Life is Like Movie Props. You Never Know What You’re Gonna Get
Stupid things I do, Travel November 8th, 2012Many of you know I’m in Savannah, Georgia this week. Havin’ a great time, but I just know I’ve gained 12 pounds or so. Not sure I’ll fit into any of the clothes I brought with me for the flight home. I might have to fly there naked.
Yes, I would feel awkward, but that’s not all together different than I felt flying here, as I was the recipient of a very personal pat down at my local airport after failing to get through a metal detector because I stupidly wore clothing with metal built into it.
You don’t want a pat down at the airport. In front of people. By someone wearing latex gloves. Who’s not afraid to put hands where you generally don’t want hands to be in an airport in front of people.
Anyway, today’s agenda included a visit to two sites featured in the movie Forrest Gump. One of them was the building where they filmed the opening scene (from its rooftop), where the feather floated through the air and landed at Tom Hanks’ sneaker while he sat on a bus stop bench.
The other site I wanted to see was where the bench was located. Both were in or near Chippewa Square.
I knew from earlier research that the bench was built specifically for the movie, constructed of fiberglass, and relocated afterward to the Savannah History Museum.
But what I wanted to see was the exact spot where the bench sat for the filming.
Could I find it on my own? No.
Was there a marker for it? No.
Savannah, get on that, OK?
But, curiously, there was a tour group of people standing around this thing. Taking pictures of it, with a tour guide talking at length about it out of earshot.
Every person standing around it took a picture from the top down. It had to be something. Surely, you wouldn’t take a picture of something so boring as a concrete post unless there was some history behind it, right?
When the crowd cleared, I ran over and yelled to Dave “It must be something! It has to be it! It’s an important marker!”
“I think it’s just a post,” replied Dave.
“But everyone took pictures of it! I have to take a picture of it! I’ll find out later what it is,” I insisted.
Did I ever find out what it was? No.
Did I ever find out where the bench did sit for the movie? Yes. I asked a pedicab driver where it was, but was too embarrassed to also ask if there was significance to the post.
You know, because I didn’t want him to tell me I was as dumb as one.
For the record, here’s where the bench sat.
And for you trivia buffs, they had to reverse traffic around the square for the movie. Normally it runs counter clockwise, but they needed the bus door to open at the sidewalk. This meant forcing traffic clockwise for the duration of filming.
If anyone knows what that concrete post signifies, there’s a reward in it for you if you tell me.

November 8th, 2012 at 8:22 pm
First, don’t you just love the security agenda at the airport? When I flew to Florida in July, it had been years since I had flown, so I couldn’t believe what it entailed. I practically had to take all my clothes off, just get through the basic scanning process. But I will say, it was much easier at the Philadelphia Airport than it was at West Palm Beach. The security people there were like the gestapo!
Love the photo and trivia you shared about the bench in Forrest Gump! How cool is that?
And as far as the “post” goes, do you think it might have been part of the actual “bench” they used in the movie, Forrest Gump?
Glad to hear you’re having a great time in Savannah, girl! Safe journey home!
Ron´s last blog post ..Kidnapkining
November 9th, 2012 at 6:16 am
Is that thing a concrete survey marker? If so, it is (ironically) called a “Benchmark”!
Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog post ..Scarf ‘n Hat Set
November 9th, 2012 at 10:29 am
You have options. If the post is on the north side of the square it’s probably the spot where Forrest Gump’s bench was located. However, It is most likely the place where the University of Georgia mascot Uga relieves himself. Sonny Seiler is a Savannah attorney who provides the bulldogs for UGA. He lives in that area. I’m sure Uga visits Chippewa Square frequently. By the way, Sonny Siler was the judge in the movie, “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.” In real life, Seiler was the attorney who defended Jim Williams. Forrest Gump’s dog visited that same post many times. That was clipped from the film, so you never got to see him in action. Your best bet is you saw a group of people showing their appreciation for the city’s Park and Tree Department which recently did a makeover of Chippewa Square and won the Outstanding Community Grand Award from the Georgia Urban Forestry Council. This just happened in the last week or ten days. Personally, I like the Uga option. See the Johnny Mercer House AKA the Mercer-Williams house.
Ben Swilley´s last blog post ..Athens – Outlet Malls And Loud Music
November 9th, 2012 at 10:53 am
So much trivia in your comments today. I have nothing to offer. I am a goat of the mountains, not the coast
Pricilla – Famous SpokesGoat´s last blog post ..Farm Cat Friday – The Farm Cats Work for Their Treats
November 9th, 2012 at 2:52 pm
I have a post just like that at the edge of my yard and even researched to see if I live on an old cemetery(the ground is mighty soft). I ended up being told that it’s a highway marker or something. You should have pretended to be part of the tour group and gotten the desperately needed information. Maybe someone from the group reads your blog. We can only hope.
Audra´s last blog post ..Facing Fear?
November 9th, 2012 at 2:59 pm
I’ve reached the point where I don’t care if people think I look stupid – it’s way more important that I know what that damn post is for.
Margaret´s last blog post ..I Voted: A Polling Station Review
November 10th, 2012 at 8:40 am
What do you mean Margaret? Sometimes I like to speak on such topics by myself! May be thet’s why I think thet this post is great)
Cindy Redmond´s last blog post ..1 carat diamond engagement rings
November 10th, 2012 at 11:27 am
Crap. Now I want to know what the post is for!
lin´s last blog post ..Karma is a Mean Mutha
November 10th, 2012 at 3:06 pm
Oh Kathy, you make me laugh.
And I definitely do NOT one of those airport pat-downs. No thank you.
I can’t imagine why everyone was taking pictures of that concrete post. But please update us if you ever find out!
meleahrebeccah´s last blog post ..NaBloPoMo | Day 10: Hurricane Sandy – The Conclusion
November 11th, 2012 at 6:33 am
Ron — Yeah, and every place is different. The airport where I got patted down had just a “walk thru” scanner, but Atlanta had one of those cool “phone booth” thingies where they do a 360 scan (with your arms raised in the air). But apparently, neither is good enough because I still got touchy feely afterward. I’m convinced the post marks something of historical significance, but what, I’ll never know. It’ll be a life-long mystery, I’m sure.
Daisy the Curly Cat — Funny! Maybe it marks the absolute center of Savannah or something, but usually those things have a plaque on them. I just can’t figure out why this one had no writing or markings on it. Why was everyone taking pictures! ARGGGHHH!!
Ben Swilley — I’m going with the UGA option as well. Incidentally, I read about the parks department making improvements to the squares all around town. Someone interviewed (who lives near the Gump bench location) said it would have been nice to mark the location because she’s tired of people walking up her house steps, knocking on the door and asking “Where’s the Gump bench?” I laughed at that because I just might have been one of them if the pedicab guy hadn’t told me where it was!
Pricilla — I love you, Pricilla. You so funny.
Audra — I don’t get it because it was set back in the park about 20 feet, so it couldn’t be any sort of traffic marker. Yes, I should have walked right up to the group and mingled, but for some reason, I felt funny doing that. I wanted to get close enough to hear what the guide was saying, but then the group broke up and moved along. Wasted opportunity!
Margaret — I know. I need to get to that point. What’s taking me so long?
Cindy Redmond — Har.
Lin — Sorry. I failed everybody.
Meleah Rebeccah — I will update everyone if I ever find out. I might email the Savannah Historical Society. If they’re putting the spot on a tour, they HAVE to know what it is!
November 11th, 2012 at 6:26 pm
The post! Must be a buried railroad there, about two feet down and the post is all that can be seen of an old mile marker. Planet of the Apes?
sharkbytes´s last blog post ..Spirit of the Woods Hike
November 14th, 2012 at 12:46 pm
The chances that the post is nothing of interest are pretty high. If you’re even seen the “protesting about nothing” research, groups can get people to do MUCH more absurd things than taking pictures of a post.
W at Off-Road Finance´s last blog post ..Choosing The Right Broker
November 20th, 2012 at 11:51 am
Welcome to Savannah, Georgia, where everyhing is an attraction! Posts, doorknobs, bird houses, and mostly, crowds of tourists surround ordinary objects like concrete posts hoping it is an historical artifact or the remains of something remarkable, like a movie prop.
Michael J. Kannengieser´s last blog post ..New Novel, The Daddy Rock, by Michael J. Kannengieser