As you know, I’ve been struggling with what to do about Google’s idiotic change in its commenting system. It’s been a nightmare dealing with the issue and considering my options.

After much pain and anguish, I’ve decided to move my blog to a new platform. No more Blogger. It’s WordPress, baby! I’ll let you know when that happens. Hopefully, the migration will be seamless.

My good friend, J.D. over at I Do Things So You Don’t Have To has been listening to me grouse about the Blogger mess for several days. She knows I’ve been irritated and consumed by this problem, especially because it’s kept me from writing about anything else.

She told me, "Well, you can’t always write about fluffy kittens and sunshine." As I pondered that nugget yesterday, I watched my cat Stinky twitch about while she was dreaming. I caught her just as she was waking up out of what I suppose was a nightmare about Big Bad Google screwing up my blog.

Because I wanted to post something cute, fluffy and non-Googly today, here she is for your viewing pleasure. The other cat to come into the picture is Stinky’s arch nemesis, Lucky, aptly named because he escaped death for ruining our furniture.

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