art, Fun March 8th, 2014Hey, folks. Remember me? Yes, I’m still blogging, but I’m just really having a hard time of it. I don’t brain very well these days, it seems.
Just wanted to post something so you knew I was still alive, unlike that poor woman who was found dead in her car for like five years and nobody noticed. That’s a hell of a thing.
I did actually write up a post a few days ago after I accidentally propositioned someone at the car wash, but I wasn’t happy with the final product, so you’re just going to have to use your imagination.
Anyway, to ease back into what I hope will be regular-ish blogging, I give you this picture I took last week while on my lunchtime walk.
Rat Face Snow Melt. (March 5, 2014) Water on sidewalk canvas, 4’ x 6’. That’s right. This is art, baby!
I asked my walking buddies if they’d keep a lookout for other interesting things I could photograph for the blog.
Specifically, I asked for snow skulls. There were lots of frozen blobs of winter remnants that looked like skulls to me, but not enough good ones to make the grade.
My walking partners probably don’t know if they want to be my walking partners anymore because can’t you just walk without looking for disembodied heads in the snow?
You must always look for disembodied heads in the snow! Because if we won’t, who will?
Hope y’all are having a super fantastic weekend and enjoying some balmy temperatures since this hellish winter appears to be over.
Until later……

March 8th, 2014 at 7:46 pm
Kathy, I just went over and read that article on the woman found dead in her car. OMG…it said the last time her employer saw her was in 2008!!!!!
“Rat Face Snow Melt. (March 5, 2014) Water on sidewalk canvas, 4’ x 6’. That’s right. This is art, baby!”
*thunderous applause*
That is soooooooo COOL!!!!
“Hope y’all are having a super fantastic weekend and enjoying some balmy temperatures since this hellish winter appears to be over.”
I know, can you believe how gorgeous it was today? I was outside for almost the whole day, enjoying it. Yet, can you believe I saw SNOW in the forecast for next week??
Enjoy your Sunday, girl!
Ron´s last blog post ..Sarcasm, Exaggeration, & Dirty Stuff
March 8th, 2014 at 8:04 pm
I once found a leaky snow mound that looked like Bela Lugosie’s head. But my Kodak camera was out of flash cubes.
NeadReport´s last blog post ..Are you hip to The Grommet? They promote and sell unique products…
March 8th, 2014 at 8:07 pm
Hey Kathy, welcome back. I hafta tell you, I do the same with clouds. Today I saw a crocodile chasing a clown car. Nobody will walk with ME either. Roth x
Indigo Roth´s last blog post ..The Road Slacks Ever Onwards
March 9th, 2014 at 3:04 am
Welcome back!
How am I meant to put boggle-eyes on that?
symdaddy´s last blog post ..Spat
March 9th, 2014 at 10:42 am
Ron — I don’t understand how her employer didn’t notice her missing. Neighbors, yes. Even family. But did they keep cutting her a paycheck? What’s the deal with that? I got outside yesterday to do a little shopping where I could stroll in the sun between stores and soak it all up. OMG. We deserve this after that winter we had. Have a fab day, my friend!
NeadReport — Wow, how very specific. Love it! Man, I remember those old cameras with the flash cubes in a tall row that you attached to the top of the camera. We are dating ourselves, I’m afraid.
Indigo Roth — Good to be back! I love that you haven’t lost the ability to see things in clouds. I look too, but not as much as I should. I love the image you saw. Those crocks never leave the clowns alone, do they?
symdaddy — Like my car wash post, you’ll just have to use your imagination. p.s. Everyone loved the googly eyes you put on my Facebook wall. Got a lot of “likes!”
March 9th, 2014 at 12:57 pm
What a great “art” hunter you are! That really does look like a rat’s head! I would never think of looking for pictures in melted snow–you are so creative!
Karen and Gerard´s last blog post ..4 Friday Fragments: TV, Exercise, Dog, Question
March 9th, 2014 at 3:34 pm
I’d go walking with you any day, Kathy. Looking for disembodied heads beats smiling at strangers any day.
Boom Boom Larew´s last blog post ..On the Road with 30M2DoW: Final Episode
March 9th, 2014 at 6:33 pm
I like finding disembodied heads too. Not real heads, of course.
Surely a huge legal muddle will ensue now. Five years of paying for stuff AFTER you’re dead and repossessing her house?
Babs´s last blog post ..Photo Blogging Challenge – Red
March 9th, 2014 at 8:46 pm
When my kids were toddlers, I’d give them a brown lunch bag and we’d take a slow (VERY slow) walk around the ‘hood looking for cool stuff that we’d find along the way. They could put whatever they found in their bag and treasure it for always…or I’d just toss it a week or so later if they forgot about it. We’d find pennies, feathers, acorns, beads…whatever–but it was a treasure just the same.
I like this idea of finding stuff along the way….I will be looking too. No dead animals though—that’s my rule.
Lin´s last blog post ..40 Days of a Better Me….I think.
March 10th, 2014 at 5:15 am
Karen — Take your camera the next time you walk Abby! I’m sure you’ll have weeks yet before all your snow melts away the artwork.
Boom Boom Larew — Aw, thanks! As long as you don’t mind when I have to break our momentum when I see something worthy of picture-taking.
Babs — I know you were just out with Mo walking and picture taking. Hope you post some on your blog! Yeah, I didn’t think of that — having to deal with administrative stuff after someone dies, who’s been paying for all those years. I just can’t wrap my brain around how no one found that poor woman for so long. Weeks and months, maybe. But years?
Lin — Aw, I love how you made an adventure for your kids. Kids should always move slowly through life looking for treasure. So should adults, for that matter.
March 12th, 2014 at 12:53 pm
Seems a lot of us who used to blog regularly have slowed right down.
That poor woman, no one in either Germany or US cared enough about her to search for her, what a lonely existence she must had led..
March 12th, 2014 at 6:09 pm
That round spot at the very top is the head of an avenging ninja about to strike an unsuspecting enemy as soon as he leaps over the ice floe. I really prefer to think it is Peter O’Toole as Lawrence of Arabia as he crests the ice-like sand dune and leaps on an unsuspecting enemy. The round spot at the very top is still his head.
The rat is pretty cool but he is scary as hell and he has the ears of a koala or is that the head of Lawrence of Arabia?.
Ben Swilley´s last blog post ..Don’t Let Your Dogs See You Naked.