Awash in Stupidity and Incompetence
Stupid things I do February 3rd, 2013Yesterday I visited my Mom at her nursing home. When I left, I took her laundry so I could wash it at my house and take it back this morning.
Laundry is a no-brainer. Yesterday I did it with truly no brain at all and we’ll see why.
When I sensed Mom’s wash was done, I opened the lid and moved everything to the dryer. But it felt funny, a little slippery. A little off.
All sorts of warning sirens went off in my head, but I ignored every last one of them and put the load in the dryer anyway. Then I immediately put my own laundry in the washer, poured in some liquid detergent, closed the lid, pressed the start button and nothing happened.
Why? Because evidently Mom’s cycle hadn’t finished yet. The knob was still on “Rinse.” Dumbass.
This is an issue now, of course, because I realize my mother’s laundry never got rinsed or spun, and now it’s in the dryer, tumbling in its own soapy residue. Aaaaand, now my own laundry is sitting in the washer soaked with detergent.
Here’s where you would think I’d just wash my own load since it’s already in there. But no. I inexplicably chose to remove it – dripping with detergent – and dump it in an oozy pile on the floor and put Mom’s back in for a second cycle.
A second cycle because my washing machine is harder to understand than the Higgs boson particle. I cannot get it restarted where it left off. I can only start it all over again.
Whatever. Second cycle. Mom’s clothes are gonna be super clean now.
Another half an hour later, hers is done. My drippy load goes in. Yea! We’re making progress.
When Mom’s clothes are finished in the dryer and I start unloading, that’s when I hear it.
Nothing fills me with dread more than having to sew and now I have to because a button has fallen off one of my Mom’s blouses.
Yes, I know it’s just a button, but sewing for me might as well be open heart surgery. I’ll strain my back and neck from hunching over so long and there will likely be blood.
Swear to God, my first thought was to somehow staple the button back on. Shouldn’t there be a device for that? If there is, I don’t have one, and so begins the blind-as-a-bat, gorilla fingers part of the show.
I assemble my little sewing kit, the pathetic kind you get at a dollar store, on the kitchen counter.
My cat Lucky catches wind of this, sees all the thread and he’s like “Awesome! I’m getting string? Are we having a string party?”
No, we are not having a string party, now GET DOWN! He does not get down; instead, he starts purring because he’s thinking the circus came to town and this is going to be fun.
It is not fun. There’s no way in hell I’m threading this needle without the help of that wiry diamond-shaped thingamabob you put through the eye of the needle, and then put the thread through that.
This goes fairly well, except now Lucky’s in bat-the-string mode and so I have to move the operation to the dimly-lit laundry room, which is so helpful for open heart, you know.
There, I begin a process whereby I totally miss threading around the bracket thingy on the back of the button and instead do nothing but make holes in the blouse as the button eludes me and falls off to the side. Bloop.
Sew, sew, sew. Bloop.
I stab myself several times. I curse a little.
This process goes on with enough successes that I finally have the button attached, but with a giant blob of unnecessary thread on the other side of the button.
But you know what? It’s lined up perfectly and fits through the button hole!
I’m ecstatic that I’ve finally completed this weekend laundry project, hang the blouse on a hanger, button the top button and marvel at my achievement.
Ahhh, so pretty! So functional! A masterpiece, really.
And then.
A second button falls off and I consider my choices:
1. Kill myself. 2. Realize that it’s the bottommost button on the blouse, and does my mother really need that one? 3. Throw the blouse away and buy a new one.
Reluctantly, I get crackin’ on the second button, going through all the same traumas as the first. Swearing, stabbing and sulking until we achieve sewn-on, locked-down buttony goodness.
I hope my sisters are reading this. Flip a coin, ladies. One of you is getting Mom’s laundry next week.

February 3rd, 2013 at 5:15 pm
I hate sewing buttons on anything. As a matter of fact, I have a pair of Matt’s work pants sitting on top of my dresser waiting to have a button reapplied..and they might be there for a while. At least until my mother sees them – she loves Matt and she’s thrilled she will have him for a son in law, so chances are, if she knows his pants need a button, she’ll take care of it for me.
Kim´s last blog post ..Caution: Wedding Planning Has Started
February 3rd, 2013 at 5:28 pm
My mom had one of these things back in the 70s- it has little plastic things like they use for price tags and that is what holds on the button.
February 3rd, 2013 at 5:49 pm
Oh, Kathy!!! This whole entire post is too damn funny!
“I cannot get it restarted where it left off. I can only start it all over again.”
Me either! I have to start from the beginning of the cycle!
I can’t believe you left your clothes in a wet soapy pile on the floor! Hello, that’s what laundry baskets are for.
“Sewing for me might as well be open heart surgery.”
OMG. Sewing is impossible. I can’t even thread the needle. Someone totally needs to invent a way to staple a button back on!
And, I vote for buying a new blouse for your mom altogether!
*I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Sorry for abusing exclamation points. AGAIN!
meleah rebeccah´s last blog post ..The Reason Why – I Am The Queen of TMI
February 3rd, 2013 at 6:13 pm
What Maggie said. As I was reading I was trying to think of what the heck those are called – I had one. It worked well enough but sewing is better (I think). Buttons are just about at the top of my sewing skills level…and yeah, without the needle threader thingie sewing will just not happen.
February 3rd, 2013 at 6:37 pm
My Mommeh has actually thrown away a shirt because the button came off to avoid sewing it back on. If I had thumbs, I could so sew.
Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog post ..Brace Yourself!
February 3rd, 2013 at 7:18 pm
If you cut the end of the thread with scissors so you have a good clean cut, you can moisten it at the tip and it will go right through the eye of the needle.
Years ago, they used to make a stainless steel thread. Not a stainless steel-colored thread, but an actual non-fabric thread made of stainless steel. I bet if you used that, that button would never come off.
Unless, of course, the steel thread cut through the fabric. Hmm.
Well, anyway, just go into overkill mode when sewing on a button and you’ll likely never have to sew that same button on a second time.
Dan´s last blog post ..Success Saturday: Taking a Break
February 3rd, 2013 at 7:30 pm
If I ever hear a clink when Mom’s laundry is in my dryer, I will take her blouse to a local seamstress. I am so proud that you sewed that button! I never knew that was in your skill set. Go, baby sister, Kathy!
February 3rd, 2013 at 9:22 pm
Something always goes wrong when I do laundry. Buttons fall off. Socks go missing. Hems fall out. Seams rip. Colors bleed. I must be doing it wrong. I had to do laundry today and I considered just folding all the dirty clothes and pretending they’d been washed. I might be able to pull that off with the jeans, but I don’t think it would work with the underwear.
Lovelyn´s last blog post ..Go Girl
February 3rd, 2013 at 9:42 pm
Haha, I feel the diamond thingy too. I take everything but buttons to the seamstress. Don’g ask, it’s better for all of us that way.
Mrs. Tuna´s last blog post ..Sheldon Takes the Plunge
February 3rd, 2013 at 11:04 pm
Criminy. Send all your button-less blouses to me, you crazies. Weren’t you people forced into Home Ec in middle school??? When my MIL boasts of her children’s Catholic education, I like to remind her that he still cannot sew on a button or yield a hammer or screwdriver. He prays while I fix stuff around the house. It works for us. Whatever.
I hate the new washing machines–you can’t interrupt them. Or if you do, it’s hard to get them back to where they were. It’s not you—it’s the washers.
Lin´s last blog post ..Snow…..finally
February 3rd, 2013 at 11:33 pm
Well done! Somewhere in the Hamptons, Martha is nodding in total approval!
Mod Mom Beyond IndieDom´s last blog post ..Stream of Consciousness Sunday: Not Feelin’ Groovy
February 4th, 2013 at 5:31 am
Kim — Does your MIL make house calls? I’m sure you know how lucky you are to have buttons magically reapplied. It’s like you have a Button Fairy. I hate you.
Maggie — OK, here’s the big question. Does Buttoneer work on non-flat buttons? Because that’s the kind I had and why it gave me so much trouble. I really need to know because I’m buying that thing if it does!
Meleah Rebeccah — I love a comment with many extra exclamation points!!!!! You know, I didn’t have a laundry basket handy. You know why? Because the basket is upstairs in a closet full of clothes I’ll never wear again. I’m shocked at my own laziness!!!
Grace — When I was threading the needle, I could remember many years ago when I could get a thread right through the eye. So either my eyesight has gotten that much worse, or they’re making needle eyes so much smaller now. Or both. Geez! Who can possibly do it now without that wire thingy?
Daisy the Curly Cat — That makes me feel better, Daisy. If I knew I could find the very same blouse again, I really would have bought a new one (hopefully with the kind of buttons that don’t fall off after three washings). I know you could sew if you had thumbs. You could probably also drive a car.
Dan — What is this thread heaven of which you speak? I did used to be able to thread a needle directly with the moistening technique. But, man, this eye was so small it took a few tries even for the wire thing to go through. Yes, I’m sure the two buttons I sewed on will NEVER come off. The other 8 probably will, and if they do, I’m taking them over to my dry cleaners to fix them. Totally not kidding.
Ann — Yeah, I’m doing what Diane does. Sending it to a professional. I don’t have the time or patience for such nonsense again. Seriously, you’re doing mom’s wash next time!
Lovelyn — I like your style! Lying your way through laundry. Its time has come! (And I won’t tell. Promise.)
Mrs. Tuna — My sister-in-law takes buttons to the seamstress. We all laughed when we heard that, but you know, it’s not a bad idea. I’m never sewing again!
Lin — I know. We’re lame. We deserved that. And I’m glad you said you have problems interrupting a wash cycle too! I just kept pressing and pressing the button. Why don’t they have a “resume” button? Huh?! So annoying!
Mod Mom Beyond IndieDom — I thought so too! I’m serious. I stood back and marveled at how lovely the blouse looked with all its buttons on. It’s the most productive I’ll be all week! So satisfying!
February 4th, 2013 at 11:07 am
It makes me happy that goats don’t wear clothes when I read things like this
Pricilla – Famous SpokesGoat´s last blog post ..We Just Want to Bask in Peace
February 4th, 2013 at 1:45 pm
Sewing was a hobby of mine. I made all of my own clothes, but if I have to sew a button on anything now I’m just like you – well, the blind threading and the needle stabs. I HATE sewing now. Isn’t that strange? I have all sorts of things that need slight alteration and they’ve stayed in that state for so long that I know I will end up throwing them out, rather than get the sewing box out!
Babs´s last blog post ..1960′s memorabilia
February 4th, 2013 at 4:19 pm
Sounds like you are now the “mom”.
February 4th, 2013 at 6:24 pm
i don’t mind sewing on flat buttons, but i hate shank buttons. the problem is you can’t see what you’re doing. :o( so yay for sewing on not one but two of the evil things. :o)
and at least you know how to do it in a pinch if you can’t get someone else to do it. i once had a lady come in who was PROUD that she didn’t know how to do such a simple thing, and apparently too important to be bothered to learn.
February 4th, 2013 at 6:37 pm
Oh, how funny – I just wrote a ‘laundry’ post as well! But that’s OK, because mine is totally different … except that it also involves washing and laundry equipment, of course!
I believe there is now a device that kind of staples buttons on for you, and I think it’s called ‘Button Magic’. You should SO get one! 😉
Jay from The Depp Effect´s last blog post ..A Monk’s Hood in the laundry
February 5th, 2013 at 4:50 am
Lately I’ve been experimenting with the sewing machine. These adventures usually begin with a bit of visual reverse engineering and then me saying “This seems right” and mashing the pedal.
February 5th, 2013 at 5:41 am
Pricilla — I’m glad you can let it all out there and be free, you know? It’s really annoying to have to wear clothes.
Babs — I’m so glad to know I’m not alone in hating sewing. My mother had an entire sewing kit and I liked to look at all the doodads and things. But it’s just not in the cards for me, even if my vision was better. Let someone else do it!
Linda — In many ways, yes! But if my mom’s eyesight was better, don’t think I wouldn’t have delivered her blouse to her sans button and asked her to do it. She’d have gotten the job done in two seconds.
buggie — OMG, bless you! It’s called a shank button? I didn’t know the name of the kind I had to sew and it was so hard to describe! I’m not proud I can’t do it, I’m ashamed, actually.
Depp Effect Jay — I have to go read your laundry post. Laundry posts always end bad. Yes, I need to explore gadgets for sewing. This whole tiny needle and thread thing just ain’t cutting it for me.
Kim — Har. I have a bad habit of eyeballing things too. Sometimes close enough is good enough.
February 5th, 2013 at 5:42 pm
This is not an endorsement.
February 6th, 2013 at 1:43 pm
On my last sewing project (sewing the hem back into my robe), I broke the needle on the sewing machine. I found the manual and managed to replace the needle, but never got it rethreaded correctly. Embarrassingly, I had to have hubby (who doesn’t sew) help me. It takes an engineer to thread a sewing machine??? Oh, and it’s not like I haven’t done it before either. Just one of those days!
February 7th, 2013 at 12:51 pm
You can’t be too worried about your lack of housekeeping skills. Today’s woman has none. Don’t worry. You are right in line with most of the young women today. I know a gal who has a husband and two sons who has lived in a house for six years and the kitchen stove has never been used.
You do need to worry a little about that masochistic madness that presents itself when you attempt to sew.It sounds like you really got into stabbing the tips of your fingers over and over with a sharp needle.
Women who sew generally use a thimble. I assume your little sewing kit came with a thimble but in your case it would not have helped much. When you sew you should always use a thimble on each finger.
Ben Swilley´s last blog post ..Talking Dog in Athens, Georgia. Do Your Dogs Talk Back?
February 12th, 2013 at 6:39 pm
I’d have done the same thing with the laundry. It’s a mindless task and I tend not to bring anything more to the party than I absolutely have to.
Next time this happens, send me the damn blouse and I’ll sew the button(s) back on. My guess is if 2 went, the rest are hanging by a thread or 2 waiting for your turn as laundress to fall off too.
Cheryl´s last blog post ..Of Blizzards and Road Trips and Other Nonsense
February 13th, 2013 at 10:12 pm
I took care of my mom’s laundry when she was in a nursing home and I have a question for you: Why is your mother wearing anything with buttons??? It’s pullover tops, elastic waist pants, grandma panties and sports bras all the way! Simplify your life and hers, take it from someone who knows. 🙂
BetteJo´s last blog post ..Perfect backdrop!
February 16th, 2013 at 6:09 pm
I had to laugh. You make me realize there is a place in the world for those of us who know how to sew on buttons.
sharkbytes´s last blog post ..Strapping the Newspapers
March 10th, 2013 at 5:57 am
I taught my son to actually sew buttons on, and he even can do a thread shank. Does nice blind hems as well, truth be told.
But…he puts them back on with safety pins. Small ones that can’t be seen. Drives me nuts, but hey, it’s an option I suppose.
They also have needles that have a slit in the eye for easier threading. And if you have a sewing machine that does a zig zag, they have a foot that the machine will put them on for you.
And BTW, invest in something else other then the dollar store sewing kit. The thread isn’t usually that good and you’ll have a ton of problems. If you need more of the threaders, let me know. I bout like 1000 of them for less then $2. And I don’t usually USE them, except on the serger.