The Last Holdout
Stuff I hate September 2nd, 2016“We are shutting down our 2G network by the end of 2016.” – Your friends at ATT.
And so it begins.
I’ve been a cell phone user since 2008. The crappy kind of cell phone with the capability for only old school texting. The kind where you put only a handful of minutes on it each month for emergency calls. The kind that gets you laughed out of the room if you dare show it to anyone.
I deserve it, though. See, I’m a computing consultant by trade, surrounded by cutting edge technology every second of the day. And yet, I used a ridiculously outdated Nokia that I called my “Playskool phone” because it really was. Actually, even toddlers would point and laugh at it.
But now I have to be dragged into this century kicking and screaming because ATT won’t support my phone anymore. “Come on, Kathy. You can do it. Everybody’s doing it!”
Why have I resisted coming into the smartphone age? For a couple reasons:
1. The cost. I don’t want a new large monthly bill that I will surely have the rest of my life. We’re always trying to cut costs and now we’re negating all that effort.
2. I’m already plugged in everywhere I go, except my car and leisure stuff. Laptop at work, laptop at home, iPad at work and at home. Yup, my iPad is on the nightstand because it’s the last thing I check before calling it a night. I don’t want the last slivers of freedom from technology consumed by yet another device.
Sure, I could just let my 2G Nokia die a natural death and leave it be. Live my life cell-phone free and continue to have people question my sanity.
I was all set to fade into the connection-free abyss until I needed a phone in a bad way last weekend.
After doing steps at a local football stadium with my sister, we went to leave and I discovered my car battery dead.
Luckily, she hadn’t driven away yet and she has a phone. So I called my husband to come with jumper cables, which he did. My sister’s like “GET. A. PHONE. ALREADY.”
The next day my husband dropped me off at a job fair so I could hire a student assistant for the year. I don’t always stay at these fairs for the entire time allotted and didn’t want to tell him to come pick me up at the end. If I wanted to leave early, how would I reach him?
No phone, only email on my iPad. So the poor guy had to keep checking his email from home to see if I sent a “Come get me” message. Ridiculous, I know.
Yeah, I could have asked my table-mate to borrow his phone to make a call home, but then he’d realize I didn’t have one and I’ve had enough people laughing at me this week, thank you.
So here I am in the market for an iPhone and it’s crazy what they cost and how much the monthly bill will be. Part of me thinks I should just get a pay-as-you go Playskool phone again, but the other part sees the value in upgrading to something more full-featured.
When the gal at the ATT store laid it all out for me, I complained about cost at every turn. Data plan, cost of phones, installation fee, taxes, accessories. Even with my discount from work, it’ll cost something like $120/mo for two of us and that’s not including the cost of the phones.
The saleswoman said “Wow, I haven’t seen someone like you in a long time.”
What? Someone who’s disgusting by having to attach myself to a never-ending bill every month for something I wish I didn’t need?
I don’t know. I hate it, but I probably deep down want it. It’s like exercise. It’s good for me, but it costs time and effort. The phones and plan will cost me mucho bucks and freedom from every-waking-minute connectivity. I’m not the sort of person who can disconnect easily.
And so it begins.

September 2nd, 2016 at 8:00 pm
We still have flip phones. Keep the faith, baby!
September 2nd, 2016 at 9:30 pm
My husband has a flip phone and I have a slide. They are both about 6 years old. We do not have a data plan so no texting. The only time I use the phone is when I have to call comcast because the cable/internet/telephone service is down. No, it’s not that I am a luddite it’s because I just don’t need the darn thing.
September 3rd, 2016 at 6:27 am
I was a holdout for a long time too, got an iPhone eventually, and while I loved it, I was disappointed that over time the battery got worse and worse until it died. I now have an Android that uses wi-fi at home, work, and as much as possible out and about, so I end up using a really cheap data plan. I still wish I didn’t need to get the monthly bill like that since I’m not really “into” my phone the way the rest of the country now is, but I was able to cut down somewhat.
Marcy´s last blog post ..Marcy climbed Marcy: She was a beast
September 3rd, 2016 at 6:31 am
People laugh at me, too, even with my old iPhone that I originally got for $50 with AT&T service. Then I got rid of AT&T service a while back as it was too expensive. Now I use Consumer Cellular and it costs $60/month for two phones. You can use your old phone. (They just send you a new chip.) And they just text you if you start to go over your allotted minutes and you can temporarily add more. No contract. So you don’t have to worry about discovering your minutes used up when you need it in an emergency. My son still uses one of those pay as you go phones for his business and is perfectly happy with it. We’re just basically cheap!
Paula Wooters´s last blog post ..The Trail Marker: A Magpie Tale
September 3rd, 2016 at 7:57 am
Me — I have to have unlimited data and unlimited everything. I caught myself describing someone as “the type that probably still has a home phone”, and then I wondered what I meant.
When I meet someone like you IRL I am fascinated. My thoughts immediately go to feeling like you are the coolest of the cool. The same as when someone doesn’t have Facebook — they are far too busy living life to worry about that. The most fascinating people I know are the most low tech 🙂 Now, you’re all mysterious and whatnot to me.
halfa1000miles´s last blog post ..What’s Your Pot Roast?
September 3rd, 2016 at 8:55 am
Kathy, I SO know what you mean about upgrading to a new phone. As you know, I didn’t even HAVE a cell phone until last year, so when I finally got one I wanted it to be simple and not overly expensive. I agree on your two reasons for resisting coming into the Smartphone age because I felt exactly the same.
I too am with AT&T but decided to go with a GoPhone and I really, really like it. I pay one flat rate (no taxes or extra charges) for unlimited texting and long distance. They have a great deal for $45.00 per month.
Check out their GoPhone rates because they are really awesome.
Have a faaaaabulous Labor Day weekend, my friend!
Ron´s last blog post ..As My Two Computers Died, Another Was Born
September 4th, 2016 at 4:50 am
Organic Marble — Ahhh, the ‘ol flip phone! Those were cool. My Nokia was not flip, but I would have loved for it to have been. Mine was more like a pager. Seriously. So tiny compared to everything else out there!
Grace — I wish I didn’t need one either, but it became glaringly apparent last weekend that I did. I would really like to have access to stuff like GPS and general Googling and email when I’m away from my laptop/iPad. I hope your experience with Comcast isn’t as bad as I always hear about.
Marcy — I’m worried about battery life myself. Keep reading how poor it can be. Although I’ve not experienced that with my iPad, luckily. I got an email yesterday from a reader who suggested Ting for a low-cost data plan, but I don’t think they support ATT, which is the carrier I plan to go with.
Paula — I think it would pay to explore lower cost plans. I haven’t actually bought anything yet because I’m waiting for the Apple announcement next week about the iPhone 7 and to see if/how much they discount their older model. I want to wait for that discount. We were told it’d be about $100 less for the iPhone 6, which is what we’d be buying. Thanks for your advice.
halfa1000miles — “coolest of the cool!” I laughed when I read that. Not what I expected. I’ve been clinging to the notion of being almost proud for not having what everyone else seems to need so bad. But I don’t think I can go on much longer without one. I’m one of you now.
Ron — I remember your post about entering the smartphone age. Thanks for the information about GoPhone. It’ll be good that I have a phone to text with when we all decide to meet up. Seriously, when are we doing that? It’s getting cooler now and I want to get together before winter. I’ll have to write Val and Meleah. I’ll be in touch!
September 4th, 2016 at 8:25 am
I would opt for neither an ipad nor an iphone. Android offers you so many more choices in phones and prices. You can buy a phone and use a prepaid SIM card.
September 6th, 2016 at 9:59 am
I’m offering again – look into Project Fi. You’d be in the Android world (like Richard mentions above), but the cost/benefit ratio is out of this world. Lisa and I both agree it’s the best service for the price that we’ve ever had, and that required us letting go of our unlimited AT&T plan. Thought I’d regret the move, but I never have.
September 7th, 2016 at 3:25 am
Richard and Grant — I would like to go with a lower-cost option, of course, but I’m not a fan of Android because of the interface. I have trouble vision-wise with it (don’t like to use my tablet at work). But I’m glad you’re both so happy with it. Just not for me. In addition, I already have all my files and stuff syncing to iCloud. Want to keep it all in the family.
September 8th, 2016 at 11:18 am
If you’ve decided to stick with Apple, then realise you’re going to pay more for EVERYTHING. So suck it up and start shelling out – no sympathies.
If you want to save, you have to get off Apple.
What if iCloud falls over? You’re stuffed.
I use dropbox, google drive, one drive because trusting one cloud service is insane.
September 8th, 2016 at 1:53 pm
I love your blog! I just wanted to let you know that we featured you in a list of 100 best Humor blogs. You can find our article at the following link:
We would appreciate it if you shared this with your readers, followers and fans.
October 6th, 2016 at 7:12 pm
No, thanks. I don’t need an I-anything. Really. I have a nice cell phone that texts and has data and stuff…but I have not crossed the I-bridge. yet. or maybe never.
Happy New Phone!!
October 7th, 2016 at 10:27 am
Why they have to do this? This is insane!
Mathew Nesbitt´s last blog post ..200 PLR Products Review
October 9th, 2016 at 4:00 pm
I had a playschool phone until 2012, always used just to make the occasional call (I don’t talk on the phone) and get hubby’s calls. Then we had an illness in the family and the ability to text back and forth from the hospital was invaluable. That’s when I got my first smart phone. It was a life changer. I had the world at my fingertips. I am on my second, a Galaxy S5, and love it. I think before long you won’t know how you got along without it.
Linda´s last blog post ..The Hidden Path
October 21st, 2016 at 8:31 am
I swore I’d never get a smart phone. Then my gf showed me her Google Sky app…less than 24 hours later I had my own. If I’d been forced into it I’d have hated it forever. Finding a reason to want one went a long way toward silencing my inner critic. LOL