It’s Worth Putting on Pants for Donuts
food November 24th, 2012Tonight I found myself comfortably welded to the couch, surrounded by all my creature comforts: remote controls, laptop, blankies and two cats, when an overwhelming desire for donuts washed over me.
I had a gift card for Dunkin’ Donuts and they have a drive-thru. I haven’t showered in two days, I wouldn’t have to be seen by humans for very long and all I had to do was put on pants.
But I still asked myself whether I had the energy to go. Was it worth detaching myself from the couch, putting on pants, and going out in the cold?
Whenever I have a pressing question, I go to Facebook and ask all my friends what I should do.
The consensus was that, yes, I should go upstairs and put on pants and drive a short distance to Dunkin’ Donuts and partake in a donut feast.
One friend said the closest one to her was two hours away; in fact, Cuba was closer, and I should go on behalf of all the people in the world who don’t have a Dunkin’ Donuts within a 10 minute drive.
And so I went. For humanity.
Now, I had some fears about ordering donuts at the drive-thru. Normally, when you order a dozen donuts, one requests a mixture of flavors and one is typically standing inside at the counter, pointing at them so the cashier knows what you want.
In my case, because I’m not actually near the donuts, and also because I didn’t want to get into a screaming match over the intercom selecting some crazy mixture of donuts, I decided I would keep it simple and order this:
Half dozen Boston Cream.
Half dozen Glazed.
But no.
Immediately I’m told that they only have three glazed. OK, no problem. I order the three glazed, plus three powdered, plus the six Boston Cream.
I pull around to the pick-up window, where I am told they were wrong about the powdered. They have none of those.
I am speechless because I don’t know how to describe any of the other pretty little donuts they have inside that I can’t see.
I put my palm to forehead and think, think, think.
The cashier says “Ma’am, are you OK?”
I can’t look this guy in the eyes because I’m so embarrassed that he thinks I think this is the worst thing that could ever happen to a person, but that’s not what I’m thinking.
I’m thinking that I’m sitting at a donut place, a place that makes almost nothing but donuts, and they have hardly any donuts in a donut place that sells donuts.
Wait a minute – maybe this is the worst thing that could happen to a person.
“I don’t know what to order now,” I sigh.
“Well, what else do you like?” he asks.
I tell him “How about those glazed ones with the chocolate icing on them?”
He reports that they have some and I hear him shout to the back “Three iced chocolate glazed!”
I wait an eternity for my donuts to be handed to me.
When they are, the cashier says “Ma’am, I hope you like your donuts.”
Again, I can’t look this guy in the face because I’m kind of mortified that he is sure I’m going to pull away with my not-what-I-really-came-for donuts and cry my eyes out.
I fled.
I got home.
And I ate three of these immediately.
And I wondered where the iced chocolate glazed ones were. Didn’t I specify iced chocolate glazed?
Oh, hell. Does it really matter?
No, it does not.
I am full of donuts and life is good. All for the price of putting pants on.
For the win!

November 24th, 2012 at 6:19 pm
The only thing I will ever miss about Filthadelphia is Frangelli’s Bakery – home of the most fabulous donuts ever created since the beginning of time. While there was a time when I might consider putting on pants for Dunkin’ Donuts – that time has passed. I shall never eat another donut again. (Unless we are passing Krispy Kreme and they have the “hot” sign on and then I will have 2 – just 2 – glazed, thank you very much)
November 24th, 2012 at 7:21 pm
I feel I need to buy some iced chocolate glazed donuts now to complete the cycle…or something.
November 24th, 2012 at 9:14 pm
In my humble donut opinion, you actually really made out better getting the chocolate donuts and not the chocolate iced ones. I mean…it’s an all chocolate donut. Not just the icing, but the whole donut. The donut god was with you today.
Tina´s last blog post ..Why I Voted for President Barack Obama
November 24th, 2012 at 9:22 pm
I think those 3 brown ones are the iced chocolate glazed ones. But they’re really just glazed chocolate, not “iced” glazed chocolate. He didn’t want you holding up the line anymore so he just threw some brown glazed ones in and figured you wouldn’t know the difference.
I think.
November 25th, 2012 at 10:04 am
Too bad they don’t deliver! My Mommeh loves those Boston Cream ones, too.
Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog post ..Day After Thanksgiving Blues
November 25th, 2012 at 1:19 pm
Those Boston Creme ones are my favorite too. I hope you learned an important lesson here–do not use the drive through, go in and pick your your donuts! That’s really funny you left all those comforts to get them and ate three at once! Now that’s a craving!
Karen and Gerard´s last blog post ..Four Friday Fragments (Food, Teaching, Thanksgiving, Pain)
November 25th, 2012 at 3:13 pm
Those chocolate ones they gave you instead of the ones you wanted are my favorite.
Laura´s last blog post ..Who is Astrid Volpert? And Other Questions for the Butterball Turkey Hotline
November 25th, 2012 at 3:40 pm
Hi, all. Just wanted you to know I was planning on coming back here to say the donuts didn’t look as good in the light of day. And that I’d come to my senses and thrown the rest away. But then they started looking better to me, even though they were a bit stale this morning. But that’s nothing that 10 seconds in the microwave can’t fix. And that’s why now there are only two left and my stomach doesn’t feel so good.
Grace — My favorite bakery closed up here about 10 years ago and I’ve never forgiven them. Best donuts ever. I have had a hot Krispy Kreme once in my life and it was divine.
Musingwoman — I understand. Please do and you can blame me for the calories.
Tina — You’re right and they were good. But they’re not as “glazy” (is that a word?) as the regular glazed. But it has chocolate in its favor, so it all comes out in the wash.
Jeff — Har. Probably. I did hear them laughing in the back, but I told myself they weren’t laughing at ME, just so I could get out of there with some level of dignity.
Daisy the Curly Cat — I know, right? Why does pizza get to be delivered? I’d spend more on donuts delivered to me than pizza. It would be a great business. And they should call it “Donuts to Door.” At the very least, there should be a donut truck that comes down the street like the ice cream man, except he’ll come every day of the year, even in the snow. p.s. I know you wouldn’t put on pants to go get donuts for your mommeh because you do not like to wear pants. That’s OK. Not everyone likes pants.
Karen — Aren’t they the best? It’s like you get twice the goodness for the price because it’s loaded with cream! You should have seen me, though. No going inside for me last night. I looked a fright. I didn’t even check my face or hair or anything before I hopped in the car. That guy at the window is probably blogging about me right now.
Laura — They were delicious, just so you know.
November 25th, 2012 at 5:05 pm
Ya know, Kathy, you could have just worn your pajamas to DD – especially sine it was a Drive Thru!
Boston Cream = my absolute favorite doughnuts.
“I’m thinking that I’m sitting at a donut place, a place that makes almost nothing but donuts, and they have hardly any donuts in a donut place that sells donuts.”
Ahahahhahah! Right? What’s up with that?
meleahrebeccah´s last blog post ..NaBloPoMo | Day 25: Thanksgiving 2012 – The Movie Edition
November 25th, 2012 at 7:01 pm
Oh, my husband’s new account at work is the bakery that makes all the donuts for Dunkin Donuts. He went there the other day and came home with some really good ones–some I don’t ever remember seeing in the stores. While I’m not a big donut gal, I will admit to snarfin’ one down right then and there–no napkin or nuthin!
lin´s last blog post ..Post Thanksgiving Post
November 25th, 2012 at 7:23 pm
I never wear pants when I go through a drive-thru, and I make sure everyone knows about it. Then I get whatever I want, and fast.
Greg Mischio (@AltertheCourse)´s last blog post ..Forget Sanctions – Send My Son to Iran
November 25th, 2012 at 9:17 pm
Well, if you drove a pickup truck you wouldn’t even have to put on pants since you’d be higher than eye level. Just thinking.
Mrs. Tuna´s last blog post ..The Poisoned Pen
November 26th, 2012 at 11:46 am
I never imagined you could buy a gift card for donuts. You mean people will actually give other people a gift card that enables the recipient in further clogging those lard compacted arteries? Do you buy these cards for people you don’t really like? My God, Kathy. Save yourself. Do not give in to gifts from charlatans!
Ben Swilley´s last blog post ..Dubious Health Tips #4 – Arthritis – Something that Might Really Work
November 26th, 2012 at 5:05 pm
I am aloof from this problem. I don’t like donuts. However… other things… pizza, ice cream, chocolate.
sharkbytes´s last blog post ..First Skiing and ???
November 27th, 2012 at 3:23 pm
Boston Cream are my favorite, even though they have the word “Boston” in the name and I hate most everything about Boston. Well, not entirely true, but the Red Sox and Patriots are on the list. I do like Boston Clam Chow . . . wait, that’s NEW ENGLAND Clam Chowder, so we’re cool on that one.
And now I want donuts. Damn you, Kathy.
Chris@Knucklehead!´s last blog post ..A Change of Pace
November 30th, 2012 at 11:05 am
Kathy, the whole time I was reading this I kept thinking, I would have reacted the same as you!
“I’m thinking that I’m sitting at a donut place, a place that makes almost nothing but donuts, and they have hardly any donuts in a donut place that sells donuts.
Wait a minute – maybe this is the worst thing that could happen to a person.”
THANK YOU! I mean come on, a donut place that doesn’t have hardly any donuts???
When I used to have a car, I never liked ordering through a drive-thru because they ALWAYS get the order wrong. But you don’t notice it until you drive away and get home.
Btw, I LOVE Boston Cream!
Ron´s last blog post ..Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
December 6th, 2012 at 4:44 pm
And now I want a Boston Cream Krispy Creme donut – NO! I want a dozen of them. Only there aren’t any nearby Krispy Cremes – dang it! Also? I’m totally with Ron on this one, I mean really, a donut shop with no donuts? I would have ordered “other” things just to mess with them: “Yeah, I’ll have a dozen cheeseburgers then, or are you out of those, too?!”
Margaret´s last blog post ..Broadway, Here I Come
December 13th, 2012 at 9:52 am
I’ve had a Krispy Kreme free dozen doughnuts coupon forever but I’m scared to go there because they always make comments about which doughnuts I am buying.
I guess it’s trying to be nice and all, but I just want to get my doughnuts in peace and get the hell out of there, not discuss my preference for sweets.
But thanks, now I’m craving a doughnut. ::trying to diet::
Cashier´s last blog post ..Doughnut Be Stupid
December 17th, 2012 at 12:11 pm
Now I want a donut :). I don’t know that I want one enough to put on pants.
Small Town Mommy´s last blog post ..Sadness in the Small Town
January 20th, 2013 at 6:04 pm
donuts. Great, now I have to go and put my pants on.
melissa´s last blog post ..Easy Recipes for Dinner by: Chris Grimbilas