Men, How Much Do You Hate Wearing Neckties?
Stuff I hate March 20th, 2013In an unreliable and totally made up survey, when a group of 100 women were asked to name the most uncomfortable piece of clothing or accessory that society expects them to wear, 79% of them said high-heeled shoes.
Most of my imaginary study group were wearing said heels and half of them slipped them off during questioning because their feet were blown up the size of bread loaves and the group got really unruly when danish they were promised for their time never showed up.
Anyway, I’ve been thinkin’ about what men would say is the one thing society expects them to wear that they wish didn’t have to.
That thing has got to be the necktie.
As for me, I hate, hate, hate anything around my neck. I will allow a winter scarf when it’s cold, but none of my shirts or blouses have necks on them. I need to breathe, people.
A turtleneck? Kill me, why don’t you.
So men. Here’s where you get to bitch and moan. Exactly how much do you hate wearing neckties?
It’s gotta be some kind of hell, always worrying it’ll fall in your food or get caught in something, not to mention choking you all day long.
Do you pick out your own ties? Do you give any kind of crap about what tie goes well with what suit?
Is the first thing you do when you leave the office undo that bastard?
I don’t feel sorry for men very much, but ties? You win.
However, I will say that women have you beat on the hosiery front. We will always have you beat on constricting sausage-making legwear. That and the aforementioned spikey, toe malformation-making footwear.
I want my old feet back. Just sayin’.

March 20th, 2013 at 6:57 pm
When I retired I had a three tier tie pyre… a tie torching…video here:
I refused to wear ties that were NOT purchased at a Flea Market – best deals were in New Orleans, 5 ties for $12. I always got great compliments on them. That was my rebellion against having to wear ties: at least I didn’t spend a gob on them.
And you have never worn calf high polyester socks, right? The hair on my legs has just now grown back – 2 years after I stopped wearing socks.
Thank god I didn’t have to wear a cup to work.
March 20th, 2013 at 7:02 pm
Faaaaaabulous post topic, Kathy!
But I have to say, I actually like wearing a neck tie because I often do for work.
“It’s gotta be some kind of hell, always worrying it’ll fall in your food.”
HA! Yes, that has actually happened to me many times. But ONLY when I forget to use a tie tack.
Oh and you’re gonna hate me for saying this, but I also love wearing turtlenecks. You’re gonna think I’m nuts, but that’s one of the reasons why I love Fall and Winter so much – I can bring out my turtlenecks. If I could wear them during the summer, I would. And it’s funny because most people usually tell me that I look best in turtlenecks.
Ron´s last blog post ..Valerie Harper Is Living In The Moment
March 20th, 2013 at 7:28 pm
I gave up on stilettos back in the 70’s. Just about the time I gave up on hosiery. As soon as company policy changed and allowed women to wear trousers in the work place it sealed the fate of those uncomfortable items of clothing for me.
I think it’s quite a rarity to see a man wearing a tie here, or a shirt, come to that. You have to go into the work place to see them now.
As for turtle necks. Are they the same as roll necks? The kind that fold down and still cover your throat? I’ve just bought myself a few of those and I’m loving them. Then again, our weather is freezing at the moment, so anything that helps keep me warm is a plus.
Babs´s last blog post ..Please ignore me!
March 20th, 2013 at 7:43 pm
I once had to wear a necktie and high heels at the same time. I was a bridesmaid, and we were wearing tuxedos. It’s hard to say which was worse — the shoes were more painful, but the tie made me feel like someone was strangling me all day.
Laura´s last blog post ..Thank You For Reading My Blog. Here Are a Few Things You Should Know.
March 20th, 2013 at 7:44 pm
The tie was a bow tie. I just felt I needed to add that extremely important bit of information.
Laura´s last blog post ..Thank You For Reading My Blog. Here Are a Few Things You Should Know.
March 20th, 2013 at 8:07 pm
I don’t feel sorry for men who have to wear ties. They’re still making a third more money than women doing the exact same work. If they’re uncomfortable — good!
March 20th, 2013 at 9:23 pm
Oh I love ties! And stilettos! I had to give up my heels when my back crashed and burned, and yes I have some odd looking toesies from 35+years of fabulous shoes, and no, only the cheap shoes hurt – I had 3-inch heels that were so comfy I used to say I could walk to California in them – but they do kinda manage to make your toes look funny even if they don’t hurt. As for ties – I know some men hate them but I buy all my husbands ties and he has some fabulous one – like the one with the naked ladies on it. He likes the attention he gets from his rather marvelous ties and the Monet one makes him smile. Isn’t that what clothes are for – to make you feel good? From a woman’s point of view ties are the greatest flirting tool….you know you kinda admire a man’s tie, run your hand down it, smoothing it out, or absentmindedly roll it up and then smooth it down again, or twist it around your fingers…Oh my I got a lot of bar tabs paid while playing with a man’s tie…I love ties!
Grace´s last blog post ..Wordless Wednesday – Frankie and the Printer
March 21st, 2013 at 4:49 am
EVERYONE: You need to go look at GoingLikeSixty’s tie burning video! I never knew men did this, but I can understand why. Maybe when I retire, I’ll burn all my pantyhose!
GoingLikeSixty — Loved, loved, loved your tie pyre! What a great idea! I’m so glad you’re unencumbered by socks and ties and cups, oh my! But you still wear underwear, don’t you? Hee.
Ron — I forgot that tie tacks existed. I’m sure that helps, but if I had to wear a tie, I would have to keep several spares in the office because I would still drop the tie in food or get food on it. It’s just the way I roll. Just the thought of someone wearing a turtleneck makes me hot and claustrophobic. But I’m sure you look smart in both your ties and turtles. I can picture you in both.
Babs — Women wearing slacks in the office is a godsend. The culture shifted here in the U.S., too. But I went through my 20s and most of my 30s wearing skirts every day. And pantyhose. God, I wonder how much money I blew on those? I do love how smart a man looks in office gear, ties and all. But I also wonder how uncomfortable it is for them. Bleh. Yes, turtlenecks sound just like your roll necks. I did used to wear them years ago, but not any more. Too hot and constricting (and I’m not even menopausal yet!)
Laura — Well, now, that’s a first! I agree the shoes would be worse than the tie. I recall one wedding Dave and I went to. I was wearing 3 inch spikes and could barely walk. I kept saying to him, wait, you’re walking too fast! I looked like I needed a cane for crying out loud. Slipped them off every single chance I got.
injaynesworld — I’m not too sorry either. The ties are annoying, but it’s just the one thing I could think of that men do that we don’t. There’s a real imbalance, I agree.
Grace — You just made ties and spike heels so amazing! I agree that we all look so smart and put together in these articles, but man, the pain! I guess we don’t look good without the work. I think I’m just too old or tired to care anymore. And now I’m depressed.
March 21st, 2013 at 5:16 am
I learned early on that my feet do not wear high heels. Phooey on what society expects me to wear! My feet are important so they must have comfortable footwear. The absolute highest heel I ever wear is just 1″.
I like thin turtlenecks but not bulky ones. I think the worst piece of clothing for women is the nylons. My husband doesn’t seem to mind wearing neckties at all–but then he only wears them to church on Sundays.
Karen and Gerard´s last blog post ..Blogger Most Popular Post Gadget Mystery
March 21st, 2013 at 8:19 am
Kathy…you forgot to mention the BRA!! Sometimes it just feels so good to take it off at night!
March 21st, 2013 at 9:36 am
I’d much rather wear heels than a turtleneck. I like the punk style of women wearing ties, but there’s no way I can do it. I even cut a slit in my tshirts because those collars bother me.
As for pantyhose, I hate the standard regular kind. My secret, when I do need to wear pantyhose, I wear thigh highs. I know it sounds weird, but the good kind with the rubbery stuff at the top to keep them on are so much more comfortable than trying to fuss with a crotch, control top, etc. And I’m not a small girl, especially in the thighs, but they work great!
Michelle´s last blog post ..Name Brand vs. Generic: Clear Care
March 21st, 2013 at 10:53 am
There was a point in the early 80s when it was trendy for girls to wear ties, so (ever the slave to fashion), I wore them. I didn’t find them uncomfortable, but I’m a turtleneck fan, so I guess having something tight around my neck is not a problem for me. I do dearly love heels but I am starting to think that I will not be able to wear them forever–they’re rough on the knees. Pantyhose? No. Not happening. They should qualify as a torture device under the Geneva Convention.
March 22nd, 2013 at 12:23 am
my brother is a priest. when his class were ordained deacons, they each donated a tie to make a wreath for the statue of Mary in the seminary courtyard. i know my brother was glad not to wear ties anymore*, but i don’t think he burned any. he let his male relatives take their pick, then i think he passed the rest on to the men in the seminary who still had to wear them.
*now he wears a plasticized fabric collar insert instead. :o)
Buggie´s last blog post ..Has it really been a year since I last posted?
March 22nd, 2013 at 5:24 am
Karen — I wear a max 1″ heel too, and they have to be padded. Torture devices, I’m telling you. I bet Gerard looks smart in a tie. All men do, actually. I just feel sorry for them.
Linda — Right on, sister! Although I have to say I smartened up about bra shopping. A good fit is so key.
Michelle — Ah, another hater of collars! Agreed on the pantyhose. Although I like the control top fit, smoothing everything out, they are torture to wear and dig into my waist. I usually cut the band at the top to give me some literal breathing room.
absepa — I almost forgot about that trend. I remember it was popular for women to wear wide band ties with suits. Not real ties, per se, but ones you could sort of “flower up” (don’t know if that makes sense). Yea, heels are as bad for the knees as the feet. And if you’re overweight like I am, it’s just a hundred times worse.
Buggie — That’s a nice tradition. I suspect the collar isn’t so bad. It’s just a relatively short piece that goes across, right? Not choke-wear!
March 22nd, 2013 at 11:00 am
I went to a private school for 8 years and had to wear a tie every day. Once I hit college, I rarely had to wear one any more.
To this day, I only wear a tie a couple of times a year, on those few occasions where I have to dress like a Grownup. I’ll say that I really don’t *mind* wearing a tie, but I’m so out of practice at tying one that just getting the damned thing on and straight is what drives me crazy.
Picking the right color isn’t a problem: I will only buy a suit that is navy blue or charcoal gray. With a white shirt, the tie automatically matches.
I’m not just pretty, you know…
March 22nd, 2013 at 2:31 pm
I’m not a guy, but I think they would rank uncomfortable things to wear like this: 1. Ties 2. Suits 3. dress shoes
Being that I despise high heels and panty hose, I’d have to say that I can see why dressing up every day for work has sort of gone by the wayside. That said, I think some people dress like slobs for work–which is annoying.
My husband, IF he has to wear a tie, likes a spiffy one. One that I usually pick out because I can spot spiffy ties in a sec…and then I buy them for him. I think ties are the “jewelry” to men–it gives them some color to those otherwise dull and drab colors of suits. If you are absolutely forced to wear them, then make it a cool one.
Ties are not that expensive if you buy them on sale. I don’t want to hear you guys b*tchin’ about that one–look what we gals have to buy! Bras are not cheap, people.
Lin´s last blog post ..Cat Friends
March 24th, 2013 at 4:42 pm
So my Mommeh has just discovered the joys of pretty, lightweight scarfs (scarves?). They cover up a saggy neck, the ends trail down and cover the stomach, and it feels warm in the chilly AC.
Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog post ..Glasses Look Smart!
March 25th, 2013 at 2:29 pm
I actually don’t mind them at all. I wear one pretty much every workday, and I’ve gotten used to it. The fancier the better, in my opinion.
Chris@SplitsNGiggles´s last blog post ..Run4Kids 100-Mile Relay
March 25th, 2013 at 4:10 pm
veg-o-matic — How well I know the private school thing — I went to Catholic school for 12 years. Uniforms. Ugh. I can see how if you almost never wear ties anymore that it’s not such a bad thing. In fact, maybe you even like it?
Lin — I’m glad dressing up for work has sort of fallen by the wayside. I wore suits for the first two decades of my career. I have a job that takes me on dirty, disgusting floors more times than I care. I decided to stop wearing skirts the day that a client watched me crawl around on the floor trying to get to computer cabling and I had no idea what kind of show I must have been giving him. Ha — ties as jewelry! You’re probably right about that.
Daisy the Curly Cat — I’ve “found” scarves too! On our trip to Savannah, I bought three of them from a cute boutique. Of course, the first night I wore one out, I had to Google several videos just to find out how to work them. Sad, huh?
Chris — I’m sure with your recent weight loss, you look even better dressed up with a tie. I imagine thick-necked men hate ties.
March 31st, 2013 at 11:41 am
I used to make statements with neckties. I had Bugs Bunny with carrots framing his image. Another favorite was Snoopy. I had two Snoopy ties. My favorite was Snoopy in sunglasses at which point he becomes, Joe Cool.”
I had a black and white tie imprinted with many old fashioned beds with LAGNAF lettered at the bottom of each bed. The acronym was for, “Let’s all get naked and frolic.” I changed the last word to keep it clean because many older women admired the little beds and I could not bring myself to be crude to them. Younger women handled it okay.
You are correct in saying ties are restrictive and they choke you and they get in the way when you eat spare ribs at the Rendezvous in Memphis. I personally believe if you meet a guy who enjoys wearing ties, he is an incurable tight ass and no fun to be around.
Ben Swilley´s last blog post ..A Better Class of Criminals!
April 9th, 2013 at 2:52 pm
High Heels are pure torture and I imagine neck ties would be too!
meleah rebeccah´s last blog post ..Have You Seen Me, Lately?
April 14th, 2013 at 7:37 pm
Noose or necktie? Tough choice.
nick´s last blog post ..Star Wars: Episode VII
April 18th, 2013 at 6:11 am
hey.. i must say this is a really god topic. for me the worst thing to wear if definitely a neck tie. i mean i seriously hate it…. and as mentioned thats the first thing i get of as i get home…great job.. keep it up 🙂
June 18th, 2013 at 2:26 am
My current job has a casual dress code, which whilst very comfortable, is much more expensive if you want to look as sharp as a simple suit and tie will make you look. The only exception is when the kids buy my a joke tie which of course I have to wear. 🙂
Mulled Vine´s last blog post ..Self-portrait