Spotted the Coolest Technology Today
Stuff I don't hate, work September 16th, 2015Every day at lunch, I take a 2.5 mile walk through campus at the university where I work.
It’s especially hectic right at the Noon hour when classes let out and students spill out from every building and converge on every square inch of sidewalks, streets and walkways.
Often, I’m battling trying to either pass slow walkers or not get run over by students, heads bowed and oblivious, reading their smartphones.
Ugh. Smartphone walkers. They’re the worst!
Today I noticed one student in particular who was walking along a pathway, reading from a very different kind of device. So cool!
You can hold it in one hand or two. In his case, he was slowly walking with it in his left hand.
The device opens fairly flatish and his was medium-sized, on the order of an iPad.
He walked along reading it and then when he needed to advance through the material, he swiped his right hand along the right half of the device and part of it physically moved! Came right up off the device and covered the material on the left side.
It was amazing. It didn’t appear to need batteries and he didn’t connect ear buds to it.
He just keep reading it and turning it and enjoying it. It didn’t make a sound. Didn’t ring. Didn’t beep.
It just displayed non-illuminated words permanently affixed to what I assume to be paper.
That’s right. This student was actually reading a good, old-fashioned book and it made my heart sing.
Thank you, random student, for reminding the world that some things can still be engrossing, yet not one bit digital.
How refreshing!

September 16th, 2015 at 7:54 pm
Book readers unite!!! You should see the seething jealousy on airplane Tarmac delays!!
September 16th, 2015 at 8:31 pm
Wow….that’s pretty amazing!!!
The Florida Furkids
The Florida Furkids´s last blog post ..Wordy Wednesday
September 16th, 2015 at 9:11 pm
I’m guessing you saw this
Grace´s last blog post ..How did it get to be fuzzy robe time?
September 17th, 2015 at 3:40 am
Daughterbonnie — It’s funny to see annoyed people who have to turn off their electronic devices and all the book readers can still continue reading. Hee.
The Florida Furkids — Fascinating!
Grace — I hadn’t seen that entry. I loved how he described that. Thanks for sharing.
September 17th, 2015 at 8:11 am
This made me smile.
Vanessa´s last blog post ..The Wise Bean
September 17th, 2015 at 11:55 am
You know why I don’t read real books? The pain in my wrists and thumbs, while trying to hold them for more that two minute. The fact that I can read two or three books a week and would have nowhere to store them, because libraries have disappeared around these parts.
I sometimes get a fleeting memory of the smell of different books, while reading them and I miss those smells and the feel of all the different papers they were made of.
There are so many things of the past that I miss and books seem to be going the same way.
September 18th, 2015 at 5:15 pm
Vanessa — I’m glad and me too!
Babs — I have trouble holding certain books open too, which is why I love my Kindle. One of my offices at work is in the science library and my door opens up right to the stacks. I love seeing them, but I fear they will be moved somewhere much less accessible, simply because very few students pull them off the shelves. It’ll be a sad day, but we need the room!
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