After reading my post But I don’t want to look like Cher, my niece Amy wrote me about a cool tool at You can upload a picture of yourself (large, front-facing ones are best) and have it tell you which celebrity you resemble the most.

When I first tried it, I got rather unexpected results:

Imagine my disappointment when it reported, "Sorry, no faces were detected."

I informed Amy that MyHeritage thinks I don’t have a face, at least not in that picture. Because my niece is not as lazy as me, she cropped out just my face and resubmitted it.

Drumroll please………!!!!

MyHeritage thinks I look like figure skater Michelle Kwan. Do you agree?

If you have a face, submit it here and drop a comment in the drawer to let me know who it thinks you look like. Then I can imagine who my readers are!

Stumble it!