Beware the Flying Coffee
Stupid things I do December 24th, 2012I’m on a roll. Apparently this is the week where I throw food and drink at people.
So today I went to visit my Mom at her nursing home. When I go, I always bring coffee for both of us.
When I parked and got out of my car, I saw a shiny new penny lying on the ground and grabbed it.
You know the saying?
See a penny, pick it up. And then all day you’ll have good luck!
No, not you, Kathy. Just put it back where you found it. Good luck pennies are only for other people.
Because when I prepared my mom’s coffee with creamer and put the lid back on, I bumped the table the coffee was sitting on into her bed and the cup went flying, end over end, and coffee spurted out the drink hole like Old Faithful.
With her still in it.
I didn’t stop apologizing for an hour, even though my mother said “That’s OK. It’s my fault. If I’d gotten out of bed earlier, this never would have happened.”
Oh, Mom. Stop making excuses for your numbskull klutz of a daughter.
Of course, you could make an argument that the penny did actually bring me good luck.
The lid stayed on securely and ohmyGod, thank you McDonalds for making tight-fitting lids because a half-soaked mom is better than a full-soaked one, if you’re keeping score.
I fear Christmas dinner tomorrow. There will be a whole table full of things I can dump in people’s laps, catapult into their faces and all manner of silverware that I can accidentally stab them with.
If all anyone at dinner wants for Christmas is their two front teeth, I’m not sure they’ll be leaving with them.

December 24th, 2012 at 8:55 pm
.. was the coffee hot? Can your mom sue McDonalds? 🙂
Merry Christmas!
December 24th, 2012 at 10:22 pm
Some numskull a few houses down decided to glue some coins onto his driveway. A quarter, some nickels, a dime, some pennies. And of course I didn’t KNOW that so I bent down to pick up a quarter and when it didn’t budge, I went for the dime. EVENTUALLY I figured it out and I’m sure the owners of the home were filming the various people who stopped to do the same thing.
I did manage to get a penny though. I WAS NOT LEAVING WITHOUT A COIN. I can send it to you if you want.
December 25th, 2012 at 11:03 am
Don’t pick up the turkey. That is my advice.
Merry Christmaaaaa
Pricilla – Famous SpokesGoat´s last blog post ..Merry Christmaaa To All
December 25th, 2012 at 11:57 am
Good thing you’re not joining us for dinner. We’re having ziti, and a lapful of that will leave a mark of more than one kind.
JD at I Do Things´s last blog post ..I Return . . . Reluctantly Yet Triumphantly . . . to the Internet so you don’t have to
December 25th, 2012 at 9:51 pm
If I’d known a little sooner, I’d have invited you. Next time.
Mrs. Tuna´s last blog post ..Naughty or Nice?
December 26th, 2012 at 3:11 pm
If I had one of those shiny pennies for every time I’d done this then I’d be a wealthy man! I’m always spilling coffees, sad that this happened with your mom though.
December 26th, 2012 at 6:28 pm
It’s only good luck if it’s a Hundred dollar bill. And it has to be rolled up in a bunch of other Hundred dollar bills with a rubber band securing them. And they have to be non sequential.
December 26th, 2012 at 7:44 pm
My Mommeh sometimes throws away pennies; they are no good for anything.
Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog post ..Wordless Wednesday: Happy Boxing Day!
December 26th, 2012 at 8:00 pm
It’s a sign. You really need to just go sit in your house and do nothing until this passes. You are a danger to yourself and to others at this point. You cannot come over to my house because if you knock down any of the train stuff you will get yelled at.
Lin´s last blog post ..Don’t harsh my mellow
December 27th, 2012 at 5:07 am
Bette Jo — Yes, very hot. But thankfully it spilled on her very absorbent blanket (though it did go through to the sheets). She didn’t get burned, but we had a lot of laundry to do all of a sudden.
Suzy Soro — This is hilarious! Not for you, of course. But I’m glad you got a penny out of it. A penny you can’t buy a thing with, and neither can I!
Pricilla — LMAO. I’m guessing when you try to do that, the turkey objects?
JD at I Do Things — Sauce and cheese in one’s lap is not as appetizing as sauce and cheese on one’s plate. The good news is I went to Christmas dinner and everyone left with clean pants.
Mrs. Tuna — Yeah, but you’d probably make me stay outside where you’d serve me food so I can’t throw it on anyone, right?
Ben — We’re two of a kind! Yes, sad that my mom has a klutzy daughter and she should probably worry about every single time I show up with coffee now.
Dave — Har. I promise I’ll only go for bills next time. Also, reaching for bills on the ground doesn’t look as pathetic as going for coins. So there’s that.
Daisy the Curly Cat — I agree! Not only can’t you buy much with them, but they make you spill things on people. I will never pick up another penny again!
Lin — OMG. The train stuff. I would only look at it and take pictures of it from afar. I would not want the wrath of Lin if I knocked over so much as the Pope, much less the hobos riding the rails.
December 27th, 2012 at 10:26 pm
Kathy, I’ve come to the conclusion that you and I should NEVER get a job working in a china shop because we have the same physical infliction….the droppies!
Hey, if it’ll make you feel any better, I once spilled an entire Starbucks coffee (with the lid off) all over the condiment stand and part of the coffee landed on someone’s shoes!
Hope you had a fab dinner and a Merry Christmas, girl!
Ron´s last blog post ..Twas The Night Before Christmas
December 30th, 2012 at 4:28 pm
Your continued throwing of food and drink shows you are consistent and not willy nilly or wishy washy.Throwing edibles is an old Southern custom and you were kind enough not to smack the lady with your cookie dough and you totally missed your Mom with the cup. It tends to be more serious if you strike the other person with the container. Seeing things in that light, the penny did bring you luck and both ladies graciously allowed you continued life.
Ben Swilley´s last blog post ..Christmas in Athens – 2012
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