Once Upon a Timepiece
Fun, tech support, work March 15th, 2014I attended a conference this week for writers in higher education. During one of the sessions, I sat next to a woman who intrigued me because she was wearing a device on her left wrist that looked foreign to me.
In my tech job at work, I thought I’d seen everything. Devices are getting so much smaller these days and they do so much that it’s like walking around with an entire computer in your pocket.
But this thing she had strapped to her wrist was something that really baffled me. This device looked like jewelry, but wasn’t quite a bracelet. It had symbols on it, but didn’t light up. I wondered if it was taking her pulse or counting her steps or something.
Curiosity got the better of me, so I just blurted out “What’s that thing on your wrist?”
“It’s a wristwatch.”
“A wristwatch? What’s that?”
“A wristwatch is something you wear on your wrist to tell time.”
“Tell time? You mean, it speaks to you? Like Siri?”
“No, you just look at it.”
“Look at it? But I see it’s not digital. How can it possibly tell you the time? Does it beep and remind you of appointments?”
She drew it a little closer to me. “See, it has hands that move. The shorter hand points to the hour and the longer hand points to the minutes.”
“So it keeps moving throughout the day as the time changes?”
“But does it alert you to appointments?”
“No. You just have to glance at it when you think you’re getting close to an appointment time.”
“That must be hard.”
“No, not really. You just think about when you need to be somewhere and you check whether you’re close to it. Observe. I’m going to look at it right now and determine that I have to be at the next session in fifteen minutes.”
“Wow. That’s remarkable. No beeps. You mean you use your brain?”
“Yes, I use my brain.”
“Huh. Brain. I don’t see you have a place to plug it in. How do you charge it?”
“You don’t. You wind it. It’s mechanical. It’s powered by a spring mechanism.”
“A spring mechanism?! What is this madness?”
“You have to wind it periodically to make it keep accurate time. The spring tightens as you wind it and drives the watch as it unwinds.”
“So you’re saying that when it runs low, you don’t have to run all around looking for a place to plug it in?”
“Right. You just turn this little dial here a few times and you’re done.”
“Fascinating! So listen, did you get that last comment the speaker made that sounded really important? I didn’t type it on my laptop.”
“As a matter of fact, I did. I wrote it down.”
“Wrote it?”
“Yeah. I used this thing. It’s called a pen. “
“A pen? What’s that?”

March 15th, 2014 at 9:44 am
Kathy’s back!
This is really funny! It’s a very timely post. I just bought myself one of those gizmo gadgets a few days ago. I haven’t worn one for about 25 years, but I really felt a yearning to own one again. I haven’t used it to tell the time yet, but I’m sure I will one day.
Babs´s last blog post ..Photo Blogging Challenge – Red
March 15th, 2014 at 10:23 am
Hee Hee. Good one. I have several of those contraptions laying around. I miss seeing Minne Mouse pointing to the number. Sigh.
ReformingGeek´s last blog post ..28 Days of Writing – And then my head exploded
March 15th, 2014 at 11:07 am
Does that mean I’m older than you that I remember this stuff (and dozens of pens and pencils handy and a sheaf of hand written notes I still haven’t transcribed into fiction)?
Actually, my grandmother gave me a lovely mechanical watch when I was a kid, but I have a higher than average magnetic field and I killed it within half an hour. Even cheap digitals can be killed within a couple of months. Only things that last are Timex watches.
Stephanie Barr´s last blog post .."You Changed My Life" Part 2
March 15th, 2014 at 12:29 pm
As much as I love technology I am still very much attached to my wristwatch, or rather it is attached to me- it is a little techie in that it doesn’t have to be wound just exposed to light (Citizens Eco Drive). I think it is weird and inconvenient to have to dig out a phone just to check the time! I think it is weird that people walk around with their phones in their hand all.the.time. I find having two hands accessible to do stuff so useful. And old fart that I am, I use pens, pencils and paper and write in long hand OMG – can you even imagine? And I am very particular about my pens (black ink, fine point and pencils (#3 Ticonderoga). And you know what? I even have a *gasp* pencil sharpener – right there, clamped to my desk, it has a handle that you that you turn, round and round…Amazing thing.
And – and – and – you know what? This was very funny.
Grace´s last blog post ..Caturday Art
March 15th, 2014 at 1:30 pm
Analog watches… dinosaurs from a forgotten age. *sigh*
Boom Boom Larew´s last blog post ..On the Road with 30M2DoW: Final Episode
March 15th, 2014 at 8:07 pm
HILARIOUS post, Kathy, because it’s SOOOOOO true!!!!
And you know what? I don’t wear a watch OR carry a cell phone, so I never know WHAT time it is. However it’s funny, because I’m never late if I have to be somewhere.
“A pen? What’s that?”
Thank you! I don’t even know how to write with a pen anymore.
Love the photo of the abacus on this post. Can you believe that in parts of Japan, they still USE an abacus? They use them in several restaurants to total your check!
Ron´s last blog post ..Life Quotes And Photographs
March 16th, 2014 at 5:56 am
Babs — “Timely post.” Har! I guess I haven’t worn a watch in about 20 years. I’m always around time displays on a PC and even if I’m not near a computer or my phone, someone else has their phone out.
ReformingGeek — I have a Disney watch too! It’s funny. It sits inside my makeup basket on my bathroom countertop, so I see it every time I go in and out of it. Why I keep it is anyone’s guess. Probably because I love Mickey’s fat gloved fingers pointing to the hours.
Stephanie Barr — Nope, just means I am shocked to see a watch “out in the wild.” Hee. That’s so interesting about your magnetic field. I want to know more about this.
Grace — I agree with you that it’s annoying to pull out a phone to check the time. Mine is buried in a side pocket of my enormous handbag and the pocket is filled with other junk, so it’s hard to get it out quickly. When this happens, I sometimes just look around to see if anyone’s wearing a watch. I’m particular about my pens too. Dave and I can’t seem to find good ones lately, but I snagged a couple nice ones this week at the conference and from my hotel, so we’re good for a while now. I also have the same pencil sharpener you have. Used it for a “What’s That Wednesday” once!
Boom Boom Larew — I know. It’s a sad thing. Not everything has to glow or beep!
Ron — You must have superior time management skills. I tip my hat to you, sir. When I was looking up abacus, I was dumbfounded to read they are still widely used by merchants in Africa and Asia. That kind of blew my mind.
March 16th, 2014 at 7:55 am
I do use pens sometimes, but often and I know this is sad but I can’t read my own handwriting. It’s that bad so it’s just easier for everyone, i.e. me, to just type it in the first time instead of copying it over and going to myself: “What are you saying?” I won’t lie either. I love apps on my phone. Yes, I can live without them as I went a whole TWELVE (yes, TWELVE) hours without a phone yesterday, but the phone and the apps are sooo helpful, especially at work.
Bryan G. Robinson´s last blog post ..Testing the waters of The Art of Happiness
March 16th, 2014 at 10:48 am
The funny thing is, I get addicted to my watch when I wear it. I’ll wear it for awhile and then I find I’m lost without it–like some people are without their phones. I’m less stressed without a manual wristwatch on my arm—isn’t that weird?
Remember when you’d go bowling and you actually had to keep score yourself?
Lin´s last blog post ..Seasons
March 16th, 2014 at 2:40 pm
Yes, very hilarious – thanks !!!
March 16th, 2014 at 5:29 pm
So, why are you typing all of that into your laptop?
It’s for my job.
Job? I used to have one of those, but I was replaced by a computer.
March 17th, 2014 at 7:55 pm
That is FUNNY and oh so true! Gosh… what if they broke out a typewriter!
I actually LOVE watches. But lately when I buy one, the battery runs out after a few weeks. Guess I need to ebay a wind one!
Katherine´s last blog post ..40 Bags, 40 Days
March 19th, 2014 at 5:32 am
Bryan — Yeah, me too. Plus, reading over my typed conference notes, there were some questionable things I couldn’t understand. Can’t imagine if I’d tried to write it out! Also agree phone and apps are helpful. My sister can’t live without her phone. She would have never made it 12 hours like you did.
Lin — That’s interesting how much you need your watch. The moment wearing mine felt more like jewelry was the moment I stopped wearing it. Probably because I’m not a jewelry person, although I did just start wearing earrings again. Hee.
Marlene — Thanks!
Merrill — I guess I feel lucky. My job is to fix computers, so I feel like I’ll never be out of work.
Katherine — There’s still an old sign hanging in the library where I work that tells people to remember to always take their typewriter out of study carrels when they leave. Cracks me the hell up.
March 20th, 2014 at 6:27 pm
Hi Kathy,
I have one of those contraptions strapped to my wrist as I type this. Amazing aren’t they? What will they think of next?
Linda´s last blog post ..Quote of the Week
March 24th, 2014 at 8:10 pm
I added that wrist watch back into my life six months ago. Don’t need to wind it as it does have a battery. Just got tired of flipping open that ugly cell phone to know what time it is. Getting even more tired of my husband’s “smart phone” lighting up our bedroom. Time to add that old fashioned alarm clock!
Viveca´s last blog post ..Fatigue Facts & Stats
March 27th, 2014 at 2:51 pm
On which wrist should you wear the watch? With hand would you suggest using the pen? Is a wrist watch comparable to a cow bell?
Ben Swilley´s last blog post ..Double Hump Day in Albany, Georgia – My Home Town
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