“Hi, Guy Who Got the Weirdest Malware I’ve Ever Seen!”
Stupid things I do, tech support, work May 9th, 2015I’ve never been good at remembering names. Faces, yes. If I met you only once before, I can usually remember the context of the meeting. I’d probably even remember a lot about you if we spoke at length – where you work, what you do, your kids, places you vacationed. Whatever.
But even if you gave me your name and I repeated it aloud during the conversation, it never seems to make its way to long term memory. You might as well ask me to remember pi to the 107th digit. Ain’t gonna happen.
I had an exercise in name mortification this week at work.
The problem with providing technical support for people is that I generally remember the nature of the computer problem I resolved more than the name of the person who brought it to me.
On Thursday, an adjunct professor knocked on my office door. I opened it and welcomed her in. I totally remembered that the first time we met was during a troubleshooting session that lasted over two hours, as she had a host of issues that took a while to complete.
I knew what she teaches, I knew I installed Microsoft Office, antivirus and Chrome, and fixed a problem with a statistical software package she used. I remembered where she lived and that on the day of our meeting she was late because of a traffic jam.
I just didn’t remember her name.
She came in needing me to install two network printers, which was all well and good until it wasn’t.
Because one of the printers requires an accounting code before you can print to it, I had to get her code from her department administrator.
So I called her.
Me: “Patti? I have someone here who needs to print to your restricted printer.”
Patti: “No problem. I’ll get you the code. Who is it?”
Me: {{crickets}}
Patti: “I can check the code if you just tell me who it’s for.”
Me: {{more crickets}}
Patti: “Kathy?”
Kathy: {{ever more crickets}}
Now Patti’s cricketing and wondering why the hell I won’t answer her.
The adjunct is sitting inches from me. I can’t very well ask her what her name is because she knows we met for such a long time before, and have corresponded by email many times since.
How the hell am I going to get her name without actually asking for it and looking like a complete doofus?
I decided to pretend that I needed her User ID in order to get her code, so I asked her for it.
Except not.
When I gave the User ID to Patti, she pretty much had it with me being so inexplicably secretive.
Patti: “That’s the User ID, but can you just give me the name?”
Me: {{All the crickets in all the world}}
I’m thinking “Please Patti, figure out that I don’t know her name. Look up the ID and find it yourself! LOOK. UP. THE. ID!”
Finally, finally, we have liftoff.
Patti: “OK, I’ll just look her up. It’s Jane Smith. Got it. Here’s her printer code.”
A wave of relief came over me, I took care of the printer installation, rushed Jane off and then promptly emailed Patti to explain that I’m a dumbass and to thank her for receiving my telepathic request to look up the woman’s name.
So if you work with me and pass me in the hallway, don’t be offended if I just nod and wave.
You’re not getting a “Hi, Mike” or a “Hi, Nancy” or a “Hi, Dan.”
Because I’ll be thinking instead:
“Hi, guy who couldn’t install a second monitor because he installed remoting software that created a virtual graphics card that interfered with the on-board card and until I uninstalled the remote software couldn’t attach the second monitor and communicate with the on-board!”
— OR —
“Hi, lady whose files mysteriously get deleted from your network drive every time you reboot!”
— OR —
“Hi, man with the stats program that only works with the MS-Access 64-bit version that took me three hours to research for that one in a million scenario!”
Because it’s not you, it’s me. Oy.

May 9th, 2015 at 10:42 am
I am very good at faces. I will always recognise a face. Even if it’s someone I’ve never actually spoken to, but names? Forget it! I sympathise with you.
Babs´s last blog post ..A Mother’s Day Poem For Days Gone By
May 9th, 2015 at 10:52 am
I can TOTALLY relate.
Hi, student in aviation management that needed an extension because …
May 9th, 2015 at 11:09 am
I can’t remember names either. I’m much better with faces, too. The worst is when you are with a friend and bump into someone, can’t remember their name and have to figure out how to introduce them to your friend.
Lauren´s last blog post ..What Kind Of Thinker Are You?
May 9th, 2015 at 11:25 am
I too am a faces-not names person. I think part of it is the nature of your job. You interact with a lot of people and those people represent a problem to solve – your focus is on the technical problem not the person. Ergo – face=problem to solve. I worked in corporate personnel (nowadays called human resources) and did non-exempt interviewing – sometimes in a warehouse, and often interacted, quite briefly, with hundreds of people in a day. No way I would remember a name but the faces? Oh yes, I remembered those. Save yourself some grief, I always just ask…”I know we’ve met before, I remember your face but not your name”
Grace´s last blog post ..Feeding my obsession with eyes…
May 9th, 2015 at 2:47 pm
Babs — And I suspect it won’t get any better the older we get. It’s really a hopeless situation, isn’t it?
Lauralee — Yes! You get it!
Lauren — OMG, that’s my worst fear. The best we can do is pray the friend will figure out they won’t get introduced unless they do it themselves. I feel very grateful when they do that, but still stupid and guilty after. Ugh.
Grace — You’re braver than me. I am simply too embarrassed to bring up the fact that I can’t remember because I think they’ll think I should have. So I suffer in silence 🙂
May 9th, 2015 at 3:11 pm
Of course they think you should have remembered their name, after all it was only a one time meeting 5 years ago and how could anyone forget THEM. I’m old, I’m grumpy with little patience for nonsense. I recognize someone, I smile, I’m gracious but honest…Names are important so I’d rather ask than guess. (Years ago [everything was years ago], a woman in my office ran up to me in a hallway, grabbed my arm and yelled “Gladys, I’m calling you” I replied – “Gladys? My name isn’t Gladys, my name is Grace” “Oh my god” she replied “no wonder you never answer when I call your name”. Ya think? Plus my name was on my office door which was directly across from her office.
So let’s all give each other a break, starting with ourselves, shall we? ♥
Grace´s last blog post ..Feeding my obsession with eyes…
May 9th, 2015 at 6:52 pm
“…even if you gave me your name and I repeated it aloud during the conversation, it never seems to make its way to long term memory. You might as well ask me to remember pi to the 107th digit. Ain’t gonna happen.”
OMG Kathy, I am the EXACT. SAME. WAY. I kid you not! I suck at remembering names. But what’s funny is that I will remember other things, such as, what someone’s horoscope sign is; where they were born; what their occupation is; their favorite color. But ask me to remember their name? NOT HAPPENING.
It took me six months to remember the names of people I work with until I finally stopped referring to them as, “What’s his name.”
FAB post, my friend! LOVED it!
Ron´s last blog post ..Today’s Special: Mother’s Day
May 9th, 2015 at 9:56 pm
I’ve worked at the same store for nearly 20 years. There are customers I’ve known for years that I chat with about their lives every time I see them, but I have no idea what their names are. The few I do are because at some point they either wrote a check, did a special order or return, or had me scan their mailing label.
Our staff changes frequently, so keeping up with names is hard. Right now I could say “Amanda” and have a good chance of getting it right because we have not one, not two, but THREE Amandas on staff.
May 10th, 2015 at 8:26 am
OMG It’s like you live in my head!! I’ve done this so many times.
May 10th, 2015 at 8:42 am
Grace — A colleague and I were discussing the nature of our jobs, that everyone in our respective support areas know US, but we don’t know THEM some of the time. It’s harder to learn 200 names than one. Can I call you Gladys now? Hee.
Ron — “What’s his name?” Har. I hate that my clients come and go. It might take me a year to be able to identify them, and then they leave and they’re replaced with someone else I won’t know for another year. It’s exhausting. Would it be rude to ask them to wear name tags?
Buggy — That’s funny about the Amanda thing. At one time, there were like six Kathys in my building. One time, we had an issue to deal with that involved three of us Kathys, plus another Kathy in a different department. The emails we exchanged were hilarious, all addressed and signed by Kathys.
Susan — Oh, you poor thing. Misery loves company.
May 11th, 2015 at 10:32 am
I’d buy whatshername a drink before you forget who helped you out in a pinch…Great story! Glad to have you back…
May 11th, 2015 at 1:46 pm
Sorry it took so long for me to catch on. We need a code word.
May 11th, 2015 at 4:42 pm
Everyone – Today on my lunch time walk, I ran into a client clear on the other side of campus. He exited a building, saw me and exclaimed “It’s Kathy Frederick!” And I’m like “Hey! Guy who received the wrong AC adapter for his Dell Latitude and I helped him to get a speedy exchange!” I had to scan through the faculty list in my college directory to recall his name. It never ends.
MA Fat Woman — Glad to be back! I actually thought of things to write today. That’s a good sign. For so long, wasn’t on my mind. I hope I’m headed in the right direction now.
Patti — We’ll have to make it a whole statement, so it sounds like regular conversation. The statement shall be “Hey, I forgot to tell you I like your outfit today!” And then you ask me for the user’s ID and look ’em up!
May 11th, 2015 at 8:08 pm
I’m totally the same with names. AND faces. And acronyms, which is a big drawback in my job.
I’ve long since learned to introduce myself as “Hi, I’m Stephanie and I’m terrible with names so, if I forget yours, don’t be offended. I named my first daughter Stephanie just so I could remember it.”
Stephanie Barr´s last blog post ..Repost: And More of our African American Astronauts
May 14th, 2015 at 1:39 am
I don’t remember names. I think it’s happened to all of us. If I am at an event and recognize peoples’ faces all over the room, but names utterly escape. I feel bad. But I think when it comes to linking faces and names, the deck is stacked against us from evolutionary, neuroanatomical, and practical perspectives.
Sheena´s last blog post ..Everything you ever wanted to know about Chemical Capes
May 14th, 2015 at 5:24 pm
Stephanie — I would like to be more upfront about my memory lapses with names, but it embarrasses me so. Funny about your daughter having the same name!
Sheena — I think it takes a lot of practice and I think you have to use mnemonics right off the bat. I’m not quick enough on my feet to do that.
May 14th, 2015 at 10:08 pm
You are not alone my friend. But I’m bad with both names and faces so I double suck. Nice to see you back on the ol blog again. Kinda fun isn’t it?
May 17th, 2015 at 2:38 pm
Jeff – “Double suck.” Ha! For some reason I would think you’d be better at remembering names and faces than that, as a musician. I think musicians have special brains or something. Anyway, yes, it’s good to be back. Still suffering through writer’s block, but I’m at least thinking about things to write, which is more than I can say about my last six months.
June 4th, 2015 at 9:07 am
[…] The Junk Drawer […]
June 28th, 2015 at 4:31 pm
just stopped by to see if you were still here. I had to dump my old website since I kept getting hacked. Started a new regular blog with not much there yet. Stop by sometime. Neat post on the Malware.
grannyann´s last blog post ..From Life in the 40s
March 20th, 2016 at 1:56 am
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