Seven Dollars. That’s It. Seven Dollars.
Stupid things I do March 27th, 2013So you know how you’re all fresh and newly married and you care how you look?
You dress like a human for your spouse because they deserve to look at someone even remotely presentable.
You dress like you could even leave the house in the clothes you’re wearing to, oh, maybe check the mailbox.
And then.
And then 20 years of marriage later you just really don’t care any more and you’re even afraid to check the mailbox because a neighbor might see you in your tattered clothes and they’ll start a crowd funding campaign so you can get a new wardrobe that you can wear in public.
I’ve had these shorts for like 10 years. They’re my favorite pair. Yes, that’s a series of giant holes in the butt region. Didn’t care. That’s also a hole in the crotch. Also didn’t care.
And that’s the elastic waistband showing through from a thousand washings. Didn’t care.
Today I finally cared. I bought a brand new pair of shorts at Wal-mart for $7. Seven measly dollars that I apparently couldn’t find in the budget for the last 10 years.
So let’s hear it, folks. What exactly are you getting away with wearing that is years beyond its useful life?
I know there’s something.

March 27th, 2013 at 5:28 pm
The publicist says you do NOT want to see her “goat clothes.”
Pricilla – Famous SpokesGoat´s last blog post ..Wordless Wednesday – Box of Orange
March 27th, 2013 at 6:17 pm
Those shorts are definitely done. Glad you finally got some new ones! I have a couple pair of underpants that are torn at the elastic at top and one that is very stretched out. It’s probably time I got some new ones.
Karen and Gerard´s last blog post ..Used My Brookstone Gift Card on a Gtech AirRam
March 27th, 2013 at 6:27 pm
My mom coached my soccer team when I was little…she wore the heck out of that shirt through the 80s and 90s. When i left for college, I took the shirt for homesick nights. Now, ten years later I still wear it when I miss her. Not a hole to speak of- and id bargin to say it only cost 5 bucks back in the day including the screen print. I love it.
March 27th, 2013 at 6:29 pm
At least you’re married.. that’s an acceptable excuse. I used to have these one pair of jeans that I would not give up. By the end, the fabric felt like toilet paper. It was only until the hole in the crotch got noticeably large that I gave them up 🙁 still bitter…
Michelle´s last blog post ..WIAW: First Time
March 27th, 2013 at 6:35 pm
Kathy, I have a pair of underwear (YES, underwear) that look almost exactly like the one in your first photo of your shorts – same giant holes in the butt region. And I haven’t yet thrown them away because they are so soft and comfy. And who cares anyway, I mean they’re underwear; nobody is ever gonna see them unless I’m rushed to the hospital ER, after getting hit by a bus. And even then, the hospital staff will probably just assume they were torn during the bus accident – HA!
I’ve decided to keep those undies until they just FALL off me.
Besides, summer is coming. And those undies will be like built-in air conditioning.
Ron´s last blog post ..Review On Apothic Wine
March 27th, 2013 at 9:12 pm
I have some workout pants that have been “retired” and now they are my house-cleaning pants. The inner thigh seam has a few holes–it’s not pretty. I don’t go out the door in them…not even to the mailbox.
Lin´s last blog post ..If you are wondering what I’m gonna be like in 38 years…..
March 28th, 2013 at 12:09 am
I’ve got a few t-shirts that I just can’t part with . . . holes or no holes.
Chris@SplitsNGiggles´s last blog post ..Run4Kids 100-Mile Relay
March 28th, 2013 at 4:20 am
Pricilla — I’m guessing you goats pretty much don’t care what she wears, as long as you get fed on time!
Karen — I just recently bought two six-packs of undies and couldn’t be happier. They’re pastel colored and get this — no holes! Do it, Karen. Go shopping!
daughterbonnie — Aw, I’m so glad you have a keepsake shirt that’s not falling apart. That’s gotta be some kind of record. I had to retire my favorite “wearin’ around the house” shirt that I bought at a thrift store for five bucks when the elbow holes were just too big. It was a sad day. I hope your shirt lasts forever!
Michelle — My husband had a favorite pair of jeans too, with a hole developing in the crotch. He knew the day was coming, but dammit if he didn’t wear them til the last possible moment before they gave up the ghost.
Ron — Also, I like to imagine that the ER people care less about our underwear than saving our lives. Of course, they probably talk about you after you leave. “How ’bout that Ron guy’s underwear?!”
Lin — Oh, yeah, “retired.” I’ve been retiring those shorts for five years. I remember the last time I did go to the maibox in my beloved shorts. Then I saw the big hole. Never wore them outside again, not even on the porch.
Chris — Reminds me of that Seinfeld episode where Jerry can’t part with his yellow shirt, “Golden Boy.” I hope you have a long and happy relationship, holes or not.
March 29th, 2013 at 10:00 am
My God, I was just thinking about this this morning! I get pathologically attached to certain items of clothing. My red sweatshirt, with holes and disintegration everywhere (the left breast will come flopping out any day). The sweatshirt I’m wearing right now is 20 or 25 years old. I clipped it from my ex-husband during our divorce — in another lifetime — and have nary a regret. That’s just the tip of the icerberg.
Thanks for giving me a chuckle!
June O’Hara´s last blog post ..My New Phone
March 29th, 2013 at 2:13 pm
I’ve always liked jeans that have holes in, or are frayed round the bottom. In fact I used to fray them deliberately, when I was younger and bleach the colour out down the thighs. Just like they sell them now. I’ve always been a trend setter, you know! I suppose you could safely say that I like keeping some jeans until the fall off me.
Babs´s last blog post ..Please ignore me!
March 30th, 2013 at 8:37 pm
Oh my goodness! Those shorts are so done. I’m glad you replaced them. I have a few t-shirts that I can’t seem to part with no matter how faded and tattered they look. You’ve inspired me to put them in the trash and get replacements.
Lovelyn´s last blog post ..Seeing the Future
March 31st, 2013 at 7:38 am
I only wear my clothings once or twice so they never get worn out. But my Mommeh likes to wear soft, comfy pajama bottoms which is okay except they are about 8″ too short. Oh and she wears them with whatever socks she happened to have on during the day.
Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog post ..I’m Ready For Easter!
March 31st, 2013 at 11:50 am
Those were great looking shorts. Too bad you felt the need to toss them.
I had a pair exactly like that in junior high school. The coach made me throw them away. He said the whole football team found them disgusting. They sent in a fully suited team of hazardous waste handlers to dispose of them.
I’m glad I read your blog. At least there are some other people around besides me who know how to dress both casually and tastefully!
Ben Swilley´s last blog post ..A Better Class of Criminals!
April 1st, 2013 at 10:13 am
June O’Hara — It’s amazing to me we are willing to risk flashing someone just so we can stay with what’s comfortable. I hope you get another 25 years out of your dear old red sweatshirt!
Babs — I know you’re a trendsetter Babs! I remember your posts from when you worked in London and the hip clothing you and your friends would wear. I really liked those posts. I have too many jeans to count, not because I’m a hoarder, but because I’m up and down with my weight so much.
Lovelyn — I went back and bought two more pair yesterday! So happy. I expect three pair to last me til I die. Oh, please do go shopping for something new. You can have a ceremony when you ditch the old stuff. Just make sure you ditch it!
Daisy the Curly Cat — I’ve seen your closet. Everything in it is in perfect condition and I hope it stays that way. I bet your mommeh is jealous of your wardrobe. I know I am!
Ben Swilley — I haven’t actually tossed them yet. But since I bought two more pair of brand new shorts, today’s the day! I’m sure my husband wants to be there when it happens. Not because he’s sentimental about them, but because he probably wants proof they’re actually going in the trash.
April 4th, 2013 at 5:10 pm
I think the saying is: “You know you’ve been married a long time when your wife wears crotch-less panties to bed — but she did not buy them that way.”
Michael J. Kannengieser´s last blog post ..LAPD to NYPD: Community Policing 02/22 by AmericanHeroesRadio | Blog Talk Radio
April 9th, 2013 at 2:50 pm
OMG! Kathy! I am crying laughing at this post and those old shorts!!! And if it makes you feel any better, I wear all of my clothes until they turn into dust as well!
meleah rebeccah´s last blog post ..Have You Seen Me, Lately?
April 14th, 2013 at 2:50 pm
You’re talking to the woman who is currently reading blogs after coming back from riding her horse 2 hours ago. Picture riding breaches with purple neon socks and horse slob down the front. Next month’s 31 years of swapping wedded spit for my lucky man.
Mrs. Tuna´s last blog post ..We Got Game
April 18th, 2013 at 2:18 pm
I’m kind of worried that you said you hadn’t thrown them out yet. I’ve been known to rip over worn clothes in places that make them impossible to repair and the I have to throw them out.
April 20th, 2013 at 4:39 pm
Kathy, I was so spoiled in my last house! We had a cute cottage in the city and our mailbox was on the front porch. I could just slip out for a second and check the mail in my hot pink paisley pajama pants and green sports bra. My husband, Brian, truly is a brave man.
Nora Blithe´s last blog post ..The Value of a Good Shampoo
April 22nd, 2013 at 10:13 am
Lord Likely and I would have preferred you modeled the shorts in person. ^__^
April 23rd, 2013 at 12:40 pm
LOL… Oh I have those favorite sleep pants and yes they have holes in them. I have bought some new ones but I still reach for the old ones. They just do not make them the same. I will have to loose 30 more pounds and then they will not fit, but I will probably, pin them….
Auntie E´s last blog post ..Traveling Time Coming Up.
April 25th, 2013 at 9:28 am
At this very moment I am wearing my $8 sleep pants from Uniqlo. They are so old I have actually mended them (Me! With a needle and thread in my hands!)and then they ripped again. I can’t find the same pair, and these are the most comfy things I’ve ever worn. But as we all know, as soon as you love something (men don’t count), they stop making it.
April 26th, 2013 at 5:46 pm
I have a pair of Lucky Brand jeans that are – no kidding – THE best, most flattering pair of jeans I have ever owned. Except for one thing – the gaping whole in the butt region where they tore open when I bent down to pick something up. I can’t possibly part with them because I will never find jeans that good again. So I wear leggings under them and vow to singlehandedly bring back the grunge look.
Mod Mom Beyond IndieDom´s last blog post ..A – Z Challenge: Wild Cherry
April 27th, 2013 at 7:34 am
Hahahahaha!!!! Oh yeah… I have several of those things. Like my favourite pair of black jeans which have a hole in the crotch just like that. Well, maybe not quite as big, but y’know, all worn through for a certain amount of acreage.
I also have a favourite purple tee shirt which has gone like your shorts’ elastic round the neck. And a pair of absolutely disgusting ‘white’ trainers that are so worn they won’t come clean anymore and the sole is beginning to part company but .. but … but they are so COMFY!!!