two letters of the name at the front.Thus the name is pronounced Ckffreder. Easy isn’t it? You’ve got to remember; do not use up all your vowels before you get all your syllabic consonants spit out.
Ben Swilley´s last blog post ..Athens – Outlet Malls And Loud Music
November 8th, 2012 at 2:29 pm
Did you bring it to the person’s attention, or were you too scared to after the awkward phone conversation with the remote guy?
Audra´s last blog post ..People Make Me Hungry
November 10th, 2012 at 11:22 am
I work for one of the largest global companies in the world and a simple search of “Karth” in our online directory brought up over 700 entries, including Karthik, Karthiga, Kartheek and yes, even a few Karthleens… so yeah… it probably was for someone else.
November 10th, 2012 at 9:31 pm
These things happen to me when I type! Maybe the creator of that sign was trying to type with hooves.
MO Smiley´s last blog post ..Caught Napping…Continued
November 11th, 2012 at 5:43 am
meleah rebeccah — Vacation was awesome! Got home last night. We’re still laughing about the sign. We brought it home and I’m sure we’ll stumble upon it now and then and laugh all over again.
Daisy the Curly Cat — Har. I just pictured Harley typing it out on the computer and being all proud of himself for getting it in the neighborhood of being correct. Hee.
newbuffalowmom — That would have made an awesome cake wreck. I’ll just have to settle for awesome sign wreck.
lin — In my travel stupor, I didn’t even notice it was wrong. I guess when you’re exhausted, “close enough” is “good enough.” This was right after the 4th flight in 36 hours.
Pricilla — The publicist is right!
Ben Swilley — I didn’t know the South had so many rules. Hee. And so many rules that were made up by a drunk person.
Audra — OMG. So funny! You remembered my remote guy conversation! No, I didn’t mention it because I didn’t even know it was wrong when I first saw it. It’s like the brain just “gets it.” I was so tired from traveling so much just prior, my husband had to point out the errors to me when we got in the car.
Jeff — It’s too bad the real Karthleen never got her ride. I hope she got a cab and a refund for me stealing her transport. OMG, Jeff. So funny.
MO Smiley — Just about!