A Dollar Fifty. All For a Dollar Fifty.
Travel November 2nd, 2015I just got back from a whirlwind weekend visit with my friends Julia, of the we-desperately-miss I Do Things blog, and Lin, of Duck and Wheel with String. So fun!!
I traveled with my sister Ann, of the We Can Travel Everywhere with GPS and a Rental Car philosophy.
It rained buckets all day Saturday, so we decided we’d at least get some walking in by going to an outlet mall with Julia and her hilarious and delightful boyfriend, Steve. We took separate cars due to a switcheroo we planned later in the evening.
Ann and I hopped out on the highway and all went well until we hit a toll booth along the way. A toll booth without an attendant and that required exact change. Change we did not have.
I just want to say here that we hate Illinois for all their toll booths. I thought Jersey was bad. It felt like we were paying tolls every other mile. Illinois, we find you very annoying and we’re never coming back.
OK, so we’re sitting at the coin basket, which is waiting for us to hurl six quarters into it. We had just four.
We’re digging in every possible nook and cranny of our purses for extra change, but none is materializing.
Meanwhile, I look over at a woman in a nearby lane who is also doing the holy shit, why isn’t there an attendant here I don’t have any money except bills is that a quarter on the floor oh my God this is stressful routine.
I decide I would open the car door and wave around a dollar bill in the hopes that nearby drivers would have enough quarters to make change for me so we can get on our way. Quarters? Quarters? Anyone got quarters?
I look behind us and there is a man in a pickup truck losing his mind that we are not moving. He is actively screaming at us and waving his arms all around. I’m relieved he’s not waving a gun.
I quickly get back to the scrounging for quarters, cursing Illinois procedure, while Road Rage guy is having his meltdown. I again wave a dollar bill out the window to indicate “I don’t have quarters, I only have this bill, can’t you see????”
I hear the guy scream “Pay it online! Pay it online!” and we finally decide it’s our only option. We are devastated. We are Catholic. We are rule followers. We are about to blow through a toll without paying the required dollar fifty. Dear God, please forgive us and have mercy on our souls.
We reluctantly gun it past the stop light, knowing we are going to hell for our scofflaw behavior and now instantly worry that cops will pull us over, we’ll get an extra fine from the car rental company and that Ann’s credit card will get charged not only for the $1.50 toll we skipped, but for every toll along the parkway because how else will they know where we got on and off? FYI, Catholics’ brains cannot function in any other way.
We eventually get to the outlet mall and meet up with our friends and the first thing we blurt out, because it’s the most important thing in our honest, rule-following lives right now, is “We didn’t pay a $1.50 toll!!!!” Julia and Steve care nothing in the least.
“Don’t pay it. People skip tolls all the time. They can’t track all of the people who do it. You’re crazy for worrying about it,” Steve says.
But worry we do. We are a hand-wringing, anxiety-ridden sort of people, convinced Ann’s going to jail because of our criminality.
So the next day, we set out to make right on the toll.
We use my iPad to get to the Illinois toll website because I can use VPN on it and we want to make sure the transaction is secure. We back track through the GPS directions to find the toll we missed and provide all the rental car information, along with the time that we committed our crime.
Because we are still deathly afraid that Hertz Car Rental is going to find out what we did, we document payment of the toll in no less than four different ways: sending ourselves an email link of payment, taking a picture of the iPad payment with Ann’s other iPad, taking a picture of the iPad payment with Ann’s iPhone, and ensuring she has an email alert of her credit card payment of the toll.
We have rock-solid proof of payment now and if Hertz gets notified by the State of Illinois that we failed to pay one dollar and fifty cents at a toll, we have ample proof that we did and we can sleep well knowing our parents raised us right and we are not actually going to hell now.
The guy behind us at the toll booth? He is going to hell. And his hell will consist of him having the correct change and perpetually being stuck behind out-of-towners who don’t. Serves him right.

November 2nd, 2015 at 3:19 pm
I can’t tell you how many toll booth violators are in hell right now. The number is overwhelming and inconceivable. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Yum Yucky´s last blog post ..My kids wouldn’t come out of the graveyard.
November 2nd, 2015 at 3:29 pm
Wonderful share! I miss I Do Things… I think about her when I take flowers to my neighbor or think about doing yoga.
….but I have one question…why did you take a photo with the other device? Why did you not just take a screen shot (power button + circle button)?
November 2nd, 2015 at 3:33 pm
Yum Yucky — But luckily we are not violators now. We are redeemers 🙂 There is no way we could have slept easy after this if we hadn’t paid up. But I’m sure plenty of others sleep like babies.
Daughterbonnie — It’s a rare blog that I miss and JD is among them. I’m sure she’ll love to know you think of her! I’m glad you asked about the screen shot. Knew someone would. I was just terrified that I’d screw it up and lose the page we were trying to preserve as proof. I have taken shots from the iPad before, but I thought this one time I’d probably mess it up and then my sister would have to go to jail. Har.
November 2nd, 2015 at 3:53 pm
Aurgh! We had a similar nightmare in California. I don’t know why such things leave me feeling like I’ve gone through some kind of traumatic event, but they do! I need a glass of wine to calm down or something.
Wynn Anne´s last blog post ..New Mother
November 2nd, 2015 at 6:16 pm
I like your honesty, I would have done the same thing!
Jane Argyll´s last blog post ..Mukade AKA The Terrifying Centipede
November 3rd, 2015 at 4:26 am
Wynn Anne — It’s very stressful! It’s the pressure of finding money and the further pressure of people behind you who know what they’re doing and have money at the ready. There’s no room for out-of-towner, no money, confused people!
Jane — We needed to have clear consciences. And my sister needed to not have a huge penalty. We’re in the clear!
November 3rd, 2015 at 6:54 pm
Very funny…i should have summed it up with my shorter “pat” answer for situations like that……Fuck ‘Em……Maybe that would have afforded you more reassurance….Signed…The Flaming Asshole……
November 3rd, 2015 at 7:04 pm
Steve! So glad you showed up here! Ann and I were a bit relieved when you said not to worry about it, but not quite enough to let it go. Catholic. That’s it in a nutshell. It’s a disease.
November 10th, 2015 at 8:28 pm
Oh yes, I understand this very well. Everyone kept telling me get an EZ PASS. But I just could not justify it. Then one day the Interstate was completely stopped. However the Express lane was open. No one was on it. So… I jumped on it, then noticed that it was an EZ Pass lane and no Booths!!! Now those are bad. Well we stayed on it and passed all those people stopped. It ended up costing us 40.00, when we recieved the bill. So.. yes I got an EZpass now and use it. Now we do not have to have those quarters in the car…. This highway system will break us for sure, between the Gas price and the tolls we are broke….
Auntie E´s last blog post ..Auntie E’s Pumpkin Cheesecake
November 12th, 2015 at 9:18 pm
Oh my gosh! I never thought to tell you about the tolls. I wish I knew…I have crap-tons of change in the house. We have a pass now, so we throw all the change in a jar. I could have filled your pockets!
I am sooo glad you, Ann, and Julia came over for dinner. It was nice to see you all, even if you are tollway sinners. Hahaha!
Lin´s last blog post ..Leaf Watching
November 13th, 2015 at 3:56 am
Auntie E — Ouch! My biggest fear on the highway is going through an EZ-Pass lane without EZ-Pass! The stress I feel on approach to the booths is incredible, making sure I’m in the cash only lane! OMG. Horrible. I’m glad you have EZ-Pass now. I would get it if I drove enough freeway miles to justify it, if for no other reason than to avoid the cash stress.
Lin — It was just so stupid that this particular toll didn’t have an attendant. We had plenty of bills, but no change. Who has change?! We are so glad you had us over for a delicious dinner and great company! What a nice treat! You and Joe are the BEST!
November 25th, 2015 at 2:00 am
let’s saving dollar, i’m also wanna to go vacation and visit some place . .i wanna to rent car and maybe also use GPS haha
February 22nd, 2016 at 9:56 am
I loved this blog. My sense of humor and made me laugh. Thanks for posting!