Too Much Time on Your Hands
Uncategorized August 27th, 2017When you say “It looks like someone has too much time on their hands,” all I hear is “I’m sad because I don’t know what creativity feels like.”
I read this comment on a blog almost a decade ago and haven’t forgotten it since. I can’t be certain where I saw it, but I believe credit is due the artist Terry Border, an incredibly talented man who began a blog called Bent Objects to showcase his whimsical art, and followed up over the years with eight books, one of which has become a musical.
The comment stuck with me because I’ve been on the receiving end of it a bunch of times over the years (especially during the Windy years) and again just recently when I posted this picture to Facebook, with the caption: “Astonished sidewalk guy.”
Someone commented “You have too much time on your hands,” to which I replied “I really hate that comment.”
Boy, do I.
A lot.
I was thinking of replying with a different comment, one that would have addressed the time factor, as in “Really? The three seconds it took to take the shot, then the five seconds to post it to Facebook, qualifies as too much time?
But that’s not a comment that speaks to the real problem with the accusation.
The real problem is that no one needs to justify the time they spend for anything creative, no matter how small or insignificant others might think it is. That’s the beauty of art and creation.
There are a thousand reasons why people innovate and create. It could be for utility or to solve a problem. It could be an outlet for stress or to move through a painful experience. It could be to learn a new skill, to seek a new path, to grow as a human. Or it could be to entertain, to enlighten or simply to bring a smile to the face of another person. That is me.
When I observe something off-beat or interesting, it makes me happy and I want to share it. It’s why I took up blogging. I always said about blogging that if I could make someone chuckle for five minutes out of their day, I’ve done my job.
And if it took me “too much time” to think of something bizarre, stupid, uncanny, or ridiculous, so what? That’s my time to spend. I have never accused anyone of spending too much time on something that gives them joy to make, to do, or to experience. Think of all the hours that people (including me) invest in passive activities, like binge-watching their favorite TV series. They’re not creating art, not creating music, not dancing, not painting, not writing. But they’re creating joy for themselves and I say “Go forth and be joyful!”
The last thing we should be doing these days is raining on others’ parades for doing something they love. If it’s not hurting anyone, why even care?
After I received the “too much time” comment, all I could think was that guy would have lost his mind if he’d seen what I did to this fallen tree on one of my favorite walking routes through the woods. I carried a hammer, some nails and plastic googly eyes for three and a half miles to make and take this shot.
Too much time? Not to me. It was time well-invested because every time I see it, it still cracks me up.
And when passersby laugh about it, take out their cameras and save it to share with others, that’s icing on the cake.
I do what I do first for me. If someone else finds it just weird enough to enjoy, then all the better.
It leaves me happy, because I do know what creativity feels like, and it feels pretty damn good.
Addendum: I just visited the Facebook page of the guy who made that comment to me. In his profile, I see where he graduated college and what he studied. Wanna guess what his degree is in? Can’t make this stuff up: Art History.

August 27th, 2017 at 8:15 pm
Well said, Kathy! Time spent in joy and delight is never time wasted.
August 28th, 2017 at 5:42 am
What a great response. It’s too easy and lazy to write a sad, hurtful comment. You have such a beautiful way with words. Made me smile. Great Post !
August 28th, 2017 at 7:08 am
Ugh. I hate that comment too. I once made a Facebook post about it. It’s so insulting and it was funny to me that it came from someone who puts a massive amount of time into studying her own ancestry, as in dead people. What I think it really meant though was that I did something it would have taken THEM a huge amount of time to do, and they wouldn’t have thought of in the first place.
August 28th, 2017 at 7:28 am
Imagine if nobody ever did anything that others thought was a waste of time and effort! What a boring colourless world we’d live in.
August 28th, 2017 at 3:06 pm
Yay a new post! 🙂
I also get told I have a lot of time on my hands. It just means we make time to still find the small joys in life and know how to find a smile each day.
When I was pregnant I wanted to make a blog dedicated to comments I received. It blows my mind how many people don’t think before they speak. Someone asked me to stand up to “see how big” I was and a stranger in the grocery store asked how far along I was and asked me why I was out – I should be at home. *Insert eye-rolls*
August 28th, 2017 at 4:20 pm
Paula — Indeed! We should be applauding when people are creative, even in the smallest ways. It proves we haven’t lost our collective minds and still find happiness where we can.
Marlene — Thank you! I don’t know what it does for people who need to poop on other people’s funn, except to make them feel superior?
halfa1000miles — That’s a good point. In that case, those people should just keep their opinions to themselves, but we live in a world now where there are endless ways and venues to tell someone what you think. But just because they can say it doesn’t mean they should. Rock on!
Lauralee — Oh, so true! I wouldn’t want to live in such a boring place. It’s hard enough to cope with all the stresses of this world. We need a little levity and creative people to inject it wherever and whenever they see fit.
Vanessa — Thank you for sharing my post! I’ve no doubt you encountered lots of people who thought you would benefit from whatever was on their minds. That happened to me when I was losing weight a couple years ago. No shortage of opinion there either. Ugh!
August 29th, 2017 at 9:13 am
The wife hasn’t got a creative bone in her body which I don’t understand. But maybe that’s what it feels like for her, regarding people who do? But she doesn’t ridicule me for wanting to make things and I don’t chide her for not wanting to.
August 29th, 2017 at 11:25 am
I couldn’t agree with you more. Creating something out of nothing is never a waste of time. Thank you for writing this. It helps bring me back to my writing and the “why” of it.
Lauren Salkin´s last blog post ..The Improv Playground of Deranged Spontaneity
August 29th, 2017 at 1:32 pm
Tell it like it is, Kathy! It’s the quirky fun stuff people post that helps me get through my day with a bigger smile. Keep being you and post whatevah the hells you want to!
Yum Yucky´s last blog post ..“Watch Out For This” | Easy Dance Workout to Lose Weight
August 29th, 2017 at 4:34 pm
Too much time? TOO MUCH TIME? I will use as much of my time as I wish to create something. If you hadn’t filled that time creating your funny posts then maybe that time would have been wasted. I love the little things you find and post. It always makes me smile.
I think you made a great E.T there with the google eyes, but that’s what creating is all about we each see what we want to see.
Babs´s last blog post ..A Mother’s Day Poem For Days Gone By
August 29th, 2017 at 5:24 pm
Impetua — What a healthy way to approach that. Good on you!
Lauren — I’m glad it helped remind you of the power of words and creativity. It all matter more than we know.
Yum Yucky — Thank you! And you do you! Love your videos, how much time you put into them, and how much you inspire others including me!
Babs — I feel like I wasted most of my 30s, sad to say. I’m glad I found blogging. Never felt the time was wasted. And I’m glad you like the googly-eyed deer/bear (we haven’t decided which animal it is, so it can be both!)
August 31st, 2017 at 5:06 pm
Whooohoooo! Well, looky what I found….WHAT JOY! I love a Kathy post!
I think people waste too much time NOT laughing, NOT being silly or having fun. I love laughing and doing things (yes, taking the time to do so!) that make me laugh. And, yes, I still make time for blogging. I like it…it makes me happy.
On that whole comment thought: I remember when I was a stay-at-home mom and all those working parents would ask me, “What do you do all day?” I’d tell them “nothing.” Because if you had to ask, no answer was ever going to be enough. I wanted to tell them that I was entertaining YOUR kid at the local pool, reading to them at school because you don’t have time to each night, and I volunteered at EVERY school event because you apparently didn’t have a vacation day to give your child. Yeah….best to answer like I did.
Please blog more, dear crazy friend.
August 31st, 2017 at 9:04 pm
Loved Windy- I still think of him (her?) when I see a cousin. Keep on being quirky… it makes the rest of us in the same tippy boat feel better! You did see my Crested Wood Crane, yes? And Picasso in the woods, and well. I get it!
sharkbytes´s last blog post ..More from Yesterday’s Ride
September 1st, 2017 at 3:29 am
Lin — Hi, my fellow goofy friend! You’re absolutely right. If we have to ‘splain ourselves, it doesn’t end well. If people don’t “get it” immediately, they never will. I’m happy to go on my own little crooked and weird way and if I run into some negative nellies along the way, well, their loss! Thanks for stopping by and wishing me a happy birthday yesterday. Had a super fantastic day. Skies are clearing!
sharkbytes — Thanks for dropping by! It’s nice to see ‘ol friends here again 🙂 Windy is a she. Hee. “Tippy boat.” I like that! Quirk on!
September 23rd, 2017 at 4:16 pm
I guess, then, that there are a lot of us out there with too much time on our hands. I agree with you that if some little random thing I do, or something I post makes a person laugh or even smile, then I done good!
October 20th, 2017 at 3:39 pm
Take time to relax and for your love ones is the best investment in the world. 🙂
October 25th, 2017 at 5:14 am
Ooooh … I really hate that comment, too, for all the reasons you state, but mostly because it completely devalues whatever it is you’ve spent time doing. They might as well have said ‘Well, that was a waste of time, wasn’t it? Can’t you be a little bit more constructive? You are a worthless person!’
And what right does anyone have to make that kind of judgement?
Jay´s last blog post ..The wise don’t build their houses upon sand
November 18th, 2017 at 5:58 pm
Meh. My whole life is a waste according to that.
But…mine to waste. I have fun, I enjoy the things I do.
And Art Historians suck monkey balls. They all suck, seriously.
SewDucky´s last blog post ..Is the death of blogs killing the indie patterns?