Facebook Meth
Blogging, computing, Stuff I hate, Stupid things I do August 10th, 2013Thanks to my friend Sharron, I now have a name for the monkey on my back that’s been strangling me the last few weeks.
That monkey is Candy Crush, or Facebook meth, as Sharron so bluntly and accurately referred to it. I’m happy to report I’m off it. Blocked. No more. Fin.
For all the articles I’ve read about how to beat the game levels, I think I’ve read just as many about how people kicked the habit and blocked it from their lives. So now this makes another one for the pile. Writing this post is the most productive thing I’ve done in a month.
So, how did I get here?
The Candy Crushers in my life warned me in earnest not to start. “Just don’t,” they said. “Learn from my mistake,” they said. And for a while I was fine without it, had little interest. But then.
Like a child who’s been warned not to touch a hot stove and burns themselves doing it anyway, I added it to my apps and was instantly hooked. Here is how that first hit got me to where I am today.
Candy Crush Your Hopes and Dreams lets you bank only 5 lives, with an automatic one life renewal every 30 minutes.
I remember emailing my sister and saying “That’s ludicrous. Who would wait 30 min. for a life renewal? I can’t play this thing. I’m out.”
But I wasn’t out because I’d already had a taste of the candy. And the candy was good. “Delicious! Sweet! Divine!”
You can get more lives by requesting them of other players, but how fast you get them is dependent on their availability and willingness to give lives.
No problem. I’ll just request them of my husband’s Facebook account. Log out of mine, into his, send the life, go back to my account, retrieve it and request another. Do this five times as fast as possible. Play those games, go get more.
I played morning, noon and night this way. It disgusts and embarrasses me to admit that I played Candy Crush Your Spirit for four hours a day, at least. All the while, professing that I wanted to get back to blogging. All the while saying I needed to stop. All the while, ignoring everything productive, save for my day job.
When I played during prime time hours, renewing lives was easier because many other Crushers were also playing. But as soon as I’d request and receive lives from them, I’d ask for more. And I thought “OMG. These people. These people know how bad I have it. I’m mortified. I need to stop. But can I have another life first?”
One person did start messaging me during my early morning sessions. He’s in a later time zone than me, so sometimes when I’d be playing at 4AM my time, he’d pop up and say “Morning. My, you’re playing early today.” In my head, that sounded like Hal in 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Shame washed over me. He’s watching, knowing I have a problem, but enabling me by dutifully sending me lives as soon as I request them. I didn’t want him knowing I’d become such a slave to this beast, but he had the power to feed me lives. Lives that kept the hamster wheel turning.
As the weeks went on, things got worse. My husband Dave asked if I could work on his current maddening level. Now I’m playing my lives and his lives, requesting more from and to each account. Log in, log out, round and round we go.
I mention to my sister that I passed levels for Dave and now she asks if I can work her tough level, too. And so I do. I get her account information so I can log in and out to request and retrieve lives. I’m doing this for three accounts now. Mine, my husband’s and my sister’s.
I am in a very bad place.
It sickens me that I played three people’s games today for almost 12 hours. Yes, 12 hours. I only stopped to eat and vacuum a little. I see two cats roaming around the house and remember Oh, I have cats, don’t I? Hi, Lucky. Hi, Shadow. How’ve you been? Long time, no see.
Even though I was cross-eyed and catatonic at Hour 10, I pressed on. See, I’d been stuck at level 182, blowing through a couple hundred lives with no payoff. The addition of boosts would certainly help my game, but you have to pay for them.“Don’t ever pay for boosts,” they said. “Don’t give them real money. Just don’t.”
I considered myself “not that bad off,” as long as I didn’t pay for anything.
Somehow I managed to achieve a near-win on Level 182. Only a single jelly remained on the board. Crush it and I win the level. I couldn’t clear it with the existing candy alignment, but I could if I had a lollipop boost to smash it with.
Ignoring all warning and reason, I opened my wallet, clicked Purchase Boosts, filled in my credit card information and bought $10.62 worth of lollipops to finish a level that had just robbed me of most of my Saturday.
After I paid, I clicked the shiny new lollipop and smashed that last jelly to smithereens. I felt euphoric! Eat it, Level 182!
But my euphoria instantly turned to regret and depression. I had just wasted perfectly good disposable income on something that had taken over my life, something so useless, something that kept me from blogging, kept me from having a normal routine, a normal life.
I puttered around the kitchen a while, wringing my hands, knowing what I had to do.
I scooted up to the laptop again, clicked Account Settings, Blocking, Block Apps, and entered Candy Crush into the box.
Die Facebook Meth, die!
I wish I could get all those hours back, wish I’d put it toward blogging, wish I’d put it toward anything else. But I can’t. It’s gone.
A new day starts in 3, 2, 1……

August 10th, 2013 at 5:29 pm
Have never tried Candy Crush … too busy wasting time on Farmville… but your blog post tempts me to try it…to find out for myself… how addictive could it be?
Lauralee´s last blog post ..So… here we go again
August 10th, 2013 at 5:57 pm
Hey Kathy!
Hah! I’ve never been described as being like HAL before =) Are you’re welcome. I wasn’t judging you tho, because I was playing too!
I now only play while I sit in the local coffee shop and try not to buy extras, but like you say, sometimes you’re just SOOOO close… Level 275 is annoying me, but I play for half an hour a day and never run out of lives. I’m in control, right?!
Now, BEJEWELLED BLITZ? Hmmm, what a rush…
Roth x
Indigo Roth´s last blog post ..The Book Of Leviathan
August 10th, 2013 at 6:05 pm
(that is yaaaay auto-corrected)
You’re back.
I was able to walk away from Candy Crush Your Soul.
I am shocked and amazed that you spent $$$$ to advance a level. I don’t think I would have the guts to admit it on writing!!!
Otoh, not holier than thou, I spend an hour a day playing poker online – for worthless free chips.
The bright spot for you is this kind of post can go viral.
Keep us posted via FaceBlank. Mmmmmkay?
August 10th, 2013 at 6:27 pm
Good for you for blocking that game! Stay smart and keep it blocked, it sounds like it really took over your life! I understand video game addictions, I do, they are not good. I do not play any games on Facebook. I do play on pogo.com sometimes but not much anymore.
Karen and Gerard´s last blog post ..Friday Fragments (reading, sleeping, pets, sports)
August 10th, 2013 at 6:27 pm
I hadn’t realized just how embroiled in Candy crush you were. I’m very glad that you have blocked it now. I started playing it a long time ago and thankfully, only played late at night when there was nothing else to do. I eventually got bored with it and only popped in lately, to give you a life, when I thought of it. Now I don’t have to, I can delete it from my Facebook too.
Well done you!
Babs´s last blog post ..My hair needs cutting
August 10th, 2013 at 6:52 pm
Candy Crush is serious business.
Lovelyn´s last blog post ..A Picture
August 10th, 2013 at 6:54 pm
You had enablers. I don’t have enablers, so it won’t get that bad… …right?
I’m only on level 93, so I’m not that far in… …right?
No, I know.
I’ve only been playing for a week.
I’ve played at work, thinking, “I’ll just play through these 5 lives so that they can regenerate and I don’t waste them…”
My boss mentioned Candy Crush the other day (that her friends play it). I told her, “It’s a terrible game. Don’t play it, whatever you do.”
They play on our emotions, dangling that carrot, just out of range. It’s just a freaking carrot, it”s not even a cupcake! But, it’s so close, just so close, and I’ll get it this next time…
Michelle Hartz´s last blog post ..My Horror Roots
August 10th, 2013 at 7:12 pm
It’s good to hear you have faced down your addiction but, you are just a recovering Candiholic. Everyday, you will be tempted and tested. You must remain strong. If you feel yourself loosing control go to my Agent 54 blog and waste your free time reading figments of my imagination. I know, I know but, what are friends for. Good Luck & God Bless.
Agent 54´s last blog post ..Stupid is as Stupid Does. (Burgundy Campaign 080913)
August 10th, 2013 at 7:27 pm
My Wife is a Candy Crush Whore. After she goes through all are savings she will be out on the streets selling her booty so she can buy more boosters to help her get to the next level in the game. I had a down payment on a Mercedes Benz. Now I got to get me a God Damned Pinto. I am depressed.
August 10th, 2013 at 9:19 pm
I hope you neverrrrrrrrrrr fall off of the Meth wagon again. I play the game as a way to fall asleep and am thankful when I run out of lives.
However, I made the mistake of one night handing my phone to my husband for assistance and even though he told me he wouldn’t, he did went and downloaded the app. I am fearful of what I might have started.
Monique´s last blog post ..Is This The Fun Part?
August 10th, 2013 at 9:28 pm
I want to say something funny, or supportive, or witty – but I can only wonder about these games people play and get addicted to – Never played any – not even curious as to what they are…What is wrong with me?
Grace´s last blog post ..I’ve just been a bit busy…
August 10th, 2013 at 11:17 pm
Hey, we have Kathy’s Husband’s avatar hanging in our living room. Think one of my kids painted it in grade school. Small world eh?
Agent 54´s last blog post ..Stupid is as Stupid Does. (Burgundy Campaign 080913)
August 10th, 2013 at 11:33 pm
This is why I don’t even attempt to play any online games. Of course, there is the Scrabble on my Kindle and the Free Cell on my phone that can keep me busy for hours to the exclusion of anything and anyone. *Sigh*
Boom Boom Larew´s last blog post ..Not So Stately Comfort…
August 11th, 2013 at 5:30 am
Got new life while I was reading thus…Yes!!!
August 11th, 2013 at 6:28 am
Lauralee — I hope you’re only kidding. Please, I beg you, do NOT try Crush. I can understand why you don’t play it if you have Farmville. That’s one I never tried, even when that’s all I was hearing about. We all have our favorite addictions, er…. games to play. Really, don’t try Crush!
Indigo Roth — I knew you weren’t judging me, that all came from my own head. I hated that the first thing I did after booting the laptop was get on Crush. This morning, I had a moment where I thought I would play, but that’s just from habit, not from want. I’m glad you obviously manage your game-playing. You really are in control. I also think you’re in the minority. Believe it or not, I think I’m done with Bejeweled, too. The gems look so small compared to Crush that I don’t like playing it anymore. It’s a double win for me!
Going Like Sixty — Tasaday is right! It was just announced that Candy Crush is the most popular Facebook game, with 44 million monthly active users that bring the company about $644,000/day in revenue. That’s extraordinary. But they won’t get my money anymore and they won’t get my time either. My husband plays the jackpot games on FB. I have no interest in that, thankfully.
Karen — Nope, video game addictions are not good at all. Yes, they’re fun in moderation, but that can quickly change to an addiction before you know it. I’m glad I caught myself relatively early.
Babs — That’s because an addict rarely admits how bad it is. I thought I’d put it all out there, you know, like a cleansing. Dave says he’ll still take your lives, and we don’t mind asking you because clearly you’re not addicted. Good on you!
Lovelyn — In so many ways. King, the game owner, is set to bring in an estimated $231M this year from users who pay. They make it hard not to. You get so close, after so many hours of trying to beat a level. Here’s a great article on why Candy Crush and other games are being labeled unethical for the way they build a craving for the game and hit you with “coercive monetization.”
Michelle Hartz — You’ve described what happened to me perfectly. I did start out slower in the beginning, but before I knew it, I was gone. I hope your boss doesn’t start. “Just say no to Candy Crush!” And be careful yourself. Remember my story.
Agent 54 — I think I’ll be OK. Today I felt tempted to click where the game was always listed in my FB sidebar, but that was more out of habit than desire. I think I caught myself early enough. I honestly feel bad for people who are still on the hamster wheel, like I was, and either have no desire to get off or who can’t. I am triumphant!
Husband Dave — I can assure you no one is having any of this booty. Hee. It’d be lucky to earn me a whole dollar, which hardly buys any boosts at all. Now how can we get you off that godforsaken casino game? Let’s talk.
Monique — I’m sorry you pulled your husband into the Candy Crush vortex of pain. I hope he doesn’t develop a problem. But I’m glad to hear you can stop when your lives run out. That tells me you’re not in danger of letting the hours slip away, or worse, your pocketbook.
Grace — I think you must not have the addiction gene. It’s good that you’re not even remotely interested. I thought I wasn’t, but there I was. All I have to do is remember how I wasted a whole day yesterday on playing and spent money. That was my rock bottom. Glad to get it.
Agent 54 — I just spotted a picture of that painting made entirely of bacon. Warmed my fatty heart.
Boom Boom — We all have our demons….
Mary — Happy to hear it!
August 11th, 2013 at 7:44 am
I’m not quite as addicted, but I have gotten to the point where I hit the Candy Crush button every time I sit at my computer and before I go to bed. I’ve been stuck at level 125 for about 10 days. I don’t like the fact that you can’t earn coins to buy powerups. It’s funny that you mentioned the jewels looking so small in Bejeweled, I thought the same thing.
The Florida Furkids´s last blog post ..Easy Like Sunday with Allie
August 11th, 2013 at 9:04 am
O dear… you’ve really quit? I’m still there. Maybe don’t have it quite that bad, but I too am wasting way too much time.
sharkbytes´s last blog post ..One Cardinal Flower
August 11th, 2013 at 9:37 am
The publicist says she has never played this game.
Pricilla – Famous SpokesGoat´s last blog post ..I Won’t Hurt the Baby
August 11th, 2013 at 9:58 am
Yikes. And Yikes again- see you on FB- hopefully clean and sober. 🙂
August 11th, 2013 at 10:01 am
Wow I just noticed my picture on here is 5 years old- you all know how old I look on FB. ;P
August 11th, 2013 at 1:10 pm
Kathy. Tell husband Dave to do what I did and blow all of his coins in one sitting. Playing slot machines with no coins is hard to do and makes it easy to quit.
Babs´s last blog post ..The mysterious cat caller
August 11th, 2013 at 3:13 pm
OK, so, the take away is Candy Crush is to be regarded the same way I see unfamiliar desserts. If you never try them, you’ll never crave them!!! Candy Crush = New Desserts: JUST DON’T!!!
Kim, Rambling Family Manager´s last blog post ..Figuring Things Out
August 11th, 2013 at 5:40 pm
Now you can start on a more healthy Facebook app. Try Farmville…
Daisy the Curly Cat´s last blog post ..Spongebob Squarepants
August 11th, 2013 at 5:41 pm
I’m so proud of you! Now, will you hold my hand while I try to cut Word Whomp out of my life?
August 11th, 2013 at 5:54 pm
The Florida Furkids — That’s how I was, too. Too easy to click. The more I did it the worst it got. It was always the first thing I did on the laptop and the last thing. For me, it’s a good thing I couldn’t earn boosts or I’d still be playing.
sharkbytes — Well, I don’t know what to say. If you want to quit, you will. Just like any other addiction, if you’re even calling it that. It was an addiction for me, no doubt about it.
Pricilla — Your publicist is a smart woman. And don’t you start either!
Michelle Gartner — Too funny. My picture on the blog is also 5 years old. I may never change it, even when I’m old and gray. No one can make me!
Babs — If he ever says he wants to quit, I can show him real quick how to lose all the coins! I’ll do it for him.
Kim, Rambling Family Manager — It’s exactly like that. I wish I’d heeded everyone’s warnings about not trying it. It’s a horrible game if people who love you warn you against it, no?
Daisy the Curly Cat — I think I tried Farmville once and maybe it felt too complicated or something. Like I had to do too much thinking. I just wanted to click easy things, and boy, Candy Crush requires very little thinking. Move maneuvering, yes, but not real thinking.
Behemiologist — I’m so glad I don’t know what Word Whomp is. I did try Words with Friends or whatever it’s called, but again, I never wanted to think too hard while playing. I wanted mindless playing and got it, unfortunately, with The Crush.
August 11th, 2013 at 10:13 pm
I’ve not been tempted by that game, but I have tried Solitaire Something-or-Other-Time-Suck. You have to tap all your friends to keep moving forward and you can’t beat the damn thing unless you do. Count me out. I think I’m done with that silliness.
Thanks for the warning on the Candy game. I won’t even look at it.
Lin´s last blog post ..Some days our sense of humor is all we’ve got…..
August 13th, 2013 at 3:30 am
meleah rebeccah´s last blog post ..Why Being Really Lonely Is Sometimes Super Awesome – Except When It’s Not.
September 17th, 2013 at 2:08 pm
[…] know people who have quit the game only to sneak back in and play on the down low. I try not to out anyone by sending them extra moves or lives without their asking but sometimes it […]