Passive Aggressive Bar Scanner
Uncategorized October 15th, 2017OK, so I know I haven’t been able to shake a five pound weight gain from a recent vacation due to the following ice cream and ice cream-related events:
1. Sept. 24: chocolate/vanilla twist
2. Sept 25: chocolate/vanilla twist, chocolate custard waffle cone
3. Sept 26: chocolate twist, cookie dough/hot fudge sundae
4. Sept 27: chocolate custard waffle cone, cookie dough/hot fudge sundae, chocolate/vanilla twist.
5. And for good measure, Oct 1 – Oct 12: Post-vacation ice cream events too numerous to mention.
I know. I have a problem. Note taken.
The caloric nightmare ain’t over, or maybe it is.
I just went to the store for some things and picked up the lowest calorie snack of all the high-calories ones I perused. That’d be a 12-pack container of mini-whoopie pies that clocked in at 1,200 calories (vs. others I wanted that started at 1,600).
When I got to the register and the cashier rung me up, she couldn’t get my precious whoopies to scan.
“Hmmm,” she says. “That’s weird.”
She tries again, this time entering the code manually. No dice.
Gets another cashier to try. Also no dice.
She turns to me and says “That’s never happened before.”
“What never?” I ask.
“It says ‘Item not for sale,’” she says.
“So what you’re saying is it’s not for sale for me,” I suggest.
She chuckles and the other cashier offers to go back and find another. I wave off the offer, thank her for saving me 1,200 unnecessary calories and I leave snackless.
I’m crestfallen. But I’m also relieved.
I know I need to get serious about these five pounds now because if you don’t stare a gain like that down and do something about it, you wind up getting used to it, add another five, get used to that, and suddenly you weigh 193lbs again.
Thank you, grocery store scanner for refusing to sell junk food to me.
Except I still really wanted it.

October 15th, 2017 at 10:27 am
Ah, the Universe moves in mysterious ways and sometimes knows what’s better for us than we do.
October 16th, 2017 at 2:02 am
I am sensing a theme here…..”chocolate twist” which, apparently, is dangerous!
““It says ‘Item not for sale,’” she says.” – so that MUST mean it’s free and doesn’t count for calories either!
“I know I need to get serious about these five pounds now because if you don’t stare a gain like that down and do something about it, you wind up getting used to it, add another five, get used to that, and suddenly you weigh 193lbs again.”
So true.
But true!
October 16th, 2017 at 3:29 am
Grace — Yep, that’s how I took it. Except I wound up going to a different store and getting them! But at least I didn’t eat them all, plus I worked out twice yesterday. So I broke even. Kinda.
Meleah — Thanks again for inspiring me to write! And yeah, there’s a theme there. I have to stop this ice cream thing. There are like six places I can get ice cream way too easily. I thought when I returned from vacation, I’d be in the clear, but there’s an ice cream shop mere yards from my office at work. I’ll strive to do better!
October 16th, 2017 at 6:51 am
Dang! What’s the world coming to, when you can’t get a whoopie pie. (Maybe they’d reached their expiration date? By about 30 years.)
October 16th, 2017 at 8:42 am
I’d say that scanner had your back. Good for you for your determination.
October 16th, 2017 at 11:00 am
Sounds like the store didn’t input the barcode into their system. Must have been a new item or something, barcodes are weird.
October 16th, 2017 at 1:46 pm
When I worked at a grocery store, the not for sale thing usually meant that the item had been recalled or some other yucky reason why it should be taken off the shelf and sent back to the claims department. Be glad they didn’t just give them to you or make up a code or something. Those things were probably rank in some way.
October 16th, 2017 at 4:19 pm
I knew the system was rigged.
Lauren´s last blog post ..Blog Post: Headline Not Included!
October 17th, 2017 at 4:22 am
Paula — Incidentally, the store I visited that day isn’t one I normally shop at because it’s smaller than my regular one and I do sometimes wonder about the freshness of items. So you never know!
Linda — Except that I went to my regular store later and got a package of theirs! I don’t have too many regrets, though, since I didn’t scarf down the whole package in one sitting and I worked out twice that day to make a dent in the calorie damage.
Nikole — I’ll go with that!
Audra — Thank you for the explanation! These were whoopie pies made on the premises, however. So I’m going with “Kathy can’t have them.”
Lauren — Seriously.
October 25th, 2017 at 5:07 am
Ha! That’s really weird! Almost as if the universe didn’t want you to have them, or something!
Cue Twilight Zone music …
January 19th, 2018 at 11:50 am
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